#' \code{permutation} of the specified lmdme object
#' Produces the specified lmdme plus the required permuted objects (sampling the
#' columns), using the same parameters to fit the additional models.
#' @param model formula object to carry out the decomposition.
#' @param data data.frame with individuals (rows) and samples/conditions
#' (columns)
#' @param design data.frame with the design of the experiment, (rows)
#' samples/conditions as in data columns and as many columns to indicate the
#' factors present in each sample.
#' @param Bayes Should limma estimate empirical Bayes statistics, i.e.,
#' moderated t-statistics? Default value is FALSE.
#' @param verbose Should the process progress be printed? Default value is
#' @param NPermutations number of permutations to be calculated. Default value
#' is 100.
#' @param nCpus number of cores to be used. Default value is 1, i.e. sequential
#' calculation.
#' @param ... Additional parameters for the \code{\link{lmFit}} function.
#' @return
#' \item{list}{contains the original lmdme object plus the required amount
#' of permuted versions.}
#' @seealso \code{\link{lmdme}}
#' @author Cristobal Fresno and Elmer A Fernandez
#' @examples
#' {
#' data(stemHypoxia)
#' ##Just to make a balanced dataset in the Fisher sense (2 samples per
#' ## time*oxygen levels)
#' design<-design[design$time %in% c(0.5, 1, 5) & design$oxygen %in% c(1,5,21),]
#' design$time<-as.factor(design$time)
#' design$oxygen<-as.factor(design$oxygen)
#' rownames(M)<-M[, 1]
#' ##Keeping appropriate samples only
#' M<-M[, colnames(M) %in% design$samplename]
#' ##Just to test if it works. In a real scenario, use NPermutations >= 100 if
#' ##the conditions (columns) of M allow it. Verbose parameter is FALSE by
#' ##default
#' permuted<-permutation(model=~time*oxygen, data=M, design=design,
#' NPermutations=2, nCpus=3)
#' }
#' @exportMethod permutation
#' @docType methods
#' @name permutation
#' @rdname lmdme-permutation
#' @aliases permutation-methods
setGeneric(name="permutation", def=function(model, data, design, Bayes=FALSE,
verbose=FALSE, NPermutations=100, nCpus=1, ...){
#' @name permutation
#' @rdname lmdme-permutation
#' @inheritParams permutation
#' @usage \S4method{permutation}{formula,data.frame,data.frame}(model,data,design,Bayes=FALSE,verbose=FALSE,NPermutations=100,nCpus=1,...)
#' @aliases permutation,formula,data.frame,data.frame-method
setMethod(f="permutation", signature=signature(model="formula",
data="data.frame", design="data.frame"), definition=function(model, data,
design, Bayes=FALSE, verbose=FALSE, NPermutations=100, nCpus=1, ...){
##Generate the permuted samples: original structure + NPermutations
sapply(1:NPermutations, function(iteration, indexes){sample(indexes)},
##Auxiliary functions, print if verbose==TRUE
printnow<-function(...){ cat(...);flush.console()}
printnow<-function(...){invisible (NULL)}
##Auxiliary functions for parallel processing if available
##Get the cpus data for parallel lmdme calculation
##Check if windows platform
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
printnow("using", nCpus, "core/s from", ncores, "available/s\n")
##parallel not installed so, use the well known lapply
parlapply<-function(X, FUN, ..., mc.cores){lapply(X, FUN, ...)}
##Get the cpus data for parallel lmdme calculation
##Check if windows platform
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows"){
printnow("using", nCpus, "core/s from", ncores, "available/s\n")
##Just to make the index of the permutations
names(permutedModels)<-c("Original", as.character(1:NPermutations))
##Start calculating the permutations
time <- Sys.time()
printnow("Start Time:", as.character(time), "\n")
permutedModels<-parlapply(permutedModels, function(index){
printnow("Running Model: ", index, "\n")
return(lmdme(model=model, data=data[, permutations[,index]], design=design,
Bayes=Bayes, verbose=verbose, ...))}, mc.cores = nCpus)
##End calculations
timeEnd <- Sys.time()
printnow("End Time", as.character(timeEnd), "\n")
printnow("Time difference of ", format(unclass(timedifference),
digits=getOption("digits")), " ", attr(timedifference , "units"), "\n")
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