read450K <- function(idat_files){
J = length(idat_files)
ex = file.exists( paste0(idat_files,rep( c('_Grn.idat','_Red.idat'),each=J )))
if(!all(ex)) stop('Some .idat files are missing')
sample_names = strsplit(x=idat_files,split='/')
sample_names = sapply(sample_names,tail,n=1L)
M = U = matrix(NA_real_ ,nrow=nrow(hm450),ncol=J) #methylated (M) and unmethylated (U) signal intensities
N = V = matrix(NA_integer_,nrow=nrow(hm450),ncol=J) #number of beads underlying methylated (N) and unmethylated (V) signal intensities
ctrlGrn = ctrlRed = matrix(NA_real_,nrow=nrow(hm450.controls),ncol=J) # signal intensities of control probes
### indices of probes by probe type and color channel
i1g = hm450[hm450$channel=='Grn' ,]
i1r = hm450[hm450$channel=='Red' ,]
i2 = hm450[hm450$channel=='Both',]
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0,max=2*J,style=3)
### read the intensities of the green channel
for(j in 1:J){
tmp = readIDAT(paste0(idat_files[j],'_Grn.idat'))$Quants
means = tmp[,'Mean']
nbeads = tmp[,'NBeads']
M[i1g$index,j] = means [i1g$Mi]
N[i1g$index,j] = nbeads[i1g$Mi]
U[i1g$index,j] = means [i1g$Ui]
V[i1g$index,j] = nbeads[i1g$Ui]
M[i2$index ,j] = means [ i2$Mi]
N[i2$index ,j] = nbeads[ i2$Mi]
ctrlGrn[,j] = means[hm450.controls$i]
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
### the red channel
for(j in 1:J){
tmp = readIDAT(paste0(idat_files[j],'_Red.idat'))$Quants
means = tmp[,'Mean']
nbeads = tmp[,'NBeads']
M[i1r$index,j] = means [i1r$Mi]
N[i1r$index,j] = nbeads[i1r$Mi]
U[i1r$index,j] = means [i1r$Ui]
V[i1r$index,j] = nbeads[i1r$Ui]
U[i2$index ,j] = means [ i2$Ui]
V[i2$index ,j] = nbeads[ i2$Ui]
ctrlRed[,j] = means[hm450.controls$i]
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j+J)
intensities = list(M=M,U=U,N=N,V=V,ctrlGrn=ctrlGrn,ctrlRed=ctrlRed,sample_names=sample_names)
dont_normalize450K <- function(intensities){
if(!all(names(intensities)==c('M','U','N','V','ctrlGrn','ctrlRed','sample_names'))) stop('Invalid argument')
M[N==0] = NA
U[V==0] = NA
M[M<1] = 1
U[U<1] = 1
meth = M/(M+U)
rownames(meth) = hm450$probe_id
colnames(meth) = sample_names
meth = ExpressionSet(assayData=meth)
normalize450K <- function(intensities,tissue=''){
if(!all(names(intensities)==c('M','U','N','V','ctrlGrn','ctrlRed','sample_names'))) stop('Invalid argument')
J = ncol(M)
if(J<2) stop('More than one sample required to perform "between-array" normalization')
i1g = hm450[hm450$channel=='Grn' ,]
i1r = hm450[hm450$channel=='Red' ,]
i2 = hm450[hm450$channel=='Both',]
cat('[Correcting dye bias]\n')
### here I use the extension control probes
A2C = ctrlRed[7,]/ctrlGrn[9,]
i = i1g$index
M[i,] = t(t(M[i,]) * A2C)
U[i,] = t(t(U[i,]) * A2C)
A2G = ctrlRed[7,]/ctrlGrn[10,]
i = i2$index
M[i,] = t(t(M[i,]) * A2G)
A2T = ctrlRed[7,]/ctrlRed[8,]
i = i1r[i1r$next_base=='T',]$index
M[i,] = t(t(M[i,]) * A2T)
U[i,] = t(t(U[i,]) * A2T)
M[N==0] = NA
U[V==0] = NA
M[M<1] = 1
U[U<1] = 1
hk_1g = hk[hk$channel=='Grn' ,]
hk_1r = hk[hk$channel=='Red' ,]
hk_2 = hk[hk$channel=='Both',]
cat('[Correcting intensity-dependent bias]\n')
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0,max=J,style=3)
### compute the reference values
rmg = hk_1g$mref
rug = hk_1g$uref
rmr = hk_1r$mref
rur = hk_1r$uref
rmg = log(rowMedians(M[hk_1g$index,],na.rm=TRUE))
rug = log(rowMedians(U[hk_1g$index,],na.rm=TRUE))
rmr = log(rowMedians(M[hk_1r$index,],na.rm=TRUE))
rur = log(rowMedians(U[hk_1r$index,],na.rm=TRUE))
### correct intensity-dependent bias
for(j in 1:J){
# green channel
x = log(c(M[hk_1g$index,j],U[hk_1g$index,j]))
y = x-c(rmg,rug)
omit = !
x = x[omit]
y = y[omit]
f = loess(y~x,span=.2,degree=1,family='symmetric')
x = M[i1g$index,j]; x = x * exp(-predict(f,log(x))); M[i1g$index,j] <- ifelse(,M[i1g$index,j],x)
x = U[i1g$index,j]; x = x * exp(-predict(f,log(x))); U[i1g$index,j] <- ifelse(,U[i1g$index,j],x)
x = M[ i2$index,j]; x = x * exp(-predict(f,log(x))); M[ i2$index,j] <- ifelse(,M[ i2$index,j],x)
# red channel
x = log(c(M[hk_1r$index,j],U[hk_1r$index,j]))
y = x-c(rmr,rur)
omit = !
x = x[omit]
y = y[omit]
f = loess(y~x,span=.2,degree=1,family='symmetric')
x = M[i1r$index,j]; x = x * exp(-predict(f,log(x))); M[i1r$index,j] <- ifelse(,M[i1r$index,j],x)
x = U[i1r$index,j]; x = x * exp(-predict(f,log(x))); U[i1r$index,j] <- ifelse(,U[i1r$index,j],x)
x = U[ i2$index,j]; x = x * exp(-predict(f,log(x))); U[ i2$index,j] <- ifelse(,U[ i2$index,j],x)
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
meth = log(M/U)
### correct methylation-dependent bias
cat('[Correcting methylation-dependent bias]\n')
pb <- txtProgressBar(min=0,max=J,style=3)
rb = hk_2$mref
rb = rowMedians(meth[hk_2$index,],na.rm=TRUE)
for(j in 1:J){
x = meth[hk_2$index,j]
y = x - rb
omit = !
x = x[omit]
y = y[omit]
f = loess(y~x,span=.2,family='symmetric',degree=1)
x = meth[i2$index,j]
x = x - predict(f,x)
meth[i2$index,j] <- ifelse(,meth[i2$index,j],x)
meth = exp(meth)
meth = meth/(meth+1)
rownames(meth) = hm450$probe_id
colnames(meth) = sample_names
meth = ExpressionSet(assayData=meth)
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