#' Computes positive and negative calls upon changing stringency of
#' feature selected networks (binary networks only)
#' @details This function computes predictor performance in the context
#' of binary networks, where + and - calls are based on membership (or
#' lack thereof) in feature selected networks. An example would be networks
#' based on CNV occurrence in cellular pathways; in this use case, a +
#' is based on patient membership in feature-selected networks. This
#' function takes the output data from a feature selection exercise
#' and computes the number and fraction of positive and negative calls at
#' each level of feature selection stringency. The output of this function
#' can then be used to compute performance measures such as the ROC or
#' precision-recall curve.
#' @param netmat (matrix) output of countPatientsInNet. Should contain
#' all patients in dataset that overlap 1+ network
#' @param phenoDF (data.frame) patient ID and STATUS
#' @param TT_STATUS (list) output of splitTestTrain_partition; should be
#' same as used for cross validation
#' @param predClass (char) class to be predicted
#' @param pScore (list of data.frames) contains 10-fold CV score, one entry
#' for each resampling of the data. The data.frame has two columns:
#' 1) pathway name, 2) pathway score
#' @param outDir (char) path to dir where results should be written
#' @param enrichLabels (logical) was network label enrichment used?
#' @param enrichedNets (list of chars) networks passing network label
#' enrichment
#' @param maxScore (integer) max achievable score for pathways
#' corresponding to N-way resampling
#' @param verbose (logical) print messages
#' @return (list)
#' 1) cumulativeFeatScores: pathway name, cumulative score over
#' N-way data resampling.
#' 2) performance_denAllNets: positive,negative calls at each cutoff:
#' network score cutoff (score); num networks at cutoff (numPathways) ;
#' total +, ground truth (pred_tot); + calls (pred_ol);
#' + calls as pct of total (pred_pct); total -, ground truth (other_tot) ;
#' - calls (other_ol) ; - calls as pct of total (other_pct) ; ratio of
#' pred_pct and other_pct (rr) ; min. pred_pct in all resamplings
#' (pred_pct_min) ; max pred_pct in all resamplings (pred_pct_max) ;
#' min other_pct in all resamplings (other_pct_min); max other_pct in all
#' resamplings (other_pct_max)
#' 3) performance_denEnrichedNets: positive, negative calls at each cutoff
#' label enrichment option: format same as performance_denAllNets.
#' However, the denominator here is limited to
#' patients present in networks that pass label enrichment
#' 4) resamplingPerformance: breakdown of performance for each of the
#' resamplings, at each of the cutoffs.
#' This is a list of length 2, one for allNets and one for enrichedNets.
#' The value is a matrix with (resamp * 7) columns and S rows,
#' one row per score. The columns contain the following information
#' per resampling:
#' 1) pred_total: total num patients of predClass
#' 2) pred_OL: num of pred_total with a CNV in the selected net
#' 3) pred_OL_pct: 2) divided by 1) (percent)
#' 4) other_total: total num patients of other class(non-predClass)
#' 5) other_OL: num of other_total with CNV in selected net
#' 6) other_OL_pct: 5) divided by 4) (percent)
#' 7) relEnr: 6) divided by 3).
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(cnv_patientNetCount) # patient presence/absence in nets
#' data(cnv_pheno) # patient ID, label
#' data(cnv_netScores) # network scores for resampling
#' data(cnv_TTstatus) # train/test status
#' data(cnv_netPass) # nets passing label enrichment
#' d <- tempdir()
#' out <- RR_featureTally(cnv_patientNetCount,
#' cnv_pheno,cnv_TTstatus,"case",cnv_netScores,
#' outDir=d,enrichLabels=TRUE,enrichedNets=cnv_netPass,
#' maxScore=30L)
#' print(summary(out))
RR_featureTally <- function(netmat,phenoDF,TT_STATUS,predClass,
verbose=FALSE) {
# tally pathway score across resamplings
pTally <- list()
for (k in seq_len(length(TT_STATUS))) {
dat <- pScore[[k]]
dat[,1] <- as.character(dat[,1])
for (m in seq_len(nrow(dat))) {
curp <- dat[m,1]
if (!curp %in% names(pTally)) pTally[[curp]] <- 0
pTally[[curp]] <- pTally[[curp]] + dat[m,2]
# write pathway tally to file
pathDF <- data.frame(PATHWAY_NAME=names(pTally),SCORE=unlist(pTally))
pathDF[,2] <- as.integer(as.character(pathDF[,2]))
pathDF <- pathDF[order(pathDF[,2],decreasing=TRUE),]
tmpOut <- paste(outDir,"pathway_cumTally.txt",sep=getFileSep())
write.table(pathDF, file=tmpOut,sep="\t",col.names=TRUE,
out <- list()
tmp <- pathDF
tmp[,1] <- sub("_cont.txt","",tmp[,1])
out[["cumulativeFeatScores"]] <- tmp
# now run test
scoreColl <- seq_len(maxScore)
# two sets of results: one for den=allnets and one for den=enrichedNets
outdf <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(scoreColl),ncol=9+4)
colnames(outdf) <- c("score", "numPathways",
"pred_tot","pred_ol","pred_pct","other_tot","other_ol","other_pct", "rr",
# and two more matrices for training samples
outdf_train <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(scoreColl),ncol=9+4)
colnames(outdf_train) <- colnames(outdf)
if (enrichLabels) {
outdf_enriched <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(scoreColl),ncol=9+4)
colnames(outdf_enriched) <- colnames(outdf)
outdf_enriched_tr <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(scoreColl),ncol=9+4)
colnames(outdf_enriched_tr) <- colnames(outdf)
ctr <- 1
# vector of patients contributing to OR. Union over all test resamplings
# order corresponds to that of the scoreColl vector of scores
predContr <- rep("",length(scoreColl))
otherContr <- rep("",length(scoreColl))
predContr_cl <- rep("",length(scoreColl))
otherContr_cl <- rep("",length(scoreColl))
resampPerf <- list(allNets=list(),enrichedNets=list())
for (setScore in scoreColl){
selPath <- pathDF[which(pathDF[,2]>=setScore),1]
## uncomment to test with original pathways
if (verbose) message(sprintf("Thresh = %i ; %i pathways",
currmat <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(TT_STATUS),ncol=7)
currmat_enriched <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(TT_STATUS),ncol=7)
# train
currmat_train <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(TT_STATUS),ncol=7)
currmat_enriched_tr <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(TT_STATUS),ncol=7)
# store highest
predCurr <- ""
otherCurr <- ""
predCurr_cl <- ""
otherCurr_cl <- ""
for (k in seq_len(length(TT_STATUS))) {
if (verbose) message(sprintf("\t(k = %i)",k))
# first run for denominator = all nets
# set pheno and p to contain only test samples
pheno_test <- phenoDF[which(TT_STATUS[[k]]%in% "TEST"),]
p_test <- netmat[which(rownames(netmat)%in% pheno_test$ID),]
tmp <- updateNets(p_test,pheno_test,writeNewNets=FALSE,
p_test <- tmp[[1]]; pheno_test <- tmp[[2]];
tmp <- getOR(p_test, pheno_test,predClass,selPath,verbose=FALSE)
predCurr <- c(predCurr, intersect(tmp$OLsamps,
pheno_test$ID[which(pheno_test$STATUS %in% predClass)]))
otherCurr <- c(otherCurr, intersect(tmp$OLsamps,
pheno_test$ID[which(!pheno_test$STATUS %in% predClass)]))
x <- tmp$stats
currmat[k,] <- c(x[1,1],x[1,2],x[1,3],x[2,1],x[2,2],x[2,3],
# now training samples
pheno_train <- phenoDF[which(TT_STATUS[[k]]%in% "TRAIN"),]
p_train <- netmat[which(rownames(netmat)%in% pheno_train$ID),]
tmp <- updateNets(p_train,pheno_train,writeNewNets=FALSE,
p_train <- tmp[[1]]; pheno_train <- tmp[[2]];
tmp <- getOR(p_train, pheno_train,predClass,selPath,
x <- tmp$stats
currmat_train[k,] <- c(x[1,1],x[1,2],x[1,3],x[2,1],x[2,2],x[2,3],
if (enrichLabels){
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# then run for denominator = label enriched nets
pheno_test <- phenoDF[which(TT_STATUS[[k]]%in% "TEST"),]
p_test <- netmat[which(rownames(netmat)%in% pheno_test$ID),]
p_test <- p_test[,
which(colnames(p_test) %in% enrichedNets[[k]])]
tmp <- updateNets(p_test,pheno_test,writeNewNets=FALSE,
p_test <- tmp[[1]]; pheno_test <- tmp[[2]];
tmp <- getOR(p_test, pheno_test,predClass,selPath,verbose=FALSE)
x <- tmp$stats
# case: total, OL, pctOL. control: total, OL, pctOL. RelEnr.
currmat_enriched[k,] <- c(x[1,1],x[1,2],x[1,3],x[2,1],x[2,2],x[2,3],
predCurr_cl <- c(predCurr_cl, intersect(tmp$OLsamps,
pheno_test$ID[which(pheno_test$STATUS %in% predClass)]))
otherCurr_cl <- c(otherCurr_cl, intersect(tmp$OLsamps,
pheno_test$ID[which(!pheno_test$STATUS %in% predClass)]))
# now for training samples
pheno_train <- phenoDF[which(TT_STATUS[[k]]%in% "TRAIN"),]
p_train <- netmat[which(rownames(netmat)%in% pheno_train$ID),]
p_train <- p_train[,
which(colnames(p_train) %in% enrichedNets[[k]])]
tmp <- updateNets(p_train,pheno_train,writeNewNets=FALSE,
p_train <- tmp[[1]]; pheno_train <- tmp[[2]];
tmp <- getOR(p_train, pheno_train,predClass,selPath,
x <- tmp$stats
currmat_enriched_tr[k,] <-
} # end loop over k resamplings for a given score
# store resampling-wise info before averaging
resampPerf[["allNets"]][[setScore]] <- currmat
resampPerf[["enrichedNets"]][[setScore]] <- currmat_enriched
predCurr <- unique(predCurr)
otherCurr <- unique(otherCurr)
if (verbose) {message(sprintf("\t# contrib: %i pred ; %i other",
predContr[ctr] <- paste(predCurr,collapse=",")
otherContr[ctr] <- paste(otherCurr,collapse=",")
if (enrichLabels) {
predCurr_cl <- unique(predCurr_cl)
otherCurr_cl <- unique(otherCurr_cl)
if (verbose) {
message(paste("\tLABEL ENRICHMENT: ",
sprintf("# contributing: %i pred ; %i other",
predContr_cl[ctr] <- paste(predCurr_cl,collapse=",")
otherContr_cl[ctr] <- paste(otherCurr_cl,collapse=",")
outdf[ctr,] <- c(setScore,length(selPath),colMeans(currmat),
outdf_train[ctr,] <- c(setScore,length(selPath),colMeans(currmat_train),
if (enrichLabels){
outdf_enriched[ctr,] <- c(setScore,length(selPath),
outdf_enriched_tr[ctr,] <- c(setScore,length(selPath),
ctr <- ctr+1
} # end loop over score cutoffs
numresamp <- nrow(resampPerf[[1]][[1]])
for (k in seq_len(length(resampPerf))) {
tmp <- lapply(resampPerf[[k]], function(x) {as.numeric(t(x))})
tmp <-,tmp)
x <- rep(c("pred_total","pred_OL","pred_OL_pct",
colnames(tmp) <- paste(x,rep(seq_len(numresamp),each=7),sep="_")
rownames(tmp) <- scoreColl
resampPerf[[k]] <- tmp
out[["resamplingPerformance"]] <- resampPerf
# add IDs of contributing samples
outdf <- data.frame(outdf)
outdf <- cbind(outdf, CONTRIBUT_PRED=predContr,
outFile <- paste(outDir,"RR_changeNetSum_stats_denAllNets.txt",
out[["performance_denAllNets"]] <- outdf
out[["performance_denAllNets_TrainingSamples"]] <- outdf_train
if (enrichLabels) {
# add IDs of contributing samples
outdf_enriched <- data.frame(outdf_enriched)
outdf_enriched <- cbind(outdf_enriched, CONTRIBUT_PRED=predContr_cl,
outFile <- paste(outDir,"RR_changeNetSum_stats_denEnrichedNets.txt",
out[["performance_denEnrichedNets"]] <- outdf_enriched
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