#' Nucleosome calling plot function
#' Helper function for a quick and convenient overview of nucleosome calling
#' data.
#' This function is intended to plot data previously processed with `nucleR`
#' pipeline. It shows a coverage/intensity profile toghether with the
#' identified peaks. If available, score of each peak is also shown.
#' @param peaks `numeric`, `data.frame`, `IRanges` or `GRanges` object
#' containing the detected peaks information. See help of [peakDetection()]
#' or [peakScoring()] for more details.
#' @param data Coverage or Tiling Array intensities
#' @param threshold Threshold applied in `peakDetection`
#' @param scores If `peaks` is a `data.frame` or a `GRanges` it's obtained from
#' 'score' column, otherwise, `scores` can be given here as a `numeric`
#' vector.
#' @param start,end Start and end points defining a subset in the range of
#' `data`. This is a convenient way to plot only a small region of data,
#' without dealing with subsetting of range or score objects.
#' @param dyn.pos If peaks are ranges, should they be positioned dynamicaly on
#' top of the peaks or staticaly at `threshold` baseline. Spacing of
#' overlapping ranges is automatically applied if `FALSE`.
#' @param xlab,ylab,type,col.points Default values with general properties of
#' the plot
#' @param thr.lty,thr.lwd,thr.col Default values with general properties for
#' threshold representation
#' @param rect.thick,rect.lwd,rect.border Default values for
#' [ggplot2::geom_rect()] representation of ranges. `rect.thick` indicates
#' the thickness of the rectangles.
#' @param scor.col,scor.nudge,scor.cex,scor.digits Default values for
#' [ggplot2::geom_text()] representation for score numbers, if available.
#' @param indiv.scores Show or hide individual scores for width and height in
#' brakets besides the mixed score.
#' @param \dots Arguments to be passed to other methods.
#' @return (none)
#' @author Ricard Illa \email{}
#' @seealso [peakDetection()], [peakScoring()], [ggplot2::ggplot()],
#' @keywords hplot
#' @rdname plotPeaks
#' @examples
#' # Generate a random peaks profile
#' reads <- syntheticNucMap(nuc.len=40, lin.len=130)$syn.reads
#' cover <- coverage.rpm(reads)
#' # Filter them
#' cover_fft <- filterFFT(cover)
#' # Detect peaks
#' peaks <- peakDetection(cover_fft, threshold="40%", score=TRUE, width=140)
#' # Plot peaks and coverage profile (show only a window)
#' plotPeaks(peaks, cover_fft, threshold="40%", start=1000, end=6000)
#' @export
function (peaks, data, ...)
#' @rdname plotPeaks
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot xlim xlab ylab theme
function (peaks, data, threshold=0, scores=NULL, start=1, end=length(data),
xlab="position", ylab="coverage", type=1, col.points="red",
thr.lty=1, thr.lwd=1, thr.col="darkred", scor.col=col.points,
scor.cex=2.5, scor.digits=2, scor.nudge=2000)
threshold <- .getThreshold(threshold, data)
covdf <- .makeDataDf(data, start, end)
peakdf <- .makePeakDf(peaks, scores, data, start, end)
ggplot() +
.plotCov(covdf, linetype=type) +
scor.cex=scor.cex) +
.plotThresh(threshold, color=thr.col, lty=thr.lty, lwd=thr.lwd) +
xlim(start, end) +
xlab(xlab) +
ylab(ylab) +
#' @rdname plotPeaks
function (peaks, data, ...)
plotPeaks(peaks=peaks$peak, data=data, scores=peaks$score, ...)
#' @rdname plotPeaks
#' @importMethodsFrom S4Vectors values runLength
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges ranges
function (peaks, data, ...)
if (sum(runLength(seqnames(peaks)) > 0) > 1) {
stop("Only GRanges with a single seqname are supported")
scoreMatrix <-
if (ncol(scoreMatrix) == 0) {
scoreMatrix <- NULL
plotPeaks(peaks=ranges(peaks), data=data, scores=scoreMatrix, ...)
#' @rdname plotPeaks
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot scale_alpha_manual xlim xlab ylab theme
function (peaks, data, threshold=0, scores=NULL, start=1, end=length(data),
dyn.pos=TRUE, xlab="position", ylab="coverage", type=1,
col.points="red", thr.lty=1, thr.lwd=1, thr.col="darkred",
rect.thick=2, rect.lwd=0.5, rect.border="black",
scor.col=col.points, scor.cex=2.5, scor.digits=2,
indiv.scores=FALSE, scor.nudge=2000)
threshold <- .getThreshold(threshold, data)
covdf <- .makeDataDf(data, start, end)
df <- .initPeaksDf(peaks, scores, start, end)
pc <- .getPc(covdf)
df[, "bottom"] <- .getYBottom(df,
df[, "ymin"] <- df[, "bottom"] + pc
df[, "ymax"] <- df[, "bottom"] + pc * rect.thick
if ("nmerge" %in% names(df)) {
df[, "type"] <- ifelse(df[, "nmerge"] > 1, "fuz", "wp")
ggplot() +
.plotCov(covdf, linetype=type) +
color = rect.border,
fill = scor.col,
size = rect.lwd) +
scale_alpha_manual(values=c(wp=1, fuz=0.2)) +
scor.digits = scor.digits,
indiv.scores = indiv.scores,
pc = pc,
size = scor.cex,
color = scor.col,
nudge_y = scor.nudge) +
.plotThresh(threshold, color=thr.col, lty=thr.lty, lwd=thr.lwd) +
xlim(start, end) +
xlab(xlab) +
ylab(ylab) +
.makeDataDf <- function (data, start, end)
covdf <- data.frame(x=seq_along(data), y=data)
if (!missing(start) && !is.null(start)) {
covdf <- covdf[covdf[, "x"] > start, ]
if (!missing(end) && !is.null(end)) {
covdf <- covdf[covdf[, "x"] < end, ]
.initPeaksDf <- function (peaks, scores, start, end)
df <-
if (!missing(scores) && !is.null(scores)) {
df <- cbind(df, scores)
df$mid <- .mid(peaks)
if (!missing(start) && !is.null(start)) {
df <- df[df[, "start"] > start, ]
if (!missing(end) && !is.null(end)) {
df <- df[df[, "end"] < end, ]
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_line aes
.plotCov <- function (covdf, ...)
geom_line(data=covdf, mapping=aes(x=x, y=y), ...)
globalVariables(c("x", "y"))
.getPc <- function (data)
0.01 * max(data[, "y"])
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @importMethodsFrom IRanges disjointBins
.getYBottom <- function (df, data, pc, dyn.pos=TRUE, threshold=0)
if (dyn.pos) {
win_m <- round(min(df$width) / 2) / 2 # This takes a widow |half|
function(x) {
i <- data[, "x"] %in% ((x-win_m):(x+win_m))
max(data[i, "y"])
} else {
ran <- IRanges(start=df[, "start"], end=df[, "end"]+10)
bins <- disjointBins(ran)
bottom <- quantile(data[, "y"], threshold, na.rm=TRUE)
return((bins-1) * pc*2 + bottom)
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_rect aes
.plotPeakRects <- function (df, ...)
if ("type" %in% names(df)) {
mapping=aes(xmin = start,
xmax = end,
ymin = ymin,
ymax = ymax,
alpha = type),
} else {
mapping=aes(xmin = start,
xmax = end,
ymin = ymin,
ymax = ymax),
globalVariables(c("start", "end", "ymin", "ymax", "type"))
.getScoreTxt <- function (df, scor.digits, indiv.scores)
.f <- function(x) format(x, digits=scor.digits)
info.avail <- "score_w" %in% names(df) & "score_h" %in% names(df)
if (info.avail && indiv.scores) {
.f(df[, "score"]), " (",
.f(df[, "score_h"]), "h | ",
.f(df[, "score_w"]), "w)"
} else {
.f(df[, "score"])
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_text geom_blank aes
.plotScores <- function (df, scor.digits, indiv.scores, pc, ...)
if ("score" %in% names(df)) {
df[, "txt"] <- .getScoreTxt(df, scor.digits, indiv.scores)
df[, "txt_pos"] <- df[, "ymax"] + pc*3
mapping=aes(x=mid, y=txt_pos, label=txt),
} else {
globalVariables(c("mid", "txt_pos", "txt"))
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_hline geom_blank
.plotThresh <- function (threshold, ...)
if (threshold != 0) {
geom_hline(yintercept=threshold, ...)
} else {
.makePeakDf <- function (peaks, scores, data, start, end)
peakdf <- data.frame(x=peaks, y=data[peaks])
if (!is.null(scores)) {
peakdf[, "scores"] <- scores
if (!missing(start) && !is.null(start)) {
peakdf <- peakdf[peakdf[, "x"] > start, ]
if (!missing(end) && !is.null(end)) {
peakdf <- peakdf[peakdf[, "x"] < end, ]
#' @importFrom ggplot2 geom_text geom_point aes
.plotScoreOrDots <- function (df, col.points, scor.col, scor.digits,
scor.nudge, scor.cex, ...)
if ("scores" %in% names(df)) {
df[, "scores"] <- format(df[, "scores"], digits=scor.digits)
geom_text(data = df,
mapping = aes(x=x, y=y, label=scores),
nudge_y = scor.nudge,
color = scor.col,
size = scor.cex,
} else {
geom_point(data = df,
mapping = aes(x=x, y=y),
shape = 1,
color = col.points,
size = 3,
globalVariables(c("x", "y", "scores"))
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