#' netprioR
#' Class that represents a netprioR model.
#' @author Fabian Schmich
#' @name netprioR-class
#' @rdname netprioR-class
#' @aliases netprioR
#' @import dplyr
#' @exportClass netprioR
#' @slot networks List of NxN adjacency matrices of gene-gene similarities
#' @slot phenotypes Matrix of dimension NxP containing covariates
#' @slot labels Vector of Nx1 labels for all genes. NA if no label available.
#' @slot is.fitted Flag indicating if model is fitted
#' @slot model List containing estimated parameters and imputed missing data
setClass(Class = "netprioR",
representation = representation(
networks = "list",
phenotypes = "matrix",
labels = "factor",
is.fitted = "logical",
model = "list"
validity=function(object) {
# TODO: implement validity check
#' @rdname netprioR-class
#' @exportMethod netprioR
#' @param networks List of NxN adjacency matrices of gene-gene similarities
#' @param phenotypes Matrix of dimension NxP containing covariates
#' @param labels Vector of Nx1 labels for all genes (NA if no label available)
#' @param fit.model Indicator whether to fit the model
#' @param a Shape parameter of Gamma prior for W
#' @param b Scale parameter of Gamma prior for W
#' @param sigma2 Cariance for Gaussian labels
#' @param tau2 Variance for Gaussian prior for beta
#' @param eps Small value added to diagonal of Q in order to make it non-singular
#' @param max.iter Maximum number of iterations for EM
#' @param thresh Threshold for termination of EM with respect to change in parameters
#' @param Flag whether to use conjugate gradient instead of exact computation of expectations
#' @param Threshold for the termination of the conjugate gradient solver
#' @param nrestarts Number of restarts for EM
#' @param max.cores Maximum number of cores to use for parallel computation
#' @param verbose Print verbose output
#' @param ... Additional arguments
#' @return A \code{\linkS4class{netprioR}} object
function(networks, phenotypes, labels, ...) {
#' @rdname netprioR-class
#' @examples
#' \donttest{ # runs long-ish
#' data(simulation)
#' np <- netprioR(networks = simulation$networks,
#' phenotypes = simulation$phenotypes,
#' labels = simulation$labels.obs,
#' fit.model = TRUE)
#' summary(np)
#' }
signature = signature(networks = "list",
phenotypes = "matrix",
labels = "factor"),
fit.model = FALSE,
a = 0.1,
b = 0.1,
sigma2 = 0.1,
tau2 = 100,
eps = 1e-10,
max.iter = 500,
thresh = 1e-6, = FALSE, = 1e-6,
nrestarts = 5,
max.cores = detectCores(),
verbose = TRUE,
stopifnot(length(levels(labels)) == 2)
if (fit.model) {
labelled <- which(!
unlabelled <- setdiff(1:length(labels), labelled)
Yobs <- factor(labels, labels = c(-1, +1)) %>% as.character %>% as.numeric
G <- lapply(networks, function(x) {
x <- x / norm(x)
return(laplacian(x, norm = "none"))
model <- learn(Yobs = Yobs,
G = G,
X = phenotypes,
l = labelled,
u = unlabelled,
a = a,
b = b,
sigma2 = sigma2,
tau2 = tau2,
eps = eps,
max.iter = max.iter,
thresh = thresh, =,
nrestarts = nrestarts,
max.cores = max.cores,
verbose = verbose)
networks = networks,
phenotypes = phenotypes,
labels = labels,
model = model,
is.fitted = TRUE)
} else {
networks = networks,
phenotypes = phenotypes,
labels = labels,
model = list(),
is.fitted = FALSE)
#' Plot method for \code{\linkS4class{netprioR}} objects
#' @author Fabian Schmich
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @export
#' @method plot netprioR
#' @param x A \code{\linkS4class{netprioR}} object
#' @param which Flag for which plot should be shown, options: weights, lik, scores, all
#' @param ... Additional paramters for plot
#' @return Plot of the weights, likelihood, ranks, or all three
#' @examples
#' data(simulation)
#' plot(simulation$model)
plot.netprioR <- function(x, which = c("all", "weights", "lik", "scores"), ...) {
which <- match.arg(which)
Weight <- Network <- Iteration <- Loglik <- Score <- Rank <- Id <- NULL
if (x@is.fitted) {
pl.weights <- ggplot(weights(x) %>%
mutate(Weight = Weight / sum(Weight)) %>%
arrange(desc(Weight)) %>%
mutate(Network = factor(Network, levels = Network)),
aes(x = Network, y = Weight)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
ylab("Relative weight") +
ggtitle("Network weights") +
theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1))
pl.lik <-ggplot(data.frame(Iteration = 2:length(x@model$logliks), Loglik = x@model$logliks[-1]), aes(x = Iteration, y = Loglik)) +
geom_line() +
scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x) format(x, nsmall = 2, scientific = TRUE)) +
ylab("Likelihood [log]") +
ggtitle("EM iterations") +
pl.scores <- ggplot(ranks(x), aes(x = Score)) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.1) +
ylab("Count") +
ggtitle("Prioritisation") +
"weights" = pl.weights,
"lik" = pl.lik,
"scores" = pl.scores,
"all" = grid.arrange(pl.lik, pl.weights, pl.scores, ncol = 1)
} else {
warning("No model fitted.")
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