#' optimalFlowClassification
#' Performs a supervised classification of input data when a database and a partition of the database are provided.
#' @param X Datasample to be classified.
#' @param database A list where each entry is a partition (clustering) represented as dataframe, of the same dimensions, where the last variable represents the labels of the partition.
#' @param templates List of the consensus clusterings for every group in the partition of the database obtained by optimalFlowTemplates
#' @param consensus.method The consensus.method value that was used in optimalFlowTemplates.
#' @param cov.estimation How to estimate covariance matrices in each cluster of a partition. "standard" is for using cov(), while "robust" is for using robustbase::covMcd.
#' @param alpha.cov Only when cov.estimation = "robust". Indicates the value of alpha in robustbase::covMcd.
#' @param initial.method Indicates how to obtain a partition of X. Takes values in c("supervized", "unsupervized"). Supervized uses tclust initilized by templates. Unsupevized usese flowMeans.
#' @param max.clusters The maximum numbers of clusters for flowMeans. Only when initial.method = unsupervized.
#' @param alpha.tclust Level of trimming allowed fo tclust. Only when initial.method = supervized.
#' @param restr.factor.tclust Fixes the restr.fact parameter in tclust. Only when initial.method = supervized.
#' @param classif.method Indicates what type of supervised learning we want to do. Takes values on c("matching", "qda", "random forest").
#' @param Only if classif.method = "qda". If True then the appropriate consensus clustering (template, prototype) is used for learning. If False, the closest partition in the appropriate group is used.
#' @param cost.function Only if classif.method = "matching". Indicates the cost function, distance between clusters, to be used for label matching.
#' @param cl.paral Number of cores to be used in parallel procedures.
#' @param only when classif.method = "qda" and =F, or when classif.method = "random forest". Indicates the weights structure when looking for the most similar partition in a group.
#' @param equal.weights.template If True, weights assigned to every cluster in a partion are uniform (1/number of clusters). If False, weights assigned to clusters are the proportions of points in every cluster compared to the total amount of points in the partition.
#' @return A list formed by:
#' \describe{
#' \item{cluster}{Labels assigned to the input data.}
#' \item{clusterings}{A list that contains the initial unsupervized or semi-supervized clusterings of the cytometry of interest. Can have as much entries as the number of templates in the semi-supervized case (initial.method = "supervized), or only one entry in the case of initial.method = "unsupervized". Each entry is a list where the most relevant argument for the clusterings is cluster.}
#' \item{assigned.template.index}{Label of the group for which the template is closer to the data. When classical qda or random forest ares used for classification there is a secon argument indicating the index of the cytometry in the cluster used for learning.}
#' \item{}{Only when classif.method = "matching" or when consensus.method in c("hierarchical", "k-barycenter"). Vote on the type of every label in the partition of the data. In essence, cluster + return a fuzzy clustering of the data of interest.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' # # We construct a simple database selecting only some of the Cytometries and some cell types for simplicity and for a better visualisation.
#' database <- buildDatabase(
#' dataset_names = paste0('Cytometry', c(2:5, 7:9, 12:17, 19, 21)),
#' population_ids = c('Monocytes', 'CD4+CD8-', 'Mature SIg Kappa', 'TCRgd-'))
#' # # To select the appropriate number of templates, via hierarchical tree, in an interactive fashion and produce a clustering we can also use:
#' # templates.optimalFlow <- optimalFlowTemplates(database = database)
#' templates.optimalFlow <- optimalFlowTemplates(database = database, templates.number = 5,
#' cl.paral = 1)
#' classification.optimalFlow <- optimalFlowClassification(Cytometry1[
#' which(match(Cytometry1$`Population ID (name)`,c("Monocytes", "CD4+CD8-", "Mature SIg Kappa",
#' "TCRgd-"), nomatch = 0) > 0), 1:10], database, templates.optimalFlow, cl.paral = 1)
#' scoreF1.optimalFlow <- optimalFlow::f1Score(classification.optimalFlow$cluster,
#' Cytometry1[which(match(Cytometry1$`Population ID (name)`,
#' c("Monocytes", "CD4+CD8-", "Mature SIg Kappa", "TCRgd-"), nomatch = 0) > 0),], noise.types)
#' @references E del Barrio, H Inouzhe, JM Loubes, C Matran and A Mayo-Iscar. (2019) optimalFlow: Optimal-transport approach to flow cytometry gating and population matching. arXiv:1907.08006
#' @import dplyr
#' @import optimalFlowData
#' @import rlang
#' @importFrom foreach %dopar%
#' @importFrom foreach %:%
#' @importFrom stats as.dist
#' @importFrom stats cutree
#' @importFrom stats cov
#' @importFrom stats hclust
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @importFrom stats predict
#' @importFrom Rfast dista
#' @importFrom Rfast rowMaxs
#' @importFrom flowMeans flowMeans
#' @export
optimalFlowClassification <- function (X, database, templates, consensus.method = "pooling", cov.estimation = "standard",
alpha.cov = 0.85, initial.method = "supervized", max.clusters = NA, alpha.tclust = 0,
restr.factor.tclust = 1000, classif.method = "qda", = TRUE,
cost.function = "points", cl.paral = 1, = TRUE,
equal.weights.template = TRUE) {
t0 <- Sys.time()
op.syst <- .Platform$OS.type
####################### Step 0: Checking that entries are well defined #######################
if (!is.matrix(X) & ! {
stop("Data is not a matrix or a dataframe.")
cov.estimation <- match.arg(cov.estimation, c("standard", "robust"))
if (!is.double(alpha.cov)) {
stop("alha.cov is not a doble")
} else {
if (alpha.cov < 0 | alpha.cov >= 1) {
stop("alpha.cov is not in the range (0,1).")
initial.method <- match.arg(initial.method, c("supervized", "unsupervized"))
if (!is.double(alpha.tclust)) {
stop("alha.tclust is not a doble")
} else {
if (alpha.tclust < 0 | alpha.tclust >= 1) {
stop("alpha.tclust is not in the range [0,1).")
classif.method <- match.arg(classif.method, c("matching", "qda", "random forest"))
cost.function <- match.arg(cost.function, c("points", "ellipses"))
op.syst <- match.arg(op.syst, c("unix", "windows"))
####################### Step 1: tclust step #######################
sys.time.step1.0 <- Sys.time()
dim.cyto <- dim(X)[2]
if (initial.method == "unsupervized") {
# stop('unsupervized initialization is not yet implemented.')
assigned.tclust.index <- 1
tclust.results <- list()
tclust.results[[assigned.tclust.index]] <- list(cluster = flowMeans::flowMeans(X, MaxN = max.clusters, nstart = 10, Standardize = FALSE)@Label)
} else {
if (length(templates$templates) < cl.paral) {
n.cores <- length(templates$templates)
} else {
n.cores <- cl.paral
if (op.syst == "unix") {
tclust.results <- parallel::mclapply(templates$templates, function(template, alpha.tclust, restr.factor.tclust) {
initial.weights <- unlist(lapply(template, function(x) x$weight))
initial.means <- matrix(unlist(lapply(template, function(x) x$mean)), ncol = length(initial.weights), byrow = FALSE)
initial.covs <- array(dim = c(dim.cyto, dim.cyto, length(initial.weights)))
for (i in 1:length(initial.weights)) {
initial.covs[, , i] <- template[[i]]$cov
template.tclust <- list()
template.tclust$cov <- initial.covs
template.tclust$centers <- initial.means
template.tclust$weights <- initial.weights/sum(initial.weights)
clustering.tclust <- optimalFlow::tclustWithInitialization(template.tclust, X, i.sol.type = "barycenter", trimming = alpha.tclust,
restr.fact = restr.factor.tclust)
}, alpha.tclust = alpha.tclust, restr.factor.tclust = restr.factor.tclust, mc.cores = n.cores)
} else {
cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(n.cores)
tclust.results <- parallel::parLapply(cl, templates$templates, function(template, alpha.tclust, restr.factor.tclust) {
initial.weights <- unlist(lapply(template, function(x) x$weight))
initial.means <- matrix(unlist(lapply(template, function(x) x$mean)), ncol = length(initial.weights), byrow = FALSE)
initial.covs <- array(dim = c(dim.cyto, dim.cyto, length(initial.weights)))
for (i in 1:length(initial.weights)) {
initial.covs[, , i] <- template[[i]]$cov
template.tclust <- list()
template.tclust$cov <- initial.covs
template.tclust$centers <- initial.means
template.tclust$weights <- initial.weights/sum(initial.weights)
clustering.tclust <- optimalFlow::tclustWithInitialization(template.tclust, X, i.sol.type = "barycenter", trimming = alpha.tclust,
restr.fact = restr.factor.tclust)
}, alpha.tclust = alpha.tclust, restr.factor.tclust = restr.factor.tclust)
objective.tclust <- unlist(lapply(tclust.results, function(x) x$obj))
assigned.tclust.index <- which.max(objective.tclust)
sys.time.step1.1 <- Sys.time()
time.dif.1 <- difftime(sys.time.step1.1, sys.time.step1.0)
print(paste("step 1:", time.dif.1, units(time.dif.1), sep = " "))
####################### Step 2: Similarity distance assignation #######################
sys.time.step2.0 <- Sys.time()
data.elliptical <- lapply(sort(unique(tclust.results[[assigned.tclust.index]]$cluster)), optimalFlow::estimCovCellGeneral, cytometry = X,
labels = tclust.results[[assigned.tclust.index]]$cluster, type = cov.estimation, alpha = alpha.cov)
data.elliptical <- data.elliptical[!]
similarity.distances <- optimalFlow::costWasserMatchingEllipse(data.elliptical, templates$templates, equal.weights.template)
print("Similarity distances to templates:")
assigned.template.index <- which.min(similarity.distances)
assigned.template <- templates$templates[[assigned.template.index]]
sys.time.step2.1 <- Sys.time()
time.dif.2 <- difftime(sys.time.step2.1, sys.time.step2.0)
print(paste("step 2:", time.dif.2, units(time.dif.2), sep = " "))
####################### Step 3: Labelling #######################
sys.time.step3.0 <- Sys.time()
if (classif.method == "qda" & {
weight.groups <- unlist(lapply(assigned.template, function(x) x$weight))
if (abs(sum(weight.groups) - 1) > 10^(-8)) {
for (i in 1:length(assigned.template)) {
assigned.template[[i]]$weight <- assigned.template[[i]]$weight/sum(weight.groups)
if (length(assigned.template) < cl.paral) {
n.cores <- length(assigned.template)
} else {
n.cores <- cl.paral
if (op.syst == "unix") {
qda.assignation <- parallel::mclapply(assigned.template, optimalFlow::qdaClassification, data = X, mc.cores = n.cores)
} else {
cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(n.cores)
qda.assignation <- parallel::parLapply(cl, assigned.template, optimalFlow::qdaClassification, data = X)
qda.assignation <- qda.assignation[!]
qda.assignation <- matrix(unlist(qda.assignation), ncol = length(qda.assignation), byrow = FALSE)
qda.groups <- Rfast::rowMaxs(qda.assignation)
unique.qda.groups <- sort(unique(qda.groups))
qda.groups <- factor(qda.groups)
levels(qda.groups) <- unlist(lapply(assigned.template, function(x) x$type))[!]
if (consensus.method == "hierarchical" | consensus.method == "k-barycenter") {
vote <- list()
if (sum( > 0) {
range.qda.groups <- levels(qda.groups)
} else {
range.qda.groups <- as.integer(levels(qda.groups))
for (i in range.qda.groups) {
vote[[as.character(i)]] <- data.frame(cell = names(assigned.template[[which(range.qda.groups == i)]]$type.proportions),
simple.proportion = as.vector(assigned.template[[which(range.qda.groups == i)]]$type.proportions))
sys.time.step3.1 <- Sys.time()
time.dif.3 <- difftime(sys.time.step3.1, sys.time.step3.0)
print(paste("step 3:", time.dif.3, units(time.dif.3), sep = " "))
t1 <- Sys.time()
print(difftime(t1, t0))
return(list(cluster = qda.groups, = vote, vote.original.proportion = lapply(assigned.template, function(x) x$type.proportions),
clusterings = tclust.results, assigned.template.index = assigned.template.index))
} else {
sys.time.step3.1 <- Sys.time()
time.dif.3 <- difftime(sys.time.step3.1, sys.time.step3.0)
print(paste("step 3:", time.dif.3, units(time.dif.3), sep = " "))
t1 <- Sys.time()
print(difftime(t1, t0))
return(list(cluster = qda.groups, clusterings = tclust.results, assigned.template.index = assigned.template.index))
} else {
if (classif.method == "matching") {
if (cost.function == "points") {
cytos.cluster <- templates$clustering
if (sum(cytos.cluster == assigned.template.index) < cl.paral) {
n.cores <- sum(cytos.cluster == assigned.template.index)
} else {
n.cores <- cl.paral
vote <- optimalFlow::voteLabelTransfer(type = cost.function, test.partition = tclust.results[[assigned.tclust.index]]$cluster,
test.cytometry = X, training.cytometries = database[cytos.cluster == assigned.template.index], test = 1, op.syst = op.syst,
cl.paral = n.cores, equal.weights =
sys.time.step3.1 <- Sys.time()
time.dif.3 <- difftime(sys.time.step3.1, sys.time.step3.0)
print(paste("step 3:", time.dif.3, units(time.dif.3), sep = " "))
t1 <- Sys.time()
print(difftime(t1, t0))
return(list(cluster = tclust.results[[assigned.tclust.index]]$cluster, = vote$[[1]], clusterings = tclust.results,
assigned.template.index = assigned.template.index))
} else {
cytos.cluster <- templates$clustering
vote <- optimalFlow::voteLabelTransfer(type = cost.function, test.partition.ellipse = data.elliptical, training.cytometries.barycenter = assigned.template,
test = 1, op.syst = op.syst, cl.paral = 1, equal.weights =
sys.time.step3.1 <- Sys.time()
time.dif.3 <- difftime(sys.time.step3.1, sys.time.step3.0)
print(paste("step 3:", time.dif.3, units(time.dif.3), sep = " "))
t1 <- Sys.time()
print(difftime(t1, t0))
if (consensus.method == "hierarchical" | consensus.method == "k-barycenter") {
vote.original.proportion <- lapply(assigned.template, function(x) x$type.proportions)
if (sum(cytos.cluster == assigned.template.index) == 1) {
# print(vote) print(vote$[[1]]) = vote$[[1]] print(
return(list(cluster = tclust.results[[assigned.tclust.index]]$cluster, = vote$[[1]],
clusterings = tclust.results, assigned.template.index = assigned.template.index))
} else { <- voteTransformation(vote$[[1]], vote.original.proportion)
return(list(cluster = tclust.results[[assigned.tclust.index]]$cluster, =, clusterings = tclust.results,
assigned.template.index = assigned.template.index))
} else {
return(list(cluster = tclust.results[[assigned.tclust.index]]$cluster, = vote$[[1]], clusterings = tclust.results,
assigned.template.index = assigned.template.index))
} else {
cytos.cluster <- templates$clustering
database.elliptical <- templates$database.elliptical
similarity.distances <- optimalFlow::costWasserMatchingEllipse(data.elliptical, database.elliptical[cytos.cluster ==
assigned.template.index], equal.weights.template) <- which.min(similarity.distances)
if (classif.method == "qda") { <- database.elliptical[cytos.cluster == assigned.template.index][[]]
if (length( < cl.paral) {
n.cores <- length(
} else {
n.cores <- cl.paral
if (op.syst == "unix") {
qda.assignation <- parallel::mclapply(, optimalFlow::qdaClassification, data = X, mc.cores = n.cores)
} else {
cl <- parallel::makePSOCKcluster(n.cores)
qda.assignation <- parallel::parLapply(cl,, optimalFlow::qdaClassification, data = X)
qda.assignation <- qda.assignation[!]
qda.assignation <- matrix(unlist(qda.assignation), ncol = length(qda.assignation), byrow = FALSE)
qda.groups <- Rfast::rowMaxs(qda.assignation)
unique.qda.groups <- sort(unique(qda.groups))
qda.groups <- factor(qda.groups)
levels(qda.groups) <- unlist(lapply(, function(x) x$type))[!]
sys.time.step3.1 <- Sys.time()
time.dif.3 <- difftime(sys.time.step3.1, sys.time.step3.0)
print(paste("step 3:", time.dif.3, units(time.dif.3), sep = " "))
t1 <- Sys.time()
print(difftime(t1, t0))
return(list(cluster = qda.groups, clusterings = tclust.results, assigned.template.index = c(assigned.template.index,
} else { <- database[cytos.cluster == assigned.template.index][[]]
# ytest = as.factor(citometria$`Population ID (name)`)
dim.cyto <- dim([2]
y <- droplevels(as.factor(dplyr::pull(, dim.cyto)))
training.rforest <- randomForest::randomForest([, 1:(dim.cyto - 1)], y = y, keep.forest = TRUE)
random.forest.groups <- predict(training.rforest, X)
sys.time.step3.1 <- Sys.time()
time.dif.3 <- difftime(sys.time.step3.1, sys.time.step3.0)
print(paste("step 3:", time.dif.3, units(time.dif.3), sep = " "))
t1 <- Sys.time()
print(difftime(t1, t0))
return(list(cluster = random.forest.groups, clusterings = tclust.results, assigned.template.index = c(assigned.template.index,
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