# util.R
# copyright (c) 2001, Hao Wu and Gary A. Churchill, The Jackson Lab.
# written Nov, 2001
# Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (June, 1991)
# Part of the R/maanova package
# This file contains the following functions:
# matsort, zeros, ones, repmat, blkdiag, num2yn, matrank, mixed, etc.
matsort <- function(mat, index=1)
result <- mat
n <- dim(mat)
if(index==1) {
for(i in 1:n[2])
result[,i] <- sort(mat[,i])
else if(index==2) {
for(i in 1:n[1])
result[i,] <- sort(mat[i,])
zeros <- function(dim)
n.dim <- length(dim) <- 1
for(i in 1:n.dim) <-*dim[i]
result <- array(rep(0,,dim=dim)
ones <- function(dim)
n.dim <- length(dim) <- 1
for(i in 1:n.dim) <-*dim[i]
result <- array(rep(1,,dim=dim)
repmat <- function(mat, n.row, n.col, ...)
tmp <- NULL
result <- NULL
for (i in 1:n.col)
tmp <- cbind(tmp, mat)
for(i in 1:n.row)
result <- rbind(result,tmp)
blkdiag <- function(...)
# get the variables
argus <- list(...)
nargu <- length(argus)
nrow <- NULL
ncol <- NULL
result.nrow <- 0
result.ncol <- 0
# go thru the variables
for (i in 1:nargu) {
mat <- argus[[i]]
if(is.null(mat)) {
nrow[i] <- 0
ncol[i] <- 0
else if( is.vector(mat) ) {
nrow[i] <- 1
ncol[i] <- length(mat)
else if( is.matrix(mat) ) {
nrow[i] <- dim(mat)[1]
ncol[i] <- dim(mat)[2]
stop(paste("Wrong data type for the number",i,"input variable"))
result.nrow <- result.nrow + nrow[i]
result.ncol <- result.ncol + ncol[i]
# construct the result matrix
result <- matrix( rep(0, result.nrow*result.ncol),
nrow=result.nrow, ncol=result.ncol )
row.start <- 1
col.start <- 1
for(i in 1:nargu) {
if(!is.null(argus[[i]])) {
row.end <- row.start + nrow[i] - 1
col.end <- col.start + ncol[i] - 1
result[row.start:row.end, col.start:col.end] <- argus[[i]]
row.start <- row.end + 1
col.start <- col.end + 1
# function to turn the logical value to "Yes" or "No"
# this is used for several summary functions
num2yn <- function(x, ...)
if(x) result <- "Yes"
else result <- "No"
# function to find the maximum/minumum value for row/columns
# input variable is a matrix (2-dimensional array)
rowmax <- function(x)
k <- dim(x)[1]
result <- rep(0, k)
for(i in 1:k)
result[i] <- max(x[i,])
rowmin <- function(x)
k <- dim(x)[1]
result <- rep(0, k)
for(i in 1:k)
result[i] <- min(x[i,])
colmax <- function(x)
k <- dim(x)[2]
result <- rep(0, k)
for(i in 1:k)
result[i] <- max(x[,i])
colmin <- function(x)
k <- dim(x)[2]
result <- rep(0, k)
for(i in 1:k)
result[i] <- min(x[,i])
# calculate the sum of rows for a given matrix
sumrow <- function(x)
k <- dim(x)[1]
result <- rep(0, k)
for(i in 1:k)
result[i] <- sum(x[i,])
# get the matrix rank (this is no this function in R???
# I just couldn't find it)
matrank <- function(X)
# rank is 1 for vectors
else if(is.matrix(X)) {
s <- La.svd(X,0,0)
tol <- max(dim(X)) * s$d[1] * .Machine$double.eps
r <- sum(s$d>tol)
#matrank <- function(X, tol=1e-7) qr(X, tol=tol, LAPACK=FALSE)$rank
# calculate matrix or vector norm, working only for vector now
norm <- function(X)
result <- sqrt(sum(X*X))
# function to parse the fixed and random formula
parseformula <- function(formula, random, covariate)
formula.terms <- terms(formula)
random.terms <- terms(random)
cov.terms <- terms(covariate)
# get the labels
formula.labels <- attr(formula.terms, "term.labels")
random.labels <- attr(random.terms, "term.labels")
cov.labels <- attr(cov.terms, "term.labels")
# make output object
result <- NULL
result$labels <- formula.labels
result$factors <- attr(formula.terms, "factors")
result$order <- attr(formula.terms, "order")
result$random <- rep(0, length(formula.labels))
result$covariate <- rep(0, length(formula.labels))
# find random terms
if(length(random.labels) != 0) {
for(i in 1:length(random.labels)) {
idx <- which(random.labels[i]==formula.labels)
# check data, e.g., all labels in random have to be in formula
if( length(idx) == 0 )
stop(paste("Random term", random.labels[i], "is not in formula."))
result$random[idx] <- 1
# for higher order terms, if any main factor is random,
# the interaction is random
if(any(result$order>1)) {
idx <- which(result$order>1)
for(i in 1:length(idx)) {
# find the indices for main terms
idx.mainterm <- which(result$factors[,idx[i]]==1)
result$random[idx[i]] <- 1
# find covariates
if(length(cov.labels) != 0) {
for(i in 1:length(cov.labels)) {
idx <- which(cov.labels[i]==formula.labels)
if(length(idx) == 0)
stop(paste("Covariate", cov.labels[i], "is not in formula."))
result$covariate[idx] <- 1
# function to make the design matrix for interaction terms
# it's working for two way interaction only
intprod <- function(terms, intterm)
mat1 <- terms[[intterm[1]]]
mat2 <- terms[[intterm[2]]]
n1 <- dim(mat1)[2]
n2 <- dim(mat2)[2]
# init result
result <- matrix(0, dim(mat1)[1], n1*n2)
for(i in 1:n1) {
for(j in 1:n2) {
result[,(i-1)*n2+j] <- mat1[,i] * mat2[,j]
# function to make comparison matrix given number of levels
makeCompMat <- function(n)
if(n==1) return(1)
# if the number of levels is n,
# the result matrix has dimension (n-1) x n
C <- matrix(0, n-1, n)
C[,1] <- 1
for(i in 1:(n-1))
C[i, i+1] <- -1
# function to find subgroups in unconnected design
# this code is messy. I may rewrite it later
findgroup <- function(varid, ndye)
# local variables
vargroup <- list(NULL)
ngroups <- 1
nvars <- length(varid)
narrays <- nvars / ndye
# varids on the first array belong to the first group
vargroup[[ngroups]] <- varid[1:ndye]
# loop for the rest arrays
if(narrays > 1) {
for(i in 2:narrays) {
newgroup <- 1
varid.thisarray <- varid[((i-1)*ndye+1):(i*ndye)]
for(j in 1:ngroups) {
if( any(varid.thisarray %in% vargroup[[j]]) ) {
# varid.thisarray belong to vargroup j
vargroup[[j]] <- c(vargroup[[j]], varid.thisarray)
newgroup <- 0
# if varid.thisarray doesn't belong to any existing group
# make a new group
if(newgroup) {
ngroups <- ngroups + 1
vargroup[[ngroups]] <- varid.thisarray
if(length(vargroup) == 1)
finalgroup <- vargroup
else {
# start to do merge
finalgroup <- list(NULL)
for(i in 1:(length(vargroup)-1)) {
for(j in (i+1):length(vargroup)) {
if(length(intersect(vargroup[[i]], vargroup[[j]])) > 0) {
# merge this two
vargroup[[i]] <- c(vargroup[[i]], vargroup[[j]])
vargroup[[j]] <- numeric(0)
ngroups <- 1
for(i in 1:length(vargroup)) {
if(length(vargroup[[i]]) > 0) {
finalgroup[[ngroups]] <- vargroup[[i]]
ngroups <- ngroups + 1
# arrange finalgroup - not include zeros in the group
for(i in 1:length(finalgroup))
finalgroup[[i]] <- setdiff(sort(unique(finalgroup[[i]])), 0)
# return
# function to calculate the pseudo-inverse of a singular matrix.
# Note that I was using ginv function in MASS but it is not
# robust, e.g., sometimes have no result. That's because
# the engine function dsvdc set the maximum number of iteration
# to be 30, which is not enough in some case.
# I use La.svd instead of svd in my function.
# I don't want to spend time on it so it doesn't support complex number
# Note that method "dgesdd" in La.svd gave me troubles sometimes.
# I couldn't figure out why. I'm using "dgesvd" instead. Seems it generates
# the exact same result as in Matlab. But What's the disadvantage of it?
# From R-2.3.0 La.svd(X,method="dgesvd") is deprecated, so change
# it to "dgesdd". Hopefully it will not have problem like before.
# From R-2.4.0 La.svd(X, method="dgesdd" or "dgesvd") is deprecated, so change
# it to La.svd(X). method="dgesdd" is the default.#
# Because bioconductor does not allow warning messages and the .Call(...) code
# in ma.svd was giving warnings I had to go back to using the La.svd function
pinv <- function(X, tol)
if ( length(dim(X)) > 2 || !(is.numeric(X)) )
stop("X must be a numeric matrix")
if (!is.matrix(X))
X <- as.matrix(X)
Xsvd <- La.svd(X)
# find the tolerance
tol <- max(dim(X)) * Xsvd$d[1] * .Machine$double.eps
Positive <- Xsvd$d > tol
if (all(Positive))
t(Xsvd$vt) %*% (1/Xsvd$d * t(Xsvd$u))
else if (!any(Positive))
array(0, dim(X)[2:1])
else t(Xsvd$v)[, Positive, drop = FALSE] %*% ((1/Xsvd$d[Positive]) *
t(Xsvd$u[, Positive, drop = FALSE]))
# fdr - function to calculate the adjusted P values
# for FDR control
fdr <- function(p, method=c("stepup", "adaptive", "stepdown", "jsFDR"))
method <- match.arg(method)
if( method=="stepup" || method =="adaptive" || method=="stepdown" ){
m <- length(p)
tmp <- sort(p, index.return=TRUE)
sortp <- tmp$x
idx <- tmp$ix
if(method == "stepdown") {
d <- m:1
sortp <- (1-(1-sortp)^d) * d/m
for(i in 1:(m-1)) {
if(sortp[i+1] < sortp[i])
sortp[i+1] <- sortp[i]
if(method == "stepup")
m0 <- m
else if(method == "adaptive") {
s <- sort(1 - sortp)/(1:m)
# calculate m0
m0raw <- m
i <- m
while(i > 1 && s[i] <= s[i - 1]) i <- i - 1
if(i > 1) m0raw <- 1/s[i - 1]
else m0raw <- 1/s[1]
m0 <- min(floor(1 + m0raw), m)
# calculate sortp
sortp <- sortp * m0 / (1:m)
for(i in (m-1):1) {
if(sortp[i] > sortp[i+1])
sortp[i] <- sortp[i+1]
result <- NULL
result[idx] <- sortp
else if(method=="jsFDR"){
result = qvalue(p)$qvalues
stop("Need to specify FDR method (stepup, adaptive, stepdown, or jsFDR). To use jsFDR, one needs to install qvalue() package")
# meanvarlogold - function to generate mean and var for a logrithm
# chi2 distribution
# This is used by JSshrinker
meanvarlogold <- function(df)
meanlog <- rep(0,length(df))
varlog <- rep(0, length(df))
for(i in 1:length(df)) {
Chis <- rchisq(100000, df[i])
# mean
meanlog[i] = mean(log(Chis/df[i]))
# variance
varlog[i] = var(log(Chis))
# output
result <- NULL
result$meanlog <- meanlog
result$varlog <- varlog
# meanvarlog - function to generate mean and var for a logrithm
# Analytic formula is provided by Stanley Pounds
# Pounds (2007) Computational Enhancement of a Shrinkage-Based
# ANOVA F-test Proposed for Differential Gene Expression Analysis.
# Biostatistics, to appear.
# This is used by JSshrinker
meanvarlog <- function(df)
result <- NULL
B = exp(-log(2)-digamma(df/2)+log(df))
result$meanlog <- -log(B)
varlog <-E2-2*log(df)*(m+log(df))+log(df)^2-m^2
result$varlog <- varlog
# engine function for JSshrinker
# The input need to be a column vector
JS <- function(X, var)
# James-Stein shrinkage estimator
JSshrinker <- function(X, df, meanlog, varlog)
# X could be a vector or matrix, convert it to matrix if it's not
X <- matrix(X)
# check the length of df
if(dim(X)[2] != length(df))
stop("Degree of freedom vector has wrong length")
if(missing(meanlog)|missing(varlog)) {
tmp <- meanvarlog(df)
meanlog <- tmp$meanlog
varlog <- tmp$varlog
#initialize result
result <- X
# loop for columns
for (i in 1:length(df)) {
DATA <- X[,i]
DATA <- log(DATA)
DATA <- DATA - meanlog[i]
mans <- JS(DATA,varlog[i])
result[,i] <- exp(mans);
# make.ratio.R
# Calculate the logratio for two dye arrays
# this function is useful for Jmaanova
make.ratio <- function(object, norm.std=TRUE)
# local variables
n.array <- object$n.array
if( class(object) == "madata" ) {
x <- object$data
colmeans <- object$colmeans
else if(class(object) == "rawdata") {
x <- log2(object$data)
colmeans <- apply(x, 2, mean)
stop("The first input variable is not an object of class madata or rawdata!")
# calculate column means
#colmeans <- apply(x, 2, mean)
if(object$n.dye != 2)
stop("make.ratio only works for 2-dye arrays")
n.row <- dim(x)[[1]]
n.col <- dim(x)[[2]]
# calculate the standard deviation for each column
std.array <- NULL
for(i in 1:(n.array*2))
std.array[i] <- sd(x[,i])
# call C function to normalize the data
z <- .C("makeratio",
as.double(x), # adjusted data
as.double(colmeans), # column means
as.double(std.array), # column standard deviation
as.integer(norm.std), # flag to divided by std or not
as.integer(n.row), # number of rows in the data
as.integer(n.col), # number of columns in the data
result=as.double(rep(0, n.row*n.col/2)), # return variable
result <- matrix(z$result, n.row, n.col/2)
# PairContrast : make all possible pairwise comparison
PairContrast <- function(n){
res = NULL
for(i in (n-1):1){
a=matrix(0,nrow=i, ncol=i)
diag(a) = -1
res = rbind(res, cbind(matrix(0,nrow=i, ncol=(n-i-1)), rep(1, i), a))
else res = rbind(res, cbind(rep(1, i), a))
else stop("n should be bigger than 2")
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