## Define methods for plot generic function
## Gustavo H. Esteves
## 27/05/07
## For maigesRaw class
plot.maigesRaw <- function(x, bkgSub="subtract", z=NULL, legend.func=NULL,
ylab="W", ...) {
## Correcting background
tmp <- backgroundCorrect(as(x, "RGList"), bkgSub)
tmp <- as(tmp, "marrayRaw")
tmp <- as(tmp, "marrayNorm")
## indexing ref labelled with green
idx <- tolower(getLabels(x, "Ref")) == "red"
if(sum(idx) > 0)
maM(tmp)[, idx] <- -maM(tmp)[, idx]
maLabels(maTargets(tmp)) <- as.character(maInfo(maTargets(tmp))[[1]])
maPlot(tmp, z=z, legend.func=legend.func, ylab=ylab, ...)
## For maiges class
plot.maiges <- function(x, z=NULL, legend.func=NULL, ylab="W", ...) {
## Converting to marrayNorm class (from marray package)
tmp <- as(x, "marrayNorm")
## indexing ref labelled with green
idx <- tolower(getLabels(x, "Ref")) == "red"
if(sum(idx) > 0)
maM(tmp)[, idx] <- -maM(tmp)[, idx]
maPlot(tmp, z=z, legend.func=legend.func, ylab=ylab, ...)
## For maigesANOVA class
plot.maigesANOVA <- plot.maiges
## For maigesDE class (shows volcano plot)
plot.maigesDE <- function(x, adjP="none", idx=1, ...) {
## Adjusting p-values if specified by the user.
if(adjP != "none") {
tmp1 <- multtest::mt.rawp2adjp(x@p.value[, idx], proc=adjP)
x@p.value[, idx] <- tmp1$adjp[order(tmp1$index), 2]
if(sum(dim(x@fold)) == 0)
stop("I can't plot volcano with fold slot empty.")
tmp1 <- x@fold[, idx]
tmp2 <- -log10(x@p.value[, idx])
plotName <- colnames(x@stat)[idx]
plotName <- x@test
plot(tmp1, tmp2, main=paste("Volcano plot -", plotName), xlab="log2(fold)",
ylab=paste("-log10(P.value)"), ...)
## For maigesDEcluster class
plot.maigesDEcluster <- function(x, adjP="none", idx=1, ...) {
## Adjusting p-values if specified by the user.
if(adjP != "none") {
tmp1 <- multtest::mt.rawp2adjp(x@p.value[, idx], proc=adjP)
x@p.value[, idx] <- tmp1$adjp[order(tmp1$index), 2]
if(sum(dim(x@fold)) == 0)
tmp1 <- apply(x@W, 1, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
tmp1 <- x@fold[, idx]
tmp2 <- -log10(x@p.value[, idx])
plotName <- colnames(x@stat)[idx]
plotName <- x@test
plot(tmp1, tmp2, main=paste("Volcano plot -", plotName), xlab="log2(fold)",
ylab=paste("-log10(P.value)"), ...)
## For maigesClass class (bi or tri-dimensional graphs of classifiers)
plot.maigesClass <- function(x, idx=1, ...) {
## Getting sample types
types <- colnames(x@W)
uTypes <- unique(types)
if(dim(x@cliques)[2] == 2) {
tmp1 <- x@W[x@cliques.idx[idx, 1], ]
tmp2 <- x@W[x@cliques.idx[idx, 2], ]
xlimite <- c(2*min(tmp1)-quantile(tmp1, 0.35), max(tmp1))
ylimite <- c(min(tmp2), 2*max(tmp2)-quantile(tmp2, 0.65))
toLegend <- c(2*min(tmp1)-quantile(tmp1, 0.3),
2*max(tmp2)-quantile(tmp2, 0.7))
plot(tmp1[types == uTypes[1]], tmp2[types == uTypes[1]], ylim=ylimite,
xlim=xlimite, main="Classification graphic", xlab=x@cliques[idx,1],
ylab=x@cliques[idx,2], pch=22, bg="red", col="red", ...)
points(tmp1[types == uTypes[2]], tmp2[types == uTypes[2]], pch=19,
legend(toLegend[1], toLegend[2], uTypes, pch=c(22,19),"red","green"), col=c("red", "green"))
else if(dim(x@cliques)[2] == 3) {
## Loading required library
tmp1 <- x@W[x@cliques.idx[idx, 1], ]
tmp2 <- x@W[x@cliques.idx[idx, 2], ]
tmp3 <- x@W[x@cliques.idx[idx, 3], ]
labels <- c(x@cliques[idx, 1], x@cliques[idx, 2], x@cliques[idx, 3])
rgl::text3d(tmp1[types == uTypes[1]], tmp2[types == uTypes[1]],
tmp3[types == uTypes[1]], text=types[types == uTypes[1]], col="red")
rgl::text3d(tmp1[types != uTypes[1]], tmp2[types != uTypes[1]],
tmp3[types != uTypes[1]], text=types[types != uTypes[1]], col="green")
rgl::decorate3d(xlab=labels[1], ylab=labels[2], zlab=labels[3],
rgl::bbox3d(color=c("#767676","black"), emission="#767676",
specular="#767676", shininess=10, alpha=0.9, marklen=50)
stop("I can't plot graphics with more than 3 genes in the classifiers!")
## For maigesRelNetM class (circular graph with significative iterations)
plot.maigesRelNetM <- function(x=NULL, cutPval=0.05, names=NULL, ...) {
## Giving default names if it is NULL
names <- c(x@types, "Significance of differences")
## Defining additional functions
graphPath <- function(data=NULL, cuttoffPvalue) {
N <- length(rownames(data@Corr1))
corObj1 <- data@Corr1
corObj2 <- data@Corr2
Diff <- data@DifP
## Construct graphs centered on the 1st table
vertices <- rownames(corObj1)
arestas1 <- vector("list", length=length(vertices))
names(arestas1) <- vertices
arestas3 <- arestas2 <- arestas1
for (i in 1:length(vertices)) {
idx <- Diff[i, ] <= cuttoffPvalue
arestas1[[i]] <- list(edges=vertices[idx],
weights=unname(corObj1[i, idx]))
arestas2[[i]] <- list(edges=vertices[idx],
weights=unname(corObj2[i, idx]))
arestas3[[i]] <- list(edges=vertices[idx],
weights=unname(Diff[i, idx]))
## Defining the object with the graphs
Path <- list(Type1=new("graphNEL", vertices, edgeL=arestas1),
Type2=new("graphNEL", vertices, edgeL=arestas2),
Dif=new("graphNEL", vertices, edgeL=arestas3))
plot.dots <- function(xy, v, n) {
text(xy[, 1], xy[, 2], v, cex=1.2, col="blue")
draw.edges <- function(coor, vertices, edges, alpha, sorting) {
main <- edges[[1]]
a <- coor[which(vertices == main), ]
if(sorting == "A")
strength <- order(abs(edges[[3]]))
strength <- order(abs(edges[[3]]), decreasing=TRUE)
for (k in 1:length(edges[[2]])) {
b <- coor[edges[[2]][k], ]
ba <- b-a
ba <- ba/sqrt(sum(ba*ba))
x <- a+ba*alpha
y <- b-ba*alpha
if (edges[[3]][k] > 0 )
color <- "red"
color <- "green"
a1 <- c(x[1], y[1])
a2 <- c(x[2], y[2])
lines(a1, a2, lwd=strength[k], lty=1, col=color)
def.coor <- function(ce, k, h, w) {
if (k == 1)
else if (k == 2) {
r1 <- c(ce[1], ce[1])
r2 <- c(ce[2]+h*0.3, ce[2]-h*0.3)
else if (k == 3) {
r1 <- c(ce[1], ce[1], ce[1])
r2 <- c(ce[2]+h*0.25, ce[2], ce[2]-h*0.25)
else if (k == 4) {
r1 <- c(ce[1]-w*0.3, ce[1]+w*0.3, ce[1]+w*0.3, ce[1]-w*0.3)
r2 <- c(ce[2]-h*0.3, ce[2]-h*0.3, ce[2]+h*0.3, ce[2]+h*0.3)
else {
a <- 1
z <- seq(a, a+2*pi, len=k+1)
z <- z[-1]
r1 <- ce[1]+w/2.5*cos(z)
r2 <- ce[2]+h/2.5*sin(z)
cbind(r1, r2)
plotGraph <- function (graph, coor=NULL, alpha=2.5, main="Some Graph",
sorting) {
## Define the nodes and the length of the graph (number of nodes)
v <- nodes(graph)
n <- length(v)
## Create an empty draw device
plot(c(0, 100), c(0, 100), type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="",
## Define an initial center to the graph
center <- matrix(c(50, 50), ncol=2)
## Create an object of the locations for each node
if (is.null(coor))
coor <- def.coor(center, n, 100, 100)
## Plot each node on the device
plot.dots(coor, v, n)
## Locate the nodes to plot on the figure
for (i in 1:n) {
if(length(edgeL(graph)[[i]]$edges) > 0) {
elo <- list(v[i], edgeL(graph)[[i]]$edges,
as.numeric(edgeWeights(graph, i)[[1]]))
draw.edges(coor, v, elo, alpha, sorting)
colnames(coor) <- c("x", "y")
## Ploting the graphs
graph <- graphPath(x, cutPval)
tmp <- plotGraph(graph[[1]], main=names[1], sorting="A")
plotGraph(graph[[2]], coor=tmp, main=names[2], sorting="A")
plotGraph(graph[[3]], coor=tmp, main=names[3], sorting="D")
## For maigesRelNetB class (circular graph with significative iterations)
plot.maigesRelNetB <- function(x=NULL, cutPval=0.05, cutCor=NULL, name=NULL,
...) {
## Some tests
if(!is.null(cutPval) & !is.null(cutCor))
stop("You must specify only, cutPval or cutCor.")
name <- x@type
## Defining additional functions
graphPath <- function(data=NULL, cuttoffCor=NULL, cuttoffP=NULL) {
N <- length(rownames(data@Corr))
corObj <- data@Corr
## Construct graphs centered on the 1st table
vertices <- rownames(corObj)
arestas <- vector("list", length=length(vertices))
names(arestas) <- vertices
for (i in 1:length(vertices)) {
idx <- abs(corObj[i, ]) >= cuttoffCor
idx <- abs(data@Pval[i, ]) <= cuttoffP
arestas[[i]] <- list(edges=vertices[idx], weights=unname(corObj[i, idx]))
## Defining the object with the graphs
Path <- new("graphNEL", vertices, edgeL=arestas)
plot.dots <- function(xy, v, n) {
text(xy[, 1], xy[, 2], v, cex=1.2, col="blue")
draw.edges <- function(coor, vertices, edges, alpha, sorting) {
main <- edges[[1]]
a <- coor[which(vertices == main), ]
if(sorting == "A")
strength <- order(abs(edges[[3]]))
strength <- order(abs(edges[[3]]), decreasing=TRUE)
for (k in 1:length(edges[[2]])) {
b <- coor[edges[[2]][k], ]
ba <- b-a
ba <- ba/sqrt(sum(ba*ba))
x <- a+ba*alpha
y <- b-ba*alpha
if (edges[[3]][k] > 0 )
color <- "red"
color <- "green"
a1 <- c(x[1], y[1])
a2 <- c(x[2], y[2])
lines(a1, a2, lwd=strength[k], lty=1, col=color)
def.coor <- function(ce, k, h, w) {
if (k == 1)
else if (k == 2) {
r1 <- c(ce[1], ce[1])
r2 <- c(ce[2]+h*0.3, ce[2]-h*0.3)
else if (k == 3) {
r1 <- c(ce[1], ce[1], ce[1])
r2 <- c(ce[2]+h*0.25, ce[2], ce[2]-h*0.25)
else if (k == 4) {
r1 <- c(ce[1]-w*0.3, ce[1]+w*0.3, ce[1]+w*0.3, ce[1]-w*0.3)
r2 <- c(ce[2]-h*0.3, ce[2]-h*0.3, ce[2]+h*0.3, ce[2]+h*0.3)
else {
a <- 1
z <- seq(a, a+2*pi, len=k+1)
z <- z[-1]
r1 <- ce[1]+w/2.5*cos(z)
r2 <- ce[2]+h/2.5*sin(z)
cbind(r1, r2)
plotGraph <- function (graph, coor=NULL, alpha=2.5, main="Some Graph",
sorting) {
## Define the nodes and the length of the graph (number of nodes)
v <- nodes(graph)
n <- length(v)
## Create an empty draw device
plot(c(0, 100), c(0, 100), type="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="",
## Define an initial center to the graph
center <- matrix(c(50, 50), ncol=2)
## Create an object of the locations for each node
if (is.null(coor)) {
coor <- def.coor(center, n, 100, 100)
## Plot each node on the device
plot.dots(coor, v, n)
## Locate the nodes to plot on the figure
for (i in 1:n) {
if(length(edgeL(graph)[[i]]$edges) > 0) {
elo <- list(v[i], edgeL(graph)[[i]]$edges,
as.numeric(edgeWeights(graph, i)[[1]]))
##if(length(elo[[2]]) > 0)
draw.edges(coor, v, elo, alpha, sorting)
colnames(coor) <- c("x", "y")
if(!is.null(cutCor)) {
## geting maximum bootstrap value to use in cutCor
if((is.character(cutCor)) & (cutCor == "max"))
cutCor <- max(x@maxB[upper.tri(x@maxB)])
else if((cutCor < 0) | (cutCor >= 1))
stop("cutCor must a number in [0,1) or 'max'.")
## Ploting the graphs
graph <- graphPath(x, cutCor, NULL)
plotGraph(graph, main=name, sorting="A")
else {
## Ploting the graphs
graph <- graphPath(x, NULL, cutPval)
plotGraph(graph, main=name, sorting="A")
## For maigesActMod class (heatmap of the significative results)
plot.maigesActMod <- function(x, type=c("S", "C")[2], keepEmpty=FALSE, ...) {
## Making some basic initial tests...
stop("You MUST specify an object generated by activeMod function.")
if(!is.element(type, c("S", "C")))
stop("You must be 'C' or 'S'.")
if(type == "S") {
table <- x@modBySamp
else {
idx <- apply(x@modBySamp != 0, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE) != 0
if(sum(idx) < 2)
stop("Less than 2 elements present significant results!")
table <- x@modBySamp[, idx]
limite <- max(abs(range(table, na.rm=TRUE)))
limite <- c(-limite, limite)
idx1 <- order(rownames(table))
idx2 <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(t(table)))))
heatmap(table[idx1, idx2], scale="none", col=greenRed(),
zlim=limite, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, ...)
else if(type == "C") {
table <- x@modByCond
else {
idx <- apply(x@modByCond != 0, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE) != 0
if(sum(idx) < 2)
stop("Less than 2 elements present significant results!")
table <- x@modByCond[, idx]
limite <- max(abs(range(table, na.rm=TRUE)))
limite <- c(-limite, limite)
idx1 <- order(rownames(table))
idx2 <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(t(table)))))
heatmap(table[idx1, idx2], scale="none", col=greenRed(),
zlim=limite, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, ...)
## For maigesActNet class (heatmap of the significative results)
plot.maigesActNet <- function(x, type=c("score","p-value")[1], ...) {
## Making some basic initial tests...
stop("You MUST specify an object generated by activeNet function.")
if(!is.element(type, c("score", "p-value")))
stop("You must be 'score' or 'p-value'.")
if(type == "score") {
limite <- max(x@scores, na.rm=TRUE)
limite <- c(0, limite)
idx <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(t(x@scores)))))
heatmap(x@scores[, idx], scale="none", col=blackBlue(),
zlim=limite, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, ...)
else {
limite = max(-log10(x@Pvalues), na.rm=TRUE)
limite = c(0, limite)
idx <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(t(x@Pvalues)))))
heatmap(-log10(x@Pvalues)[, idx], scale="none",
col=blackBlue(), zlim=limite, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, ...)
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