## Authors:
## Florian Auer []
## History:
## Created on 05 February 2017 by Auer
## Description:
## Tests Aspects and meta-data:
## Get network meta-data (ndex_network_get_metadata)
## Get network aspect as CX (ndex_network_get_aspect)
## Usage:
## devtools::test(filter='04_*')
context('Aspects and meta-data')
test_that('Get network meta-data (ndex_network_get_metadata)', {
nms = names(ndex_config)
apiVersions = nms[nms!='defaultVersion']
# netColNames = c("consistencyGroup", "elementCount", "lastUpdate", "name", "properties", "version", "idCounter")
## no "properties" column anymore in metadata [2018.01.10]
# netColNames = c("consistencyGroup", "elementCount", "lastUpdate", "name", "version", "idCounter")
## no "lastUpdate" column anymore in metadata, but the "properties" column returned! [2018.04.13]
netColNames = c("consistencyGroup",
uuid = ndexTestConf$uuidPublicNetwork
for(apiVersion in apiVersions){
api = ndex_config[[apiVersion]]
con = ndex_connect(ndexConf = api)
if(con$ndexConf$version == '1.3'){
## 2018-01-08: was removed from public ndex server for some reason!
## GET: [ ]
## Some internal server error occurred (500)
## expect_null(rcx, info=paste0('Aspect meta-data should work, but for some reason for api 1.3 only returns NULL!'))
rcx = ndex_network_get_metadata(con, uuid)
expect_is(rcx, 'data.frame', info=paste0('Checking class of aspect meta-data (api ', apiVersion, ')'))
expect_object_conains_names(rcx, netColNames, info=paste0('Checking meta-data column names (api ', apiVersion, ')'))
## Error on server side!
#test_that('Get network aspect meta-data (ndex_network_aspect_get_metadata)', {
# nms = names(ndex_config)
# apiVersions = nms[nms!='defaultVersion']
# metColNames = c("consistencyGroup", "elementCount", "data", "lastUpdate", "name", "properties", "version", "idCounter")
# aspects = c("provenanceHistory", "nodes", "edges", "supports", "citations", "edgeAttributes", "edgeCitations", "edgeSupports", "networkAttributes", "nodeAttributes")
# con = ndex_connect()
## networks = ndex_find_networks(con, accountName = 'ndextutorials') ## public ndex account networks
## uuid = networks[1,'externalId']
# uuid = ndexTestConf$uuidPublicNetwork
# metData = ndex_network_get_metadata(con, uuid)
# metDataNames = metData$metaData$name
# for(apiVersion in apiVersions){
# api = ndex_config[[apiVersion]]
# con = ndex_connect(ndexConf = api)
# for(asp in metDataNames){
# if(con$ndexConf$version == '1.3'){
# expect_error(ndex_network_aspect_get_metadata(con, uuid, asp), info=paste0('In api version 1.3 is no method for getting meta-data for single aspects ("', asp,'")'))
# }else{
# rcx = ndex_network_aspect_get_metadata(con, uuid, asp)
# expect_is(rcx, 'list', info=paste0('Checking class of aspect meta-data (api ', apiVersion, ', aspect ', asp, ')'))
# expect_object_conains_names(rcx, metColNames, info=paste0('Checking class of aspect meta-data (api ', apiVersion, ', aspect ', asp, ')'))
# }
# }
# }
test_that('Get network aspect as CX (ndex_network_get_aspect)', {
nms = names(ndex_config)
apiVersions = nms[nms!='defaultVersion']
con = ndex_connect()
# networks = ndex_find_networks(con, accountName = 'ndextutorials') ## public ndex account networks
# uuid = networks[1,'externalId']
uuid = ndexTestConf$uuidPublicNetwork
metData = ndex_network_get_metadata(con, uuid)
# metDataNames = metData$metaData$name[metData$metaData$elementCount>0]
## meta data is now returned directly as data.frame, and not nested anymore [2018.04.12]
metDataNames = metData$name[metData$elementCount>0]
expect_is(metData, 'data.frame', info=paste0('Checking class of aspect (api ', apiVersion, ', aspect ', asp, ')'))
for(apiVersion in apiVersions){
api = ndex_config[[apiVersion]]
con = ndex_connect(ndexConf = api)
if(con$ndexConf$version != '1.3'){
for(asp in metDataNames){
rcx = ndex_network_get_aspect(con, uuid, asp)
expect_is(rcx, 'data.frame', info=paste0('Checking class of aspect (api ', apiVersion, ', aspect ', asp, ')'))
## Error on server side!
#test_that('Update network aspect (ndex_network_update_aspect)', {
# nms = names(ndex_config)
# apiVersions = nms[nms!='defaultVersion']
# con = ndex_connect(ndexTestConf$user, ndexTestConf$password)
## networks = ndex_find_networks(con, accountName = 'ndextutorials') ## public ndex account networks
## uuid = networks[1,'externalId']
# uuid = ndexTestConf$uuidPrivateNetwork
# rcx = ndex_get_network(con, uuid)
# aspectNames = names(rcx)
# aspectNames = aspectNames[aspectNames != 'metaData']
# aspectNames = aspectNames[aspectNames != 'metaData']
# for(apiVersion in apiVersions){
# api = ndex_config[[apiVersion]]
# con = ndex_connect(ndexTestConf$user, ndexTestConf$password, ndexConf = api)
# uuidCreated = ndex_create_network(con,rcx)
# if(con$ndexConf$version != '1.3'){
# prevUuid = uuidCreated
# for(asp in aspectNames){
# aspData= rcx[[asp]]
# aspDataMod = aspData[1:min(dim(aspData)[1],5),]
# uuidUpdated = ndex_network_update_aspect(con, uuidCreated, asp, aspDataMod)
# expect_equal(uuidUpdated, prevUuid, info=paste0('All uuids (created and updated) should have the same uuid (api ', apiVersion, ')'))
# prevUuid = uuidUpdated
# }
# rcxMod = ndex_get_network(con, uuidUpdated)
# for(asp in aspectNames){
# originalAspect = rcx[[asp]]
# originalAspectMod = originalAspect[1:min(dim(originalAspect)[1],5),]
# modAspect = rcxMod[[asp]]
# expect_is(modAspect, 'data.frame', info=paste0('Modificated aspects should be data.frames (api ', apiVersion, ')'))
# expect_equal(dim(originalAspectMod), dim(modAspect), info=paste0('Modificated original and modificated aspects should have the same dimensions (api ', apiVersion, ')'))
# expect_equal(sort(names(originalAspectMod)), sort(names(modAspect)), info=paste0('Modificated original and modificated aspects should have the same names (api ', apiVersion, ')'))
# }
# Sys.sleep(60) ## Wait some time until the updating of the network on the server is done
# ndex_delete_network(con, uuidUpdated)
# }
# }
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