#' AbstractClass for Constraint Settings.
#' The \code{ConstraintSettings} class encapsulates the constraints
#' on the physicochemical properties of primers.
#' @slot status Named boolean vector indicating
#' which of the possible constraints are active (\code{TRUE})
#' and which are not (\code{FALSE}).
#' @slot settings Named list containing the
#' settings of the active constraints
#' @return An \code{AbstractConstraintSettings} object.
#' @keywords internal
AbstractConstraintSettings <- setClass("AbstractConstraintSettings",
slots = c(status = "vector", settings = "list"),
#' @rdname Settings
#' @name Settings
#' @aliases ConstraintSettings-class
#' @section primer_coverage:
#' Computing the primer coverage involves identifying
#' which templates are expected to be amplified (covered) by which primers.
#' The \code{primer_coverage} constraint
#' determines the minimal and maximal number of coverage events per primer
#' that are required. The computation of primer coverage is governed
#' by the coverage constraints postulated via \code{\link{CoverageConstraints}}
#' and the constraint options defined via \code{\link{ConstraintOptions}}.
#' @section primer_specificity:
#' Primer specificity is automatically determined during the primer coverage
#' computations but the constraint is only checked when the \code{primer_specificity}
#' field is available. The specificity of a primer is defined as its ratio of
#' on-target vs total coverage events (including off-target coverage). Low-specificity
#' primers should be excluded as they may not amplify the target region effectively.
#' @section primer_length:
#' The length of a primer is defined by its number of bases. Typical
#' primers have lengths between 18 and 22. Longer primers may guarantee higher
#' specificities.
#' @section gc_clamp:
#' The GC clamp refers to the presence of GCs at the 3' end of a primer.
#' For the \code{gc_clamp} constraint, we consider the number of 3' terminal GCs.
#' For example, the primer \emph{actgaaatttcaccg} has a GC clamp of length 3.
#' The presence of a GC clamp is supposed to aid the stability of the
#' polymerase complex. At the same time, long GC clamps should be avoided.
#' @section no_runs:
#' Homopolymer runs (e.g. the primer \emph{aaaaa} has a run of 5 A's)
#' may lead to secondary structure formation and unspecific binding
#' and should therefore be avoided.
#' @section no_repeats:
#' Dinucleotide repeats (e.g. the primer \emph{tatata} has 3 TA repeats)
#' should be avoided for the same reason a long homopolymer runs.
#' @section self_dimerization:
#' Self dimerization refers to a primer that binds to itself rather than
#' to one of the templates. Primers exhibiting self dimers should
#' be avoided as they may prevent the primer from amplifying the templates.
#' Therefore primers with small free energies of dimerization should
#' be avoided.
#' @section melting_temp_range:
#' The melting temperature is the temperature at which 50% of the primers
#' are in duplex with templates and 50% are still present as random coils.
#' Hence, primers exhibiting high melting temperatures have high affinities
#' to the templates, while primers with small melting temperatures
#' have small affinities. The melting temperatures of the primers
#' determine the annealing temperature of the PCR, which is why
#' the melting temperatures of the primers should not deviate too much (see
#' \code{melting_temp_diff}).
#' @section melting_temp_diff:
#' The differences between the melting temperatures of primers in a
#' set of primers should not deviate too much as the annealing temperaturte
#' of a PCR should be based on the smallest melting temperature
#' of a primer in the set. If there are other primers in the set
#' exhibiting considerably higher melting temperatures,
#' these primers may bind inspecifically due to the low annealing temperature.
#' @section cross_dimerization:
#' When two different primers bind to each each other rather than
#' to the templates, this is called cross dimerization.
#' Cross dimerization should be prevent at all costs because
#' such primers cannot effectively amplify their target templates.
#' Cross dimerizing primers can be excluding primers
#' exhibiting small free energies of cross dimerization.
#' @section secondary_structure:
#' When a primer exhibits secondary structure, this may prevent it from
#' binding to the templates. To prevent this,
#' primers with low free energies of secondary structure formation
#' can be excluded.
#' @return The \code{ConstraintSettings} constructor defines a new
#' \code{ConstraintSettings} object.
#' @note
#' The following external programs are required for constraint computations:
#' \describe{
#' \item{MELTING (}{Thermodynamic computations (optional) for determining melting temperatures for the constraints \code{melting_temp_diff} and \code{melting_temp_range}}
#' \item{OligoArrayAux (}{Thermodynamic computations used for computing \code{self_dimerization} and \code{cross_dimerization}.
#' Also required for computing \code{primer_coverage} when a constraint based on the free energy of annealing is active.}
#' \item{ViennaRNA (}{Secondary structure predictions used for the constraint \code{secondary_structure}}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Initializing a new 'ConstraintSettings' object:
#' constraint.settings <- new("ConstraintSettings")
#' # Retrieving the constraint settings from a 'DesignSettings' object:
#' data(Ippolito) # loads a 'DesignSettings' object into 'settings'
#' constraints(settings)
#' # Modifying the constraint settings:
#' constraints(settings)$no_runs["max"] <- 10
#' constraints(settings) <- constraints(settings)[names(constraints(settings)) != "gc_clamp"]
ConstraintSettings <- setClass("ConstraintSettings", contains="AbstractConstraintSettings",
slots = c( # constructor arguments:
status = "vector",
settings = "list"
# define initial values using prototype
prototype = prototype(status = {
possible.constraints <- c("primer_coverage", "primer_length",
"primer_specificity", "gc_clamp", "gc_ratio","no_runs",
"no_repeats", "self_dimerization", "melting_temp_diff",
"melting_temp_range", "cross_dimerization",
cons <- rep(FALSE, length(possible.constraints))
names(cons) <- possible.constraints
settings = list() # no active constraints initially
setMethod("initialize", "ConstraintSettings",
function(.Object, ...) {
.Object <- callNextMethod(...) # passed to parent constructor
setMethod("show", "ConstraintSettings", function(object) {
print(, out.names = "Target range"))
check.abstract.constraint <- function(settings) {
# checks for errors when defining abstract constraints
errors <- NULL
classes <- sapply(settings, class)
if (!all(classes %in% c("numeric", "integer"))) {
msg <- "Please provide only numeric constraints."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check for interval property of the constraints:
interval.check <- check_interval(settings)
#print("checked interval:")
if (!is.logical(interval.check)) {
errors <- c(errors, interval.check)
#' Check the Validity of the Constraint Settings.
#' Checks whether the status and the active constraints match.
#' Determines whether the constraints are allowed/known.
#' @param object An \code{AbstractConstraintSettings} object.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the constraint settings are valid, \code{FALSE} otherwise.
#' @keywords internal
check_constraint_settings_validity <- function(object) {
# store errors here:
errors <- character(0)
# create reference objects for checking possible fields of the settings
if (is(object, "ConstraintSettings")) {
ref.object <- ConstraintSettings() # containing all possible constraints
} else if (is(object, "CoverageConstraints")) {
ref.object <- CoverageConstraints()
} else if (is(object, "ConstraintOptions")) {
ref.object <- ConstraintOptions()
} else if (is(object, "PCR_Conditions")) {
ref.object <- PCR_Conditions()
} else {
msg <- paste0("Unknown class: ", class(object))
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# possible constraints should always stay the same:
if (length(names(object@status)) == 0 ||
any(names(ref.object@status) != names(object@status))) {
m <- match(names(object@status), names(ref.object@status))
idx <- which(
error <- paste0("'status' was modified from the default.",
"Unknown constraint: ",
paste0(names(object@status)[idx], collapse = ","))
errors <- c(errors, error)
# if a constraint is active, it should have a setting:
active.cons <- names(object@status)[which(object@status)]
if (any(!active.cons %in% names(object@settings))) {
error <- "All active constraints should have a setting."
errors <- c(errors, error)
# if a constraint has a setting, it should be active
setting.cons <- names(object@settings)
if (length(setting.cons) != 0 && any(!setting.cons %in% names(object@status))) {
error <- "Constraint with setting wasnt' active."
errors <- c(errors, error)
# check the types of the constraint settings:
if (is(object, "ConstraintSettings") || is(object, "CoverageConstraints")) {
#print("cvg interval check")
# check interval properties for the constraints
settings <- NULL
if (is(object, "ConstraintSettings")) {
cur.settings <- object@settings
} else if (is(object, "CoverageConstraints")) {
cur.settings <- object@settings
cur.errors <- check.abstract.constraint(cur.settings)
errors <- c(errors, cur.errors)
} else if (is(object, "ConstraintOptions") || is(object, "PCR_Conditions")) {
# check mandatory options for the other settings
m <- match(names(ref.object@settings), names(object@settings))
if (any( {
idx <- which(
msg <- paste0("There were missing mandatory settings: ",
paste0(names(constraints(ref.object))[idx], collapse = ","))
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check values of options
if (is(object, "ConstraintOptions")) {
# character options:
region.ok <- match.arg(constraints(object)$allowed_region_definition, c("within", "any"))
hexamer.ok <- match.arg(constraints(object)$hexamer_coverage, c("active", "inactive"))
# other options should be numeric:
sel <- which(!names(constraints(object)) %in% c("allowed_region_definition", "hexamer_coverage"))
classes <- sapply(constraints(object)[sel], class)
if (!all(classes %in% c("numeric", "integer"))) {
msg <- paste0("Incorrect option class: should have been numeric.")
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# check values of PCR
if (is(object, "PCR_Conditions")) {
if (!is(constraints(object)$use_taq_polymerase, "logical")) {
msg <- "'use_taq_polymerase' should be logical."
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# other PCR conditions should be numeric:
sel <- which(!names(constraints(object)) %in% c("use_taq_polymerase"))
classes <- sapply(constraints(object)[sel], class)
if (!all(classes %in% c("numeric", "integer"))) {
msg <- paste0("Incorrect class for PCR setting: should have been numeric.")
errors <- c(errors, msg)
# warn about Tris if != 0 due to MELTING bug
if ("Tris_concentration" %in% names(constraints(object))
&& constraints(object)$Tris_concentration != 0) {
warning("Tris_concentration should remain at 0 since melting temperature estimate is unstable otherwise.")
return (length(errors) == 0)
#' @rdname Settings
#' @name Settings
#' @aliases CoverageConstraints-class
#' @return The \code{CoverageConstraints} constructor initializes a new
#' \code{CoverageConstraints} object.
#' @note
#' The following external programs are required for computing the coverage constraints:
#' \describe{
#' \item{OligoArrayAux (}{Thermodynamic computations used for
#' computing the coverage constraints \code{annealing_DeltaG}, \code{primer_efficiency}, and \code{coverage_model}}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Initialize a new 'CoverageConstraints' object:
#' cvg.constraints <- new("CoverageConstraints")
#' # Retrieving the coverage constraints from a 'DesignSettings' object:
#' data(Ippolito) # loads a 'DesignSettings' object into 'settings'
#' cvg_constraints(settings)
#' # Modifying the coverage constraints
#' cvg_constraints(settings)$primer_efficiency["min"] <- 0.001
CoverageConstraints <- setClass("CoverageConstraints", contains="AbstractConstraintSettings",
prototype = prototype(status = {
possible.constraints <- c("coverage_model", "stop_codon", "substitution",
"terminal_mismatch_pos", "primer_efficiency", "annealing_DeltaG",
cons <- rep(FALSE, length(possible.constraints))
names(cons) <- possible.constraints
settings = list() # no active constraints initially
setMethod("show", "CoverageConstraints", function(object) {
print(, out.names = "Setting"))
setMethod("initialize", "CoverageConstraints",
function(.Object, ...) {
.Object <- callNextMethod(...) # passed to parent constructor
#' @rdname Settings
#' @name Settings
#' @aliases ConstraintOptions-class
#' @return The \code{ConstraintOptions} constructor returns
#' a new \code{ConstraintOptions} object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Initialize a new 'ConstraintOptions' object:
#' constraint.options <- new("ConstraintOptions")
#' # Retrieve the constraint options from a 'DesignSettings' object:
#' data(Ippolito) # loads a 'DesignSettings' object into 'settings'
#' conOptions(settings)
#' # Prevent off-target binding:
#' conOptions(settings)$allowed_other_binding_ratio <- 0
ConstraintOptions <- setClass("ConstraintOptions", contains="AbstractConstraintSettings",
prototype = prototype(status = {
# set mandatory options to TRUE
option.status <- c("allowed_mismatches" = TRUE, "allowed_other_binding_ratio" = TRUE,
"allowed_region_definition" = TRUE, "hexamer_coverage" = FALSE)
# ensure that 'settings' reflects the option status (mandatory should be present in default):
settings = list("allowed_mismatches" = 7, "allowed_other_binding_ratio" = 1,
"allowed_region_definition" = "within")
validity=function(object) {
setMethod("show", "ConstraintOptions", function(object) {
setMethod("initialize", "ConstraintOptions",
function(.Object, ...) {
.Object <- callNextMethod(...) # passed to parent constructor
#' @rdname Settings
#' @name Settings
#' @aliases PCR_Conditions-class
#' @return The \code{PCR_Conditions} constructor defines a new \code{PCR_Conditions} object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Initialize a new 'PCR_Conditions' object:
#' PCR.conditions <- new("PCR_Conditions")
#' # Retrieving the PCR conditions from a 'DesignSettings' object:
#' data(Ippolito) # loads a 'DesignSettings' object into 'settings'
#' PCR(settings)
#' # Modifying the PCR conditions:
#' PCR(settings)$use_taq_polymerase <- FALSE
PCR_Conditions <- setClass("PCR_Conditions", contains="AbstractConstraintSettings",
prototype = prototype(status = {
# set mandatory options to TRUE
option.status <- c("use_taq_polymerase" = TRUE, "annealing_temp" = FALSE,
"Na_concentration" = TRUE, "Mg_concentration" = TRUE,
"K_concentration" = TRUE, "Tris_concentration" = FALSE,
"primer_concentration" = TRUE, "template_concentration" = TRUE,
"cycles" = FALSE)
# ensure that 'settings' reflects the option status (mandatory should occur in settings):
settings = list("use_taq_polymerase" = TRUE, "Na_concentration" = 0,
"Mg_concentration" = 0.0015, "K_concentration" = 0.05,
"Tris_concentration" = 0, "primer_concentration" = 2e-07,
"template_concentration" = 1.28e-11)
validity=function(object) {
setMethod("show", "PCR_Conditions", function(object) {
setMethod("initialize", "PCR_Conditions",
function(.Object, ...) {
.Object <- callNextMethod(...) # passed to parent constructor
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