test_that("glm_gp works for simple cases", {
y <- rpois(n = 10, lambda = 3)
tmp <- glm_gp(y, design = ~ 1)
tmp <- glm_gp(y, design = ~ 1, size_factors = FALSE)
expect_equal(tmp$size_factors, rep(1, times = 10))
expect_equal(c(tmp$model_matrix), rep(1, times = 10))
expect_equal(c(tmp$Mu), rep(mean(y), times = 10))
expect_equal(c(tmp$Beta), log(mean(y)))
test_that("glm_gp() can be called like glm(): formula first", {
y <- c(1, 3, 6)
expect_equal(glm_gp(y ~ 1), glm_gp(y))
Y <- matrix(rpois(n = 4 * 9, lambda = 2), nrow = 4, ncol = 9)
expect_equal(glm_gp(Y ~ 1), glm_gp(Y))
a <- rnorm(9)
df <- data.frame(b = runif(9),
y = rpois(9, lambda = 3))
y <- df$y + 10
expect_equal(glm_gp(Y ~ a + b, col_data = df), glm_gp(Y, ~ a + b, col_data = df))
expect_error(expect_equal(glm_gp(y ~ a + b, col_data = df), glm_gp(y, ~ a + b, col_data = df)))
expect_equal(glm_gp(y ~ a + b, col_data = df), glm_gp(df$y, ~ a + b, col_data = df))
expect_error(glm_gp(~ a + b))
expect_error(glm_gp(y ~ a, ~ a))
glm_gp(y ~ ., col_data = df)$design_formula
test_that("glm_gp can handle complicated formulas", {
data <- data.frame(fav_food = sample(c("apple", "banana", "cherry"), size = 50, replace = TRUE),
city = sample(c("heidelberg", "paris", "new york"), size = 50, replace = TRUE),
age = rnorm(n = 50, mean = 40, sd = 15))
Y <- matrix(rnbinom(n = 100 * 50, mu = 3, size = 1/3.1), nrow = 100, ncol = 50)
rownames(Y) <- paste0("gene_", seq_len(100))
colnames(Y) <- paste0("person_", seq_len(50))
fit <- glm_gp(Y, design = ~ fav_food + city + age, col_data = data)
expect_equal(colnames(fit$Beta), colnames(fit$model_matrix))
expect_equal(rownames(fit$Beta), rownames(Y))
expect_equal(colnames(fit$Mu), colnames(Y))
expect_equal(rownames(fit$Mu), rownames(Y))
expect_equal(rownames(fit$model_matrix), colnames(Y))
expect_equal(names(fit$overdispersions), rownames(Y))
expect_equal(names(fit$size_factors), colnames(Y))
test_that("glm_gp can handle overdispersion = 'global'", {
Y <- matrix(rnbinom(n = 100 * 50, mu = 3, size = 1/3.1), nrow = 100, ncol = 50)
rownames(Y) <- paste0("gene_", seq_len(100))
colnames(Y) <- paste0("person_", seq_len(50))
fit <- glm_gp(Y, overdispersion = "global")
res <- overdispersion_mle(Y, fit$Mu, global_estimate = TRUE)
expect_equal(unname(fit$overdispersions[1]), res$estimate)
expect_equal(unname(fit$overdispersion_shrinkage_list$dispersion_trend), unname(fit$overdispersions))
expect_equal(unname(fit$overdispersion_shrinkage_list$ql_disp_estimate[1]), 1)
test_that("handle_design_parameter throws error for degenerate design matrix", {
df <- data.frame(group = sample(LETTERS[1:3], size = 20, replace = TRUE),
cont = rnorm(20))
df$group_copy <- df$group
data <- matrix(0, ncol = 20, nrow = 1)
expect_error(handle_design_parameter(~ group + group_copy + cont, data, col_data = df, reference_level = NULL))
model_matrix <- model.matrix(~ group + cont, data = df)
model_matrix <- cbind(model_matrix, 0)
expect_error(handle_design_parameter(model_matrix, data, col_data = df, reference_level = NULL))
test_that("glm_gp can handle no-row input", {
Y <- matrix(numeric(0), nrow = 0, ncol = 10)
tmp <- glm_gp(Y, size_factors = FALSE)
expect_equal(dim(tmp$Beta), c(0, 1))
expect_equal(dim(tmp$Mu), c(0, 10))
expect_equal(tmp$size_factors, rep(1, times = 10))
expect_equal(c(tmp$model_matrix), rep(1, times = 10))
test_that("glm_gp throws error on no-col input", {
Y <- matrix(numeric(0), nrow = 3, ncol = 0)
expect_error(glm_gp(Y, size_factors = FALSE))
test_that("glm_gp produces appropriate error message for NA input", {
y <- c(NA, rpois(n = 9, lambda = 3), NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA)
tmp <- glm_gp(y, size_factors = FALSE)
test_that("glm_gp produces appropriate error message for Infinite input", {
y <- c(-Inf, rpois(n = 9, lambda = 3))
tmp <- glm_gp(y, size_factors = FALSE)
test_that("glm_gp produces appropriate error message for negative input", {
y <- c(-3, rpois(n = 9, lambda = 3))
tmp <- glm_gp(y, size_factors = FALSE)
test_that("glm_gp works for subsample = Inf", {
y <- rpois(n = 10, lambda = 3)
tmp <- glm_gp(y, design = ~ 1, size_factors = FALSE)
tmpInf <- glm_gp(y, design = ~ 1, size_factors = FALSE, subsample = Inf)
expect_equal(tmp, tmpInf)
test_that("glm_gp can handle on_disk parameter", {
data <- data.frame(fav_food = sample(c("apple", "banana", "cherry"), size = 50, replace = TRUE),
city = sample(c("heidelberg", "paris", "new york"), size = 50, replace = TRUE),
age = rnorm(n = 50, mean = 40, sd = 15))
Y <- matrix(rnbinom(n = 10 * 50, mu = 3, size = 1/3.1), nrow = 10, ncol = 50)
rownames(Y) <- paste0("gene_", seq_len(10))
colnames(Y) <- paste0("person_", seq_len(50))
Y_hdf5 <- HDF5Array::writeHDF5Array(Y)
dimnames(Y_hdf5) <- dimnames(Y)
fit_in_memory <- glm_gp(Y, design = ~ fav_food + city + age, col_data = data, on_disk = FALSE)
fit_on_disk <- glm_gp(Y, design = ~ fav_food + city + age, col_data = data, on_disk = TRUE)
expect_equal(fit_in_memory[!names(fit_in_memory) %in% c("Mu", "data")], fit_on_disk[!names(fit_on_disk) %in% c("Mu", "data")])
expect_equal(c(fit_in_memory$Mu), c(fit_on_disk$Mu))
expect_s4_class(fit_on_disk$Mu, "DelayedArray")
expect_equal(c(assay(fit_in_memory$data)), c(assay(fit_on_disk$data)))
expect_equal(class(fit_in_memory$data), class(fit_on_disk$data))
expect_s4_class(assay(fit_on_disk$data), "DelayedArray")
fit_on_disk2 <- glm_gp(Y_hdf5, design = ~ fav_food + city + age, col_data = data)
expect_equal(fit_on_disk[!names(fit_in_memory) %in% c("Mu", "data")], fit_on_disk2[!names(fit_on_disk2) %in% c("Mu", "data")])
expect_s4_class(fit_on_disk2$Mu, "DelayedArray")
expect_s4_class(assay(fit_on_disk2$data), "DelayedArray")
fit_in_memory2 <- glm_gp(Y_hdf5, design = ~ fav_food + city + age, col_data = data, on_disk = FALSE)
expect_equal(fit_in_memory, fit_in_memory2)
test_that("glm_gp can handle SummarizedExperiment correctly", {
data <- data.frame(fav_food = sample(c("apple", "banana", "cherry"), size = 50, replace = TRUE),
city = sample(c("heidelberg", "paris", "new york"), size = 50, replace = TRUE),
age = rnorm(n = 50, mean = 40, sd = 15))
Y <- matrix(rnbinom(n = 10 * 50, mu = 3, size = 1/3.1), nrow = 10, ncol = 50)
rownames(Y) <- paste0("gene_", seq_len(10))
colnames(Y) <- paste0("person_", seq_len(50))
se <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(Y, colData = data)
fit <- glm_gp(Y, design = ~ fav_food + city + age, col_data = data)
fit_se <- glm_gp(se, design = ~ fav_food + city + age)
expect_equal(fit, fit_se)
test_that("glm_gp can handle intercept model", {
data <- data.frame(fav_food = sample(c("apple", "banana", "cherry"), size = 150, replace = TRUE),
city = sample(c("heidelberg", "paris", "new york"), size = 150, replace = TRUE),
age = rnorm(n = 150, mean = 40, sd = 15))
Y <- matrix(rnbinom(n = 10 * 150, mu = 3, size = 1/3.1), nrow = 10, ncol = 150)
rownames(Y) <- paste0("gene_", seq_len(10))
colnames(Y) <- paste0("person_", seq_len(150))
se <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment(Y, colData = data)
fit1 <- glm_gp(se, design = ~ fav_food + city + age)
fit2 <- glm_gp(Y, design = ~ 1)
fit3 <- glm_gp(se, design = ~ fav_food + city + age, overdispersion = 0)
test_that("glm_gp can handle design parameter of type vector", {
Y <- matrix(rnbinom(n = 10 * 50, mu = 3, size = 1/3.1), nrow = 10, ncol = 50)
rownames(Y) <- paste0("gene_", seq_len(10))
colnames(Y) <- paste0("person_", seq_len(50))
fit_intercept <- glm_gp(Y, design = ~ 1)
expect_error(glm_gp(Y, design = 1))
sample_assignment <- rep(1, times = 50)
fit_vec <- glm_gp(Y, design = sample_assignment)
expect_equal(c(fit_intercept$Beta), c(fit_vec$Beta))
expect_equal(colnames(fit_vec$Beta), "1")
sample_assignment <- sample(c("a", "b", "c"), size = 50, replace = TRUE)
design_mat <- model.matrix(~ x_ - 1, data = data.frame(x_ = sample_assignment))
colnames(design_mat) <- c("a", "b", "c")
fit_vec <- glm_gp(Y, design = sample_assignment)
fit_mat <- glm_gp(Y, design = design_mat)
expect_equal(fit_vec, fit_mat)
sample_assignment <- sample(c("a", "b", "c"), size = 50, replace = TRUE)
design_mat <- model.matrix(~ x_, data = data.frame(x_ = relevel(as.factor(sample_assignment), ref = "b")))
fit_vec <- glm_gp(Y, design = sample_assignment, reference_level = "b")
expect_error(glm_gp(Y, design = design_mat, reference_level = "b"))
fit_mat <- glm_gp(Y, design = design_mat)
fit_formula <- glm_gp(Y, design = ~ x_, col_data = data.frame(x_ = sample_assignment),
reference_level = "b")
expect_equal(unname(fit_vec$Beta), unname(fit_mat$Beta))
expect_equal(colnames(fit_vec$Beta), c("Intercept", "a_vs_b", "c_vs_b"))
expect_equal(unname(fit_vec$Beta), unname(fit_formula$Beta))
expect_equal(colnames(fit_formula$Beta), c("Intercept", "x_a", "x_c"))
test_that("glm_gp can handle design formula correctly", {
coldata <- data.frame(condition = c(rep("A", 4), rep("B", 3)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Y <- matrix(numeric(0), ncol = 7, nrow = 0)
fit <- glm_gp(Y, design = ~ condition, col_data = coldata, size_factors = FALSE)
expect_equal(c(fit$model_matrix), c(model.matrix(~ condition, coldata)))
test_that("glm_gp gives error for too large col_data ", {
coldata <- data.frame(condition = c(rep("A", 4), rep("B", 4)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(coldata) <- paste0("sample_", sample(1:8))
Y <- matrix(numeric(0), ncol = 7, nrow = 0)
colnames(Y) <- paste0("sample_", 1:7)
expect_error(glm_gp(Y, design = ~ condition, col_data = coldata, size_factors = FALSE))
test_that("glm_gp gives error for wrong input data ", {
expect_error(glm_gp(data = c("hello", "world")))
sp_mat <- as(matrix(1:10, nrow = 1), "dgCMatrix")
expect_error(glm_gp(data = sp_mat))
test_that("glm_gp warns about mismatching col_data rownames ", {
coldata <- data.frame(condition = c(rep("A", 4), rep("B", 3)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(coldata) <- paste0("sample_", sample(1:7))
Y <- matrix(numeric(0), ncol = 7, nrow = 0)
colnames(Y) <- paste0("sample_", 1:7)
fit <- glm_gp(Y, design = ~ condition, col_data = coldata, size_factors = FALSE)
expect_equal(c(fit$model_matrix), c(model.matrix(~ condition, coldata)[colnames(Y), ]))
test_that("glm_gp doesn't copy the data", {
data <- data.frame(fav_food = sample(c("apple", "banana", "cherry"), size = 50, replace = TRUE),
city = sample(c("heidelberg", "paris", "new york"), size = 50, replace = TRUE),
age = rnorm(n = 50, mean = 40, sd = 15))
Y <- matrix(rnbinom(n = 10 * 50, mu = 3, size = 1/3.1), nrow = 10, ncol = 50)
rownames(Y) <- paste0("gene_", seq_len(10))
colnames(Y) <- paste0("person_", seq_len(50))
Y_hdf5 <- HDF5Array::writeHDF5Array(Y)
dimnames(Y_hdf5) <- dimnames(Y)
fit_on_disk <- glm_gp(Y_hdf5, design = ~ fav_food + city + age, col_data = data)
expect_s4_class(assay(fit_on_disk$data), "DelayedArray")
expect_equal(assay(fit_on_disk$data)@seed@seed@filepath, Y_hdf5@seed@seed@filepath)
# fit_in_memory <- glm_gp(Y, design = ~ fav_food + city + age, col_data = data, on_disk = FALSE)
# # If you ignore the wrapper for the second, the two objects are identical
# .Internal(inspect(Y))
# .Internal(inspect(assay(fit_in_memory$data)))
test_that("lte_n_equal_rows and get_row_groups works", {
df <- data.frame(v1 = rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 10),
v2 = rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 10),
cont = rnorm(30), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
X1 <- model.matrix(~ v1 - 1, data = df)
X2 <- model.matrix(~ v1 + 1, data = df)
X3 <- model.matrix(~ v1 + v2 + 1, data = df)
X4 <- model.matrix(~ v1 + v2 + cont, data = df)
expect_true(lte_n_equal_rows(X1, n = ncol(X1)))
expect_false(lte_n_equal_rows(X1, n = 2))
expect_true(lte_n_equal_rows(X1, n = 4))
expect_equal(get_row_groups(X1, n_groups = ncol(X1)),
expect_true(lte_n_equal_rows(X2, n = 3))
expect_false(lte_n_equal_rows(X2, n = 2))
expect_equal(get_row_groups(X2, n_groups = ncol(X2)),
expect_true(lte_n_equal_rows(X3, n = ncol(X3)))
expect_true(lte_n_equal_rows(X3, n = 3))
expect_false(lte_n_equal_rows(X3, n = 2))
expect_equal(get_row_groups(X3, n_groups = ncol(X3)),
expect_false(lte_n_equal_rows(X4, n = 20))
expect_equal(get_row_groups(X4, n_groups = nrow(X4)), seq_len(nrow(df)))
# df2 <- data.frame(v1 = rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 1000),
# v2 = rep(LETTERS[1:3], each = 1000),
# cont = rnorm(30))
# X_large <- model.matrix(~ v1 + v2 + cont - 1, data = df2)
# bench::mark(
# lte_n_equal_rows(X_large, n = 10),
# DESeq2:::nOrMoreInCell(X_large, 10),
# check = FALSE
# )
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