#' Run nested cross-validation on data
#' @return symmetric matrix of size ncol(dat) (number of patients) containing
#' pairwise patient similarities
#' @details wrapper function to run netDx with nested cross-validation,
#' with an inner loop of X-fold cross-validation and an outer loop of different
#' random splits of data into train and blind test. The user needs to supply
#' a custom function to create PSN, see createPSN_MultiData(). This wrapper
#' provides flexibility for designs with one or several heterogeneous data
#' types, and one or more ways of defining patient similarity.
#' For example, designs it handles includes
#' 1) Single datatype, single similarity metric: Expression data -> pathways
#' 2) Single datatype, multiple metrics: Expression data -> pathways
#' (Pearson corr) and single gene networks (normalized difference)
#' 3) Multiple datatypes, multiple metrics: Expression -> Pathways;
#' Clinical -> single or grouped nets
#' @param dataList (MultiAssayExperiment) sample metadata. Clinical data is
#' in colData() and other input datatypes are in assays() slot.
#' names(groupList) should match names(assays(dataList)). The only exception
#' is clinical data. If a groupList entry is called "clinical", the algorithm
#' will search for corresponding variable names in colData(dataList) (i.e.
#' columns of sample metadata table).
#' @param groupList (list of lists) keys are datatypes, and values are
#' lists indicating how units for those datatypes are to be grouped.
#' Keys must match names(assays(dataList)). The only exception is for clinical
#' values. Variables for "clinical" will be extracted from columns of the
#' sample metadata table (i.e. from colData(dataList)).
#' e.g. groupList[["rna"]] could be a list of pathway definitions.
#' So keys(groupList[["rna"]]) would have pathway names, generating one PSN
#' per pathways, and values(groupList[["rna"]]) would be genes that would be
#' grouped for the corresponding pathwayList.
#' @param makeNetFunc (function) user-defined function for creating the set
#' of input PSN provided to netDx. See createPSN_MultiData()::customFunc.
#' @param outDir (char) directory where results will be stored. If this
#' directory exists, its contents will be overwritten. Must be absolute path
#' @param trainProp (numeric 0 to 1) Percent samples to use for training
#' @param featScoreMax (integer) number of CV folds in inner loop
#' @param numSplits (integer) number of train/blind test splits
#' (i.e. iterations of outer loop)
#' @param numCores (integer) number of CPU cores for parallel processing
#' @param JavaMemory (integer) memory in (Gb) used for each fold of CV
#' @param featSelCutoff (integer) cutoff for inner-fold CV to call
#' feature-selected in a given split
#' @param keepAllData (logical) if TRUE keeps all intermediate files, even
#' those not needed for assessing the predictor. Use very cautiously as for
#' some designs, each split can result in using 1Gb of data.
#' @param startAt (integer) which of the splits to start at (e.g. if the
#' job aborted part-way through)
#' @param preFilter (logical) if TRUE uses lasso to prefilter dataList within
#' cross-validation loop. Only variables that pass lasso get included. The
#' current option is not recommended for pathway-level features as most genes
#' will be eliminated by lasso. Future variations may allow other prefiltering
#' options that are more lenient.
#' @param preFilterGroups (char) vector with subset of names(dataList)
#' to which prefiltering needs to be limited. Allows users to indicate
#' which data layers should be prefiltered using regression and which
#' are to be omitted from this process. Prefiltering uses regression, which
#' omits records with missing values. Structured missingness can result in
#' empty dataframes if missing values are removed from these, which in turn
#' can crash the predictor. To impute missing data, see the 'impute' and
#' 'imputeGroups' parameters.
#' @param impute (logical) if TRUE applies imputation by median within CV
#' @param imputeGroups (char) If impute set to TRUE, indicate which groups you
#' want imputed.
#' @param debugMode (logical) when TRUE runs jobs in serial instead of parallel and
#' prints verbose messages. Also prints system Java calls and prints all standard out
#' and error output associated with these calls.
#' @param logging (char) level of detail with which messages are printed.
#' Options are: 1) none: turn off all messages; 2) all: greatest level of
#' detail (recommended for advanced users, or for debugging); 3) default:
#' print key details (useful setting for most users)
#' @import glmnet
#' @importFrom stats median na.omit coef
#' @importFrom utils read.delim write.table
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @return (list)
#' "inputNets": data.frame of all input network names. Columns are "NetType"
#' (group) and "NetName" (network name).
#' "Split<i>" is the data for train/test split i
#' (i.e. one per train/test split).
#' Each "SplitX" entry contains in turn a list of results for that split.
#' Key-value pairs are:
#' 1) predictions: real and predicted labels for test patients
#' 2) accuracy: percent accuracy of predictions
#' 3) featureScores: list of length g, where g is number of patient classes.
#' scores for all features following feature selection, for corresponding
#' class.
#' 4) featureSelected: list of length g (num patient classes). List of
#' selected features for corresponding patient class, for that train/test
#' split. Side effect of generating predictor-related data in <outDir>.
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @import MultiAssayExperiment
#' @examples
#' library(curatedTCGAData)
#' library(MultiAssayExperiment)
#' curatedTCGAData(diseaseCode="BRCA", assays="*",
#' # fetch mrna, mutation data
#' brca <- curatedTCGAData("BRCA",c("mRNAArray"),FALSE)
#' # get subtype info
#' pID <- colData(brca)$patientID
#' pam50 <- colData(brca)$PAM50.mRNA
#' staget <- colData(brca)$pathology_T_stage
#' st2 <- rep(NA,length(staget))
#' st2[which(staget %in% c("t1","t1a","t1b","t1c"))] <- 1
#' st2[which(staget %in% c("t2","t2a","t2b"))] <- 2
#' st2[which(staget %in% c("t3","t3a"))] <- 3
#' st2[which(staget %in% c("t4","t4b","t4d"))] <- 4
#' pam50[which(!pam50 %in% "Luminal A")] <- "notLumA"
#' pam50[which(pam50 %in% "Luminal A")] <- "LumA"
#' colData(brca)$ID <- pID
#' colData(brca)$STAGE <- st2
#' colData(brca)$STATUS <- pam50
#' # keep only tumour samples
#' idx <- union(which(pam50 == "Normal-like"), which(
#' cat(sprintf("excluding %i samples\n", length(idx)))
#' tokeep <- setdiff(pID, pID[idx])
#' brca <- brca[,tokeep,]
#' pathList <- readPathways(fetchPathwayDefinitions(month=10,year=2020))
#' brca <- brca[,,1] # keep only clinical and mRNA data
#' # remove duplicate arrays
#' smp <- sampleMap(brca)
#' samps <- smp[which(smp$assay=="BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"),]
#' notdup <- samps[which(!duplicated(samps$primary)),"colname"]
#' brca[[1]] <- brca[[1]][,notdup]
#' groupList <- list()
#' groupList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]] <- pathList[seq_len(3)]
#' groupList[["clinical"]] <- list(
#' age="patient.age_at_initial_pathologic_diagnosis",
#' stage="STAGE")
#' makeNets <- function(dataList, groupList, netDir,...) {
#' netList <- c()
#' # make RNA nets: group by pathway
#' if (!is.null(groupList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]])) {
#' netList <- makePSN_NamedMatrix(dataList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]],
#' rownames(dataList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]]),
#' groupList[["BRCA_mRNAArray-20160128"]],
#' netDir,verbose=FALSE,
#' writeProfiles=TRUE,...)
#' netList <- unlist(netList)
#' cat(sprintf("Made %i RNA pathway nets\n", length(netList)))
#' }
#' # make clinical nets,one net for each variable
#' netList2 <- c()
#' if (!is.null(groupList[["clinical"]])) {
#' netList2 <- makePSN_NamedMatrix(dataList$clinical,
#' rownames(dataList$clinical),
#' groupList[["clinical"]],netDir,
#' simMetric="custom",customFunc=normDiff, # custom function
#' writeProfiles=FALSE,
#' sparsify=TRUE,verbose=TRUE,...)
#' }
#' netList2 <- unlist(netList2)
#' cat(sprintf("Made %i clinical nets\n", length(netList2)))
#' netList <- c(netList,netList2)
#' cat(sprintf("Total of %i nets\n", length(netList)))
#' return(netList)
#' }
#' # takes 10 minutes to run
#' #out <- buildPredictor(dataList=brca,groupList=groupList,
#' # makeNetFunc=makeNets, ### custom network creation function
#' # outDir=paste(tempdir(),"pred_output",sep=getFileSep()), ## absolute path
#' # numCores=16L,featScoreMax=2L, featSelCutoff=1L,numSplits=2L)
buildPredictor <- function(dataList,groupList,outDir=tempdir(),makeNetFunc,
featSelCutoff=9L,keepAllData=FALSE,startAt=1L, preFilter=FALSE,
impute=FALSE,preFilterGroups=NULL, imputeGroups=NULL,logging="default",
debugMode=FALSE) {
verbose_default <- TRUE
verbose_runQuery <- FALSE # messages when running individual queries
verbose_compileNets <- FALSE # message when compiling PSN into database
verbose_runFS <- TRUE # runFeatureSelection()
verbose_predict <- FALSE
verbose_compileFS <- FALSE
verbose_makeFeatures <- FALSE
if (logging == "all") {
verbose_runQuery <- TRUE
verbose_compileNets <- TRUE
verbose_compileFS <- TRUE
verbose_makeFeatures <- TRUE
} else if (logging=="none") {
verbose_default <- FALSE
verbose_predict <- FALSE
# Check input
if (missing(dataList)) stop("dataList must be supplied.\n")
if (missing(groupList)) stop("groupList must be supplied.\n")
if (length(groupList)<1) stop("groupList must be of length 1+\n")
tmp <- unlist(lapply(groupList,class))
not_list <- sum(tmp == "list")<length(tmp)
nm1 <-setdiff(names(groupList),"clinical")
if (!is(dataList,"MultiAssayExperiment"))
stop("dataList must be a MultiAssayExperiment")
names_nomatch <- any(!nm1 %in% names(dataList))
if (!is(groupList,"list") || not_list || names_nomatch ) {
msg <- c("groupList must be a list of lists.",
" Names must match those in dataList, and each entry should be a list",
" of networks for this group.")
if (!is(dataList,"MultiAssayExperiment"))
stop("dataList must be a MultiAssayExperiment")
if (trainProp <= 0 | trainProp >= 1)
stop("trainProp must be greater than 0 and less than 1")
if (startAt > numSplits) stop("startAt should be between 1 and numSplits")
megaDir <- outDir
if (file.exists(megaDir)) {
stop(paste("outDir seems to already exist!",
"Please provide a new directory, as its contents will be overwritten",
sprintf("You provided: %s", outDir),
} else {
# set aside for testing within each split
pheno_all <- colData(dataList)
pheno_all <-
message("Predictor started at:")
# run featsel once per subtype
subtypes <- unique(pheno_all$STATUS)
# convert to list structure
exprs <- experiments(dataList)
datList2 <- list()
for (k in seq_len(length(exprs))) {
tmp <- exprs[[k]]
df <- sampleMap(dataList)[which(sampleMap(dataList)$assay==names(exprs)[k]),]
colnames(tmp) <- df$primary[match(df$colname,colnames(tmp))]
tmp <- as.matrix(assays(tmp)[[1]]) # convert to matrix
datList2[[names(exprs)[k]]]<- tmp
if ("clinical" %in% names(groupList)) {
tmp <- colData(dataList)
vars <- unique(unlist(groupList[["clinical"]]))
datList2[["clinical"]] <- t(as.matrix(tmp[,vars,drop=FALSE]))
dataList <- datList2; rm(datList2);
if (verbose_default){
message(sprintf("# patients = %i", nrow(pheno_all)))
message(sprintf("# classes = %i { %s }", length(subtypes),
message("Sample breakdown by class")
message(sprintf("%i train/test splits",numSplits))
message(sprintf("Feature selection cutoff = %i of %i",
for (nm in names(dataList)) {
message(sprintf("\t%s: %i units", nm, nrow(dataList[[nm]])))
outList <- list()
# create master list of possible networks
tmp <- list()
for (nm in names(groupList)) {
curNames <- names(groupList[[nm]])
tmp[[nm]] <- cbind(rep(nm,length(curNames)),curNames)
tmp <-"rbind",tmp)
if (length(nm) < 2) tmp <- as.matrix(tmp)
colnames(tmp) <- c("NetType","NetName")
outList[["inputNets"]] <- tmp
if (verbose_default) {
message("\n\nCustom function to generate input nets:")
for (rngNum in startAt:numSplits) {
curList <- list()
if (verbose_default) {
message(sprintf("Train/test split # %i", rngNum))
outDir <- paste(megaDir,sprintf("rng%i",rngNum),sep=getFileSep())
pheno_all$TT_STATUS <- splitTestTrain(pheno_all,pctT=trainProp,
pheno <- pheno_all[which(pheno_all$TT_STATUS %in% "TRAIN"),]
dats_train <- lapply(dataList, function(x)
x[,which(colnames(x) %in% pheno$ID)])
if (impute) {
if (verbose_default) message("**** IMPUTING ****")
if (is.null(imputeGroups)) imputeGroups <- names(dats_train)
if (!any(imputeGroups %in% names(dats_train)))
stop("imputeGroups must match names in dataList")
nmset <- names(dats_train)
dats_train <- lapply(names(dats_train), function(nm) {
x <- dats_train[[nm]]
if (nm %in% imputeGroups) {
missidx <- which(rowSums(>0)
for (i in missidx) {
na_idx <- which([i,]))
x[i,na_idx] <- median(x[i,],na.rm=TRUE)
names(dats_train) <- nmset
# prefilter with lasso
if (preFilter) {
if (is.null(preFilterGroups)) preFilterGroups <- names(dats_train)
if (!any(preFilterGroups %in% names(dats_train))) {
stop("preFilterGroups must match names in dataList")
message("Prefiltering enabled")
for (nm in preFilterGroups) {
message(sprintf("%s: %i variables",nm,nrow(dats_train[[nm]])))
if (nrow(dats_train[[nm]])<2) # only has one var, take it.
vars <- rownames(dats_train[[nm]])
else {
newx <- na.omit(dats_train[[nm]])
tmp <- pheno[which(pheno$ID %in% colnames(newx)),]
tryCatch( {
fit <- cv.glmnet(x=t(newx),
y=factor(tmp$STATUS), family="binomial", alpha=1) # lasso
}, error=function(ex) {
message("*** You may need to set impute=TRUE for prefiltering ***")
wt <- abs(coef(fit,s="lambda.min")[,1])
vars <- setdiff(names(wt)[which(wt>.Machine$double.eps)],
if (length(vars)>0) {
tmp <- dats_train[[nm]]
tmp <- tmp[which(rownames(tmp) %in% vars),,drop=FALSE]
dats_train[[nm]] <- tmp
} else {
# leave dats_train as is, make a single net
message(sprintf("rngNum %i: %s: %s pruned",rngNum,nm,length(vars)))
if (verbose_default) {
message("# values per feature (training)")
for (nm in names(dats_train)) {
message(sprintf("\tGroup %s: %i values",
netDir <- paste(outDir,"tmp",sep=getFileSep())
pheno_id <- setupFeatureDB(pheno,netDir)
if (verbose_default) message("** Creating features")
if (verbose_default) message("** Compiling features")
dbDir <- compileFeatures(netDir,outDir, numCores=numCores,
verbose=verbose_compileFS, debugMode=debugMode)
if (verbose_default) message("\n** Running feature selection")
curList[["featureScores"]] <- list()
for (g in subtypes) {
pDir <- paste(outDir,g,sep=getFileSep())
if (file.exists(pDir)) unlink(pDir,recursive=TRUE);
if (verbose_default) message(sprintf("\tClass: %s",g))
pheno_subtype <- pheno
pheno_subtype$STATUS[which(!pheno_subtype$STATUS %in% g)] <- "nonpred"
trainPred <- pheno_subtype$ID[which(pheno_subtype$STATUS %in% g)]
if (verbose_default) {
# Cross validation
resDir <- paste(pDir,"GM_results",sep=getFileSep())
message(sprintf("\tScoring features"))
outDir=resDir, dbPath=dbDir$dbDir,
numCores=numCores, verbose_runQuery=TRUE, # verbose_runQuery,
tmp <- dir(path=resDir,pattern="RANK$")[1]
tmp <- sprintf("%s/%s",resDir,tmp)
if (sum(grepl(pattern=",",readLines(tmp,n=6))>0)) { # detect comma
# Compute network score
nrank <- dir(path=resDir,pattern="NRANK$")
if (verbose_default) message("\tCompiling feature scores")
pTally <- compileFeatureScores(paste(resDir,nrank,
tallyFile <- paste(resDir,
curList[["featureScores"]][[g]] <- pTally
if (verbose_default) message("")
## Class prediction for this split
if (verbose_default) message("\n** Predicting labels for test")
pheno <- pheno_all
predRes <- list()
curList[["featureSelected"]] <- list()
for (g in subtypes) {
if (verbose_default) message(sprintf("%s",g))
pDir <- paste(outDir,g,sep=getFileSep())
pTally <- read.delim(
idx <- which(pTally[,2]>=featSelCutoff)
pTally <- pTally[idx,1]
pTally <- sub(".profile","",pTally)
pTally <- sub("_cont.txt","",pTally)
curList[["featureSelected"]][[g]] <- pTally
if (verbose_default)
message(sprintf("\t%i feature(s) selected",length(pTally)))
netDir <- paste(pDir,"networks",sep=getFileSep())
dats_tmp <- list()
for (nm in names(dataList)) {
passed <- rownames(dats_train[[nm]])
tmp <- dataList[[nm]]
# only variables passing prefiltering should be used to make PSN
dats_tmp[[nm]] <- tmp[which(rownames(tmp) %in% passed),,
# ------
# Impute test samples if flag set
# impute
if (impute) {
train_samp <- pheno_all$ID[which(pheno_all$TT_STATUS %in% "TRAIN")]
test_samp <- pheno_all$ID[which(pheno_all$TT_STATUS %in% "TEST")]
nmSet <- names(dats_tmp)
dats_tmp <- lapply(names(dats_tmp), function(nm) {
x <- dats_tmp[[nm]]
if (nm %in% imputeGroups) {
missidx <- which(rowSums(>0)
train_idx <- which(colnames(x) %in% train_samp)
test_idx <- which(colnames(x) %in% test_samp)
for (i in missidx) {
# impute train and test separately
na_idx <- intersect(which([i,])),train_idx)
na_idx1 <- na_idx
x[i,na_idx] <- median(x[i,train_idx],na.rm=TRUE)
na_idx <- intersect(which([i,])),test_idx)
na_idx2 <- na_idx
x[i,na_idx] <- median(x[i,test_idx],na.rm=TRUE)
names(dats_tmp) <- nmSet
#alldat_tmp <-"rbind",dats_tmp)
if (verbose_default) message(sprintf("\tCreate & compile features",g))
if (length(pTally)>=1) {
netDir <- paste(pDir,"tmp",sep=getFileSep())
pheno_id <- setupFeatureDB(pheno,netDir)
dbDir <- compileFeatures(netDir,outDir=pDir,numCores=numCores,
# run query for this class
qSamps <- pheno$ID[which(pheno$STATUS %in% g & pheno$TT_STATUS%in%"TRAIN")]
qFile <- paste(pDir,sprintf("%s_query",g),sep=getFileSep())
if (verbose_default) message(sprintf("\t** %s: Compute similarity",g))
resFile <- runQuery(dbDir$dbDir,qFile,resDir=pDir,
JavaMemory=JavaMemory, numCores=numCores,
predRes[[g]] <- getPatientRankings(sprintf("%s.PRANK",resFile),pheno,g)
} else {
predRes[[g]] <- NA
if (verbose_default) message("")
if (sum(>0 & verbose_default) {
str <- sprintf("RNG %i : One or more classes have no selected features.",
str <- sprintf("%s Not classifying.",str)
} else {
if (verbose_default) message("** Predict labels")
predClass <- predictPatientLabels(predRes,
out <- merge(x=pheno_all,y=predClass,by="ID")
outFile <- paste(outDir,"predictionResults.txt",
acc <- sum(out$STATUS==out$PRED_CLASS)/nrow(out)
if (verbose_default)
message(sprintf("Split %i: ACCURACY (N=%i test) = %2.1f%%",
rngNum, nrow(out), acc*100))
curList[["predictions"]] <- out
curList[["accuracy"]] <- acc
if (!keepAllData) {
unlink(outDir, recursive=TRUE)
}# endif !keepAllData
if (verbose_default) {
outList[[sprintf("Split%i",rngNum)]] <- curList
message("Predictor completed at:")
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