
Defines functions .compileGPUCode compileGPUCode gpuSapply.getOption gpuSapply_multiDev gpuSapply_singleDev gpuSapply

Documented in compileGPUCode gpuSapply gpuSapply.getOption

#' @include hash.R
gpuApplyFuncList <- hash()

#' A GPU version of the sapply function
#' Please refer to sapply to see the basic usage
#' This function compiles the R code and runs it on the openCL-compatible devices. The usage is similar to the sapply function with 
#' some addtional opencl-related arguments.
#' @param X a vector that `FUN` will loop over.
#' @param FUN The function to be applied to each element of `X`
#' @param ... optional arguments to `FUN`
#' @param .macroParms 
#' The function argument that will be treated as macro in the code. 
#' If an argument is treated as macro, its value cannot be changed by the code
#' @param .device the device ID(s) indicates the device that the function will be excuted on. Running the code on Multiple devices is supported but is still under development
#' @param loading The loading of each device, only useful when having multiple devices.
#' @param .options The package and openCL compilation options, please call `gpuSapply.getOption()` to get all the available options
#' @examples
#' #matrix multiplication function
#' matMul = function(ind,A,B){
#' C = A%*%B[,ind]
#' return(C)
#' }
#' n = 100
#' m = 200
#' k = 100
#' #Create the data
#' A = matrix(runif(n*m),n,m)
#' B = matrix(runif(k*m),m,k)
#' #Perform matrix multiplication
#' #GPU
#' res_gpu = gpuSapply(1:k,matMul,A,B)
#' #CPU
#' res_cpu = sapply(1:k,matMul,A,B)
#' #error
#' range(res_gpu-res_cpu)
#' @export
#' @return A vector or a matrix
gpuSapply <- function(X, FUN, ..., .macroParms = NULL, .device = "auto", 
    loading = "auto", .options = gpuSapply.getOption()) {

        message("No device has been found! Auto dispatch the gpuSapply function to sapply")
        return(sapply(X = X,FUN = FUN,...))
  if (is.character(.device) && .device == "auto") {
        .device = as.integer(keys(.gpuResourcesManager$globalVars$curDevice))
    } else {
        .device = as.integer(.device)
    deviceNum = length(.device)
    # If the number of device is 1, just call the single device function
    if (deviceNum == 1) {
        res = gpuSapply_singleDev(X, FUN, ..., .macroParms = .macroParms, 
            .device = .device, .options = .options)
    } else {
        res = gpuSapply_multiDev(X, FUN, ..., .macroParms = .macroParms, 
            .device = .device, loading = "auto", .options = .options)

gpuSapply_singleDev <- function(X, FUN, ..., .macroParms = NULL, .device, 
    .options = gpuSapply.getOption(), .block = TRUE) {
    # Some interesting setup
    start_time <- Sys.time()
    verbose = .options$verbose
    optimization = .options$sapplyOptimization
    msg = .options$sapplyMsg
    option = .options$sapplyOption
    if (verbose || sum(as.matrix(msg)) != 0) 
        message("======gpuSapply compilation======")
    # Check and match the parameter names
    parms = list(...)
    parms = matchParms(X, parms, FUN)
    # Convert all the parameters to matrix type
    parms = formatParms(parms)
    # Create the signature for the functions
    sig = createSapplySignature(parms, FUN, .macroParms, .device, .options)
    sig_hash = digest(sig)
    # Check if the compiled code exist, if not, compile the function
    if (has.key(sig_hash, gpuApplyFuncList) && option$debugCode == "" && 
        !option$compileEveryTime) {
        if (verbose || msg$R.code.compiler.msg) {
            message("The R function has been compiled.")
        GPUcode1 = loadGPUcode(sig_hash, parms)
    } else {
        if (verbose || msg$R.code.compiler.msg) {
            message("The R function has not been compiled.")
        GPUcode1 = .compileGPUCode(FUN, parms, .macroParms = .macroParms, 
            .options = .options)
        # Store the GPU object
        gpuApplyFuncList[[sig_hash]] = saveGPUcode(GPUcode1)
        # insert debug code, when debug code is not empty, the function will be
        # compiled every time
        if (option$debugCode != "") {
            GPUcode1$gpu_code = option$debugCode
            GPUcode1$kernel = gsub(".+kernel void ([^(]+)\\(.+", "\\1", 
    # Complete the profile table and fill the GPU data
    GPUcode1 = completeProfileTbl(GPUcode1)
    GPUcode2 = fillGPUdata(GPUcode1, .options = .options, .device = .device)
    if (optimization$thread.number == TRUE) {
        .globalThreadNum = ceiling(length(X)/kernelNum) * kernelNum
        .options$kernelOption$localThreadNum = kernelNum
    } else {
        .globalThreadNum = length(X)
    if (verbose || msg$timing.R.code.compilation) {
        end_time <- Sys.time()
        compileTime = round(as.numeric(end_time - start_time), digits = 3)
        message("Total R code compilation time: ", compileTime, " secs")
    # .options$signature=c(.options$signature,sig_hash)
    .kernel(kernel = GPUcode2$kernel, src = GPUcode2$gpu_code, parms = GPUcode2$device_argument, 
        .device = .device, .globalThreadNum = .globalThreadNum, .options = .options)
    res = GPUcode2$device_argument$return_var
    if (.block) {
        res = download(res)
        res = as.vector(res)
        res=matrix(res,nrow=rowNum,ncol=colNum,byrow = TRUE)

gpuSapply_multiDev <- function(X, FUN, ..., .macroParms = NULL, .device, 
    loading = "auto", .options = gpuSapply.getOption(), .block = TRUE) {
    deviceNum = length(.device)
    jobsNum = length(X)
    # If the number of device is larger than 1, parallel the process Find
    # the loading for each device
    if (loading == "auto" || length(loading) != deviceNum) {
        loading = rep(1, deviceNum)
    loading = loading/sum(loading)
    # Create job blocks
    jobs = c()
    startInd = 0
    for (i in seq_len(deviceNum)) {
        endInd = min(startInd + ceiling(jobsNum * loading[i]), jobsNum)
        jobs = rbind(jobs, c(startInd, endInd))
        startInd = min(endInd, jobsNum)
    # Parallel the jobs
    parallelSet = list()
    for (i in seq_len(deviceNum)) {
        start = jobs[i, 1]
        end = jobs[i, 2]
        if (end - start == 0) {
            parallelSet[[i]] = NULL
        } else {
            parallelSet[[i]] = gpuSapply_singleDev(X[(start + 1):end], 
                FUN, ..., .macroParms = .macroParms, .device = .device[i], 
                .options = .options, .block = FALSE)
    # Get the result back
    unfinishedDevice = seq_len(deviceNum)
    unfinishedDeviceNum = deviceNum
    while (unfinishedDeviceNum != 0) {
        for (i in seq_len(deviceNum)) {
            ind = unfinishedDevice[i]
            if (ind == 0) 
            curDev = .device(parallelSet[[ind]])
            if (getJobStatus(curDev) == "complete") {
                unfinishedDevice[i] = 0
                unfinishedDeviceNum = unfinishedDeviceNum - 1
                parallelSet[[i]] = as.vector(download(parallelSet[[i]]))
    res = unlist(parallelSet)
    dim = c(0, 0)
    dim[1] = length(res)/jobsNum
    dim[2] = jobsNum
    .Call(C_asMatrix, res, as.integer(dim))

#' Get the package compilation options
#' Get the package compilation options, the openCl compilation options(`kernel.getOption()`) are also included.
#' @details 
#' There are a few options that are allowed to be changed, they are:
#' `sapplyOption.debugCode`: Replace the compiled GPU code with your customized code, this option is
#' useful when you want to debug the compiled code, or when you want to customize the compiled code.
#' `sapplyOption.compileEveryTime`: Specify whether you want the compiler to compile the R code everytime.
#' @examples 
#' opt=gpuSapply.getOption()
#' @return An options class
#' @export
gpuSapply.getOption <- function() {
    curOp = kernel.getOption()
    curOp$kernelOption$autoType = FALSE
    curOp$sapplyMsg = data.frame(
      R.code.compiler.msg = FALSE, 
      timing.R.code.compilation = FALSE
    curOp$sapplyOptimization = data.frame(
      thread.number = TRUE
    curOp$sapplyOption = data.frame(
      debugCode = "",
      compileEveryTime = FALSE,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    curOp = structure(curOp, class = "options")

#' Compile the R function without excute it in the device.
#' @inheritParams gpuSapply
#' @examples
#' #matrix add function
#' matAdd = function(ind,A,B){
#' C = A[,ind]+B[,ind]
#' return(C)
#' }
#' n = 100
#' m = 200
#' #Create the data
#' A = matrix(runif(n*m),n,m)
#' B = matrix(runif(n*m),n,m)
#' #Compile the R code
#' res = compileGPUCode(1:m,matAdd,A,B)
#' #print GPU code
#' cat(res$gpu_code)
#' @return A list of compilation information
#' @export
compileGPUCode <- function(X, FUN, ..., .macroParms = NULL, .options = gpuSapply.getOption()) {
    parms = list(...)
    parms = matchParms(X, parms, FUN)
    parms = formatParms(parms)
    GPUcode1 = .compileGPUCode(FUN, parms, .macroParms = .macroParms, .options = .options)

.compileGPUCode <- function(FUN, parms, .macroParms = NULL, .options) {
    codeMetaInfo = list()
    codeMetaInfo$Exp = funcToExp(FUN)$code
    codeMetaInfo$parms = parms
    codeMetaInfo0 = codePreprocessing(codeMetaInfo)
    GPUcode1 = completeGPUcode(GPUExp3)
    # optimization
    GPUcode1$gpu_code = opt_workerNumber(GPUcode1$varInfo, GPUcode1$gpu_code, 

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gpuMagic documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:15 p.m.