# matest.R
# copyright (c) 2001-2004, Hao Wu, Hyuna Yang and Gary A. Churchill,
# The Jackson Lab.
# Written Apr, 2004
# Modified Apr, 2006
# Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (June, 1991)
# Part of the R/maanova package
# This is the function to do F permutation test
matest <- function(data, anovaobj, term, Contrast, n.perm=1000, nnodes=1,
critical=.9, test.type=c("ttest","ftest"),
shuffle.method=c("sample", "resid"),
test.method=c(1,1),pval.pool=TRUE, verbose=TRUE){
if( class(data) != "madata" )
stop("data is not an object of class madata.")
if( class(anovaobj) != "maanova" )
stop("anovaobj is not an object of class maanova.")
if( critical <= 0 || critical >1 )
stop(" Critical value is between 0 to 1: Recommended value =.9")
model = anovaobj$model
#if(model$mixed != 0 & test.method[3]==1){
# cat("Fss is not availble in mixed effect model\n")
# test.method[3]=0
if( test.method[1]+test.method[2]==0 ){
stop("F1 or Fs test should be included in the test statistics\n")
# get the methods
shuffle.method <- match.arg(shuffle.method)
MME.method <- match.arg(MME.method)
# local variables
nreps <- data$n.rep
ngenes <- data$n.gene
narrays <- data$n.array
########## initialize cluster ############
if( (n.perm>1) & (nnodes>1) ) {
stop("You have to install SNOW package to use cluster")
# make cluster object
cl <- makeMPIcluster(nnodes)
# correct the possible correlation problem
clusterApply(cl, runif(length(cl), max=1000000000), set.seed)
# if any tested term is random, issue a warning and rebuild model
# take the parsed formula from model
parsed.formula <- model$parsed.formula
# identify the terms
termidx <- locateTerm(parsed.formula$labels, term)
if( is.null(termidx) )
stop("The term(s) to be tested is not in formula.")
if(any(parsed.formula$random[termidx] == 1)) {
warning("Testing random terms. Random term will be tested as fixed terms.")
# rebuild random formula and model object
# random terms
random.term <- parsed.formula$labels[parsed.formula$random==1]
# random term to be tested
random.term.test <- parsed.formula$labels[termidx]
random.term.test <- random.term.test[parsed.formula$random[termidx]==1]
# make the random term to be tested fixed,
# remake the formula for random
random.term <- setdiff(random.term, random.term.test)
if(length(random.term) == 0) {
random <- ~1
stop("Cannot test the only random term in the model.")
random <- paste(random.term, collapse="+")
random <- paste("~", random, sep="")
# remake covariate
cov.term <- parsed.formula$labels[parsed.formula$covariate==1]
if(length(cov.term) == 0)
cov <- ~1
else {
cov <- paste(cov.term, collapse="+")
cov <- paste("~", cov, sep="")
# remake model
anovaobj <- fitmaanova(data, formula=model$formula,
method=MME.method, verbose=FALSE, subCol=anovaobj$subCol)
# for contrast matrix - make one if not given,
# check the validity if given
# for backward compatibility, if user provide Contrast matrix
# this will be a T-test by default, unless user specify the test type
if(missing(Contrast)){# no Contrast matrix, make it
Contrast <- makeContrast(model, term)
nContrast <- 1
# this must be a F-test
is.ftest <- TRUE
else{# test.type is given
test.type <- match.arg(test.type)
is.ftest <- FALSE
is.ftest <- TRUE
if(test.type=="ttest") # cannot be T-test
stop("You must specify a Contrast matrix for doing T-test")
else{ # given contrast matrix.
# check if the contrast matrix is valid
checkContrast(model, term, Contrast)
# test type is T-test by default for backward compatibility
test.type <- match.arg(test.type)
if(test.type=="ftest") {
is.ftest <- TRUE
nContrast <- 1
else { # this is T-test, but will return F values
is.ftest <- FALSE
# number of tests requested
nContrast <- dim(Contrast)[1] # number of t-tests (comparisons)
# do F test on the observed data
if(verbose) cat("Doing F-test on observed data ...\n")
ftest.obs <- matest.engine(anovaobj, term, test.method=test.method,
Contrast=Contrast, is.ftest=is.ftest, verbose=FALSE)
# get the results
mv <- ftest.obs$mv
dfnu <- ftest.obs$dfnu; dfFtest <- ftest.obs$dfFtest
partC <- ftest.obs$partC
#mean_est = ftest.obs$mean_est
#tau_est = ftest.obs$tau_est
# initialize output object
ftest <- NULL
# general info in the output object
ftest$critical = critical
ftest$model <- model
ftest$term <- term
ftest$dfde <- ftest.obs$dfFtest
ftest$dfnu <- dfnu
ftest$obsAnova <- anovaobj
ftest$Contrast <- Contrast
#ftest$mean_est = ftest.obs$mean_est
#ftest$tau_est = ftest.obs$tau_est
ftest$probeid = data$probeid
class(ftest) <- c("matest", "ttest")
class(ftest) <- c("matest", "ftest")
# calculate P values
# F1
if(test.method[1] == 1) {
ftest$F1 <- NULL
ftest$F1$Fobs <- ftest.obs$F1
ftest$F1$Ptab <- 1 - pf(ftest$F1$Fobs, dfnu, dfFtest)
if(n.perm > 1) {
ftest$F1$Pvalperm <- array(0, c(ngenes, nContrast))
ftest$F1$Pvalmax <- array(0, c(ngenes, nContrast))
if(test.method[2] == 1) {
ftest$Fs <- NULL
ftest$Fs$Fobs <- ftest.obs$Fs
ftest$Fs$Ptab <- 1 - pf(ftest$Fs$Fobs, dfnu, dfFtest)
if(n.perm > 1) {
ftest$Fs$Pvalperm <- array(0, c(ngenes, nContrast))
ftest$Fs$Pvalmax <- array(0, c(ngenes, nContrast))
#if(test.method[3] == 1) {
# ftest$Fss$Fobs <- ftest.obs$Fss
# ftest$Fss$Ptab <- 1 - pf(ftest$Fss$Fobs, dfnu, dfFtest)
# if(n.perm > 1) {
# ftest$Fss$Pvalperm <- array(0, c(ngenes, nContrast))
# ftest$Fss$Pvalmax <- array(0, c(ngenes, nContrast))
# }
# return if no permutation test
if(n.perm == 1) {
warning("You are not doing permutation test. Only observed values are calculated.")
# start to do permutation test
cat("Doing permutation. This may take a long time ... \n")
sdata=data; sS2=anovaobj$S2;
if(critical <1){
hsidx = ftest$F1$Fobs <= qf(critical,ftest$dfnu ,ftest$dfde)
tmp=as.matrix(apply(ftest$F1$Fobs, 1, min))
hsidx= tmp <= qf(critical,ftest$dfnu ,ftest$dfde)
if(ncol(sS2)==1) sS2 = matrix(sS2[hsidx==TRUE,], ncol=1)
else sS2=sS2[hsidx==TRUE,]
sdata$n.gene = sum(hsidx)
sdata$data = sdata$data[hsidx==TRUE,];
sdata$metarow = sdata$metarow[hsidx==TRUE]
sdata$metacol = sdata$metacol[hsidx==TRUE]
sdata$probeid = sdata$probeid[hsidx==TRUE]
sdata$colmeans = apply(sdata$data, 2, mean)
# permutation - use MPI cluster if specified
if(nnodes > 1) { # use MPI cluster
# use cluster call to do permutation
# calculate the number of permutation needed in each node
nperm.cluster <- rep(floor((n.perm-1)/nnodes), nnodes)
# maybe some leftovers
leftover <- n.perm - 1 - sum(nperm.cluster)
if(leftover > 0)
nperm.cluster[1:leftover] <- nperm.cluster[1:leftover] + 1
# load library on all nodes
clusterEvalQ(cl, library(maanova))
# use clusterApply to run permutation on all nodes
# note that the only different parameter passed to function
# is ftest.mixed.perm. So in ftest.mixed.perm I put nperm
# as the first argument so I can use clusterApply
cat(paste("Doing permutation on", nnodes, "cluster nodes ... \n"))
pstar.nodes <- clusterApply(cl, nperm.cluster, matest.perm,ftest,sdata,
model, term,Contrast, mv, is.ftest, partC,
MME.method, test.method, shuffle.method, pval.pool, ngenes)
ffields <- c("F1","Fs")
for(i in 1:nnodes) {
if(nperm.cluster[i] > 0) {
pstar <- pstar.nodes[[i]]
for(itest in 1:2) {
if(test.method[itest] == 1){
ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalperm <-
ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalperm + pstar[[ffields[itest]]]$Pperm
ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalmax <-
ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalmax + pstar[[ffields[itest]]]$Pmax
# clear cluster results to save some memory
# stop the cluster
else { # no cluster, do it on single node
pstar <- matest.perm(n.perm, ftest, sdata, model, term,
Contrast, mv, is.ftest, partC, MME.method, test.method,
# update the pvalues
ffields <- c("F1","Fs")
for(itest in 1:2) {
if(test.method[itest] == 1) {
ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalperm <-
ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalperm + pstar[[ffields[itest]]]$Pperm
ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalmax <-
ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalmax + pstar[[ffields[itest]]]$Pmax
#finish permutation loop
# calculate the pvalues. Note that the current object contains the "counts"
ffields <- c("F1","Fs")
for(itest in 1:2) {
if(test.method[itest] == 1) {
# Pvalperm
ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalperm <-
ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalperm / (n.perm*sdata$n.gene)
ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalperm <-
ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalperm / n.perm
# for Pvalmax
ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalmax <-
ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalmax / n.perm
#if(test.method[3] == 1) {
# itest = 3
# # Pvalperm
# if(pval.pool){
# ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalperm <-
# ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalperm / (n.perm*data$n.gene)
# }
# else
# ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalperm <-
# ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalperm / n.perm
# # for Pvalmax
# ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalmax <-
# ftest[[ffields[itest]]]$Pvalmax / n.perm
# add some other info to the return object
ftest$n.perm <- n.perm
ftest$shuffle <- shuffle.method
ftest$pval.pool <- pval.pool
# return
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