#' @rdname performModelSelection
#' @aliases
#' modelSelection
#' ModelSelection
#' model.selection
#' @title KeBABS Model Selection
#' @description Perform model selection with one or multiple sequence kernels
#' on one or multiple SVMs with one or multiple SVM parameter sets.
#' @param nestedCross for this and other parameters see \code{\link{kbsvm}}
#' @usage
#' ## kbsvm(...., kernel=..., pkg=..., svm=..., cost=..., ....,
#' ## cross=0, noCross=1, ...., nestedCross=0, noNestedCross=1, ....)
#' ## For details see below. With parameter nestedCross > 1 model selection is
#' ## performed, the other parameters are handled identical to grid search.
#' @details
#' Overview\cr
#' Model selection in KeBABS is based on nested k-fold cross validation (CV)
#' (for details see \link{performCrossValidation}). The inner cross
#' validation is used to determine the best parameters settings (kernel
#' parameters and SVM parameters) and the outer cross validation to verify
#' the performance on data that was not included in the selection of the
#' best model. The training folds of the outer CV are used to run a grid
#' search with the inner cross validation running for each point of the
#' grid (see \code{\link{performGridSearch}} to find the best performing model.
#' Once this model is selected the performance of this model on the held out
#' fold of the outer CV is determined. Different model parameters settings
#' could occur for different held out folds of the outer CV. This means that
#' model selection does not deliver a performance estimate for a single
#' best model but for the complete model selection process.\cr
#' For each run of the outer CV KeBABS stores the selected parameter setting
#' for the best performing model. The default performance objective for
#' selecting the best parameters setting is based on minimizing the CV error
#' on the inner CV. With the parameter \code{perfObjective} in
#' \code{\link{kbsvm}} the balanced accuracy or the Matthews correlation
#' coefficient can be used instead for which the parameter setting with the
#' maximal value is selected. The parameter setting of the best performing
#' model for each fold in the outer CV can be retrieved from the KeBABS model
#' with the accessor \code{\link{modelSelResult}}. The performance values on
#' the outer CV are retrieved from the model with the accessor
#' \code{\link{cvResult}}.\cr
#' Model selection is invoked through the method \code{\link{kbsvm}} through
#' setting parameter \code{nestedCross} > 1. For the parameters \code{kernel,
#' pkg, svm} and SVM hyperparameters the handling is identical to grid search
#' (see \code{\link{performGridSearch}}). The parameter cost in the usage
#' section above is just one representative of SVM hyperparameters to indicate
#' their relevance for model selection. The complete model selection process
#' can be repeated multiple times through setting \code{noNestedCross} to the
#' number of desired repetitions. Nested cross validation used in model
#' selection is dynamically more demanding than grid search. Concerning runtime
#' please see the runtime hints for \code{\link{performGridSearch}}.\cr
#' @return model selection stores the results in the KeBABS model. They can be
#' retrieved with the accessor \code{\link{modelSelResult}{KBModel}}. Results
#' from the outer cross validation are extracted from the model with the
#' accessor\code{\link{cvResult}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{kbsvm}}, \code{\link{performGridSearch}},
#' \code{\link{modelSelResult}},
#' \code{\link{cvResult}}
#' @examples
#' ## load transcription factor binding site data
#' data(TFBS)
#' enhancerFB
#' ## The C-svc implementation from LiblineaR is chosen for most of the
#' ## examples because it is the fastest SVM. With SVMs from other packages
#' ## slightly better results could be achievable. Because of the higher
#' ## runtime needed for nested cross validation please run the examples
#' ## below manually. All samples of the data set are used in the examples.
#' train <- sample(1:length(enhancerFB), length(enhancerFB))
#' ## model selection with single kernel object and multiple
#' ## hyperparameter values, 5 fold inner CV and 3 fold outer CV
#' ## create gappy pair kernel with normalization
#' gappyK1M3 <- gappyPairKernel(k=1, m=3)
#' ## show details of single gappy pair kernel object
#' gappyK1M3
#' pkg <- "LiblineaR"
#' svm <- "C-svc"
#' cost <- c(50,100,150,200,250,300)
#' model <- kbsvm(x=enhancerFB[train], y=yFB[train], kernel=gappyK1M3,
#' pkg=pkg, svm=svm, cost=cost, explicit="yes", cross=3,
#' nestedCross=2, showProgress=TRUE)
#' ## show best parameter settings
#' modelSelResult(model)
#' ## show model selection result which is the result of the outer CV
#' cvResult(model)
#' \dontrun{
#' ## repeated model selection
#' pkg <- "LiblineaR"
#' svm <- "C-svc"
#' cost <- c(50,100,150,200,250,300)
#' model <- kbsvm(x=enhancerFB[train], y=yFB[train], kernel=gappyK1M3,
#' pkg=pkg, svm=svm, cost=cost, explicit="yes", cross=10,
#' nestedCross=3, noNestedCross=3, showProgress=TRUE)
#' ## show best parameter settings
#' modelSelResult(model)
#' ## show model selection result which is the result of the outer CV
#' cvResult(model)
#' ## plot CV result
#' plot(cvResult(model))
#' }
#' @author Johannes Palme <>
#' @references
#' \url{}\cr\cr
#' J. Palme, S. Hochreiter, and U. Bodenhofer (2015) KeBABS: an R package
#' for kernel-based analysis of biological sequences.
#' \emph{Bioinformatics}, 31(15):2574-2576, 2015.
#' DOI: \href{}{10.1093/bioinformatics/btv176}.
#' @keywords kbsvm
#' @keywords grid search
#' @keywords model selection
#' @keywords methods
performModelSelection <- function(object, model, y, explicit, featureWeights,
weightLimit, sel, features=NULL, groupBy,
perfParameters, perfObjective, addArgs,
showProgress, showCVTimes, verbose)
if (is(object, "kernelMatrix"))
object <- as.KernelMatrix(object)
if (model@modelSelResult@nestedCross == 0)
return(performGridSearch(object=object, model=model, y=y,
explicit=explicit, featureWeights=featureWeights,
weightLimit=weightLimit, sel=sel, features=features,
groupBy=groupBy, perfParameters=perfParameters,
perfObjective=perfObjective, includeFullModel=FALSE,
showProgress=showProgress, showCVTimes=showCVTimes,
addArgs=addArgs, verbose=verbose))
if (is(object, "KernelMatrix"))
stop("model selection with kernel matrix only is not\n",
" supported\n")
## subset immediately to avoid repeated subsetting
## y is subsetted on caller side
if (length(sel) > 0)
object <- subsetSeqRep(x=object, sel=sel)
sel <- integer(0)
numSamples <- getNoOfElementsOfSeqRep(object)
if (length(y) != numSamples)
stop("length of y not consistent with number of samples\n")
if (model@modelSelResult@cross >= numSamples)
stop("'cross' must be smaller than the number of samples\n")
model@svmInfo@selPackage <- model@svmInfo@reqPackage
model@svmInfo@selSVM <- model@svmInfo@reqSVM
model@ctlInfo@classification <-
isClassification(model@svmInfo@selPackage, model@svmInfo@selSVM)
singleKernel <- NULL
precompTestdata <- NULL
explicitType <- model@svmInfo@reqExplicitType
if (length(model@modelSelResult@gridRows) < 2)
precompute <- TRUE
if (length(model@modelSelResult@gridRows) == 1)
model@svmInfo@selKernel <- model@modelSelResult@gridRows[[1]]
model@svmInfo@selKernel <- model@svmInfo@reqKernel
singleKernel <- model@svmInfo@selKernel
if (isUserDefined(singleKernel))
explicit <- "no"
if (explicit == "auto")
if (is(object, "KernelMatrix"))
explicit <- "no"
else if (is(object, "ExplicitRepresentation"))
explicit <- "yes"
if (is(object, "ExplicitRepresentationDense"))
explicitType <- "dense"
explicitType <- "sparse"
else ## XStringSet or BioVector
if (all(unlist(lapply(model@modelSelResult@gridRows,
explicit <- "yes"
if (explicitType == "auto")
if (model@ctlInfo@onlyDense == TRUE)
explicitType <- "dense"
explicitType <- "sparse"
else if (length(model@modelSelResult@gridRows) < 2)
## one kernel which does not support ER
explicit <- "no"
## leave value auto for multiple kernels
overwriteExplicit <- TRUE
if (explicitType == "auto")
if (is(object, "ExplicitRepresentationDense") ||
explicitType <- "dense"
explicitType <- "sparse"
if (featureWeights == "auto")
featureWeights <- "no"
## preload SparseM to avoid loading message to interfere with
## progress messages
if (explicitType %in% c("auto","sparse"))
if (!requireNamespace("SparseM", quietly=TRUE))
stop("package SparseM could not be loaded\n")
if ((explicit != "no") && is(object, "KernelMatrix"))
stop("processing via explicit representation is not possible\n")
if (explicit != "no")
model@svmInfo@selExplicit <- TRUE
model@ctlInfo@selMethod <- "explicitRep"
if (!is.null(singleKernel))
if ((is(object, "BioVector") || is(object, "XStringSet")))
precompTestdata <- getExRep(x=object, kernel=singleKernel,
else if(is(object, "ExplicitRepresentation"))
precompTestdata <- object
if (length(features) > 0)
stop("feature subsetting is not supported for multiple",
" kernels\n")
model@svmInfo@selExplicit <- FALSE
model@ctlInfo@selMethod <- "KernelMatrix"
if (!is.null(singleKernel))
if ((is(object, "BioVector") || is(object, "XStringSet")))
precompTestdata <- singleKernel(x=object)
else if(is(object, "KernelMatrix"))
precompTestdata <- object
if (model@svmInfo@selExplicit)
model@svmInfo@explicitKernel <- model@svmInfo@reqFeatureType
## $$$ TODO stratified CV and balanced stratified CV
if (model@modelSelResult@nestedCross == -1)
numFolds <- numSamples
numFolds <- model@modelSelResult@nestedCross
if (!is.null(groupBy))
## groupBy is a numeric vector or a factor
numGroups <- length(table(as.numeric(groupBy)))
numGroups <- 0
model@cvResult <- new("CrossValidationResult")
model@cvResult@outerCV <- TRUE
model@cvResult@cross <- model@modelSelResult@nestedCross
model@cvResult@noCross <- model@modelSelResult@noNestedCross
model@cvResult@perfParameters <- perfParameters
model@cvResult@groupBy <- groupBy
model@cvResult@folds <- as.list(rep(NA_real_,
model@cvResult@noCross * numFolds))
model@cvResult@foldErrors <-
matrix(Inf, nrow=model@modelSelResult@noNestedCross,
model@cvResult@noSV <- numeric(0)
model@cvResult@sumAlphas <- numeric(0)
collectACC <- "ACC" %in% perfParameters
collectBACC <- "BACC" %in% perfParameters
collectMCC <- "MCC" %in% perfParameters
collectAUC <- "AUC" %in% perfParameters
if (collectACC)
model@cvResult@foldACC <- matrix(Inf,
nrow=model@modelSelResult@noNestedCross, ncol=numFolds)
if (collectBACC)
model@cvResult@foldBACC <- matrix(Inf,
nrow=model@modelSelResult@noNestedCross, ncol=numFolds)
if (collectMCC)
model@cvResult@foldMCC <- matrix(Inf,
nrow=model@modelSelResult@noNestedCross, ncol=numFolds)
if (collectAUC)
model@cvResult@foldAUC <- matrix(Inf,
nrow=model@modelSelResult@noNestedCross, ncol=numFolds)
if (model@ctlInfo@classification == TRUE && model@numClasses == 0)
## check for multiclass to get the no of classes reliably
model@numClasses <- length(unique(y))
if (model@numClasses > 2)
model@ctlInfo@multiclassType <- getMulticlassType(model)
for (i in 1:model@modelSelResult@noNestedCross)
if (showProgress && model@modelSelResult@noNestedCross > 1)
message("\nNested CV Run:", i)
## split training data into folds
randomSamples <- sample(1:numSamples, numSamples)
if (numGroups > 0)
## assign full groups to folds
## for nestedCross equal to numGroups => Leave Group Out CV
groupsInFolds <-
grouping <- as.numeric(groupBy)[randomSamples]
folds <- lapply(1:model@modelSelResult@nestedCross,
function(i){randomSamples[which(grouping %in%
## k-fold or Leave One Out CV
folds <- suppressWarnings(split(randomSamples, 1:numFolds))
numFolds <- length(folds)
if (numFolds < 2)
stop("less than two folds generated\n")
model@cvResult@folds[((i-1)*numFolds+1):(i*numFolds)] <- folds
foldError <- rep(NA_real_, numFolds)
predDecValues <- NA
if (collectACC)
foldACC <- rep(NA_real_, numFolds)
if (collectBACC)
foldBACC <- rep(NA_real_, numFolds)
if (collectMCC)
foldMCC <- rep(NA_real_, numFolds)
if (collectAUC)
foldAUC <- rep(NA_real_, numFolds)
for (j in 1:length(folds))
tempModel <- model
modelSelIndices <- unlist(folds[-j], use.names=FALSE)
if (!is.null(groupBy))
## remove unused factor levels
tempGroupBy <- factor(groupBy[modelSelIndices], exclude=NULL)
tempModel@modelSelResult@groupBy <- tempGroupBy
tempNumGroups <- length(table(as.numeric(tempGroupBy)))
if (tempNumGroups < tempModel@modelSelResult@cross)
stop("the number of groups must be larger than or equal to\n",
" the number of folds\n")
tempGroupBy <- NULL
selModel <- performGridSearch(
object=subsetSeqRep(x=object, sel=modelSelIndices),
model=tempModel, y=y[modelSelIndices],
explicit=explicit, featureWeights=featureWeights,
weightLimit=weightLimit, sel=integer(0),
features=features, groupBy=tempGroupBy,
showProgress=showProgress, includeFullModel=TRUE,
showCVTimes=showCVTimes, addArgs=addArgs,
## store selected grid row and grid col
if (length(model@modelSelResult@gridRows) > 0)
length(model@modelSelResult@selGridRow)+1] <-
if (!is.null(model@modelSelResult@gridCols) &&
(nrow(model@modelSelResult@gridCols) > 0))
if (length(model@modelSelResult@selGridCol) > 0)
model@modelSelResult@selGridCol <-
model@modelSelResult@selGridCol <-
rownames(model@modelSelResult@selGridCol) <- NULL
if (!is.null(singleKernel))
if (is(precompTestdata, "KernelMatrix"))
svInd <- getSVMSlotValue("svIndex",
if (length(svInd) < 1)
stop("model selection via kernel matrix is not\n",
" supported\n")
if (model@svmInfo@selPackage == "e1071")
testData <- new("KernelMatrix", .Data=
matrix(0, nrow=length(folds[[j]]),
testData@.Data[,svInd] <-
testData <- precompTestdata[folds[[j]],
testData <- precompTestdata[folds[[j]],]
selKernel <- selModel@modelSelResult@selGridRow
testData <- subsetSeqRep(x=object, sel=folds[[j]])
sparse <- selModel@modelSelResult@fullModel@ctlInfo@sparse
if (selModel@modelSelResult@fullModel@svmInfo@selExplicit)
if (is(object, "BioVector") || is(object, "XStringSet"))
## call predict with linear ex rep also for quadratic
testData <- getExRep(x=testData,
svInd <- getSVMSlotValue("svIndex",
if (length(svInd) < 1)
stop("model selection via kernel matrix is not\n",
" supported\n")
if (is(object, "BioVector") || is(object, "XStringSet"))
testData <- selKernel(x=testData,
else if (inherits(object, "ExplicitRepresentation"))
testData <- linearKernel(x=testData,
pred <- predict(object=selModel@modelSelResult@fullModel,
x=testData, predictionType="response",
if (collectAUC)
predDecValues <-
x=testData, predictionType="decision",
if (is.null(pred))
stop("Prediction returned NULL\n")
if (selModel@modelSelResult@fullModel@ctlInfo@classification)
foldError[j] <- sum(pred != y[folds[[j]]]) /
if (length(perfParameters) > 0)
foldPerformance <-
evaluatePrediction(pred, y[folds[[j]]],
if (collectACC)
foldACC[j] <- foldPerformance$ACC / 100
if (collectBACC)
foldBACC[j] <- foldPerformance$BAL_ACC / 100
if (collectMCC)
foldMCC[j] <- foldPerformance$MAT_CC
if (collectAUC)
foldAUC[j] <- foldPerformance$AUC
## calc MSE
foldError[j] <- sum((as.numeric(pred) -
y[folds[[j]]])^2) / length(folds[[j]])
nonNA <- sum((!
if (nonNA > 0)
model@cvResult@cvError[[i]] <-
sum(foldError, na.rm=TRUE) / nonNA
model@cvResult@foldErrors[i,] <- foldError
model@cvResult@cvError[[i]] <- NA
model@cvResult@foldErrors[i,] <- NA
if (collectACC)
nonNA <- sum((!
if (nonNA > 0)
model@cvResult@ACC[[i]] <- sum(foldACC, na.rm=TRUE) / nonNA
model@cvResult@foldACC[i,] <- foldACC
model@cvResult@ACC[[i]] <- NA
model@cvResult@foldACC[i,] <- NA
if (collectBACC)
nonNA <- sum((!
if (nonNA > 0)
model@cvResult@BACC[[i]] <- sum(foldBACC, na.rm=TRUE) / nonNA
model@cvResult@foldBACC[i,] <- foldBACC
model@cvResult@BACC[[i]] <- NA
model@cvResult@foldBACC[i,] <- NA
if (collectMCC)
nonNA <- sum((!
if (nonNA > 0)
model@cvResult@MCC[[i]] <- sum(foldMCC, na.rm=TRUE) / nonNA
model@cvResult@foldMCC[i,] <- foldMCC
model@cvResult@MCC[[i]] <- NA
model@cvResult@foldMCC[i,] <- NA
if (collectAUC)
nonNA <- sum((!
if (nonNA > 0)
model@cvResult@AUC[[i]] <- sum(foldAUC, na.rm=TRUE) / nonNA
model@cvResult@foldAUC[i,] <- foldAUC
model@cvResult@AUC[[i]] <- NA
model@cvResult@foldAUC[i,] <- NA
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