#' @include dottedTable.R
#' This class describes sets, items and their annotations.
#' Internally, the method \code{\link{mgsa}} indexes all elements of the sets before fitting the model.
#' In case \code{\link{mgsa}} must be run on several observations with the same gene sets, computations can be speeded up by performing this indexing once for all.
#' This can be achieved by building a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaSets}}.
#' In order to ensure consistency of the indexing, no replace method for any slot is provided. Accessors are available.
#' The data frames \code{setAnnotations} and \code{itemAnnotations} allow to store annotations. No constraint is imposed on the number and names of their columns.
#' @slot sets A list whose elements are vector of item indices.
#' @slot itemName2ItemIndex The mapping of item names to index.
#' @slot numberOfItems How many items?
#' @slot setAnnotations Annotations of the sets. The \code{\link{rownames}} are set names.
#' @slot itemAnnotations Annotations of the items. The \code{\link{rownames}} are item names.
#' @title Sets of items and their annotations
#' @examples new("MgsaSets", sets=list(set1=c("a", "b"), set2=c("b", "c")))
#' @seealso \code{\linkS4class{MgsaGoSets}}, \code{\link{readGAF}}, \code{\link{mgsa}}
#' @exportClass MgsaSets
representation = representation(
# Sets also have attribute names(). Elements are
# just vectors of item indices.
sets = "list",
# maps any item name to an item index
itemName2ItemIndex = "integer",
# total number of items
numberOfItems = "integer",
# Same order as sets
setAnnotations = "data.frame",
# Rows are ordered according to item indices and contain the item annotations
itemAnnotations = "data.frame"
#' Initializes the mapping when some parameters are not specified
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
setMethod(f = "initialize",
signature = c("MgsaSets"),
def = function(.Object, ...) {
.Object <- callNextMethod()
# Needs numberOfItems to be initialized?
if (length(.Object@numberOfItems) == 0)
# Needs itemName2ItemIndex to be initialized?
if (length(.Object@itemName2ItemIndex) == 0)
# But do this only, if there is actually a set
if (length(.Object@sets) != 0)
# extract names
# start constructing the map vector
itemName2ItemIndex <- 1:length(names)
# rename
# relist using old sets as skeleton
# create map
names(itemName2ItemIndex) <- names
# Assign
.Object@sets <- sets
if (length(.Object@itemAnnotations)==0)
if (length(.Object@itemName2ItemIndex) != 0)
.Object@numberOfItems <- max(.Object@itemName2ItemIndex)
if (length(.Object@numberOfItems) != 0)
if (any(.Object@itemName2ItemIndex != (1:.Object@numberOfItems)))
stop("Provided itemName2ItemIndex should be equal to 1:numberOfItems for now.");
if (any(duplicated(names(.Object@itemName2ItemIndex))))
stop("Provided itemName2ItemIndex should not contain duplicated names.");
if (length(.Object@setAnnotations)==0)
if (length(.Object@itemAnnotations)==0)
#' Item annotations of a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaSets}}.
#' @title Item annotations of a MgsaSets
#' @param sets an instance of class \code{\linkS4class{MgsaSets}}.
#' @param items \code{character} an optional vector specifying the items of interest.
#' @return a \code{data.frame}: the item annotations.
#' @exportMethod itemAnnotations
#' @rdname itemAnnotations-methods
setGeneric( "itemAnnotations", function(sets,items) standardGeneric( "itemAnnotations" ) )
#' @rdname itemAnnotations-methods
signature = c( "MgsaSets", "missing" ),
function( sets, items ) sets@itemAnnotations
#' @rdname itemAnnotations-methods
signature=c( "MgsaSets","character" ),
function( sets, items ) sets@itemAnnotations[match(items,row.names(sets@itemAnnotations)),,drop=FALSE]
#' Set annotations of a \code{\linkS4class{MgsaSets}}.
#' @title Set annotations of a MgsaSets
#' @param sets an instance of class \code{\linkS4class{MgsaSets}}.
#' @param names \code{character} an optional vector specifying the names of interest.
#' @return a \code{data.frame}: the set annotations.
#' @rdname setAnnotations-methods
#' @exportMethod setAnnotations
setGeneric( "setAnnotations", function(sets,names) standardGeneric( "setAnnotations" ) )
#' @rdname setAnnotations-methods
signature=c( "MgsaSets", "missing" ),
function( sets, names ) sets@setAnnotations
#' @rdname setAnnotations-methods
signature=c( "MgsaSets", "character" ),
function( sets, names ) sets@setAnnotations[match(names,row.names(sets@setAnnotations)),,drop=FALSE]
#' Length (number of sets) of \code{\linkS4class{MgsaSets}}.
#' @title Length of a MgsaSets.
#' @param x an instance of class \code{\linkS4class{MgsaSets}}.
#' @return \code{integer} vector.
#' @rdname length-methods
#' @exportMethod length
function(x) length(x@sets)
#' Returns the indices corresponding to the items
#' @title Item indices of a MgsaSets
#' @param sets an instance of class \code{\linkS4class{MgsaSets}}.
#' @param items \code{character} or \code{numeric} the items of interest.
#' @return a \code{integer}: the item indices.
#' @rdname itemIndices-methods
#' @exportMethod itemIndices
setGeneric("itemIndices", function(sets, items) standardGeneric("itemIndices"))
#' @rdname itemIndices-methods
signature=c( "MgsaSets","character" ),
function( sets, items ) sets@itemName2ItemIndex[items]
#' @rdname itemIndices-methods
signature=c( "MgsaSets", "numeric" ),
function( sets, items ) sets@itemName2ItemIndex[items]
#' Show an \code{\linkS4class{MgsaSets}}.
#' @title Show an MgsaSets
#' @param object an instance of class \code{\linkS4class{MgsaSets}}.
#' @return an invisible \code{NULL}
#' @exportMethod show
signature=c( "MgsaSets" ),
function( object ){
"Object of class ",
class( object ),
" sets over ",
" unique items.\n",
sep = ""
cat("\nSet annotations:\n")
nrowShow <- min (5 , nrow(object@setAnnotations) )
print( dottedTable(object@setAnnotations, nrows=nrowShow) )
if(nrowShow < nrow(object@setAnnotations) ){
cat("... and ", nrow(object@setAnnotations) - nrowShow, " other sets.\n" )
cat("\nItem annotations:\n")
nrowShow <- min (5 , nrow(object@itemAnnotations) )
print( dottedTable(object@itemAnnotations, nrows=nrowShow) )
if(nrowShow < nrow(object@itemAnnotations) ){
cat("... and ", nrow(object@itemAnnotations) - nrowShow, " other items.\n" )
#' Returns a subset of an \code{\linkS4class{MgsaSets}} that contains
#' only the specified items. Empty sets are removed.
#' @title Subset of an MgsaSets
#' @param sets an \code{\linkS4class{MgsaSets}}.
#' @param items \code{character}. The items to restrict on.
#' @return an \code{\linkS4class{MgsaSets}}.
#' @rdname subMgsaSets-methods
#' @exportMethod subMgsaSets
setGeneric("subMgsaSets", function(sets, items) standardGeneric("subMgsaSets"))
#' @rdname subMgsaSets-methods
signature=c( "MgsaSets", "character" ),
function( sets, items )
# copy the original 'sets' object
rv <- sets
# subset the item indices map, keeping the old item indices
oldindices <- sets@itemName2ItemIndex[items]
oldindices <- oldindices[!]
# generate the new indices map
rv@itemName2ItemIndex <- seq_along(oldindices)
names(rv@itemName2ItemIndex) <- names(oldindices)
# subset existing item annotations
rv@itemAnnotations <- rv@itemAnnotations[rownames(rv@itemAnnotations) %in% items,, drop=FALSE]
# update items count
rv@numberOfItems <- length(oldindices)
# intersect each set with the new 'items' and update the indices of set items
encode <- function(x){ match(intersect(x, oldindices), oldindices) }
rv@sets <- lapply(rv@sets, encode)
# discard empty sets
rv@sets <- rv@sets[sapply(rv@sets,length)>0]
# subset set annotations
rv@setAnnotations <- rv@setAnnotations[rownames(rv@setAnnotations) %in% names(rv@sets),, drop=FALSE]
return (rv)
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