Man pages for nucleoSim
Generate synthetic nucleosome maps

createNucReadsFromNucMapCreate a synthetic nucleosome reads from a synthetic...
nucleoSim-packagenucleoSim: Generate synthetic nucleosome maps
plot.syntheticNucMapGenerate a graph of a synthetic nucleosome map
plot.syntheticNucReadsGenerate a graph of a synthetic nucleosome map containing...
syntheticNucMapFromDistGenerate a synthetic nucleosome map containing complete...
syntheticNucMapFromDistValidationParameter validation for the 'syntheticNucMapFromDist'...
syntheticNucReadsFromDistGenerate a synthetic nucleosome map containing forward and...
syntheticNucReadsFromMapGenerate a synthetic nucleosome map containing forward and...
syntheticNucReadsValidationSubsection of parameter validation for identical parameters...
nucleoSim documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:50 p.m.