## Define methods for image generic function
## Gustavo H. Esteves
## 05/10/07
## For maigesRaw class (display images of slides also using marray)
image.maigesRaw <- function(x, ...) {
## Testting if xvar was specified
add <- list(...)
if(length(add) == 0) {
tmp <- as(x, "marrayRaw")
tmp <- as(tmp, "marrayNorm")
## indexing ref labelled with green
idx <- tolower(getLabels(x, "Ref")) == "red"
if(sum(idx) > 0)
maM(tmp)[, idx] <- -maM(tmp)[, idx]
title <- paste(maLabels(maTargets(tmp))[1], ": image of W", sep="")
## Testing if the object is indexed
if(dim(x)[1] < x@Layout$Nspots) {
Mvalues <- maM(tmp)
Avalues <- maA(tmp)
maM(tmp) <- matrix(NA, x@Layout$Nspots, dim(x)[2])
maA(tmp) <- matrix(NA, x@Layout$Nspots, dim(x)[2])
indexes <- as.numeric(rownames(x@Glabels))
for (i in 1:dim(x)[1]) {
maM(tmp)[indexes[i],] <- Mvalues[i,]
maA(tmp)[indexes[i],] <- Avalues[i,]
maImage(tmp, main=title)
else {
tmp <- as(x, "marrayRaw")
## Testing if the object is indexed
if(dim(x)[1] < x@Layout$Nspots) {
RFvalues <- maRf(tmp)
RBvalues <- maRb(tmp)
GFvalues <- maGf(tmp)
GBvalues <- maGb(tmp)
maRf(tmp) <- matrix(NA, x@Layout$Nspots, dim(x)[2])
maRb(tmp) <- matrix(NA, x@Layout$Nspots, dim(x)[2])
maGf(tmp) <- matrix(NA, x@Layout$Nspots, dim(x)[2])
maGb(tmp) <- matrix(NA, x@Layout$Nspots, dim(x)[2])
indexes <- as.numeric(rownames(x@Glabels))
for (i in 1:dim(x)[1]) {
maRf(tmp)[indexes[i],] <- RFvalues[i,]
maRb(tmp)[indexes[i],] <- RBvalues[i,]
maGf(tmp)[indexes[i],] <- GFvalues[i,]
maGb(tmp)[indexes[i],] <- GBvalues[i,]
maImage(tmp, ...)
## For maiges class (display images for slides, also using marray)
image.maiges <- function(x, ...) {
## Testting if xvar was specified
add <- list(...)
if(length(add) == 0) {
tmp <- as(x, "marrayNorm")
## indexing ref labelled with green
idx <- tolower(getLabels(x, "Ref")) == "red"
if(sum(idx) > 0)
maM(tmp)[, idx] <- -maM(tmp)[, idx]
title <- paste(maLabels(maTargets(tmp))[1], ": image of W", sep="")
## Testing if the object is indexed
if(dim(x)[1] < x@Layout$Nspots) {
Mvalues <- maM(tmp)
Avalues <- maA(tmp)
maM(tmp) <- matrix(NA, x@Layout$Nspots, dim(x)[2])
maA(tmp) <- matrix(NA, x@Layout$Nspots, dim(x)[2])
indexes <- as.numeric(rownames(x@Glabels))
for (i in 1:dim(x)[1]) {
maM(tmp)[indexes[i],] <- Mvalues[i,]
maA(tmp)[indexes[i],] <- Avalues[i,]
maImage(tmp, main=title)
else {
tmp <- as(x, "marrayNorm")
## Testing if the object is indexed
if(dim(x)[1] < x@Layout$Nspots) {
Mvalues <- maM(tmp)
Avalues <- maA(tmp)
maM(tmp) <- matrix(NA, x@Layout$Nspots, dim(x)[2])
maA(tmp) <- matrix(NA, x@Layout$Nspots, dim(x)[2])
indexes <- as.numeric(rownames(x@Glabels))
for (i in 1:dim(x)[1]) {
maM(tmp)[indexes[i],] <- Mvalues[i,]
maA(tmp)[indexes[i],] <- Avalues[i,]
maImage(tmp, ...)
## For maigesANOVA class
image.maigesANOVA <- image.maiges
## For maigesRelNetM class (heatmaps of the correlation coefficients)
image.maigesRelNetM <- function(x=NULL, names=NULL, ...) {
names <- c(x@types, "Significance of differences")
## Defining the initial display
## Doing the first heatmap
limite <- max(abs(range(x@Corr1)))
limite <- c(-limite, limite)
par(mar=c(5, 9, 9, 1))
image(1:nrow(x@Corr1), 1:ncol(x@Corr1), t(x@Corr1[nrow(x@Corr1):1,]),
col=greenRed(), axes=FALSE, xlab=names[1], ylab="",
zlim=limite, ...)
axis(2, 1:nrow(x@Corr1), las=2, labels=rev(rownames(x@Corr1)),
cex.axis=1.6, col.axis=1)
axis(3, 1:ncol(x@Corr1), las=2, labels=colnames(x@Corr1),
cex.axis=1.6, col.axis=1)
## Doing the second heatmap
limite <- max(abs(range(x@Corr2)))
limite <- c(-limite, limite)
par(mar=c(5, 9, 9, 1))
image(1:nrow(x@Corr2), 1:ncol(x@Corr2), t(x@Corr2[nrow(x@Corr2):1,]),
col=greenRed(), axes=FALSE, xlab=names[2], ylab="",
zlim=limite, ...)
axis(2, 1:nrow(x@Corr2), las=2, labels=rev(rownames(x@Corr2)),
cex.axis=1.6, col.axis=1)
axis(3, 1:ncol(x@Corr2), las=2, labels=colnames(x@Corr2),
cex.axis=1.6, col.axis=1)
## Doing the third heatmap
limite <- max(abs(range(-log(x@DifP))))
limite <- c(0, limite)
par(mar = c(5, 9, 9, 1))
image(1:nrow(x@DifP), 1:ncol(x@DifP), t(-log(x@DifP)[nrow(x@DifP):1,]),
col=blackBlue(), axes=FALSE, xlab=names[3],
ylab="", zlim=limite, ...)
axis(2, 1:nrow(x@DifP), las=2, labels=rev(rownames(x@DifP)),
cex.axis=1.6, col.axis=1)
axis(3, 1:ncol(x@DifP), las=2, labels=colnames(x@DifP),
cex.axis=1.6, col.axis=1)
## For maigesRelNetB class (heatmaps of the correlation coefficients)
image.maigesRelNetB <- function(x=NULL, name=NULL, ...) {
name <- x@type
## Doing the heatmap
limite <- max(abs(range(x@Corr)))
limite <- c(-limite, limite)
par(mar=c(5, 9, 9, 1))
image(1:nrow(x@Corr), 1:ncol(x@Corr), t(x@Corr[nrow(x@Corr):1,]),
col=greenRed(), axes=FALSE, xlab=name, ylab="", zlim=limite,
axis(2, 1:nrow(x@Corr), las=2, labels=rev(rownames(x@Corr)),
cex.axis=1.6, col.axis=1)
axis(3, 1:ncol(x@Corr), las=2, labels=colnames(x@Corr),
cex.axis=1.6, col.axis=1)
## For maigesActMod class (same result as plot.maigesActMod)
image.maigesActMod <- function(x, type=c("S", "C")[2],
keepEmpty=FALSE, ...) {
## Making some basic initial tests...
stop("You MUST specify an object generated by activeMod function.")
if(!is.element(type, c("S", "C")))
stop("You must be 'C' or 'S'.")
if(type == "S") {
table <- x@modBySamp
else {
idx <- apply(x@modBySamp != 0, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE) != 0
if(sum(idx) < 2)
stop("Less than 2 elements present significant results!")
table <- x@modBySamp[, idx]
limite <- max(abs(range(table, na.rm=TRUE)))
limite <- c(-limite, limite)
idx1 <- order(rownames(table))
idx2 <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(t(table)))))
heatmap(table[idx1, idx2], scale="none", col=greenRed(),
zlim=limite, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, ...)
else if(type == "C") {
table <- x@modByCond
else {
idx <- apply(x@modByCond != 0, 2, sum, na.rm=TRUE) != 0
if(sum(idx) < 2)
stop("Less than 2 elements present significant results!")
table <- x@modByCond[, idx]
limite <- max(abs(range(table, na.rm=TRUE)))
limite <- c(-limite, limite)
idx1 <- order(rownames(table))
idx2 <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(t(table)))))
heatmap(table[idx1, idx2], scale="none", col=greenRed(),
zlim=limite, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, ...)
## For maigesActNet class (heatmap of the significative results)
image.maigesActNet <- function(x, type=c("score","p-value")[1], ...) {
## Making some basic initial tests...
stop("You MUST specify an object generated by activeNet function.")
if(!is.element(type, c("score", "p-value")))
stop("You must be 'score' or 'p-value'.")
if(type == "score") {
limite <- max(x@scores, na.rm=TRUE)
limite <- c(0, limite)
idx <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(t(x@scores)))))
heatmap(x@scores[, idx], scale="none", col=blackBlue(),
zlim=limite, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, ...)
else {
limite = max(-log10(x@Pvalues), na.rm=TRUE)
limite = c(0, limite)
idx <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(dist(t(x@Pvalues)))))
heatmap(-log10(x@Pvalues)[, idx], scale="none",
col=blackBlue(), zlim=limite, Rowv=NA, Colv=NA, ...)
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