
Defines functions mlmc

Documented in mlmc

#'The multilevel function for missing and censored dependents: mlmc().
#'@description mlmc() handles Bayesian multilevel model with response
#'variable that has left-censored values, and missing values that
#'depends on the response value itself. Apart from the response value,
#'the missingness is also known to associate with the other variables.
#'The method is created for analyzing mass-spectrometry data when it
#'has abundance-dependant missing and censored values, and there are
#'prior information available for the associations between the
#'probability of missing and the known variables. The imputed values
#'for the censored response are outputted as part of the parameters.
#'@import methods MASS Matrix Rcpp stats4 ggplot2
#'@importFrom stats terms model.frame model.matrix model.response
#'@importFrom Matrix Diagonal
#'@param formula_completed The main regression model formula; It has
#'the same formula format as lmr() and it is used to define the first
#'level response and its explanatory variables.
#'@param formula_missing  The logistic regression model formula; 
#'It has the same formula as formula_completed.
#'@param formula_censor The formula used in the program to define the 
#'observations with censored values.
#'@param formula_subject The second level formula in the multilevel
#'model which is used to define responses such as subject and its
#'explanatory variables.
#'@param pdata The dataset contains response and predictors in a long
#'format.  Response is a vector with an indicator variable to define
#'the corresponding unit. The data needs to have the following
#'rudimental variables: the indicator variable for first level
#'response, second level indicator variable for subject such as
#'subject id or a sampling unit, an indicator for missingness and
#'indicator of censoring.  Missingness and censored are two different
#'classifications, when these two variables are tabulated, there must
#'not have any observation defined as censored and missing.  Data
#'structure can be referred from the example and vignette.
#'@param respond_dep_missing A logical variable to indicate whether 
#'response value is missing-dependant.
#'@param response_censorlim The detectable limit for the response value, 
#'i.e. 1 mg per Liter for intensity value.
#'@param pidname Variable name to define the multilevel response unit, 
#'i.e. protein name or gene name.
#'@param sidname Variable name to define the subject unit, 
#'i.e. patient id or sampling id.
#'@param prec_prior prior precision matrix of the explanatory
#'variables at the first level unit in the multilevel model, for
#'example, the variables to predict the ion intensity. The dimension will
#'be q x q, where q is the number of explanatory variables at the
#'right-hand side of formula_completed.  The default is a matrix with
#'diagonal values of 0.01 and off-diagonal values of 0.005.
#'@param alpha_prior prior for coefficients of predictors to missing
#'probability in the logistic regression. Its length will be equal to
#'the number of variables at the right-hand side of the
#'formula_missing.  Default is a vector of zeros.
#'@param iterno Number of iterations for the posterior samplings.
#'@param chains rstan parameter to define number of chains of
#'posterior samplings.
#'@param thin rstan parameter to define the frequency of iterations
#'@param seed random seed for rstan function.
#'@param algorithm rstan parameter which has three options NUTS, HMC, 
#'Fixed param.
#'@param warmup Number of iterations for burn-out in stan.
#'@param adapt_delta_value Adaptive delta value is an adaptation
#'parameters for sampling algorithms, default is 0.85, value between
#'@param savefile A logical variable to indicate if the sampling files
#'are to be saved.
#'@return Return of the function is the result fitted by stan. It will
#'have the summarized parameters from all chains and summary results
#'for each chain.
#'testfun <- function()
#'var2 <- abs(rnorm(50,0,1))
#'var1 <- (1/0.85)*var2;
#'geneid <- rep(c(1:10),5); sid <- c(rep(c(1:25),2),rep(c(26:50),2));
#'censor <- rep(0,50)
#'pidname <- "geneid"; sidname <-"sid";
#'miss_logit <- var2*(-0.9);
#'miss <- rbinom(50,1,exp(miss_logit)/(exp(miss_logit)+1));
#'censor <- rep(0,50)
#'for (i in seq_len(50)) {if (var1[i]<0.05) censor[i]=1}
#'for ( i in seq_len(50)) {if ((miss[i]==1) & (censor[i]==1)) miss[i]=0};
#'for ( i in seq_len(50)) {if (miss[i]==1) var1[i]=NA;
#'if (censor[i]==1) var1[i]=0.05}
#'pdata <- data.frame(var1,var2,miss,censor,geneid,sid)
#'model1 <- mlmc(
#'var2 <- abs(rnorm(800,0,1)); treatment <- c(rep(0,400), rep(1,400));
#'var1 <- (1/0.85)*var2+2*treatment;
#'geneid <- rep(seq_len(50),16);
#'sid <- c(rep(seq_len(50),8), rep(seq_len(50)+50,8))
#'cov1 <- rWishart(1,df=50, Sigma <- diag(rep(1,50)))
#'u <- rnorm(50,0,1);mu <- mvrnorm(n=1, mu=u, cov1[,,1])
#'sdd <- rgamma(1, shape=1, scale=1/10);
#'for (i in seq_len(800)) {var1[i] <- var1[i]+rnorm(1, mu[geneid[i]], sdd)}
#'miss_logit <- var2*(-0.9)+var1*(0.001);
#'miss <- rbinom(800, 1, exp(miss_logit)/(exp(miss_logit)+1));
#'censor <- rep(0,800)
#'for (i in seq_len(800)) {if (var1[i]<0.002) censor[i]=1}
#'pdata <- data.frame(var1, var2, treatment, miss, censor, geneid, sid);
#'for ( i in seq_len(800)) 
#'{if ((pdata$miss[i]==1) & (pdata$censor[i]==1)) pdata$miss[i]=0};
#'for ( i in seq_len(800)) {
#'if (pdata$miss[i]==1) pdata$var1[i]=NA;
#'if (pdata$censor[i]==1) pdata$var1[i]=0.002};
#'#copy and paste the following formulas to the mlmm() function respectively
#'model1 <- mlmc(formula_completed=var1~var2+treatment,

mlmc <- function(formula_completed, formula_missing, formula_censor=NULL,
formula_subject, pdata, respond_dep_missing=TRUE,
response_censorlim=NULL, pidname, sidname, prec_prior=NULL,
alpha_prior=NULL, iterno=100, chains=3, thin=1, seed=125,
algorithm="NUTS", warmup=floor(iterno/2), adapt_delta_value=0.90,
{current.na.action <- options('na.action'); options(na.action='na.pass')
    t <- terms(formula_completed)
    mf <- model.frame(t, pdata, na.action='na.pass')
    mm <- model.matrix(mf, pdata)
    t2 <- terms(formula_missing)
    mf2 <- model.frame(t2, pdata, na.action='na.pass')
    mm2 <- model.matrix(mf2, pdata)
    missing <- model.response(mf2)
    if (!is.null(formula_subject))
    tt3 <- terms(formula_subject);
    mf3 <- model.frame(tt3, pdata, na.action='na.pass');
    mm3 <- model.matrix(mf3, pdata)} else {
    stop("No subject formula defined")}
    if (!is.null(formula_censor)){
    tt4 <- terms(formula_censor);
    mf4 <- model.frame(tt4, pdata, na.action='na.pass');
    mm4 <- model.matrix(mf4, pdata);
    censor <- model.response(mf4)
    } else ncensor=0;
    if (!is.null(response_censorlim))
    censor_lim <- response_censorlim else {
    stop("No response censor limit defined")
    y_all <- model.response(mf)
options('na.action' = current.na.action$na.action)
    #unit test detect errors for censor and missing
    checkt <- table(missing,censor)
    if (checkt[4]>0) 
    stop("responses have overlapped definition in censor and missing");
#######################Prepare data
    ns <- length(y_all)
    if (!is.null(formula_censor)) ncensor <- table(censor)[2]
    nmiss <- table(missing)[2]
    nobs <- ns-ncensor-nmiss
    datamiss <- subset(pdata, (missing==1))
    dataobs <- subset(pdata, (missing!=1 & censor!=1))
    datacen <- subset(pdata, (censor==1))
    if (is.null(dim(mm))) npred <- 1 else npred <- dim(mm)[2]
    if (is.null(dim(mm2))) npred_miss <- 1 else npred_miss <- dim(mm2)[2]
    if (is.null(dim(mm3))) npred_sub <- 1 else npred_sub <- dim(mm3)[2]
    sid <- dataobs[,sidname]
    sid_m <- datamiss[,sidname]
    nsid <- length(table(pdata[,sidname]))
    pid <- dataobs[,pidname]
    pid_m <- datamiss[,pidname]
    np <- length(table(pdata[,pidname]))
    pred <- as.matrix(mm[(missing!=1 & censor!=1),]) 
    pred_miss <- as.matrix(mm2[(missing!=1 & censor!=1),])
    pred_sub <- as.matrix(mm3[(missing!=1 & censor!=1),])
    pred_m <- as.matrix(mm[(missing==1),])
    pred_miss_m <- as.matrix(mm2[(missing==1),])
    pred_sub_m <- as.matrix(mm3[(missing==1),])
    if ((!is.null(formula_censor)))
    {npred_c <- dim(mm4)[2]
    sid_c <- datacen[,sidname]
    pid_c <- datacen[,pidname]
    np_c <- length(table(pid_c))
    pred_c <- as.matrix(mm[(censor==1),])
    pred_sub_c <- as.matrix(mm3[(censor==1),])
    miss_m <- datamiss[,colnames(mf2)[1]]
    miss_obs <- dataobs[,colnames(mf2)[1]]
    if (respond_dep_missing) respond_dep <- 1 else respond_dep <- 0
    #data for prior
    R <- as.matrix(Diagonal(npred))
    #Assign default prior for precision matrix 
    #of explnatory variables at the first leve
    if (is.null(prec_prior)){
    prec_prior <- matrix(nrow=npred, ncol=npred)
    for ( i in seq_len(npred))
    for (j in seq_len(npred))
    {if (i==j) prec_prior[i,j]=0.1 else prec_prior[i,j]=0.005}
    mn <- rep(0,npred)
    Sigma_sd <- as.vector(rep(10, npred))
    #Assign default prior value for assoication between missing prob 
    #& variables
    if (is.null(alpha_prior)) alpha_prior <- rep(0, npred_miss)
    if ((!is.null(formula_censor))) {
    prstan_data <- list(
    nobs=nobs, nmiss=nmiss, ncensor=ncensor, nsid=nsid, np=np,
    npred=npred, npred_miss=npred_miss, npred_sub=npred_sub,
    censor_lim=censor_lim, respond_dep=respond_dep,
    y=y_all[(missing!=1 & censor!=1)], sid=sid, pid=pid, 
    pred=pred, pred_miss=pred_miss, pred_sub=pred_sub, miss_obs=miss_obs,
    sid_m=sid_m, pid_m=pid_m, pred_m=pred_m, 
    pred_miss_m=pred_miss_m, pred_sub_m=pred_sub_m, 
    miss_m=miss_m, sid_c=sid_c, pid_c=pid_c, pred_c=pred_c, 
    pred_sub_c=pred_sub_c, npred_c=npred_c, 
    R=R,Sigma_sd=Sigma_sd, mn=mn,
    prec_prior=prec_prior, alpha_prior=alpha_prior)
    } else {
    prstan_data <- list(
    nobs=nobs, nmiss=nmiss, ncensor=ncensor, nsid=nsid, np=np,
    npred=npred, npred_miss=npred_miss, npred_sub=npred_sub, 
    censor_lim=censor_lim, respond_dep=respond_dep, 
    y=y_all[(missing!=1 & censor!=1),], sid=sid, pid=pid,
    pred=pred, pred_miss=pred_miss, pred_sub=pred_sub, miss_obs=miss_obs, 
    sid_m=sid_m, pid_m=pid_m, pred_m=pred_m, 
    pred_miss_m=pred_miss_m, pred_sub_m=pred_sub_m, miss_m=miss_m,
    sid_c=0, pid_c=0,
    pred_c <- matrix(nrow=1,ncol=1), pred_sub_c <- matrix(nrow=1,ncol=1),
    R=R,Sigma_sd=Sigma_sd, mn=mn,
    prec_prior=prec_prior, alpha_prior=alpha_prior)
    if (respond_dep==1){ 
    parsstr <- c("U","beta2","alpha","alpha_response")} else {
    parsstr <- c("U","beta2","alpha")
    initvalue1=function () {
    setinitvalues(npred=npred, np=np, npred_miss=npred_miss,
    npred_sub=npred_sub, nmiss=nmiss, nsid=nsid)}
    stanfit <- stanmodels$mlmc_code
    if (savefile==TRUE)  
    fitmlmc <- rstan::sampling(stanfit, data=prstan_data, iter=iterno,
    pars=parsstr, seed=seed, thin=thin,
    algorithm=algorithm, warmup=warmup, chains=chains,
    sample_file = file.path(getwd(), "samples")) else {
    fitmlmc <- rstan::sampling(stanfit, data=prstan_data, iter=iterno,
    pars=parsstr, seed=seed, thin=thin,
    algorithm=algorithm, warmup=warmup, chains=chains,
    control=list(adapt_delta=adapt_delta_value), sample_file=NULL)
    if (savefile==TRUE) 

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mlm4omics documentation built on Oct. 31, 2019, 9:43 a.m.