#' @title Create a UMAP from a musica result
#' @description Proportional sample exposures will be used as input into the
#' \code{\link[uwot]{umap}} function to generate a two dimensional UMAP.
#' @param result A \code{\linkS4class{musica_result}} object generated by
#' a mutational discovery or prediction tool.
#' @param n_neighbors The size of local neighborhood used for views of
#' manifold approximation. Larger values result in more global the manifold,
#' while smaller values result in more local data being preserved.
#' If \code{n_neighbors} is larger than the number of samples,
#' then \code{n_neighbors} will automatically be set to the number of samples
#' in the \code{\linkS4class{musica_result}}. Default \code{30}.
#' @param min_dist The effective minimum distance between embedded points.
#' Smaller values will result in a more clustered/clumped embedding where
#' nearby points on the manifold are drawn closer together, while larger
#' values will result on a more even dispersal of points. Default \code{0.2}.
#' @param spread The effective scale of embedded points. In combination with
#' ‘min_dist’, this determines how clustered/clumped the embedded points are.
#' Default \code{1}.
#' @return A \code{\linkS4class{musica_result}} object with a new UMAP
#' stored in the \code{UMAP} slot.
#' @seealso See \link{plot_umap} to display the UMAP and
#' \code{\link[uwot]{umap}} for more information on the individual parameters
#' for generating UMAPs.
#' @examples
#' data(res_annot)
#' create_umap(result = res_annot)
#' @export
create_umap <- function(result, n_neighbors = 30,
min_dist = 0.75, spread = 1) {
samples <- exposures(result)
samples <- sweep(samples, 2, colSums(samples), FUN = "/")
# n_neighbors cannot be bigger than the total number of samples
if(n_neighbors > ncol(samples)) {
n_neighbors <- ncol(samples)
message("The parameter 'n_neighbors' cannot be bigger than the total ",
"number of samples. Setting 'n_neighbors' to ", n_neighbors, ".")
umap_out <- uwot::umap(t(samples), n_neighbors = n_neighbors, min_dist =
min_dist, spread = spread, n_threads = 1,
n_sgd_threads = 1, pca = NULL,
metric = "cosine")
rownames(umap_out) <- colnames(samples)
colnames(umap_out) <- c("UMAP_1", "UMAP_2")
eval.parent(substitute(umap(result) <- umap_out))
#' @title Plot a UMAP from a musica result
#' @description Plots samples on a UMAP scatterplot. Samples can be colored by
#' the levels of mutational signatures or by a annotation variable.
#' @param result A \code{\linkS4class{musica_result}} object generated by
#' a mutational discovery or prediction tool.
#' @param color_by One of \code{"signatures"}, \code{"annotation"}, or
#' \code{"none"}. If \code{"signatures"}, then one UMAP scatterplot will be
#' generated for each signature and points will be colored by the level of
#' that signature in each sample. If \code{annotation}, a single UMAP will
#' be generated colored by the annotation selected using the parameter
#' \code{annotation}. If \code{"none"}, a single UMAP scatterplot will be
#' generated with no coloring. Default \code{"signature"}.
#' @param proportional If \code{TRUE}, then the exposures will be normalized
#' to between 0 and 1 by dividing by the total number of counts for each sample.
#' Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param annotation Sample annotation used to color the points. One used
#' when \code{color_by = "annotation"}. Default \code{NULL}.
#' @param point_size Scatter plot point size. Default \code{0.7}.
#' @param same_scale If \code{TRUE}, then all points will share the same color
#' scale in each signature subplot. If \code{FALSE}, then each signature subplot
#' will be colored by a different scale with different maximum values. Only
#' used when \code{color_by = "signature"}. Setting to \code{FALSE} is most
#' useful when the maximum value of various signatures are vastly different
#' from one another. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param add_annotation_labels If \code{TRUE}, labels for each group in the
#' \code{annotation} variable will be displayed. Only used if
#' code{color_by = "annotation"}. This not recommended if the annotation is
#' a continuous variable. The label is plotting using the centriod of each
#' group within the \code{annotation} variable. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @param annotation_label_size Size of annotation labels. Only used if
#' code{color_by = "annotation"} and \code{add_annotation_labels = TRUE}.
#' Default \code{3}.
#' @param annotation_text_box Place a white box around the annotation labels
#' to improve readability. Only used if code{color_by = "annotation"} and
#' \code{add_annotation_labels = TRUE}. Default \code{TRUE}.
#' @param plotly If \code{TRUE}, the the plot will be made interactive
#' using \code{\link[plotly]{plotly}}. Not used if \code{color_by = "signature"}
#' and \code{same_scale = FALSE}. Default \code{FALSE}.
#' @return Generates a ggplot or plotly object
#' @seealso See \link{create_umap} to generate a UMAP in a musica result.
#' @examples
#' data(res_annot)
#' create_umap(res_annot, "Tumor_Subtypes")
#' plot_umap(res_annot, "none")
#' @export
plot_umap <- function(result, color_by = c("signatures", "annotation", "none"),
proportional = TRUE, annotation = NULL,
point_size = 0.7, same_scale = TRUE,
add_annotation_labels = FALSE,
annotation_label_size = 3,
annotation_text_box = TRUE, plotly = FALSE) {
# TODO: Make S4 getter/setter for UMAP
umap <- umap(result)
color_by <- match.arg(color_by)
if(color_by == "annotation") {
if(is.null(annotation)) {
stop("If pthe arameter or 'color_by' are is to 'annotation', ",
"then the 'annotation' parameter must be supplied.")
# Add annotation to data.frame
annot <- samp_annot(result)
umap <- umap %>% %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "sample")
umap <- .add_annotation_to_df(result, plot_dat = umap,
annotation = annotation)
# Create base ggplot object
p <- ggplot(umap, aes_string(x = "UMAP_1", y = "UMAP_2",
color = "annotation"))
p <- p + geom_point(size = point_size)
# Add labels for discrete annotation groups
if (isTRUE(add_annotation_labels)) {
centroid_list <- lapply(unique(umap$annotation), function(x) {
df_sub <- umap[umap$annotation == x, ]
median_1 <- stats::median(df_sub[, "UMAP_1"])
median_2 <- stats::median(df_sub[, "UMAP_2"])
cbind(median_1, median_2, x)
centroid <-, centroid_list)
centroid <- data.frame(
UMAP_1 = as.numeric(centroid[, 1]),
UMAP_2 = as.numeric(centroid[, 2]),
annotation = centroid[, 3]
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point(data = centroid, mapping =
ggplot2::aes_string(x = "UMAP_1", y = "UMAP_1"),
size = 0, alpha = 0)
if (isTRUE(annotation_text_box)) {
p <- p + ggrepel::geom_label_repel(data = centroid, mapping =
ggplot2::aes_string(label = "annotation"),
size = annotation_label_size,
show.legend = FALSE)
} else {
p <- p + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = centroid, mapping =
ggplot2::aes_string(label = "annotation"),
size = annotation_label_size,
show.legend = FALSE)
# Add theme and title
p <- .gg_default_theme(p)
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_color_discrete(name = annotation)
} else if (color_by == "signatures") {
cols <- c("blue","green","yellow","orange","red")
# Create df in long format with signatures and UMAP coords
exposures <- exposures(result)
if (isTRUE(proportional)) {
color_lab <- "Fraction"
exposures <- sweep(exposures, 2, colSums(exposures), FUN = "/")
} else {
color_lab <- "Counts"
cbind(umap, t(exposures)) %>% %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "sample") %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = rownames(exposures),
names_to = "signature",
values_to = "exposure",
names_repair = "minimal") -> df
# Ensure that the signature order will be the same as in the exposures
df$signature <- factor(df$signature, levels = rownames(exposures))
# Create base ggplot object for "signatures"
if(isTRUE(same_scale)) {
# Uses facet_grid to plot all signatures
breaks <- signif(seq(0, max(df$exposure), length.out = 5), 2)
limits <- c(0, max(breaks))
p <- ggplot(df, aes_string(x = "UMAP_1", y = "UMAP_2", colour = "exposure")) +
ggplot2::facet_wrap(~ signature, drop = TRUE, scales = "free") +
geom_point() +
ggplot2::scale_colour_gradientn(colors = cols, name = color_lab,
breaks = breaks, limits = limits)
p <- .gg_default_theme(p)
} else {
# Uses grid.arrange to plot many ggplot objects
out <- by(data = df, INDICES = df$signature, FUN = function(m) {
m <- droplevels(m)
breaks <- signif(seq(0, max(m$exposure), length.out = 5), 2)
limits <- c(0, max(breaks))
m <- ggplot(m, aes_string(x = "UMAP_1",
y = "UMAP_2",
color = "exposure")) +
ggplot2::geom_point() +
ggplot2::scale_colour_gradientn(colors = cols, name = color_lab,
breaks = breaks, limits = limits) +
m <- .gg_default_theme(m)
# Need to use invisible since this is a gtable object
return(invisible(, out)))
} else {
# Create base ggplot object without any color
p <- ggplot(, aes_string(x = "UMAP_1", y = "UMAP_2")) +
geom_point(size = point_size)
p <- .gg_default_theme(p)
# Toggle plotly
if (isTRUE(plotly)) {
p <- plotly::ggplotly(p)
# Return all other scenarios other than
# color_by = "signatures" & same_scale = TRUE
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