#' Table of top-ranked features from fitZig or fitFeatureModel
#' Extract a table of the top-ranked features from a linear model fit. This
#' function will be updated soon to provide better flexibility similar to
#' limma's topTable.
#' @param obj Output of fitFeatureModel or fitZig.
#' @param by Column number or column name specifying which coefficient or
#' contrast of the linear model is of interest.
#' @param coef Column number(s) or column name(s) specifying which coefficient
#' or contrast of the linear model to display.
#' @param number The number of bacterial features to pick out.
#' @param taxa Taxa list.
#' @param uniqueNames Number the various taxa.
#' @param adjustMethod Method to adjust p-values by. Default is "FDR". Options
#' include "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr",
#' "none". See \code{\link{p.adjust}} for more details. Additionally, options using
#' independent hypothesis weighting (IHW) are available. See \code{\link{MRihw}} for more
#' details.
#' @param alpha Value for p-value significance threshold when running IHW.
#' The default is set to 0.1
#' @param group One of five choices, 0,1,2,3,4. 0: the sort is ordered by a
#' decreasing absolute value coefficient fit. 1: the sort is ordered by the raw
#' coefficient fit in decreasing order. 2: the sort is ordered by the raw
#' coefficient fit in increasing order. 3: the sort is ordered by the p-value
#' of the coefficient fit in increasing order. 4: no sorting.
#' @param eff Filter features to have at least a "eff" quantile or number of effective samples.
#' @param numberEff Boolean, whether eff should represent quantile (default/FALSE) or number.
#' @param counts Filter features to have at least 'counts' counts.
#' @param file Name of output file, including location, to save the table.
#' @return Table of the top-ranked features determined by the linear fit's
#' coefficient.
#' @seealso \code{\link{fitZig}} \code{\link{fitFeatureModel}} \code{\link{MRtable}} \code{\link{MRfulltable}}
#' @examples
#' data(lungData)
#' k = grep("Extraction.Control",pData(lungData)$SampleType)
#' lungTrim = lungData[,-k]
#' lungTrim=filterData(lungTrim,present=30)
#' lungTrim=cumNorm(lungTrim,p=0.5)
#' smokingStatus = pData(lungTrim)$SmokingStatus
#' mod = model.matrix(~smokingStatus)
#' fit = fitZig(obj = lungTrim,mod=mod)
#' head(MRcoefs(fit))
#' ####
#' fit = fitFeatureModel(obj = lungTrim,mod=mod)
#' head(MRcoefs(fit))
groups = factor(obj@design[,by])
by = "logFC"; coef = 1:2;
tb = data.frame(logFC=obj@fitZeroLogNormal$logFC,se=obj@fitZeroLogNormal$se)
p = obj@pvalues
} else {
tb = obj@fit$coefficients
coef = 1:ncol(tb)
groups = factor(obj@fit$design[,by])
effectiveSamples = calculateEffectiveSamples(obj)
if(numberEff == FALSE){
valid = which(effectiveSamples>=quantile(effectiveSamples,p=eff,na.rm=TRUE))
} else {
valid = which(effectiveSamples>=eff)
tx = as.character(taxa)
for (nm in unique(tx)) {
# adding 'ihw' as pvalue adjustment method
if (adjustMethod == "ihw-ubiquity" | adjustMethod == "ihw-abundance") {
# use IHW to adjust pvalues
padj = MRihw(obj, p, adjustMethod, alpha)
} else {
# use classic pvalue adjusment method
padj = p.adjust(p, method = adjustMethod)
srt = order(abs(tb[,by]),decreasing=TRUE)
} else if(group==1){
srt = order((tb[,by]),decreasing=TRUE)
} else if(group==2){
srt = order((tb[,by]),decreasing=FALSE)
} else if(group==3){
srt = order(p,decreasing=FALSE)
} else {
srt = 1:length(padj);
valid = 1:length(padj);
valid = intersect(valid,which(np>=counts));
srt = srt[which(srt%in%valid)][1:min(number,nrow(tb))];
mat = cbind(tb[,coef],p)
mat = cbind(mat,padj)
rownames(mat) = tx;
mat = mat[srt,]
nm = c(colnames(tb)[coef],"pvalues","adjPvalues")
colnames(mat) = nm
nm = c("Taxa",nm)
mat2 = cbind(rownames(mat),mat)
mat2 = rbind(nm,mat2)
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