#' The Table class
#' The Table is a virtual class for all panels containing a \code{\link{datatable}} widget from the \pkg{DT} package, where each row \emph{usually} corresponds to a row or column of the \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object.
#' It provides observers for rendering the table widget, monitoring single selections, and applying global and column-specific searches (which serve as multiple selections).
#' @section Slot overview:
#' The following slots control aspects of the \code{DT::datatable} selection:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{Selected}, a string containing the name of the currently selected row of the data.frame.
#' Defaults to \code{NA}, in which case the value should be chosen by the subclass' \code{\link{.refineParameters}} method.
#' \item \code{Search}, a string containing the regular expression for the global search.
#' Defaults to \code{""}, i.e., no search.
#' \item \code{SearchColumns}, a unnamed character vector of length equal to the number of columns of the data.frame,
#' where each entry contains the search string for its corresponding column.
#' Alternatively, a character vector of variable length, containing search strings for one or more columns.
#' Defaults to an character vector of length zero, which is internally expanded to an vector of zero-length strings, i.e., no search.
#' }
#' The following slots control the appearance of the table:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{HiddenColumns}, a character vector containing names of columns to hide.
#' Defaults to an empty vector.
#' }
#' In addition, this class inherits all slots from its parent \linkS4class{Panel} class.
#' @section Supported methods:
#' In the following code snippets, \code{x} is an instance of a \linkS4class{Table} class.
#' Refer to the documentation for each method for more details on the remaining arguments.
#' For defining the interface:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{.defineOutput}(x)} returns a UI element for a \code{\link[DT]{dataTableOutput}} widget.
#' \item \code{\link{.defineDataInterface}(x)} will create interface elements for modifying the table,
#' namely to choose which columns to hide.
#' Note that this is populated by \code{\link{.generateOutput}} upon table rendering,
#' as we do not know the available columns before that point.
#' }
#' For defining reactive expressions:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{.createObservers}(x, se, input, session, pObjects, rObjects)} sets up observers for all of the slots.
#' This will also call the equivalent \linkS4class{Panel} method.
#' \item \code{\link{.renderOutput}(x, se, output, pObjects, rObjects)} will add a rendered \code{\link{datatable}} object to \code{output}.
#' This will also call the equivalent \linkS4class{Panel} method to render the panel information text boxes.
#' \item \code{\link{.generateOutput}(x, se, all_memory, all_contents)} returns a list containing \code{contents}, a data.frame with one row per point currently present in the table;
#' \code{commands}, a list of character vector containing the R commands required to generate \code{contents} and \code{plot};
#' and \code{varname}, a string specifying the name of the variable in \code{commands} used to generate \code{contents}.
#' \item \code{\link{.exportOutput}(x, se, all_memory, all_contents)} will create a CSV file containing the current table, and return a string containing the path to that file.
#' This assumes that the \code{contents} field returned by \code{\link{.generateOutput}} is a data.frame or can be coerced into one.
#' }
#' For controlling selections:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{.multiSelectionRestricted}(x)} returns \code{TRUE}.
#' Transmission of a selection to a Table will manifest as a subsetting of the rows.
#' \item \code{\link{.multiSelectionActive}(x)} returns a list containing the contents of \code{x[["Search"]]} and \code{x[["ColumnSearch"]]}.
#' If both contain only empty strings, a \code{NULL} is returned instead.
#' \item \code{\link{.multiSelectionCommands}(x, index)} returns a character vector of R expressions that - when evaluated - return a character vector of the row names of the table after applying all search filters.
#' The value of \code{index} is ignored.
#' \item \code{\link{.singleSelectionValue}(x, contents)} returns the name of the row that was last selected in the \code{\link{datatable}} widget.
#' }
#' For documentation:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{.definePanelTour}(x)} returns an data.frame containing the steps of a tour relevant to subclasses,
#' mostly describing the effect of selection from other panels and the use of row filters to transmit selections.
#' }
#' Unless explicitly specialized above, all methods from the parent class \linkS4class{Panel} are also available.
#' @section Subclass expectations:
#' The Table is a rather vaguely defined class for which the only purpose is to avoid duplicating code for \linkS4class{ColumnDotPlot}s and \linkS4class{RowDotPlot}s.
#' We recommend extending those subclasses instead.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @seealso \linkS4class{Panel}, for the immediate parent class.
#' @name Table-class
#' @aliases
#' initialize,Table-method
#' .refineParameters,Table-method
#' .createObservers,Table-method
#' .generateOutput,Table-method
#' .renderOutput,Table-method
#' .defineOutput,Table-method
#' .exportOutput,Table-method
#' .hideInterface,Table-method
#' .multiSelectionCommands,Table-method
#' .multiSelectionActive,Table-method
#' .singleSelectionValue,Table-method
#' .definePanelTour,Table-method
#' .defineDataInterface,Table-method
#' updateObject,Table-method
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods callNextMethod
setMethod("initialize", "Table", function(.Object, ...) {
args <- list(...)
args <- .emptyDefault(args, .TableSelected, NA_character_)
args <- .emptyDefault(args, .TableSearch, ""), c(list(.Object), args))
#' @importFrom S4Vectors setValidity2
setValidity2("Table", function(object) {
msg <- character(0)
msg <- .singleStringError(msg, object, .TableSelected)
msg <- .validStringError(msg, object, .TableSearch)
if (length(msg)) {
#' @export
setMethod(".refineParameters", "Table", function(x, se) {
x <- callNextMethod()
if (is.null(x)) {
# TODO: move HiddenColumn checks here.
#' @export
setMethod(".multiSelectionCommands", "Table", function(x, index) {
search <- x[[.TableSearch]]
searchcols <- x[[.TableColSearch]]
sprintf("selected <- rownames(contents)[iSEE::filterDT(contents, global=%s,\n column=%s)]",
.deparse_for_viewing(searchcols, indent=2))
#' @export
setMethod(".multiSelectionActive", "Table", function(x) {
if (x[[.TableSearch]]!="" || any(x[[.TableColSearch]]!="")) {
list(Search=x[[.TableSearch]], ColumnSearch=x[[.TableColSearch]])
} else {
#' @export
setMethod(".singleSelectionValue", "Table", function(x, contents) {
#' @export
#' @importFrom DT dataTableOutput
setMethod(".defineOutput", "Table", function(x) {
uiOutput(paste0(.getEncodedName(x), "_", .tableExtraInfo)),
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils head
setMethod(".createObservers", "Table", function(x, se, input, session, pObjects, rObjects) {
panel_name <- .getEncodedName(x)
.create_table_observers(panel_name, input=input,
session=session, pObjects=pObjects, rObjects=rObjects)
.createUnprotectedParameterObservers(.getEncodedName(x), .TableHidden, input,
pObjects, rObjects, ignoreNULL=FALSE)
#' @export
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData
setMethod(".renderOutput", "Table", function(x, se, ..., output, pObjects, rObjects) {
.create_table_output(.getEncodedName(x), se=se, output=output, pObjects=pObjects, rObjects=rObjects)
#' @export
setMethod(".generateOutput", "Table", function(x, se, ..., all_memory, all_contents) {
.define_table_commands(x, se, all_memory=all_memory, all_contents=all_contents)
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils write.csv
setMethod(".exportOutput", "Table", function(x, se, all_memory, all_contents) {
contents <- .generateOutput(x, se, all_memory=all_memory, all_contents=all_contents)
newpath <- paste0(.getEncodedName(x), ".csv")
write.csv(file=newpath, contents$contents)
#' @export
setMethod(".defineDataInterface", "Table", function(x, se, select_info) {
# Needs to be initialized with the current values,
# even if it is updated later by table initialization.
selectInput(paste0(.getEncodedName(x), "_", .TableHidden),
choices=x[[.TableHidden]], selected=x[[.TableHidden]],
label="Hidden columns:", multiple=TRUE)
#' @export
setMethod(".hideInterface", "Table", function(x, field) {
if (field %in% .multiSelectHistory) {
} else {
#' @export
setMethod(".definePanelTour", "Table", function(x) {
mdim <- .multiSelectionDimension(x)
collated <- rbind(
c(paste0("#", .getEncodedName(x)), sprintf("At the other end of the spectrum, we can apply filters to the table to select rows corresponding to %ss of the <code>SummarizedExperiment</code> object; these will be transmitted to other panels that choose this one as their selection source.<br/><br/>We can filter by individual columns of the table and/or with a regular expression search to any matching string in the table.<br/><br/>We can also click on individual rows of the table to transmit a single %s selection to other panels.", mdim, mdim, .singleSelectionDimension(x)))
for (mdim in c("row", "column")) {
edit <- paste0("PLACEHOLDER_", toupper(mdim), "_SELECT")
i <- which(collated$intro==edit)
collated[i,"intro"] <- sprintf("Here we can choose the \"source\" panel from which to receive a multiple %s selection; that is to say, if we selected some %ss of the <code>SummarizedExperiment</code> object in the chosen source panel, the table above would be subsetted to only show the rows (of the table) corresponding to the selected %ss (of the <code>SummarizedExperiment</code> object).", mdim, mdim, mdim)
#' @export
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics updateObject
setMethod("updateObject", "Table", function(object) {
# Backwards compatibility for new slots (added 3.12).
# nocov start
if (is(try(object[[.TableHidden]], silent=TRUE), "try-error")) {
.Deprecated(msg=sprintf("'%s' is out of date, run 'updateObject(<%s>)'", class(object)[1], class(object)[1]))
object[[.TableHidden]] <- character(0)
# nocov end
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