#' A wrapper for the bash shell command fastqc.
#' @description \lifecycle{soft-deprecated}
#' A convenient wrapper for the bash shell command fastqc.
#' Only runs if Fastqc is installed.
#' @details This is a simple wrapper function for controlling & running
#' \code{fastqc} from within R.
#' This can be very useful for controlling & documenting an entire pipeline
#' from within knitr to produce a simple report
#' Takes a FastqFile, FastqFileList, BamFile or BamFileList. Alternatively
#' paths to files which are coerecible to these objects can be passed.
#' Only the common functionality of FastQC is implemented,
#' for more fine detail please call FastQC directly.
#' @param object A \code{FastqFileList}, \code{BamFileList}, \code{FastqFile},
#' \code{BamFile} or character vector of file paths with all objects coercible
#' to a single one of these types.
#' @param outPath The path to write the FastQC reports. Must exist as (for
#' safety) it will not be created when calling this function
#' @param exec The location of the fastqc executable.
#' @param threads The number of threads to run in parallel
#' @param casava logical. Sets the \code{--casava} flag
#' @param nofilter logical. Sets the \code{--nofilter} flag
#' @param extract logical. Extract the zip files on completion of the report
#' @param nogroup logical. Sets the grouping of bases for reads longer than 50bp
#' @param min_length integer. Sets an artificial lower limit on the length of
#' the sequence to be shown in the report.
#' @param contaminants Path to an alternate file with contaminants.
#' The structure of the file will not be checked.
#' Refer to the \code{fastqc} help page for more details
#' @param adapters Path to a file listing adapters to search for.
#' The structure of the file will not be checked.
#' Refer to the \code{fastqc} help page for more details
#' @param kmers An integer between 2 and 10
#' @return An list of paths to the output
#' @author Stephen Pederson <>
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(ShortRead)
#' sp <- SolexaPath(system.file('extdata', package='ShortRead'))
#' fl <- file.path(analysisPath(sp), "s_1_sequence.txt")
#' f <- FastqFile(fl)
#' # This requires a working installation of FastQC
#' fqcFile <- runFastQC(f, outPath = tempdir())
#' }
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importClassesFrom ShortRead FastqFile FastqFileList
#' @importClassesFrom Rsamtools BamFile BamFileList
#' @export
#' @rdname runFastQC-methods
setGeneric("runFastQC", function(
object, outPath, threads=1L, casava = FALSE, nofilter = FALSE,
extract = FALSE, nogroup = FALSE, min_length = 1, contaminants = c(),
adapters = c(), kmers = 7, exec){
#' @aliases runFastQC,ANY-method
#' @rdname runFastQC-methods
#' @export
setMethod("runFastQC", "ANY", function(
object, outPath, threads=1L, casava = FALSE, nofilter = FALSE,
extract = FALSE, nogroup = FALSE, min_length = 1, contaminants = c(),
adapters = c(), kmers = 7, exec){
## Cursory checks
if (!is(object, "character")) .errNotImp(class(object))
if (!all(file.exists(object)))
stop("Object must specify valid filepaths")
## Determine the file type
fq <- all(grepl("(fq|fastq|fq.gz|fastq.gz|txt)$", basename(object)))
bam <- all(grepl("bam$", basename(object)))
if (!bam & !fq)
stop("File format could not be identified. FastQC will not be run")
n <- length(object)
if (fq) object <- ShortRead::FastqFileList(object)
if (bam) object <- Rsamtools::BamFileList(object)
if (n == 1) object <- object[[1]]
object, outPath, threads, casava, nofilter, extract, nogroup,
min_length, contaminants = c(), adapters, kmers, exec
#' @aliases runFastQC,FastqFile-method
#' @rdname runFastQC-methods
#' @export
setMethod("runFastQC", "FastqFile", function(
object, outPath, threads=1L, casava = FALSE, nofilter = FALSE,
extract = FALSE, nogroup = FALSE, min_length = 1, contaminants = c(),
adapters = c(), kmers = 7, exec){
object, outPath, threads, casava, nofilter, extract, nogroup,
min_length, contaminants, adapters, kmers, exec, fileType = "FastqFile"
#' @aliases runFastQC,FastqFileList-method
#' @rdname runFastQC-methods
#' @export
setMethod("runFastQC", "FastqFileList", function(
object, outPath, threads=1L, casava = FALSE, nofilter = FALSE,
extract = FALSE, nogroup = FALSE, min_length = 1, contaminants = c(),
adapters = c(), kmers = 7, exec){
object, outPath, threads, casava, nofilter, extract, nogroup,
min_length, contaminants, adapters, kmers, exec,
fileType = "FastqFileList"
#' @aliases runFastQC,BamFile-method
#' @rdname runFastQC-methods
#' @export
setMethod("runFastQC", "BamFile", function(
object, outPath, threads=1L, casava = FALSE, nofilter = FALSE,
extract = FALSE, nogroup = FALSE, min_length = 1, contaminants = c(),
adapters = c(), kmers = 7, exec){
object, outPath, threads, casava, nofilter, extract, nogroup,
min_length, contaminants, adapters, kmers, exec, fileType = "BamFile"
#' @aliases runFastQC,BamFileList-method
#' @rdname runFastQC-methods
#' @export
setMethod("runFastQC", "BamFileList", function(
object, outPath, threads=1L, casava = FALSE, nofilter = FALSE,
extract = FALSE, nogroup = FALSE, min_length = 1, contaminants = c(),
adapters = c(), kmers = 7, exec){
object, outPath, threads, casava, nofilter, extract, nogroup,
min_length, contaminants, adapters, kmers, exec,
fileType = "BamFileList"
.fastqc <- function(
object, outPath, threads, casava, nofilter, extract, nogroup, min_length,
contaminants, adapters, kmers, exec, fileType){
"runFastQC will be deprecated with Bioconductor 3.13\n",
"Please call directly using system2()"
## Check the output path exists
if (length(outPath) > 1) {
outPath <- outPath[1]
"Multiple output paths specified.\nOnly the first will be used."
## Check the executable exists.
if (missing(exec)) exec <- Sys.which("fastqc")
if (file.exists(exec)) {
message("Found FastQC executable: ", exec)
else {
stop("FastQC executable not found")
## Get the version
v <- system2(exec, "-v", stdout = TRUE)
v <- gsub(".+0.11.(.+)", "\\1", v)
if (as.integer(v) > 5) {
min_length <- paste("--min_length", min_length)
message("min_length cannot be set for FastQC < 0.11.6")
min_length <- c()
## Set the arguments to the function call
maxCores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1
if (maxCores < threads) message("Too many threads. Resetting to", maxCores)
threads <- paste("-t", min(threads, maxCores))
stopifnot(is.logical(casava), is.logical(nogroup))
if (casava) {
casava <- c("--casava", "--casava --nofilter")[nofilter + 1]
else {
casava <- c()
fqcExtract <- c("--noextract", "--extract")[extract + 1L]
if (nogroup) {
"Setting the option '--nogroup' may cause FastQC to become unstable"
nogroup <- "--nogroup"
nogroup <- c()
if (!is.null(contaminants)) {
contaminants <- paste("-c", contaminants)
if (!is.null(adapters)) {
adapters <- paste("-a", adapters)
kmers <- as.integer(kmers)[1]
stopifnot(!, kmers %in% 2:10)
kmers <- paste("-k", kmers)
args <- paste(
"-o", outPath, threads, casava, fqcExtract, nogroup, contaminants,
adapters, kmers
args <- gsub(" +", " ", args) #Remove any double spaces
files <- paste(BiocGenerics::path(object), collapse = " ")
## Run the command
message("Executing the command '", paste(exec, args), "'")
system2(exec, paste(args, files))
## Get the files and make sure there are no html files returned
if (!extract) {
fqcNames <-
list.files(outPath, pattern = "", full.names = TRUE)
fqcNames <-
grep(fqcNames, pattern = "html", invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
else {
fqcNames <- list.dirs(outPath, full.names = TRUE)
## Now define the format as required
if (fileType %in% c("FastqFileList", "BamFileList")) {
## Now return the files that have been run in the same order
m <- pmatch(
gsub("(.+)\\..+", "\\1", names(object)), basename(fqcNames)
if (anyNA(m)) {
wn <- "Some Fastqc files may be missing/duplicated"
m <- m[!]
out <- fqcNames[m]
if (fileType %in% c("FastqFile", "BamFile")) {
## Now return the file that has been run
nm <- basename(path(object))
m <- pmatch(gsub("(.+)\\..+", "\\1", nm), basename(fqcNames))
out <- fqcNames[[m]]
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