#' @include pkgFunc.R
#' @include hash.R
# ======================GPU resources manager==================== The
# gpu manager is not supposed to be called by the user It manage the
# all resources on a device The data will be automatically released
# when the it is not in use
.gpuResourcesManager <- local({
internalVars = new.env()
internalVars$unload = FALSE
internalVars$totalMemory = hash()
internalVars$GCcutoff = 0.7
internalVars$memoryUsage = hash()
internalVars$addressList = hash()
internalVars$addressSizeList = hash()
internalVars$empPtr = 0
globalVars = new.env()
globalVars$deviceInfo = c()
globalVars$curDevice = hash()
globalVars$curDevice[["1"]] = c(0, 0)
checkGPUmemUsage <- function(devKey, size) {
if (length(keys(internalVars$memoryUsage)) == 0)
if (internalVars$memoryUsage[[devKey]] + size > internalVars$totalMemory[[devKey]] *
internalVars$GCcutoff) {
if (DEBUG)
message("A garbage collection is triggered to release the GPU memory")
if (internalVars$memoryUsage[[devKey]] + size > internalVars$totalMemory[[devKey]])
stop("The data is larger than the available GPU memory! Garbage collection can not free more space")
internalVars$memoryUsage[[devKey]] = internalVars$memoryUsage[[devKey]] +
list(upload = function(deviceId, data, type) {
curDevice = getSelectedDevice(deviceId)
devKey = as.character(deviceId)
## Check if the data is larger than the available memory size and get
## the memory index
size = as.double(getTypeSize(type)) * length(data)
checkGPUmemUsage(devKey, size)
gpuAd = .Call(C_upload, curDevice[1], curDevice[2], data, as.double(length(data)),
adKey = digest(getTrueAd(gpuAd))
internalVars$addressSizeList[[devKey]][[adKey]] = size
internalVars$addressList[[devKey]][[adKey]] = gpuAd
}, gpuMalloc = function(deviceId, len, type) {
updateDeviceInfo(initialOnly = TRUE)
curDevice = getSelectedDevice(deviceId)
devKey = as.character(deviceId)
size = getTypeSize(type) * len
## Check if the data is larger than the available memory size
checkGPUmemUsage(devKey, size)
gpuAd = .Call(C_gpuMalloc, curDevice[1], curDevice[2], as.double(len),
adKey = digest(getTrueAd(gpuAd))
internalVars$addressSizeList[[devKey]][[adKey]] = size
internalVars$addressList[[devKey]][[adKey]] = gpuAd
}, download = function(deviceId, gpuAd) {
curDevice = getSelectedDevice(deviceId)
devKey = as.character(deviceId)
adKey = digest(getTrueAd(gpuAd))
if (!has.key(adKey, internalVars$addressSizeList[[devKey]])) stop("The GPU resources does not exist!")
# General case
res = .Call(C_download, gpuAd)
}, releaseAddress = function(deviceId, gpuAd) {
curDevice = getSelectedDevice(deviceId, checkInital = FALSE)
devKey = as.character(deviceId)
adKey = digest(getTrueAd(gpuAd))
if (internalVars$unload) return()
if (!has.key(adKey, internalVars$addressSizeList[[devKey]])) {
.Call(C_release, gpuAd)
internalVars$memoryUsage[[devKey]] = internalVars$memoryUsage[[devKey]] -
del(adKey, internalVars$addressSizeList[[devKey]])
del(adKey, internalVars$addressList[[devKey]])
}, releaseAll = function() {
for (dev in keys(internalVars$addressList)) {
for (ad in values(internalVars$addressList[[dev]])) {
.gpuResourcesManager$releaseAddress(dev, ad)
}, getGPUusage = function() {
deviceList = vector("character",nKey)
maxMem = vector("numeric",nKey)
usedMem = vector("numeric",nKey)
for (i in seq_along(deviceKey)) {
deviceList[i] = paste0("Device ", deviceKey[i])
maxMem[i] =internalVars$totalMemory[[deviceKey[i]]]
usedMem[i] = internalVars$memoryUsage[[deviceKey[i]]]
memPercent = paste0("(", ceiling(usedMem/maxMem * 100), "%)")
usedMem_char = vapply(usedMem, format_memory_size,character(1))
maxMem_char = vapply(maxMem, format_memory_size,character(1))
usedMem_char = paste0("--Used: ", usedMem_char, memPercent)
maxMem_char = paste0("--Total: ", maxMem_char)
if (length(deviceList) > 1) {
deviceList = StrAlign(deviceList, sep = "\\l")
usedMem_char = StrAlign(usedMem_char, sep = "\\l")
maxMem_char = StrAlign(maxMem_char, sep = "\\l")
message("Device memory usage:")
message(paste(deviceList, usedMem_char, maxMem_char, sep = " ",
collapse = "\n"))
}, setMaxMemLimit = function(device, mem) {
device = as.character(device)
if (!has.key(device, internalVars$totalMemory)) stop("The device has not been initialized")
tmp = internalVars$totalMemory[[device]]
internalVars$totalMemory[[device]] = mem
}, globalVars = globalVars, internalVars = internalVars, deleteEnv = function() {
rm(list = ls(envir = internalVars), envir = internalVars)
rm(list = ls(envir = globalVars), envir = globalVars)
internalVars$unload = TRUE
# This function query the device info and storage the results into the
# global variable If initialOnly=TRUE the function will only update the
# deviceInfo in the first call
updateDeviceInfo <- function(initialOnly = FALSE) {
if (initialOnly) {
if (!is.null(.gpuResourcesManager$globalVars$deviceInfo))
platformNum = getPlatformNum()
deviceInfo = c()
id = 0
for (i in seq_len(platformNum) - 1) {
deviceNum = getDeviceNum(i)
for (j in seq_len(deviceNum) - 1) {
curDeviceInfo = getSingleDeviceInfo(i, j)
curDeviceInfo$id = id
deviceInfo = rbind(deviceInfo, curDeviceInfo)
id = id + 1
if (length(deviceInfo) == 0) {
message("No device has been found, please make sure the computer has a graphic card or the driver has been properly installed.\n",
"\nFor CPU, you can install the intel's / ATI's graphic driver for the intel's / AMD's CPU respectively.",
"\nFor GPU, you need to download the graphic driver from your vendor's website.")
deviceInfo$haslocalMemory = deviceInfo$haslocalMemory == 1
deviceInfo$id = as.integer(deviceInfo$id + 1)
deviceInfo$platform = as.integer(deviceInfo$platform + 1)
deviceInfo$device = as.integer(deviceInfo$device + 1)
.gpuResourcesManager$globalVars$deviceInfo = deviceInfo
selectDevice = function(devices) {
updateDeviceInfo(initialOnly = TRUE)
deviceInfo = .gpuResourcesManager$globalVars$deviceInfo
if (range(devices)[1] <= 0 || range(devices)[2] > nrow(deviceInfo)) {
stop("Invalid device id!")
curDeviceInfo = deviceInfo[devices, , drop = FALSE]
for (i in seq_len(length(devices))) {
key = as.character(devices[i])
.gpuResourcesManager$internalVars$addressSizeList[[key]] = hash()
.gpuResourcesManager$internalVars$addressList[[key]] = hash()
.gpuResourcesManager$globalVars$curDevice[[key]] = as.integer(curDeviceInfo[i,
c("platform", "device"), drop = FALSE] - 1)
.gpuResourcesManager$internalVars$totalMemory[[key]] = as.double(curDeviceInfo[i,
.gpuResourcesManager$internalVars$memoryUsage[[key]] = 0
getFirstSelectedDevice <- function() {
deviceList = sort(as.integer(keys(.gpuResourcesManager$globalVars$curDevice)))
# Get the platform and device id If checkInitial=TRUE, the function
# will check if the device has been selected If checkInitial=FALSE, the
# function will just return the device information without check
getSelectedDevice <- function(device, checkInital = TRUE) {
if (checkInital) {
devKey = as.character(device)
if (!isDeviceSelected(devKey))
stop("The device has not been initialized! Please call setDevice() to initialize the device before use it.")
} else {
updateDeviceInfo(initialOnly = TRUE)
curDevice = as.integer(.gpuResourcesManager$globalVars$deviceInfo[device,
c("platform", "device")] - 1)
if (is.null(curDevice))
stop("the device does not exist!")
isDeviceSelected <- function(device) {
devKey = as.character(device)
has.key(devKey, .gpuResourcesManager$globalVars$curDevice)
getTrueAd <- function(address) {
.Call(C_getTrueAd, address)
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