##Copyright 2004 B. Ding and R. Gentleman, all rights reserved
glpls1a <- function(X, y, K.prov=NULL, eps=1e-3, lmax=100, b.ini=NULL,
denom.eps=1e-20, family="binomial", link=NULL, br=TRUE)
if (is.null(link)) {
if (family=="normal") link <- "identity"
else if (family=="binomial") link <- "logit"
else if (family=="poisson") link <- "log"
else stop("unknown family", family)
X <- as.matrix(X)
dx <- dim(X)
##FIX up Y
if (is.factor(y)) {
levs = levels(y)
if( length(levs) > 2 )
levs = c(levs[1], "Other")
y <- y != levels(y)[1]
else levs = unique(y)
if(length(levs) > 2)
warning("y has more than two levels")
if (any(y < 0 | y > 1))
stop("y values must be 0 <= y <= 1")
### number of PLS components
if (is.null(K.prov)) K <- min(dx[1]-1,dx[2])
else if ( K.prov > min(dx[1]-1,dx[2]) )
cat("number of dimension K.provd exceeds rank of X. \n","Provide a number that is less than or equal to ",min(dx[1]-1,dx[2]),"!\n");
K <- min(dx[1]-1,dx[2])
K <- K.prov
## cat("Number of components is:", K,"!\n")
### initialzing matrices for PLS regression
## weight matrix for PLS regression
W<- matrix(0,dx[2],K)
## score matrix
Ta <- matrix(0,dx[1],K)
## loading matrix for X
P <- matrix(0,dx[2],K)
## loading matrix for y
Q <- numeric(K)
### number of iterations
l <- 0
### intial values
## convergence
converged <- F
## initial predictor matrix
E <- X
## pseudo response
ystar <- psi(y, family)
ystar0 <- ystar
## Weight matrix for GLM, e.g. p(1-p) for logistic regression
V <- diag(c(hp(ystar,family,link)^2/bpp(ystar,family,link)))
## weighted standardization of predictor matrix
E <- t(E)-apply(E,2,weighted.mean,diag(V))
E <- t(E)
# E <- t(E/sqrt(apply(E,1,var)))
## linear predictor, ie. eta = Xb
eta <- rep(0,length(y))
eta.old <- eta+10
Q <- rep(0,K)
Q.old <- rep(100,K)
K.old <- K
min <- 1000
## regression coefficients
beta.old <- b.ini[-1]
beta <- rep(1,ncol(X))
beta.old <- beta/1000
while ((max(abs(beta-beta.old)/(abs(beta.old)+denom.eps)) > eps) &
(l < lmax)) {
## cat("Iter:",l,"\n")
if ((max(abs(beta-beta.old)/(abs(beta.old)+denom.eps)) < min))
W.min <- W
P.min <- P
Q.min <- Q
## record minimum values
min <- max(abs(beta-beta.old)/(abs(beta.old)+denom.eps))
W.min <- W
P.min <- P
Q.min <- Q
eta.min <- eta
l.min <- l
K.old <- K
l <- l + 1
# K <- min(dx[1]-1,dx[2],Rank(E),K.prov)
W <- matrix(0,dx[2],K)
Ta <- matrix(0,dx[1],K)
P <- matrix(0,dx[2],K)
Q <- numeric(K)
### PLS regression
for ( i in 1:K) {
w <- t(E)%*%V%*%ystar
w <- w/sqrt(crossprod(w)[1])
W[,i] <- w
ta <- E%*%w
## ta <- ta-weighted.mean(ta,diag(V))
## ta <- ta/sqrt(var(ta))[1]
Ta[,i] <- ta
taa <- (t(ta)%*%V%*%ta)[1]
p <- t(E)%*%V%*%ta/taa
P[,i] <- p
q <- (t(ystar)%*%V%*%ta/taa)[1]
Q[i] <- q
ystar <- ystar - q*ta
E <- E - ta%*%t(p)
## update beta
temp <- ginv(t(P)%*%W)
#cat("t(P)%*%W singular!\n")
beta.old <- beta
beta <- W%*%temp%*%Q
## Hat matrix
H <- hat(sweep(cbind(rep(1,dx[1]),X),1,sqrt(diag(V)),"*"),intercept=FALSE)
## update eta (linear predictor)
eta <- weighted.mean(ystar0,diag(V)) + Ta%*%Q
## update and rescaling weight matrix
V <- diag(c(hp(eta,family,link)^2/bpp(eta,family,link)))
V <- V*(H*br+1)
## diagnosis for divergence
if( sum(diag(V)=="NaN") > 0)
#print("diagonal elements of V overflow!")
if (sum(round(probcal(y,eta),4)>=0.9999)==length(y))
#print("complete separation !")
## update pseudo response
ystar <- eta +
diag(c(1/hp(eta,family,link)))%*%(y+H*br/2 -
(H*br+1)*h(eta,family,link))/(H*br +1)
ystar0 <- ystar
## update predictor matrix
E <- t(X)-apply(X,2,weighted.mean,diag(V))
E <- t(E)
## E <- t(E/sqrt(apply(E,1,var)))
# print(max(abs(beta-beta.old)/(abs(beta.old)+denom.eps)))
# print(l)
if (max(abs(beta-beta.old)/(abs(beta.old)+denom.eps)) > eps)
# cat("Convergence Not achieved and estimate from iteration ", l.min, " is used!")
W <- W.min
P <- P.min
Q <- Q.min
eta <- eta.min
converged <- T
## final estimates
beta <- W%*%solve(t(P)%*%W)%*%Q
beta0 <- eta[1]-X[1,]%*%beta
##put some names onto the coefs
coef = c(beta0,beta)
dnx = dimnames(X)[[2]]
if(length(dnx) != length(beta))
dnx = paste("X", 1:length(beta), sep=":")
names(coef) = c("Intercept", dnx)
ans = list(coefficients=coef,
convergence = converged,
niter = l,
family = family,
link = link,
levs = levs,
bias.reduction = br,
loading.matrix = P)
class(ans) = "gpls"
##let's see if we can put this into a standard modeling framework
gpls = function(x, ...)
gpls.default = function(x, y, K.prov=NULL, eps=1e-3, lmax=100, b.ini=NULL,
denom.eps=1e-20, family="binomial", link=NULL, br=TRUE, ...)
glpls1a(x, y, K.prov, eps, lmax, b.ini, denom.eps, family,
link, br)
gpls.formula = function(formula, data, contrasts=NULL, K.prov=NULL,
eps=1e-3, lmax=100, b.ini=NULL, denom.eps=1e-20, family="binomial",
link=NULL, br=TRUE, ...) {
mf =
m = match(c("formula", "data"), names(mf), 0)
mf = mf[c(1,m)]
mf[[1]] ="model.frame")
mf = eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt = attr(mf, "terms")
y = model.response(mf, "numeric")
x = if( !is.empty.model(mt))
model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts)
else matrix(, NROW(y), 0)
xint = match("(Intercept)", colnames(x), nomatch=0 )
if(xint > 0 )
x <- x[, -xint, drop=FALSE]
ans = glpls1a(x, y, K.prov, eps, lmax, b.ini,
denom.eps, family, link, br)
ans$terms = mt
ans$call =
print.gpls = function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call), "\n\n", sep = "")
if (length(coef(x))) {
print.default(format(coef(x), digits = digits), = 2,
quote = FALSE)
##Based on predict.lda
predict.gpls = function (object, newdata, ...)
if (!inherits(object, "gpls"))
stop("object not of class gpls")
if (!is.null(Terms <- object$terms)) {
Terms <- delete.response(Terms)
if (missing(newdata))
newdata <- model.frame(object)
else {
newdata <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, na.action = na.pass,
xlev = object$xlevels)
if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")))
stats::.checkMFClasses(cl, newdata)
x <- model.matrix(Terms, newdata, contrasts = object$contrasts)
xint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(x), nomatch = 0)
if (xint > 0)
x <- x[, -xint, drop = FALSE]
else {
if (missing(newdata)) {
if (!is.null(sub <- object$call$subset))
newdata <- eval.parent(parse(text =
paste(deparse(object$call$x, backtick = TRUE), "[",
deparse(sub, backtick = TRUE), ",]")))
else newdata <- eval.parent(object$call$x)
if (!is.null(nas <- object$call$na.action))
newdata <- eval(call(nas, newdata))
if (is.null(dim(newdata)))
dim(newdata) <- c(1, length(newdata))
x <- as.matrix(newdata)
if (ncol(x) != length(object$coefficients) - 1 )
stop("wrong number of variables")
if (length(colnames(x)) > 0 && any(colnames(x) !=
names(object$coef[-1])) )
warning("Variable names in newdata do not match those in object")
##FIXME: just copied this from Beiying's stuff - clearly needs a bit
## more thought - why do we strip off the coef when fitting, and then
## add it back in?
eta <- cbind(rep(1,nrow(x)),x)%*%object$coefficient
preds = h(eta, object$family, object$link)
##we seem to need to do a lot of futzing to get the right levels
rf = preds > 0.5
if(all(rf) ) {
rf = factor(rf, labels=object$levs[2])
levels(rf) = object$levs
else if( !any(rf) ) {
rf = factor(rf, labels=object$levs[1])
levels(rf) = object$levs
rf = factor(preds[,1]>0.5, labels=object$levs)
ans = list(class = rf, predicted = preds)
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