#' Calculate pathway enrichment for multiple omics layer.
#' This function calculates GSEA-based enrichments scores for multiple omics
#' layer at once. Input pathways or gene sets have to be prepared in advance by
#' means of the function \code{\link[multiGSEA]{initOmicsDataStructure}}. The function uses pre-
#' ranked lists for each omics layer to calculate the enrichment score. The
#' ranking can be calculated by means of the function
#' \link[multiGSEA]{rankFeatures}.
#' @param pathways Nested list containing all pathway features for the
#' respective omics layer.
#' @param ranks Nested list containing the measured and pre-ranked features for
#' each omics layer.
#' @return Nested list containing the enrichment scores for each given pathway
#' and omics layer.
#' @examples
#' # Download pathway definition and extract features
#' pathways <- getMultiOmicsFeatures(dbs = c("kegg"), layer = c("transcriptome", "proteome"))
#' # load omics data and calculate ranks
#' data(transcriptome)
#' data(proteome)
#' ranks <- initOmicsDataStructure(c("transcriptome", "proteome"))
#' ranks$transcriptome <- rankFeatures(transcriptome$logFC, transcriptome$pValue)
#' names(ranks$transcriptome) <- transcriptome$Symbol
#' ranks$proteome <- rankFeatures(proteome$logFC, proteome$pValue)
#' names(ranks$proteome) <- proteome$Symbol
#' ## run the enrichment
#' multiGSEA(pathways, ranks)
#' @importFrom fgsea fgseaMultilevel
#' @export
multiGSEA <- function(pathways, ranks) {
# Go through all omics layer.
es <- lapply(names(pathways), function(omics) {
fgseaMultilevel(pathways[[omics]], ranks[[omics]], eps = 0)
names(es) <- names(pathways)
#' Create a reshaped data frame from multiGSEA output.
#' This function reshapes the output from multiGSEA to get a single data frame
#' with columns for p-values and adjusted p-values for each omics layer. Each
#' row of the data frame represents one pathway.
#' @param enrichmentScores Nested List of enrichment scores, calculated by
#' multiGSEA function.
#' @param pathwayNames List containing Pathway names.
#' @return Data frame where rows are pathways and columns are (adjusted)
#' p-values for each omics layer.
#' @examples
#' # Download pathway definition and extract features
#' pathways <- getMultiOmicsFeatures(dbs = c("kegg"), layer = c("transcriptome", "proteome"))
#' # load omics data and calculate ranks
#' data(transcriptome)
#' data(proteome)
#' ranks <- initOmicsDataStructure(c("transcriptome", "proteome"))
#' ranks$transcriptome <- rankFeatures(transcriptome$logFC, transcriptome$pValue)
#' names(ranks$transcriptome) <- transcriptome$Symbol
#' ranks$proteome <- rankFeatures(proteome$logFC, proteome$pValue)
#' names(ranks$proteome) <- proteome$Symbol
#' # run the enrichment
#' es <- multiGSEA(pathways, ranks)
#' extractPvalues(
#' enrichmentScores = es,
#' pathwayNames = names(pathways[[1]])
#' )
#' @export
extractPvalues <- function(enrichmentScores, pathwayNames) {
# Go through all the pathways
res <- lapply(pathwayNames, function(name) {
# Go through all the possible omics layer
unlist(lapply(names(enrichmentScores), function(y) {
df <- enrichmentScores[[y]][which(enrichmentScores[[y]]$pathway == name), c(2, 3)]
if (nrow(df) == 0) {
df <- data.frame(pval = NA, padj = NA)
names(df) <- paste0(y, "_", names(df))
# Combine the list elements to a data frame and assign the pathway names as rownames
res <- data.frame(, res))
#' Calculate a combined p-value for multiple omics layer.
#' This function applies the Stouffer method, the Edgington method or the
#' Fisher\'s combined probability test to combine p-values of independent tests
#' that are based on the same null hypothesis. The Stouffer method can also be
#' applied in a weighted fashion.
#' @param df Data frame where rows represent a certain pathway or gene set and
#' columns represent p-values derived from independent tests, e.g., different
#' omics layer.
#' @param method String that specifies the method to combine multiple p-values.
#' Default: "stouffer" Options: "stouffer", "fisher", "edgington"
#' @param weights List of weights that will be used in a weighted Stouffer
#' method.
#' @return Vector of length \code{nrow(df)} with combined p-values.
#' @examples
#' df <- cbind(runif(5), runif(5), runif(5))
#' colnames(df) <- c("trans.pval", "prot.pval", "meta.pval")
#' # run the unweighted summation of z values
#' combinePvalues(df)
#' # run the weighted variant
#' combinePvalues(df, weights = c(10, 5, 1))
#' # run the Fisher's combined probability test
#' combinePvalues(df, method = "fisher")
#' # run the Edgington's method
#' combinePvalues(df, method = "edgington")
#' @importFrom metap sumz sumlog sump
#' @export
combinePvalues <- function(df, method = "stouffer", weights = NULL) {
method <- tolower(method)
if (!method %in% c("stouffer", "fisher", "edgington")) {
stop("You can chose between the 'stouffer', 'edgington',
and 'fisher' method to combine p-values.",
call. = FALSE
cols <- grep("padj", colnames(df))
pvals <- apply(df, 1, function(row) {
row <- row[cols]
row <- row[!]
if (length(row) >= 2) {
if (method == "fisher") {
p <- sumlog(row)
} else if (method == "edgington") {
p <- sump(row)
} else {
## sumz allows only p-values smaller than 1
row <- row[row > 0 & row < 1]
if (length(row) >= 2) {
if (length(weights) > 0) {
p <- sumz(row, weights = weights)
} else {
p <- sumz(row)
} else if (length(row == 1)) {
} else {
} else if (length(row) == 1) {
} else {
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