as.class.vector | Create a class vector |
build.export | Results export builder |
calc.f1score | Calculate the F1-score |
calc.otr | Calculate the ratio TP/(FP+FN) |
cddat | Old functions from NOISeq |
cdplot | Old functions from NOISeq |
check.contrast.format | Contrast validator |
check.file.args | File argument validator | | Check graphics file | | Check plotting device |
check.libsize | Library size validator |
check.main.args | Main argument validator |
check.num.args | Numeric argument validator |
check.packages | Required packages validator |
check.parallel | Parallel run validator |
check.text.args | Text argument validator |
combine.bonferroni | Combine p-values with Bonferroni's method |
combine.maxp | Combine p-values using the maximum p-value |
combine.minp | Combine p-values using the minimum p-value |
combine.simes | Combine p-values with Simes' method |
combine.weight | Combine p-values using weights |
construct.gene.model | Assemble a gene model based on exon counts |
construct.utr.model | Assemble a gene model based on 3' UTR counts for quant-seq... |
diagplot.avg.ftd | Create average False (or True) Discovery curves |
diagplot.boxplot | Boxplots wrapper for the metaseqR package |
diagplot.cor | Summarized correlation plots | | Diagnostic heatmap of differentially expressed genes |
diagplot.edaseq | Diagnostic plots based on the EDASeq package |
diagplot.filtered | Diagnostic plot for filtered genes |
diagplot.ftd | Create False (or True) Positive (or Negative) curves |
diagplot.mds | Multi-Dimensinal Scale plots or RNA-Seq samples |
diagplot.metaseqr | Diagnostic plots for the metaseqR package |
diagplot.noiseq | Diagnostic plots based on the NOISeq package |
diagplot.noiseq.saturation | Simpler implementation of saturation plots inspired from... |
diagplot.pairs | Massive X-Y, M-D correlation plots |
diagplot.roc | Create basic ROC curves |
diagplot.venn | Venn diagrams when performing meta-analysis |
diagplot.volcano | (Interactive) volcano plots of differentially expressed genes |
disp | Message displayer |
downsample.counts | Downsample read counts |
estimate.aufc.weights | Estimate AUFC weights |
estimate.sim.params | Estimate negative binomial parameters from real data |
filter.exons | Filter gene expression based on exon counts |
filter.genes | Filter gene expression based on gene counts |
filter.high | Filtering helper |
filter.low | Filtering helper |
fisher.method | Perform Fisher's Method for combining p-values |
fisher.method.perm | Derive a p-value for a summary statistic of p-values by... |
fisher.sum | A function to calculate Fisher's sum for a set of p-values |
get.annotation | Annotation downloader |
get.arg | Argument getter |
get.biotypes | Biotype converter | | Return a proper formatted BSgenome organism name |
get.dataset | Annotation downloader helper |
get.defaults | Default parameters for several metaseqr functions |
get.ensembl.annotation | Ensembl annotation downloader |
get.exon.attributes | Annotation downloader helper |
get.gc.content | Return a named vector of GC-content for each genomic region |
get.gene.attributes | Annotation downloader helper | | Annotation downloader helper |
get.preset.opts | Return several analysis options given an analysis preset |
get.strict.biofilter | Group together a more strict biotype filter |
get.transcript.utr.attributes | Annotation downloader helper |
get.ucsc.annotation | UCSC/RefSeq annotation downloader |
get.ucsc.credentials | Return host, username and password for UCSC Genome Browser... |
get.ucsc.dbl | Download annotation from UCSC servers, according to organism... |
get.ucsc.organism | Return a proper formatted organism alias |
get.ucsc.query | Return queries for the UCSC Genome Browser database,... |
get.ucsc.tabledef | Get SQLite UCSC table defintions, according to organism and... |
get.ucsc.tbl.tpl | Create SQLite UCSC table template defintions |
get.valid.chrs | Annotation downloader helper |
get.weights | Get precalculated statistical test weights |
graphics.close | Close plotting device | | Open plotting device |
hg19.exon.counts | Human RNA-Seq data with three conditions, three samples |
libsize.list.hg19 | Human RNA-Seq data with three conditions, three samples |
libsize.list.mm9 | Mouse RNA-Seq data with two conditions, four samples | | Loads (or downloads) the required BSGenome package |
log2disp | Display value transformation |
make.avg.expression | Calculates fold changes |
make.contrast.list | Create contrast lists from contrast vectors |
make.export.list | Intitialize output list |
make.fold.change | Calculates fold changes |
make.grid | Optimize rectangular grid plots |
make.highcharts.points | Interactive volcano plot helper |
make.html.body | HTML report helper |
make.html.cells | HTML report helper |
make.html.header | HTML report helper |
make.html.rows | HTML report helper |
make.html.table | HTML report helper |
make.matrix | Results output build helper |
make.path.struct | Project path constructor helper |
make.permutation | Create counts matrix permutations |
make.project.path | Project path constructor | | Initializer of report messages |
make.sample.list | Creates sample list from file | | Create simulated counts using the Soneson-Delorenzi method | | Create simulated counts using TCC package |
make.stat | Calculates several statistices on read counts |
make.transformation | Calculates several transformation of counts |
make.venn.areas | Helper for Venn diagrams |
make.venn.colorscheme | Helper for Venn diagrams |
make.venn.counts | Helper for Venn diagrams |
make.venn.pairs | Helper for Venn diagrams |
meta.perm | Permutation tests for meta-analysis |
metaseqr | The main metaseqr pipeline |
metaseqR-package | The metaseqR Package |
meta.test | Meta-analysis using several RNA-Seq statistics |
meta.worker | Permutation tests helper |
mlfo | MLE dispersion estimate |
mm9.gene.counts | mouse RNA-Seq data with two conditions, four samples |
nat2log | General value transformation |
normalize.deseq | Normalization based on the DESeq package |
normalize.edaseq | Normalization based on the EDASeq package |
normalize.edger | Normalization based on the edgeR package |
normalize.nbpseq | Normalization based on the NBPSeq package |
normalize.noiseq | Normalization based on the NOISeq package |
read2count | SAM/BAM/BED file reader helper for the metaseqr pipeline |
read.targets | Creates sample list and BAM/BED file list from file |
reduce.exons | Merges exons to create a unique set of exons for each gene | | Reduce the gene annotation in case of not all chromosomes... |
sample.list.hg19 | Human RNA-Seq data with three conditions, three samples |
sample.list.mm9 | Mouse RNA-Seq data with two conditions, four samples |
set.arg | Argument setter |
stat.bayseq | Statistical testing with baySeq |
stat.deseq | Statistical testing with DESeq |
stat.edger | Statistical testing with edgeR |
stat.limma | Statistical testing with limma |
stat.nbpseq | Statistical testing with NBPSeq |
stat.noiseq | Statistical testing with NOISeq |
validate.alg.args | Validate normalization and statistical algorithm arguments |
validate.list.args | Validate list parameters for several metaseqR functions |
wapply | List apply helper |
wp.adjust | Multiple testing correction helper |
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