### Alignment of bisulfite sequences to a referance sequence
MethAlignNW <- function (refSeq, QCdata, alignment ) {
seqName <- c()
alignment <- c()
files <- paste( QCdata$FILE)
paths <- QCdata$PATH
mat <- matrix(0,length(DNA_ALPHABET),length(DNA_ALPHABET))
mat[1:4,1:4] <- c(1,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1)
rownames(mat) <- colnames(mat) <- DNA_ALPHABET[1:length(DNA_ALPHABET)]
lengthRef <-nchar(refSeq)
cg_ref <- gregexpr("CG",refSeq)
positionCGIRef <- sort(cg_ref[[1]] [1: length(cg_ref[[1]])] )
methPos <- matrix(nrow=length( QCdata$PATH),ncol=length(cg_ref[[1]]))
startEnd <- matrix(nrow=length( QCdata$PATH),ncol=2)
for (i in 1: length (paths)) {
seqFileTemp <- paste( paths[i],'/',files[i], sep="")
seqTemp <- toupper(scan(seqFileTemp,what='character', sep="",quiet=TRUE))
align <- pairwiseAlignment(refSeq, seqTemp,substitutionMatrix=mat,type="local-global")
startRef <- start(pattern(align))
endRef <- end(pattern(align))
# lengthAlignRef <- nchar(pattern(align))
startEnd_temp <- c(startRef,endRef)
startEnd[i,] <- startEnd_temp
newRef <- paste(substr(refSeq,1,startRef-1),pattern(align), substr(refSeq,endRef+1,lengthRef),sep="")
newSeq <- paste( paste(rep('-',startRef-1),collapse=""), subject(align), paste(rep('-',lengthRef-endRef)),sep="")
alignment[i] <- paste(subject(align))
methPos_Temp <- cgMethFinder (newRef,newSeq)
methPos[i,] <- methPos_Temp
seqName [i] <- files [i]
cat('Alignment with ',seqName[i],' done','\n')
if (missing(alignment) || alignment==FALSE) {
mathylAlign <- list(seqName=seqName, methPos=methPos, positionCGIRef=positionCGIRef, startEnd=startEnd, lengthRef=nchar(refSeq))
else {
mathylAlign <- list(seqName=seqName,alignment=alignment, methPos=methPos, positionCGIRef=positionCGIRef, startEnd=startEnd, lengthRef=nchar(refSeq))
return (mathylAlign)
## cgMethFinder() finds the positions of TGs against CGs motivs
## between two aligned sequences.
cgMethFinder <- function (ref,str) {
ref <- paste(ref)
str <- paste(str)
cg_ref <- gregexpr("C-{0,}G",ref,perl=TRUE)
cg_str <- gregexpr("C-{0,}G",str,perl=TRUE)
indexcg_ref <- cg_ref[[1]] [1: length(cg_ref[[1]])]
indexcg_str <- cg_str[[1]] [1: length(cg_str[[1]])]
intersect_cg_cg <- as.numeric(indexcg_ref%in% indexcg_str)
## Processing and extractiong CpG methylation data from .gff files
makeDataMethGFF <- function(dir,chr,start,end,meth_value) {
meth_value<- 1-meth_value
lengthRef <- c()
positionCGIRefTemp <- list()
methPosList <- list()
methPosListTemp <- list()
seqName <- c()
methData <- list()
positionCGIRef <-c()
files <- dir(path=dir,pattern=".gff")
startEnd <- matrix( ncol=2 , nrow=length(files))
for (i in 1:length(files)) {
cat("processing ", paste(files[i]),'\n')
gff <- read.table(paste(dir,'/',files[i],sep=""))
gff <- data.frame(gff)
colV1 <- gsub("chr","",gff$V1)
colV1 <- gsub("X","30",colV1)
colV1 <- gsub("Y","40",colV1)
if (chr=='X') {chr<-"30"}
if (chr=='Y') {chr<-"40"}
cat("processing ", paste(files[i])," DONE",'\n')
gff$V1 <- colV1
cmd <- sprintf("SELECT * FROM gff WHERE V1=%s AND V4 > %d AND V4 < %d
ORDER BY V4", chr, as.integer(start), as.integer(end))
dataframe <- fn$sqldf(cmd)
cat("extracting data from ", paste(files[i])," DONE",'\n')
seqName[i] <- files[i]
startEnd[i,] <- c(dataframe$V4[1] , dataframe$V4[length(dataframe$V4)])
positionCGIRefTemp[[i]] <- dataframe$V4
whatIn <- positionCGIRefTemp[[i]] %in% positionCGIRef
positionCGIRef <- sort(c( positionCGIRef ,positionCGIRefTemp[[i]][which(whatIn==FALSE)]))
methPosList[[i]] <- dataframe$V6
methPosListTemp[[i]] <- dataframe$V6
methPosList[[i]] <- replace(methPosList[[i]],which(methPosListTemp[[i]]>=meth_value),0)
methPosList[[i]] <- replace(methPosList[[i]],which(methPosListTemp[[i]]<meth_value),1)
n <- length(positionCGIRef)
methPos <- matrix(2,ncol=n , nrow=length(files))
for (i in 1:length(files)) {
whatIn <- which( positionCGIRef %in% positionCGIRefTemp[[i]] )
methPos[i,whatIn] <- methPosList[[i]]
lengthRef <- startEnd[,2][1]-startEnd[,1][1]+10
methData <- list(seqName=seqName, methPos=methPos, positionCGIRef=positionCGIRef, startEnd=startEnd, lengthRef=lengthRef)
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