########### III. Gene Probe Ranking Options ################
#' Function to select for genes using one of the available gene
#' probe ranking options.
#' @param input String indicating the name of the text file containing
#' the gene expression matrix.
#' @param probe_number Positive integer indicating the number of gene probes
#' to be selected as determined by the number_probes function.
#' @param probe_num_selection String indicating the way in which number of
#' probes were selected for. Options include "Fixed_Probe_Num",
#' "Percent_Probe_Num", and "Adaptive_Probe_Num".
#' @param data.exp The object containing the original gene expression matrix.
#' This matrix is outputted by the input_file function.
#' @param method A string indicating the gene probe ranking method to use.
#' Possible options include "CV_Rank", "CV_Guided", "SD_Rank", and "Poly".
#' The default is set to "SD_Rank".
#' @note CV_Rank is a gene probe ranking method that selects for probes
#' with the highest coefficient of variation within the dataset.
#' CV_Guided is a method that also uses the coefficient of variation of the
#' dataset to select for gene probes. Every probe within the set is then
#' plotted on a mean and standard deviation graph (with SD being the y-axis).
#' A line is plotted starting from the origin with a slope of the coefficient
#' of variation. The mean and standard deviation cutoff moves along this line
#' until an equal or less then number of desired probes is above the cutoff.
#' SD_Rank is a gene probe ranking method that selects for probes with the
#' highest standard deviation within the dataset.
#' Poly is a ranking method that fits three second degree polynomial
#' functions of mean and standard deviation to the dataset to select
#' the most variable probes in the dataset.
#' @return An object containing the selected gene expression matrix for
#' a particular ranking method. In addition a text file containing the
#' selected gene expression data is produced.
#' @seealso \code{\link{number_probes}}, \code{\link{input_file}}
#' @author Peiyong Guan, Alec Fabbri, Nathan Lawlor
#' @examples
#' # Producing a selected gene expression matrix using one of the
#' # probe ranking options
#' # Load in a test file
#' data_file <- system.file("extdata", "GSE2034.normalized.expression.txt",
#' package="multiClust")
#' data <- input_file(data_file)
#' selected_probes <- probe_ranking(input=data_file, probe_number=300,
#' probe_num_selection="Fixed_Probe_Num", data.exp=data, method="SD_Rank")
#' @export
probe_ranking <- function(input, probe_number,
probe_num_selection="Fixed_Probe_Num", data.exp, method="SD_Rank") {
WriteMatrixToFile <- function(tmpMatrix, tmpFileName,
blnRowNames, blnColNames) {
output <- file(tmpFileName, "at")
utils::write.table(tmpMatrix, output, sep="\t", quote=FALSE,
row.names=blnRowNames, col.names=blnColNames)
#Makes Expression Data Numeric
colname <- colnames(data.exp)
data.exp <- t(apply(data.exp, 1, as.numeric))
colnames(data.exp) <- colname
# If CV_Rank option is chosen
if (method == "CV_Rank") {
#Mean and SD Filter <- apply(data.exp, 1, stats::sd)
row.mean <- apply(data.exp, 1, mean) <- / row.mean
# Obtain new gene expression matrix of CV-ranked genes
data.exp <- data.frame(data.exp,
data.exp <- data.exp[order(data.exp[, dim(data.exp)[2]],
data.exp <- data.exp[, -dim(data.exp)[2]] <- data.exp[1:probe_number,]
WriteMatrixToFile(, paste(input, probe_num_selection,
"CV_Rank_Selected_Gene_Exp.txt", sep="."), TRUE, TRUE)
print(paste("The selected CV_Rank Gene Expression text file",
"has been written"))
# If CV_Guided method is chosen
if (method == "CV_Guided") {
# Shift the data by the minimum value
num <- min(data.exp)
transinput <- data.exp - num
# Obtain selected gene matrix
constant <- stats::sd(transinput) / mean(transinput) <- apply(transinput, 1, stats::sd)
row.mean <- apply(transinput, 1, mean)
x <- 0
y <- 55000
while (y > probe_number) {
y <- length(which(row.mean > (0.0001 *x) & > (0.0001* constant *x)))
x <- x + 1
x <- x - 1
selmatrix <- transinput[row.mean > (0.0001 *x) & > (.0001 * constant * x),]
WriteMatrixToFile(selmatrix, paste(input, probe_num_selection,
"CV_Guided_Selected_Gene_Exp.txt", sep='.'), TRUE, TRUE)
print(paste("The selected CV_Guided Gene Expression",
"text file has been written"))
if (method == "SD_Rank") {
# Shift the data by the minimum value
num <- min(data.exp)
transinput <- data.exp - num
# Get selected gene expression matrix <- apply(transinput, 1, stats::sd)
transinput <- data.frame(transinput,
transinput <- transinput[order(transinput[, dim(transinput)[2]],
decreasing = TRUE),]
transinput <- transinput[, -dim(transinput)[2]] <- transinput[1:probe_number,]
WriteMatrixToFile(, paste(input, probe_num_selection,
"SD_Rank_Selected_Gene_Exp.txt", sep="."), TRUE, TRUE)
print(paste("The selected SD_Rank Gene Expression",
"text file has been written"))
if (method == "Poly") {
# Get mean and standard deviation of each gene
row.mean <- apply(data.exp, 1, mean) <- apply(data.exp, 1, stats::sd)
transinput <- data.exp
# Fit a second degree polynomial to data
fit <- stats::lm( ~ poly(row.mean, 2, raw=TRUE))
res <- fit$residuals
# Determine which genes are above the fitted polynomial
numgenesel <- length(which(res > 0))
selgenes <- names(which(res > 0))
# Obtain the selected gene matrix for genes above the polynomial
vec <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(selgenes)) {
num <- which(rownames(transinput) == selgenes[i])
vec <- c(vec, num)
selmatrix <- transinput[vec,]
# Get mean and sd of new selected gene matrix
row.mean <- apply(selmatrix, 1, mean) <- apply(selmatrix, 1, stats::sd)
# Repeat steps and fit second polynomial to data
fit <- stats::lm( ~ poly(row.mean, 2, raw=TRUE))
res <- fit$residuals
numgenesel <- length(which(res > 0))
selgenes <- names(which(res > 0))
# Obtain selected gene matrix of genes above the second polynomial fit
vec <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(selgenes)) {
num <- which(rownames(selmatrix) == selgenes[i])
vec <- c(vec, num)
selmatrix2 <- selmatrix[vec,]
# Obtain mean and sd for new genes above the second polynomial fit
row.mean <- apply(selmatrix2, 1, mean) <- apply(selmatrix2, 1, stats::sd)
# Fit a third polynomial to the data
fit <- stats::lm( ~ poly(row.mean, 2, raw=TRUE))
res <- fit$residuals
# Order the genes by highest res number
df <- data.frame(names(res), res)
newdf <- df[order(df[,dim(df)[2]], decreasing=TRUE),]
# Conditional if the user input gene number is larger than the
# Poly selected amount produce an error prompt
if (dim(newdf)[1] < probe_number) {
print(paste("The number of genes determined by the Poly",
"filter was: ", dim(newdf)[1], sep=""))
stop("Please choose a gene number equal to or less
than the determined gene number")
poly_genes <- newdf[1:probe_number,]
# Obtain the selected gene matrix for genes above the third polynomial
selgenes <- rownames(poly_genes)
vec <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(selgenes)) {
num <- which(rownames(selmatrix2) == selgenes[i])
vec <- c(vec, num)
selmatrix3 <- selmatrix2[vec,]
WriteMatrixToFile(selmatrix3, paste(input,
"Poly_Selected_Gene_Exp.txt", sep="."), TRUE, TRUE)
print(paste("The selected Poly Gene Expression text",
"file has been written"))
# Conditional to produce error if user does not choose one
# of available options
choices <- c("CV_Rank", "CV_Guided", "SD_Rank", "Poly")
if (, choices)) == TRUE) {
stop("Please choose one of the available methods: CV_Rank,
CV_Guided, SD_Rank, or Poly")
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