## Authors:
## Florian Auer []
## History:
## Created on 02 February 2017 by Auer
## Description:
## Contains functions to easily generate the ndex_api_config.r file from an yml file
## This functions only should be used for package maintenance!
## Dependencies:
## yaml
#' Default header for the ndex_api_config.r file
#' @return character containing the header
#' @note only for package maintenance!
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
ndex_conf_header = paste0( "################################################################################\n",
"## Authors:\n",
"## Florian Auer []\n",
"## History:\n",
"## Created on 28 November 2016 by Auer\n",
"## Switched to yml file on 02 Februar 2017 by Auer\n",
"## \n",
"## Description:\n",
"## Contains API configuration for connecting to NDEx servers\n",
"## \n",
"## Note:\n",
"## This file is automatically generated from a YAML file!\n",
"#' NDEx server api configuration\n",
"#' \n",
"#' This nested list contains the url and methods for accessing the NDEx server via its REST full api.\n",
"#' It contains specifications for NDEx server api version 1.3 and 2.0. The default api is specified by 'defaultVersion'.\n",
"#' If possible, the version 2.0 should be used.\n",
"#' Own configurations must contain a 'version' entry!\n",
"#' \n",
"#' @return Nested list resembling the NDEx server REST API structure\n",
"#' @examples \n",
"#' names(ndex_config$Version_2.0) \n",
"#' @export\n",
"ndex_config = ")
#' Translates a nested list (as provided by a yaml file) into R code defining the lists
#' @note only for package maintenance!
#' @param obj list; Nested list to be translated. The allowed list elements are: list, character, numeric, logical
#' @param indent character (optional) (default: ' '[4 whitespaces]); Character(s) used for the indentation. Default: <tab>
#' @param indentShift character (optional) (default: ''); Shifts the block to the right by putting the characters before each line (mostly used in internal recursion)
#' @return character; R code for generating the nested list
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' test = list(bla='some text',blubb=list(a='more text', version='2.0'),justANumber=123456)
#' #$bla
#' #[1] "some text"
#' #$blubb
#' #$blubb$a
#' #[1] "more text"
#' #$blubb$version
#' #[1] "2.0"
#' #$justANumber
#' #[1] 123456
#' #
#' #listToRCode(test)
#' #[1] "list(\n\tbla=\"some text\",\n\tblubb=list(\n\t\ta=\"more text\",\n\t\tversion=\"2.0\"\n\t)\n)"
listToRCode = function(obj, indent=' ', indentShift=''){
newIndent = paste0(indentShift, indent)
txts = character()
for(n in names(obj)){
if('list' %in% class(obj[[n]])){
txts = c(txts, paste0(newIndent, n, '=', listToRCode(obj[[n]], indent = indent, indentShift = newIndent)))
}else if('character' %in% class(obj[[n]])){
txts = c(txts, paste0(newIndent, n, '= c("', paste0(obj[[n]], collapse = '", "'),'")'))
txts = c(txts, paste0(newIndent, n, '="', obj[[n]],'"'))
}else if('numeric' %in% class(obj[[n]])){
txts = c(txts, paste0(newIndent, n, '=', obj[[n]]))
}else if('logical' %in% class(obj[[n]])){
txts = c(txts, paste0(newIndent, n, '=', obj[[n]]))
txt =paste0('list(\n', paste(txts, collapse = ",\n"), '\n', indentShift, ')')
##' Translates a YAML file to a R config script
##' Run this manually if you want to update the ndex_config
##' @note only for package maintenance!
##' @param yamlFile character (default: 'R/ndex_api_config.yml'); input file in YAML format
##' @param rScriptFile character (default: 'R/ndex_api_config.r'); output file for the R script
##' @param defaultHeader character (optional) (default: ndex_conf_header); text that will be put in front of the R script
##' @keywords internal
##' @examples
##' # yamlToRConfig('R/ndex_api_config.yml', 'R/ndex_api_config.r', ndex_conf_header)
##' NULL
#yamlToRConfig = function(yamlFile='R/ndex_api_config.yml', rScriptFile='R/ndex_api_config.r', defaultHeader=ndex_conf_header){
# yamlObj = yaml::yaml.load_file(yamlFile)
# rCodeTxt = paste0(defaultHeader, listToRCode(yamlObj))
# outFile = file(rScriptFile)
# writeLines(rCodeTxt, outFile)
# close(outFile)
## Unused stuff
##' Convert an R object into a YAML string
##' same as yaml::as.yaml(obj)
##' @note only for package maintenance!
##' @param obj list; Nested list to be translated. The allowed list elements are: list, character, numeric
##' @param indent character (optional); Character(s) used for the indentation. Default: <tab>
##' @param indentShift character (optional); Shifts the block to the right by putting the characters before each line (mostly used in internal recursion)
##' @return character; R code for generating the nested list
##' @keywords internal
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{test = list(bla='some text',blubb=list(a='more text', version='2.0'),justANumber=123456)
##' #$bla
##' #[1] "some text"
##' #$blubb
##' #$blubb$a
##' #[1] "more text"
##' #$blubb$version
##' #[1] "2.0"
##' #$justANumber
##' #[1] 123456
##' listToYaml(test)
##' #[1] "bla: some text\nblubb:\n a: more text\n version: '2.0'\njustANumber: 123456.0\n"
##' }
#listToYaml = function(obj, indent=' ', indentShift=''){
# txts = character()
# for(n in names(obj)){
# if('list' %in% class(obj[[n]])){
# txts = c(txts, paste0(indentShift, n, ':\n', listToYaml(obj[[n]], indent = indent, indentShift = paste0(indentShift, indent))))
# }else if('character' %in% class(obj[[n]])){
# if(length(obj[[n]])>1){
# txts = c(txts, paste0(indentShift, n, ': '))
# for(li in obj[[n]]){
# txts = c(txts, paste0(indentShift, indent, n, '- "', obj[[n]],'"'))
# }
# }else{
# txts = c(txts, paste0(indentShift, n, ': "', obj[[n]],'"'))
# }
# }else if('numeric' %in% class(obj[[n]])){
# txts = c(txts, paste0(indentShift, n, ': ', obj[[n]]))
# }
# }
# txt = paste(txts, collapse = "\n")
# return(txt)
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