#' Correlation of each row of a matrix or MRexperiment object
#' Calculates the (pairwise) correlation statistics and associated p-values of a matrix
#' or the correlation of each row with a vector.
#' @param obj A MRexperiment object or count matrix.
#' @param y Vector of length ncol(obj) to compare to.
#' @param method One of 'pearson','spearman', or 'kendall'.
#' @param alternative Indicates the alternative hypothesis and must be one of 'two.sided', 'greater' (positive) or 'less'(negative). You can specify just the initial letter.
#' @param norm Whether to aggregate normalized counts or not - if MRexperiment object.
#' @param log Whether or not to log2 transform the counts - if MRexperiment object.
#' @param cores Number of cores to use.
#' @param override If the number of rows to test is over a thousand the test will not commence (unless override==TRUE).
#' @param ... Extra parameters for mclapply.
#' @return A matrix of size choose(number of rows, 2) by 2. The first column corresponds to the correlation value. The second column the p-value.
#' @seealso \code{\link{correctIndices}}
#' @aliases corTest
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Pairwise correlation of raw counts
#' data(mouseData)
#' cors = correlationTest(mouseData[1:10,],norm=FALSE,log=FALSE)
#' head(cors)
#' mat = MRcounts(mouseData)[1:10,]
#' cormat = as.matrix(dist(mat)) # Creating a matrix
#' cormat[cormat>0] = 0 # Creating an empty matrix
#' ind = correctIndices(nrow(mat))
#' cormat[upper.tri(cormat)][ind] = cors[,1]
#' table(cormat[1,-1] - cors[1:9,1])
#' # Correlation of raw counts with a vector (library size in this case)
#' data(mouseData)
#' cors = correlationTest(mouseData[1:10,],libSize(mouseData),norm=FALSE,log=FALSE)
#' head(cors)
correlationTest <- function(obj,y=NULL,method="pearson",alternative="two.sided",norm=TRUE,log=TRUE,cores=1,override=FALSE,...){
mat = returnAppropriateObj(obj,norm,log)
nr = nrow(mat)
if(nr > 1000){
show("Good luck! This might take some time.")
} else {
stop("Many features being considered - to proceed set override to TRUE")
nm = as.character(1:nr)
} else {
nm = rownames(mat)
corrAndP = mclapply(1:(nr-1),function(i){
vals =(i+1):nr
cp = array(NA,dim=c(length(vals),2))
rownames(cp) = paste(nm[i],nm[(i+1):nr],sep="-")
colnames(cp) = c("correlation","pvalue")
for(j in (i+1):nr){
x = as.numeric(mat[i,])
y = as.numeric(mat[j,])
res = cor.test(x,y,method=method,
cp[j-i,1] = res$estimate
cp[j-i,2] = res$p.value
} else {
corrAndP = mclapply(1:nr,function(i){
res = cor.test(mat[i,],y,method=method,
correlation = unlist(sapply(corrAndP,function(i){i[,1]}))
p = unlist(sapply(corrAndP,function(i){i[,2]}))
results = cbind(correlation,p)
if(is.null(y)) rownames(results)[nrow(results)] = rownames(corrAndP[[nr-1]])
if(!is.null(y)) rownames(results) = rownames(obj)
#' Calculate the correct indices for the output of correlationTest
#' Consider the upper triangular portion of a matrix of size nxn. Results from the \code{correlationTest} are output
#' as the combination of two vectors, correlation statistic and p-values. The order of the output is 1vs2, 1vs3, 1vs4, etc.
#' The correctIndices returns the correct indices to fill a correlation matrix or correlation-pvalue matrix.
#' @param n The number of features compared by correlationTest (nrow(mat)).
#' @return A vector of the indices for an upper triangular matrix.
#' @seealso \code{\link{correlationTest}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(mouseData)
#' mat = MRcounts(mouseData)[55:60,]
#' cors = correlationTest(mat)
#' ind = correctIndices(nrow(mat))
#' cormat = as.matrix(dist(mat))
#' cormat[cormat>0] = 0
#' cormat[upper.tri(cormat)][ind] = cors[,1]
#' table(cormat[1,-1] - cors[1:5,1])
correctIndices <- function(n){
seq1 <- cumsum(1:(n-1)) - c(0,1:(n-2))
seq2 <- sapply(1:(n-2),function(i) {
seq <- c(seq1,unlist(seq2))
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