#' Iterative Clustering
#' A framework for performing clustering analysis iteratively
#' ####################
#' General Idea
#' ####################
#' In a scenario where populations A, B1, B2 exist, pronounce differences
#' between A and B may mask subtle differences between B1 and B2. To solve this
#' problem, so that heterogeneity can be better detected, clustering analysis
#' needs to be performed iteratively, so that, for example, in iteration 1, A
#' and B are seperated and in iteration 2, B1 and B2 are seperated.
#' ####################
#' General Work Flow
#' ####################
#' ith Iteration Start ==>>
#' featureSelect (feature selection) ==>>
#' minFeatureSize (confirm enough features are selected) ==>>
#' clustHetero (confirm heterogeneity) ==>>
#' coreClust (generate several clustering schemes to be evaluated) ==>>
#' clustEval (pick optimal clustering scheme generated in previous step) ==>>
#' minClustSize (remove clusters with few observations) ==>>
#' obsEval (evaluate how each observations are clustered) ==>>
#' obsOutlier (remove poorly clustered observations) ==>>
#' results in Internal Variables (IV) ==>>
#' ith Iteration End
#' ####################
#' Internal Variables (IV)
#' ####################
#' The following IVs are used in user-defined functions in each iteration:
#' cluster: (list) the return value, described in "Value" section
#' depth: (numeric) current round of iteration
#' @param dset (numeric matrix or data.frame) features in rows and observations
#' in columns, or SummarizedExperiment0 and ExpressionSet object
#' @param maxIter (positive integer) specifies maximum number iterations to be
#' performed
#' @param minFeatureSize (positive integer) specifies minimum number of features
#' needed
#' @param featureSelect (function) takes a dataset, depth(IV) and
#' cluster$feature(IV), returns a character array, containing features used for
#' clustering analysis
#' @param coreClust (function) takes a dataset and depth(IV), returns a list,
#' containing clustering vectors under different clustering parameters
#' @param minClustSize (positive integer) specifies minimum cluster size
#' @param clustEval (function) takes a dataset, depth(IV) and coreClust result,
#' returns a numeric vector, evaluating the robustness (higher value means more
#' robust) of each clustering scheme
#' @param clustHetero (function) takes depth(IV) and clustEval result, returns a
#' boolean vector, deciding whether a cluster is considered as heterogenous
#' @param obsEval (function) takes a dataset and optimal coreClust result
#' determined by clustEval, returns a numeric vector, evaluating the clustering
#' robustness of each observation
#' @param obsOutlier (function) takes depth(IV) and obsEval result, returns
#' a boolean vector, deciding whether an observation is outlier
#' @return a list with the following structure containing iterClust result
#' --> $cluster (list) $Iter[i] (list) $Cluster[j],
#' (character array) names of observations belong to each cluster
#' --> $feature (list) $Iter[i] (list) $Cluster[j]inIter[i-1],
#' (character array) features used to split each cluster in the previous
#' iteration thereby produce the current clusters
#' --> $clusterScore (list) $Iter[i] (list) $Cluster[j]inIter[i-1],
#' (numeric array) clustEval output for each clustering schemes
#' --> $observationScore (list) $Iter[i] (list) $Cluster[j]inIter[i-1],
#' (numeric array) obsEval output for each samples
#' @keywords iterClust
#' @examples
#' library(tsne)
#' library(cluster)
#' library(bcellViper)
#' data(bcellViper)
#' exp <- exprs(dset)
#' pheno <- as.character(dset@phenoData@data$description)
#' exp <- exp[, pheno %in% names(table(pheno))[table(pheno) > 5]]
#' pheno <- pheno[pheno %in% names(table(pheno))[table(pheno) > 5]]
#' #load bcellViper expression and phenotype annotation
#' c <- iterClust(exp, maxIter=3, minClustSize=5)
#' #iterClust
#' dist <- as.dist(1 - cor(exp))
#' set.seed(1)
#' tsne <- tsne(dist, perplexity = 20, max_iter = 500)#'
#' for (j in 1:length(c$cluster)){
#' COL <- structure(rep(1, ncol(exp)), names = colnames(exp))
#' for (i in 1:length(c$cluster[[j]])) COL[c$cluster[[j]][[i]]] <- i+1
#' plot(tsne[, 1], tsne[, 2], cex = 0, cex.lab = 1.5,
#' xlab = "Dim1", ylab = "Dim2",
#' main = paste("iterClust, iter=", j, sep = ""))
#' text(tsne[, 1], tsne[, 2], labels = pheno, cex = 0.5, col = COL)
#' legend("topleft", legend = "Outliers", fill = 1, bty = "n")}
#' #visualize results
#' @author DING, HONGXU (
#' @references Hongxu Ding, Wanxin Wang, Andrea Califano;
#' iterClust: a statistical framework for iterative clustering analysis,
#' Bioinformatics, bty176,
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assay
#' @importFrom Biobase exprs
#' @export
iterClust <- function(dset, maxIter=10,
if(is.matrix(dset)) dset <- dset
else if ( dset <- as.matrix(dset)
else if(methods::is(dset, "ExpressionSet")) dset <- exprs(dset)
else message("dset should be matrix, data.frame or ExpressionSet")
#class regularization
depth <- 1
cluster <- list()
feature <- list()
clusterScore <- list()
observationScore <- list()
CH <- list()
#internal variables
message("Initialize iteration 1")
message("Feature selection...")
feat <- featureSelect(dset, depth, feature)
#feature selection
message("Generating clustering schemes...")
clust <- coreClust(dset[feat, ], depth)
message("Evaluating each clustering scheme...")
CE <- clustEval(dset[feat, ], depth, clust)
#evaluate each clustering scheme
clust <- list(clust=structure(clust[[which.max(CE)]],
names = colnames(dset)),
#optimal clustering scheme
CH[[depth]] <- clustHetero(clust$clustEval, depth)
#whether the dataset is subsetable
if (CH[[depth]] & length(feat) >= minFeatureSize){
message("Heterogenous cluster detected, iterClust proceeding...")
message("Removing outlier samples...")
OE <- obsEval(dset[feat, ], clust$clust, depth)
#evaluate each observation
cc <- clust$clust[!obsOutlier(OE, depth)]
#remove outliers
cc <- lapply(names(table(cc)), function(x, cc){
names(cc)[cc == x]}, cc=cc)
cluster[[depth]] <- cc[unlist(lapply(cc, function(x){
length(x) >= minClustSize}))]
names(cluster[[depth]]) <- paste("Cluster",
sep = "")
#organize clusters
feature[[depth]] <- list(clust$featureSelect)
names(feature[[depth]]) <- "OriginalDataset"
#organize features
clusterScore[[depth]] <- list(CE)
names(clusterScore[[depth]]) <- "OriginalDataset"
observationScore[[depth]] <- list(structure(OE, names=colnames(dset)))
names(observationScore[[depth]]) <- "OriginalDataset"
#organize statistics
message(paste("Iteration 1 done, giving", length(cluster[[depth]]),
"clusters in total\n\n"))
#1st iteration
depth <- depth + 1
message(paste("Initialize iteration ", depth,
", for each cluster given by the previous iteration:",
sep = ""))
clust <- lapply(cluster[[depth-1]], function(x, dset, depth, feature,
featureSelect, coreClust,
message("Feature selection...")
feat <- featureSelect(dset[, x], depth, feature)
#feature selection
message("Generating clustering schemes...")
clust <- coreClust(dset[feat, x], depth)
message("Evaluating each clustering scheme...\n")
CE <- clustEval(dset[feat, x], depth, clust)
#evaluate each clustering scheme
list(clust=structure(clust[[which.max(CE)]], names = x),
#optimal clustering scheme
}, dset=dset, depth=depth, feature=feature,
featureSelect=featureSelect, coreClust=coreClust,
CH[[depth]] <- clustHetero(unlist(lapply(clust, function(x){
x$clustEval})), depth)
#whether the dataset is subsetable
while(sum(CH[[depth]]) > 0 &
depth <= maxIter &
sum(unlist(lapply(clust, function(x, t){
length(x$featureSelect) >= minFeatureSize
}, t=minFeatureSize))) > 0){
message("Heterogenous cluster detected, iterClust proceeding...")
message("Removing outlier samples...")
cc <- f <- list()
OE <- list()
for (i in seq_len(length(clust))){
if (!CH[[depth]][i] |
length(clust[[i]]$featureSelect) < minFeatureSize){
cc[[i]] <- list(names(clust[[i]]$clust))
f[[i]] <- "NA, Stopped"
OE[[i]] <- "NA, Stopped"}
OE[[i]] <- obsEval(
dset[clust[[i]]$featureSelect, names(clust[[i]]$clust)],
names(OE[[i]]) <- names(clust[[i]]$clust)
#evaluate each observation
cc[[i]] <- clust[[i]]$clust[!obsOutlier(OE[[i]], depth)]
#remove outliers
cc[[i]] <- lapply(names(table(clust[[i]]$clust)),
function(x, cc) names(cc)[cc == x],
f[[i]] <- clust[[i]]$featureSelect}
cc <- Reduce(c, cc)
cluster[[depth]] <- cc[unlist(lapply(cc, function(x){
length(x) >= minClustSize}))]
names(cluster[[depth]]) <- paste("Cluster",
sep = "")
#organize clusters
feature[[depth]] <- f
names(feature[[depth]]) <- paste("Cluster",
sep = "")
message(paste("Iteration", depth, "done, giving",
length(cluster[[depth]]), "clusters in total\n\n"))
#organize features
clusterScore[[depth]] <- lapply(clust, function(x) x$clustScore)
names(clusterScore[[depth]]) <- names(feature[[depth]])
observationScore[[depth]] <- OE
names(observationScore[[depth]]) <- names(feature[[depth]])
#organize statistics
#ith iteration
depth <- depth + 1
message(paste("Initialize iteration ", depth,
", for each cluster given by the previous iteration:",
sep = ""))
clust <- lapply(cluster[[depth-1]], function(x, dset, depth,
feature, featureSelect,
coreClust, clustEval){
message("Feature selection...")
feat <- featureSelect(dset[, x], depth, feature)
#feature selection
message("Generating clustering schemes...")
clust <- coreClust(dset[feat, x], depth)
message("Evaluating each clustering scheme...\n")
CE <- clustEval(dset[feat, x], depth, clust)
#evaluate each clustering scheme
list(clust=structure(clust[[which.max(CE)]], names = x),
#optimal clustering scheme
}, dset=dset, depth=depth,
feature=feature, featureSelect=featureSelect,
coreClust=coreClust, clustEval=clustEval)
CH[[depth]] <- clustHetero(
unlist(lapply(clust, function(x) x$clustEval)),
#whether the dataset is subsetable
names(cluster) <- paste("Iter", seq_len(length(cluster)), sep = "")
names(feature) <- paste("Iter", seq_len(length(feature)), sep = "")
names(clusterScore) <- paste("Iter",
sep = "")
names(observationScore) <- paste("Iter",
sep = "")
message(paste("iterClust finished, giving",
"clusters in total"))
return(list(cluster=cluster, feature=feature,
clustEval=clusterScore, obsEval=observationScore))
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