#' Versatile BedGraph reader.
#' @details Reads BedGraph files and generates methylation and coverage matrices.
#' Optionally arrays can be serialized as on-disk HDFS5 arrays.
#' @param files bedgraph files.
#' @param pipeline Default NULL. Currently supports "Bismark_cov", "MethylDackel", "MethylcTools", "BisSNP", "BSseeker2_CGmap"
#' If not known use idx arguments for manual column assignments.
#' @param zero_based Are bedgraph regions zero based ? Default TRUE
#' @param stranded Default FALSE
#' @param collapse_strands If TRUE collapses CpGs on different crick strand into watson. Deafult FALSE
#' @param ref_cpgs BSgenome object, or name of the installed BSgenome package, or an output from \code{\link{extract_CPGs}}.
#' Example: BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
#' @param ref_build reference genome for bedgraphs. Default NULL. Only used for additional details. Doesnt affect in any way.
#' @param contigs contigs to restrict genomic CpGs to. Default all autosomes and allosomes - ignoring extra contigs.
#' @param vect To use vectorized code. Default FALSE. Set to TRUE if you don't have large number of BedGraph files.
#' @param vect_batch_size Default NULL. Process samples in batches. Applicable only when vect = TRUE
#' @param coldata An optional DataFrame describing the samples. Row names, if present, become the column names of the matrix.
#' If NULL, then a DataFrame will be created with basename of files used as the row names.
#' @param chr_idx column index for chromosome in bedgraph files
#' @param start_idx column index for start position in bedgraph files
#' @param end_idx column index for end position in bedgraph files
#' @param beta_idx column index for beta values in bedgraph files
#' @param M_idx column index for read counts supporting Methylation in bedgraph files
#' @param U_idx column index for read counts supporting Un-methylation in bedgraph files
#' @param strand_idx column index for strand information in bedgraph files
#' @param cov_idx column index for total-coverage in bedgraph files
#' @param synced_coordinates Are the start and end coordinates of a stranded
#' bedgraph are synchronized between + and - strands? Possible values: FALSE (default),
#' TRUE if the start coordinates are the start coordinates of the C on the plus strand.
#' @param n_threads number of threads to use. Default 1.
#' Be-careful - there is a linear increase in memory usage with number of threads. This option is does not work with Windows OS.
#' @param h5 Should the coverage and methylation matrices be stored as 'HDF5Array'
#' @param h5_dir directory to store H5 based object
#' @param h5temp temporary directory to store hdf5
#' @param verbose Be little chatty ? Default TRUE.
#' @export
#' @return An object of class \code{\link{methrix}}
#' @rawNamespace import(data.table, except = c(shift, first, second))
#' @import parallel
#' @import DelayedMatrixStats
#' @import SummarizedExperiment DelayedArray HDF5Array
#' @examples
#'bdg_files = list.files(path = system.file('extdata', package = 'methrix'),
#'pattern = '*\\.bedGraph\\.gz$', full.names = TRUE)
#' hg19_cpgs = methrix::extract_CPGs(ref_genome = 'BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19')
#' meth = methrix::read_bedgraphs( files = bdg_files, ref_cpgs = hg19_cpgs,
#' chr_idx = 1, start_idx = 2, M_idx = 3, U_idx = 4,
#' stranded = FALSE, zero_based = FALSE, collapse_strands = FALSE)
read_bedgraphs <- function(files = NULL, pipeline = NULL, zero_based = TRUE,
stranded = FALSE, collapse_strands = FALSE, ref_cpgs = NULL, ref_build = NULL,
contigs = NULL, vect = FALSE, vect_batch_size = NULL, coldata = NULL,
chr_idx = NULL, start_idx = NULL, end_idx = NULL, beta_idx = NULL,
M_idx = NULL, U_idx = NULL, strand_idx = NULL, cov_idx = NULL, synced_coordinates = FALSE,
n_threads = 1, h5 = FALSE, h5_dir = NULL, h5temp = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
contig <- chr <- genome_contigs <- . <- NULL
if (is.null(files)) {
stop("Missing input files.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(ref_cpgs)) {
stop("Missing genome. Please provide a valid genome name", call. = FALSE)
if (collapse_strands) {
if (!stranded) {
stop("collapse_strands works only when stranded = TRUE ")
if (vect && is.null(vect_batch_size)) {
vect_batch_size <- length(files)
start_proc_time <- proc.time()
# Final aim is to bring input data to the following order: chr start
# end beta cov starnd <rest..>
if (is.null(pipeline)) {
message(paste0("-Preset: Custom"))
col_idx <- parse_source_idx(chr = chr_idx, start = start_idx, end = end_idx,
beta = beta_idx, cov = cov_idx, strand = strand_idx, n_meth = M_idx,
n_unmeth = U_idx, verbose = verbose)
col_idx$col_classes <- NULL
} else {
pipeline <- match.arg(arg = pipeline, choices = c("Bismark_cov", "MethylDackel", "MethylcTools", "BisSNP", "BSseeker2_CGmap"))
if (verbose) {
message(paste0("-Preset: ", pipeline))
col_idx <- get_source_idx(protocol = pipeline)
if (any(pipeline %in% c("Bismark_cov"))) {
if (zero_based) {
message("*BismarkCov files are one based. You may want to re-run with zero_based=FALSE")
# Extract CpG's
conig_lens <- NA
if (is(ref_cpgs, "list") & all(names(ref_cpgs) == c("cpgs", "contig_lens",
"release_name"))) {
if (is.null(contigs)) {
contigs <- ref_cpgs$contig_lens$contig
conig_lens <- ref_cpgs$contig_lens[contig %in% contigs]
genome <- data.table::copy(x = ref_cpgs$cpgs)
} else if (any(is(ref_cpgs[1], "character"), is(ref_cpgs[1], "BSgenome"))) {
genome <- extract_CPGs(ref_genome = ref_cpgs)
if (is.null(contigs)) {
contigs <- genome$contig_lens$contig
conig_lens <- genome$contig_lens
genome <- genome$cpgs
} else if (is(ref_cpgs[1], "data.frame")) {
if (is.null(contigs)) {
contigs <- unique(genome$chr)
genome <- data.table::copy(x = ref_cpgs)
data.table::setkey(x = genome, chr, start)
} else {
stop("Could not figure out the genome class.")
if (verbose) {
message(paste0("-CpGs raw: ", format(nrow(genome), big.mark = ",")), " (total reference CpGs)")
genome <- genome[chr %in% as.character(contigs)]
if (nrow(genome) == 0) {
message("No more CpG's left after subsetting for contigs. It appears provided contig names do not match to the BSgenome.")
message("Contigs provied:")
message("Contigs from BSGenome:")
stop(call. = FALSE)
if (verbose) {
message(paste0("-CpGs retained: ", format(nrow(genome), big.mark = ",")), "(reference CpGs from contigs of interest)")
# check it with the strand column
if (stranded) {
genome_plus <- data.table::copy(genome)
genome_plus[, `:=`(strand, "+")]
genome[, `:=`(start, start + 1)]
genome[, `:=`(strand, "-")]
genome <- data.table::rbindlist(list(genome, genome_plus), use.names = TRUE)
data.table::setkeyv(genome, cols = c("chr", "start"))
message(paste0("-CpGs stranded: ", format(nrow(genome), big.mark = ",")), "(reference CpGs from both strands)")
# Set colData
if (is.null(coldata)) {
coldata <- data.frame(row.names = unlist(data.table::tstrsplit(x = basename(files),
split = "\\.", keep = 1)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
if (length(files) != nrow(coldata)) {
stop("Number of samples in coldata does not match the number of input files.")
if (any(make.names(rownames(coldata), unique = TRUE) != rownames(coldata))) {
modified <- which(make.names(rownames(coldata), unique = TRUE) !=
message("The sample names contained a non-valid character or were duplicated.
The following changes were made:")
message(paste(paste(rownames(coldata)[modified], make.names(rownames(coldata),
unique = TRUE)[modified], sep = " => "), collapse = " \n "))
rownames(coldata) <- make.names(rownames(coldata), unique = TRUE)
# Summarize bedgraphs and create a matrix
if (vect) {
mat_list <- vect_code_batch(files = files, col_idx = col_idx, batch_size = vect_batch_size,
col_data = coldata, genome = genome, strand_collapse = collapse_strands,
thr = n_threads, contigs = contigs, synced_coordinates = synced_coordinates,
zero_based = zero_based)
} else {
mat_list <- non_vect_code(files = files, col_idx = col_idx, coldata = coldata,
strand_collapse = collapse_strands, verbose = verbose, genome = genome,
h5 = h5, h5temp = h5temp, contigs = contigs, synced_coordinates = synced_coordinates,
zero_based = zero_based)
if (nrow(mat_list$beta_matrix) != nrow(mat_list$cov_matrix)) {
stop("Discrepancies in dimensions of coverage and beta value matrices.")
# Finally collapse ref CpGs strands
if (collapse_strands) {
genome <- genome[strand %in% "+"]
genome[, `:=`(strand, "*")]
ref_cpgs_chr <- genome[, .N, chr]
descriptive_stats <- list(genome_stat = mat_list$genome_stat, chr_stat = mat_list$chr_stat,
n_cpgs_covered = mat_list$ncpg)
if (is.null(ref_build)) {
ref_build <- ref_cpgs$release_name
m_obj <- create_methrix(beta_mat = mat_list$beta_mat, cov_mat = mat_list$cov_matrix,
cpg_loci = genome[, .(chr, start, strand)], is_hdf5 = h5, genome_name = ref_build,
col_data = coldata, h5_dir = h5_dir, ref_cpg_dt = ref_cpgs_chr,
chrom_sizes = conig_lens, desc = descriptive_stats)
message("-Finished in: ", data.table::timetaken(start_proc_time))
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