#' Obtain the weighting type used to obtain a classifier result.
#' \code{getWeightingTypes} returns weigthing type
#' @return either 'complete' or 'reweighted'
#' @family classifier results
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname getWeightingType-methods
#' @examples
#' getWeightingTypes()
getWeightingTypes <- function() {
return(c("complete", "reweighted"))
#' @name ClassifierResults
#' @title An S4 class to store classifier results.
#' @description This class stores classifier results as obtained after running
#' the \code{\link{runClassifier}} function.
#' @slot classifierParameters An object of class \code{\link{ClassifierParameters}}
#' in which the applied classifier parameters are stored.
#' @slot score A numeric vector of resulting classifier scores
#' @slot batchCorrection A character vector indicating wheter batch correction was applied
#' @slot weightingType A character string indicating wheter the weighting type was complete
#' (i.e. no missing data), reweighted (i.e. missing data was handled based on correction
#' using the covariance structure in the classifiers training data), or reduced (i.e. missing
#' data but not reweighting the original probeset weighting)
#' @slot .geneClassifierVersion An object of class \code{\link{package_version}}
setClass("ClassifierResults", representation = representation(classifierParameters = "ClassifierParameters",
score = "numeric", batchCorrection = "logical", weightingType = "character",
.geneClassifierVersion = "package_version"), prototype = list(.geneClassifierVersion = packageVersionInternal()))
#' @importFrom methods validObject
setValidity("ClassifierResults", function(object) {
errTxt <- vector()
if (length(getWeightingType(object)) != 1) {
errTxt <- c(errTxt, "More than one weightingTypes received")
} else if (!getWeightingType(object) %in% getWeightingTypes()) {
errTxt <- c(errTxt, paste0("Weigthingtypes must be one of: ", paste(getWeightingTypes(),
collapse = ", ")))
validObject(getClassifier(object), complete = TRUE)
if (length(errTxt) > 0) {
setMethod("ClassifierResults", signature = signature(weightingType = "character",
batchCorrection = "logical", score = "numeric", classifierParameters = "ClassifierParameters"),
definition = function(weightingType, batchCorrection, score, classifierParameters) {
new("ClassifierResults", classifierParameters = classifierParameters, score = score,
batchCorrection = batchCorrection, weightingType = weightingType)
#' @rdname getScores-methods
#' @aliases getScores,ClassifierResults-method
#' @export
setMethod("getScores", signature = signature("ClassifierResults"), definition = function(object) {
#' @rdname getClassifier-methods
#' @aliases getClassifier,ClassifierResults-method
#' @export
setMethod("getClassifier", signature = signature(value = "ClassifierResults"), definition = function(value) {
#' @rdname getBatchCorrection-methods
#' @aliases getBatchCorrection,ClassifierResults-method
#' @export
setMethod("getBatchCorrection", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierResults"),
definition = function(object) {
#' @rdname getWeightingType-methods
#' @aliases getWeightingType,ClassifierResults-method
#' @export
setMethod("getWeightingType", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierResults"),
definition = function(object) {
#' @rdname getName-methods
#' @aliases getName,ClassifierResults-method
#' @export
setMethod("getName", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierResults"), definition = function(object) {
#' @rdname getClassifications-methods
#' @aliases getClassifications,ClassifierResults-method
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils as.roman
setMethod("getClassifications", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierResults"),
definition = function(object) {
boundaries <- getDecisionBoundaries(getClassifier(object))
y <- getScores(object)
classifications <- vapply(X = boundaries, FUN = function(x, y) {
y > x
}, FUN.VALUE = rep(FALSE, length(y)), y = y)
classifications <- factor(rowSums(classifications), levels = seq(from = 0,
to = length(boundaries)), labels = paste("Risk", as.roman(1 + seq(from = 0,
length(boundaries))), sep = "-"), ordered = TRUE)
setMethod("show", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierResults"), definition = function(object) {
classifications <- getClassifications(object)
riskGroup <- table(classifications)
cat("Note: Research use only\n")
cat("Classifier:", getName(object), "\n")
decisionBoundaries <- getDecisionBoundaries(getClassifier(object))
for (boundary in decisionBoundaries) {
cat("\t", paste(">", boundary, ":", names(riskGroup)[-1]), "\n")
cat("\n\tBatch corrected :", c("no", "yes")[getBatchCorrection(object) + 1],
cat("\tweighting type :", getWeightingType(object), "\n")
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