## Function to perform some checks on the input (result) files.
## Return TRUE if everything seems ok,
## otherwise print a message and return FALSE.
res_check <- function(dfr) {
if (ncol(dfr) == 1) {
message("the data frame contains only one column")
get_keepfeatures <- function(truth, df, method, colm, onlyshared) {
if (!isTRUE(onlyshared)) {
allg <- rownames(truth[which(![, colm])), , drop = FALSE])
} else {
allg <- intersect(rownames(truth[which(![, colm])), ,
drop = FALSE]),
is_plottable <- function(obj) {
if (is.null(obj))
else if (class(obj) == "data.frame" && nrow(obj) == 0)
else if (length(obj) == 0)
#' @import dplyr
get_keeplevels <- function(truth, splv, binary_truth, maxsplit) {
if (splv != "none") {
if (!is.finite(maxsplit)) {
keeplevels <- levels(as.factor(truth[[splv]]))
} else {
if (!is.null(binary_truth)) {
nbrtrulydiff <- %>% group_by_(splv) %>%
summarise_(nbrdiff = paste0("length(which(",
binary_truth, "== 1))")),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
tokeep <- nbrtrulydiff[nbrtrulydiff$nbrdiff > 0, splv]
tbl <- table(truth[[splv]])
tbl <- tbl[as.character(tokeep)]
} else {
tbl <- table(truth[[splv]])
tbl <- sort(tbl, decreasing = TRUE)
keeplevels <- names(tbl)[1:min(maxsplit, length(tbl))]
} else {
keeplevels <- "overall"
plot_theme <- function(stripsize, titlecol) {
theme_grey() +
theme(legend.position = "right",
panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white", colour = "black"),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor.y = element_blank(),
strip.text = element_text(size = stripsize),
strip.background = element_rect(fill = NA, colour = "black"),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5,
hjust = 1, size = 15),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 15),
axis.title.x = element_text(size = 20),
axis.title.y = element_text(size = 20),
plot.title = element_text(colour = titlecol))
get_coltype <- function(col_name) {
if (substr(col_name, nchar(col_name) - 1,
nchar(col_name)) == ":P") {
coltype <- "pval"
} else if (substr(col_name, nchar(col_name) - 4,
nchar(col_name)) == ":adjP") {
coltype <- "padj"
} else if (substr(col_name, nchar(col_name) - 1,
nchar(col_name)) == ":S") {
coltype <- "sval"
} else if (substr(col_name, nchar(col_name) - 5,
nchar(col_name)) == ":score") {
coltype <- "score"
} else {
coltype <- NULL
fix_duplicates <- function(res_df, feature_id, method_name) {
dp <-
unique(as.character(res_df[, feature_id][duplicated(res_df[, feature_id])]))
if (length(dp) > 0) {
message("found duplicate gene name(s) for ", method_name)
for (j in dp) {
idx <- which(res_df[, feature_id] == j)
kp <- which.min(res_df[idx, method_name])[1]
if ( kp <- 1
rem <- idx[-kp]
res_df <- res_df[-rem, , drop = FALSE]
if (sum(duplicated(res_df[, feature_id])) == 0)
message("fixed the duplication")
#' Calculate adjusted p-values
#' Calculate adjusted p-values for methods where only nominal p-values are
#' available in a \code{COBRAData} object.
#' @param cobradata A \code{COBRAData} object.
#' @param method A character string giving the method (selected from
#' \code{p.adjust.methods()}) that will be used to perform the adjustment.
#' @return A \code{COBRAData} object, extended with the calculated adjusted
#' p-values.
#' @export
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @examples
#' data(cobradata_example)
#' cobradata_example <- calculate_adjp(cobradata_example, method = "BH")
calculate_adjp <- function(cobradata, method = "BH") {
sf <- setdiff(colnames(pval(cobradata)), colnames(padj(cobradata)))
if (length(sf) > 0) {
pa <-[, sf, drop = FALSE], 2,
stats::p.adjust, method = method))
missing_genes <- setdiff(rownames(pa), rownames(padj(cobradata)))
if (length(padj(cobradata)) != 0) {
tmpadd <-, length(missing_genes),
dimnames = list(missing_genes,
padj(cobradata) <- rbind(padj(cobradata), tmpadd)
padj(cobradata) <- cbind(padj(cobradata),
rownames(pa)), , drop = FALSE])
} else {
padj(cobradata) <- pa
fixcolname <- function(df, prevv, newv) {
idx <- which(colnames(df) == prevv)
if (length(idx) > 0)
colnames(df)[idx] <- newv
isinvalidpalette <- function(palette) {
bnm <- strsplit(palette, " \\(")[[1]][1]
if (!(bnm %in% c("hue_pal", "rainbow", "heat", "terrain", "topo",
"cm", "Accent", "Dark2", "Paired", "Pastel1",
"Pastel2", "Set1", "Set2", "Set3")))
#' @importFrom scales hue_pal brewer_pal
define_colors <- function(cobraperf, palette, facetted, incloverall,
conditionalfill) {
levs <- basemethod <- NULL
basem <- basemethods(cobraperf)
strl <- paste0("_", stratiflevels(cobraperf))
inp_methods <- expand.grid(basemethod = basem, levs = c("", strl))
inp_methods$fullmethod <- paste0(inp_methods$basemethod, inp_methods$levs)
if (!isTRUE(incloverall))
inp_methods <- subset(inp_methods, levs != "_overall")
## Calculate number of required colors
if (isTRUE(facetted)) {
tmp_methods <- unique(inp_methods$basemethod)
ncolors <- length(unique(tmp_methods))
} else {
tmp_methods <- unique(subset(inp_methods, levs != "" &
basemethod != "truth")$fullmethod)
if ("truth" %in% inp_methods$basemethod)
tmp_methods <- c(tmp_methods, "truth")
ncolors <- length(tmp_methods)
tmp_methods <- as.character(tmp_methods)
## Define colors
if (length(palette) > 1 ||
(length(palette) == 1 && isinvalidpalette(palette))) {
## User-specified color vector
## First get the pre-defined colors right
use_colors0 <- c()
if (any(tmp_methods %in% names(palette))) {
use_colors0 <- palette[intersect(tmp_methods, names(palette))]
tmp_methods <- setdiff(tmp_methods, names(use_colors0))
ncolors <- ncolors - length(use_colors0)
palette <- palette[!(names(palette) %in% names(use_colors0))]
## Then exclude any color assigned to irrelevant method
excl <- which(names(palette) != "" & !(names(palette) %in% tmp_methods))
if (length(excl) > 0) {
palette <- palette[-excl]
if (length(palette) > ncolors) {
warning("too many colors supplied, only a subset will be used")
use_colors1 <- palette[1:ncolors]
} else if (length(palette) < ncolors) {
warning("too few colors provided, ", ncolors - length(palette),
" random colors will be added")
use_colors1 <- c(palette,
palette))[1:(ncolors - length(palette))])
} else {
use_colors1 <- palette
names(use_colors1) <- tmp_methods
use_colors1 <- c(use_colors0, use_colors1)
} else {
bnm <- strsplit(palette, " \\(")[[1]][1]
## Check that the palette is valid, otherwise consider it a color
if (!(bnm %in% c("hue_pal", "rainbow", "heat", "terrain", "topo",
"cm", "Accent", "Dark2", "Paired", "Pastel1",
"Pastel2", "Set1", "Set2", "Set3"))) {
warning("invalid palette, will consider it a color")
use_colors1 <- c(palette,
palette))[1:(ncolors - length(palette))])
} else {
## Pre-defined palette
maxnbr <- c(Accent = 8, Dark2 = 8, Paired = 12, Pastel1 = 9,
Pastel2 = 8, Set1 = 9, Set2 = 8, Set3 = 12)
if (palette == "hue_pal") use_colors1 <- scales::hue_pal()(ncolors)
else if (palette == "rainbow") use_colors1 <- grDevices::rainbow(ncolors)
else if (palette == "heat") use_colors1 <- grDevices::heat.colors(ncolors)
else if (palette == "terrain") use_colors1 <-
else if (palette == "topo") use_colors1 <- grDevices::topo.colors(ncolors)
else if (palette == "cm") use_colors1 <- grDevices::cm.colors(ncolors)
else {
if (ncolors <= maxnbr[bnm])
use_colors1 <- scales::brewer_pal(palette = bnm)(ncolors)
use_colors1 <- scales::hue_pal()(ncolors)
names(use_colors1) <- tmp_methods
if (isTRUE(facetted)) {
inp_methods$color <- use_colors1[match(inp_methods$basemethod,
} else {
inp_methods$color <- use_colors1[match(inp_methods$fullmethod,
inp_methods$color[inp_methods$basemethod == "truth"] <-
if ("_overall" %in% inp_methods$levs) {
for (m in unique(inp_methods$basemethod)) {
inp_methods$color[inp_methods$fullmethod == m] <-
inp_methods$color[inp_methods$fullmethod == paste0(m, "_overall")]
use_colors1 <- inp_methods$color
names(use_colors1) <- inp_methods$fullmethod
## Get colors for "FDR satisfied/not satisfied" (white or method color), if
## conditionalfill = TRUE. If not, points will always be white.
if (conditionalfill) {
use_colors2 <- c(use_colors1, rep("white", length(use_colors1)))
} else {
use_colors2 <- rep("white", 2 * length(use_colors1))
names(use_colors2) <- c(paste0(names(use_colors1), "yes"),
paste0(names(use_colors1), "no"))
use_colors <- c(use_colors1, use_colors2)
symdiff <- function(x, y) {
setdiff(union(x, y), intersect(x, y))
check_agreement <- function(x, y, method, expsgn) {
x <- x[method]
y <- y[method]
ok <- length(symdiff(rownames(x[![[method]]), , drop = FALSE]),
rownames(y[![[method]]), , drop = FALSE]))) == 0
nm <- intersect(rownames(x), rownames(y))
x <- x[match(nm, rownames(x)), method]
y <- y[match(nm, rownames(y)), method]
sgn <- sign(diff(x[order(y)]))
## Check that x and y are monotonically related, with the right sign
all(sgn[sgn != 0 & !] == expsgn) && ok
select_measure <- function(cobradata, method, asp, prefer_pval) {
cobradata <- update_cobradata(cobradata, quiet = TRUE)
ret <- NULL
if (asp %in% c("nbr", "fpr", "fdr", "tpr")) {
if (method %in% names(padj(cobradata))) ret <- "padj"
else ret <- NULL
} else if (asp %in% c("fsrnbr")) {
if (method %in% names(score(cobradata)) &&
method %in% names(sval(cobradata))) ret <- "sval"
else ret <- NULL
} else if (asp %in% c("fdrtpr", "fdrnbr")) {
if (method %in% names(pval(cobradata))) {
if (method %in% names(padj(cobradata))) {
## Check that pval is monotonically increasing with increasing padj
if (check_agreement(padj(cobradata), pval(cobradata), method, 1)) {
ret <- "pval"
} else if (method %in% names(score(cobradata))) {
## Check that score is monotonically increasing with decreasing padj
if (check_agreement(padj(cobradata), score(cobradata), method, -1)) {
ret <- "score"
} else {
ret <- "padj"
} else {
ret <- "padj"
} else ret <- "pval"
} else if (method %in% names(score(cobradata))) {
if (method %in% names(padj(cobradata))) {
## Check that score is monotonically increasing with decreasing padj
if (check_agreement(padj(cobradata), score(cobradata), method, -1)) {
ret <- "score"
} else ret <- "padj"
} else ret <- "score"
} else if (method %in% names(padj(cobradata))) {
ret <- "padj"
} else ret <- NULL
} else if (asp %in% c("roc", "fpc")) {
if (prefer_pval) {
if (method %in% names(pval(cobradata))) ret <- "pval"
else if (method %in% names(padj(cobradata))) ret <- "padj"
else if (method %in% names(score(cobradata))) ret <- "score"
else ret <- NULL
} else {
if (method %in% names(score(cobradata))) ret <- "score"
else if (method %in% names(pval(cobradata))) ret <- "pval"
else if (method %in% names(padj(cobradata))) ret <- "padj"
else ret <- NULL
} else if (asp %in% c("corr", "scatter", "deviation")) {
if (method %in% names(score(cobradata))) ret <- "score"
else ret <- NULL
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
extend_resulttable <- function(df, splv, keeplevels, valuename,
basemethod, domelt = TRUE) {
if (isTRUE(domelt)) {
df <- reshape2::melt(df, varnames = c("thr", "method"), = valuename)
df <- fixcolname(df, prevv = "value", newv = valuename)
df$basemethod <- basemethod[match(df$method, names(basemethod))]
df$meas <- sapply(df$method, function(w) {
a <- strsplit(as.character(w), "__")[[1]]
paste0("__", a[length(a)])
df$method <- gsub("__sval$", "", gsub("__padj$", "",
gsub("__pval$", "",
gsub("__score", "", df$method))))
df$fullmethod <- df$method
if (splv == "none") {
df <- droplevels(df[grep("_overall$", df$method), ])
df$splitval <- "overall"
df$method <- sapply(as.character(df$fullmethod), function(w) {
gsub("_overall$", "", w)
} else {
df$splitval <-
function(w) {
if (length(grep("overall$", w)) > 0) {
} else {
a <- unlist(strsplit(w, paste0("_", splv, ":")))
paste0(splv, ":", a[2])
}), levels = c("overall", paste0(splv, ":", keeplevels)))
df$method <-
function(w) {
if (length(grep("_overall$", w)) > 0) {
unlist(strsplit(w, "_overall$")[1])
} else {
a <- unlist(strsplit(w, paste0("_", splv, ":")))
#' @importFrom DT datatable
fix_res <- function(res, methodcol, aspcts, tabtype = "large") {
res$dist_ <- round(res$dist_, 1)
if (tabtype != "scatter") {
if (!("thr" %in% colnames(res))) {
um <- unique(res[, methodcol])
res <- res[match(um, res[, methodcol]), ]
idx <- match(c("thr", methodcol, "dist_", "NBR", "CUTOFF", "FPC_CUTOFF",
"NEGSIGN", "ZEROSIGN"), colnames(res))
colnames(res)[idx[!]] <-
c("Threshold", "Method", "Distance from cursor", "Number of detections",
"Cutoff", "Cutoff", "Cutoff", "Number of detections", "observation",
"truth", "Number of pos sign", "Number of neg sign",
"Number of zero sign")[!]
if ("Threshold" %in% colnames(res)) {
res$Threshold <- gsub("thr", "", res$Threshold)
res$Method_m <- paste0(res$Method, res$meas)
if (tabtype == "large") {
res[, c("TP", "FP", "FN", "TN", "TOT_CALLED", "DIFF", "NONDIFF")] <-
round(res[, c("TP", "FP", "FN", "TN", "TOT_CALLED", "DIFF", "NONDIFF")])
DT::datatable(res[, c(ifelse("Threshold" %in% colnames(res),
"Threshold", "Cutoff"),
"Method_m", aspcts, "TP", "FP",
"Distance from cursor")])
} else if (tabtype == "fsrnbr") {
DT::datatable(res[, c(ifelse("Threshold" %in% colnames(res),
"Threshold", "Cutoff"),
"Method_m", aspcts, "TS", "FS", "TOT_CALLED",
"Number of pos sign",
"Number of neg sign", "Number of zero sign",
"Distance from cursor")])
} else if (tabtype == "corr") {
DT::datatable(res[, c("Method_m", aspcts, "Distance from cursor")])
} else if (tabtype == "scatter") {
DT::datatable(res[, c("Method_m", "feature", aspcts,
"Distance from cursor")])
} else if (tabtype == "deviation") {
res[, "Horizontal distance from cursor"] <-
res[, "Distance from cursor"]
DT::datatable(res[, c("Method_m", "feature", aspcts,
"Horizontal distance from cursor")])
} else {
DT::datatable(res[, c("Method_m", aspcts, "Cutoff",
"Distance from cursor")])
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