#' Sequencing depth adjustment
#' Sequencing depth could be a confounding effect when measuring the
#' reproducibility. This function will adjust sequencing depth of a
#' given matrix to a specified total number of reads through random
#' sampling.
#' @param d a Hi-C matrix needed to be adjusted.
#' @param resol the resolution of the input matrix.
#' @param size the size the total number one wants to adjust to.
#' @param out either 0 or 1. If it is 0, the function returns matrix
#' format; if 1, it returns vection format.
#' @return a matrix or vec which has the adjusted total number of reads.
#' @references HiCRep: assessing the reproducibility of Hi-C data using
#' a stratum-adjusted correlation coefficient. Tao Yang, Feipeng Zhang,
#' Galip Gurkan Yardimci, Ross C Hardison, William Stafford Noble, Feng
#' Yue, Qunhua Li. bioRxiv 101386; doi:
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(HiCR1)
#' #total number of reads
#' sum(HiCR1[,-c(1:3)])
#' #Adjust it to 200000 reads, output Hi-C matrix
#' HiC_R1_200k = depth.adj(HiCR1, 200000, 1000000, out = 0)
#' #check total number of reads after adjustment
#' sum(HiC_R1_200k[,-c(1:3)])
#' #output vector
#' HiC_R1_200k = depth.adj(HiCR1, 200000, 1000000, out = 1)
#' #check total number of reads after adjustment
#' sum(HiC_R1_200k[,3])
depth.adj = function(d, size, resol, out = 0){
cd = d[,-c(1,2,3)]
rownames(cd) = colnames(cd) = d[,3]-resol/2
temp = MatToVec(cd)
p1 = temp[,3]/sum(temp[,3])+.Machine$double.eps
subrd = sample(nrow(temp), size, prob=p1, replace=TRUE)
freq = table(subrd)
idx = as.double(names(freq))
vec = as.vector(freq)
temp[,3] = 0
temp[idx,3] = vec
##turn it back to matrix
ntemp = temp[which(temp[,3]!=0),]
ntemp[,1] = (ntemp[,1]+resol/2)/resol
ntemp[,2] = (ntemp[,2]+resol/2)/resol
cd[cd>0] = 0
cd[ntemp[,c(1,2)]] = ntemp[,3]
cdm = cbind(d[,c(1,2,3)], cd)
colnames(cdm) = rownames(cdm) = NULL
if(out == 1){return(temp)}
else return(cdm)
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