geNetClassifier <- function(eset, sampleLabels, plotsName=NULL, buildClassifier=TRUE,
estimateGError=FALSE, calculateNetwork=TRUE, labelsOrder=NULL, geneLabels=NULL,
numGenesNetworkPlot = 100, minGenesTrain=1, maxGenesTrain = 100, continueZeroError=FALSE,
numIters = 6, lpThreshold = 0.95, numDecimals=3, removeCorrelations=FALSE, correlationsThreshold=0.8,
correlationMethod="pearson", removeInteractions=FALSE, interactionsThreshold=0.5, minProbAssignCoeff=1, minDiffAssignCoeff=0.8,
IQRfilterPercentage = 0, skipInteractions=TRUE, precalcGenesNetwork = NULL, precalcGenesRanking=NULL, returnAllGenesRanking=TRUE, kernel="linear", verbose=TRUE, ...)
# numDecimals=3 (solo necesario en GE)
# Precalculated genesNetwork / genesRanking -> Use at your own risk!
#### Fixed variables (could be added as arguments in the future)
geneAdd <- "V1.b" # "V0" "V1" o "V1.b"
geneSelection<-"maxSoutliers" # "max" "mean" "maxSoutliers"
outlThreshold <- 1 # "SD" q consideramos outliers. (1=64%) x defecto era 1.5 (86%). 2 (94%) es casi igual q "max" (0=median?)
returnTopGenesNetwork <-calculateNetwork # Si se calcula, se devuelve
### Checking arguments
# sampleLabels format:
if(is.character(sampleLabels) && (length(sampleLabels) ==1))
if( is(eset, "ExpressionSet") && (sampleLabels %in% colnames(pData(eset)))) {
sampleLabels <- pData(eset)[,sampleLabels, drop=FALSE]
} else{
stop("The sampleLabels should be either a factor, or contain the name of the phenoData column containing the labels.")
if( || is.matrix(sampleLabels))
if(dim(sampleLabels)[2] == 1)
tempSamplesLabels <- sampleLabels
sampleLabels <- as.factor(sampleLabels[,1])
names(sampleLabels) <- rownames(tempSamplesLabels)
if(class(sampleLabels) != "factor") { warning("The argument 'classification sampleLabels' had to be converted into a factor.")}
sampleLabels <- factor(sampleLabels) #Just in case there are not samples of all the original labels
# Eset should be a matrix. If it is a whole ExpressionSet, we extract the expressions matrix with exprs()
if(is(eset, "ExpressionSet")) eset <- exprs(eset) else if (!is.matrix(eset)) stop("The first argument should be an expression matrix or an ExpressionSet.")
if(length(unique(rownames(eset))) > length(rownames(eset))) stop("The row names of the expression matrix (gene ID) should be unique.")
if(any( warning("The expression set contains NAs.")
if(any(eset<0, na.rm=TRUE)) warning("Genes with negative values will not be considered.")
# Check wether the eset and the sampleLabels match
numSamples <- ncol(eset)
if(numSamples != length(sampleLabels)) stop("The number of labels does not match the number of samples.")
if(sum(!names(sampleLabels) %in% colnames(eset))>0 ) stop("The names of the labels do not match the samples.")
warning("The data labels vector is not named, it is assumed the labels are in order: the first label applies to the first sample... ")
if(!is.vector(labelsOrder) && !is.factor(labelsOrder)) stop("The labels order should be either a vector or a factor")
if(any(!labelsOrder %in% levels(sampleLabels)) || any(!levels(sampleLabels) %in% labelsOrder))
warning("The labelsOrder does not match the samples labels. It will be ignored.")
labelsOrder <- NULL
# Calculate basic variables
classes <- levels(sampleLabels)
if(!is.null(labelsOrder)) classes <- labelsOrder
numClasses <- length(classes)
if(numClasses < 2) stop("The classification can not be done with less than two classes.(There is nothing to classify)")
if(maxGenesTrain < numClasses) stop(paste("The classification can not be performed with less genes than classes. Increase the argument 'maxGenesTrain'.",sep=""))
numElemClass <- table(sampleLabels)
# Check the rest of the arguments
# ShowNames checked in function (matrix, dataframe or vector)
if(!is.numeric(numDecimals)){ numDecimals <- 3
}else {
if (numDecimals<0 || numDecimals>7)
numDecimals <- 3
warning("The argument 'numDecimals' should be a number between 0 and 7. The default value (3) is used.")
if(!is.numeric(IQRfilterPercentage) || (IQRfilterPercentage>=1 || IQRfilterPercentage <0)) stop("The filter percentage should be a probability (a number between 0 and 1).")
if(!is.numeric(minGenesTrain) || (minGenesTrain<1 || minGenesTrain>=maxGenesTrain)) stop("The minimum number of genes per class to train the classifier with should be a number higher than zero and lower than the maxGenesTrain.")
if(!is.numeric(maxGenesTrain) || maxGenesTrain<3) stop("The maximum number of genes per class to train the classifier with should be a number higher than two.")
if(!is.numeric(numIters) || numIters<3) stop("The process for calculating the number of genes should be repeated at least three times (recommended: 10).")
if(!is.numeric(lpThreshold) || (lpThreshold>=1 || lpThreshold <0)) stop("Lp threshold should be a probability (a number between 0 and 1).")
if(!is.null(precalcGenesNetwork) && !is.list(precalcGenesNetwork)){ stop("The argument genesNetwork should be a list.")
}else{ genesNetwork <- precalcGenesNetwork}
if(!is.logical(removeInteractions) || !is.logical(removeCorrelations)) stop("The arguments removeInteractions and removeCorrelations should be either TRUE or FALSE.")
if(!is.logical(skipInteractions) || (skipInteractions && removeInteractions)) skipInteractions <- FALSE
if(!is.logical(buildClassifier)) stop("The argument buildClassifier should be either TRUE or FALSE.")
if(!is.logical(estimateGError)) stop("The argument estimateGError should be either TRUE or FALSE.")
if(!is.logical(calculateNetwork)) stop("The argument calculateNetwork should be either TRUE or FALSE.")
if(!is.logical(returnTopGenesNetwork)) returnTopGenesNetwork <- FALSE
if((removeInteractions || removeCorrelations) && (!calculateNetwork && is.null(genesNetwork)))
warning("In order to remove correlations or interactions, the genes network needs to be calculated.")
if(calculateNetwork && !is.null(genesNetwork))
warning("The genes network was provided. It will not be recalculated.")
calculateNetwork <- FALSE
if((!buildClassifier && !estimateGError) && (calculateNetwork && !returnTopGenesNetwork))
warning("The genes network will be calculated but not used (buildClassifier and estimateGError are False) so it will be returned although it was not requested.")
returnTopGenesNetwork <- TRUE # Otherwise only the genes ranking will be returned (the network will be lost & not used)
if ((!calculateNetwork&& is.null(genesNetwork)) && returnTopGenesNetwork) stop("The genes network cannot be returned without providing or calculating it.")
if(!is.numeric(numGenesNetworkPlot) || numGenesNetworkPlot< 2) stop("The number of genes to plot in the network should be a number higher than two.")
if(!is.numeric(interactionsThreshold) || (interactionsThreshold>=1 || interactionsThreshold <=0)) stop("The threshold for the interactions should be a probability (a number between 0 and 1).")
if(!is.numeric(correlationsThreshold) || (correlationsThreshold>=1 || correlationsThreshold <=0)) stop("The threshold for the correlations should be a probability (a number between 0 and 1).")
if(!is.numeric(minProbAssignCoeff)) stop("'minProbAssignCoeff' should be a coefficient to modify the minimum probability required to assign the sample to a class.")
if(!is.numeric(minDiffAssignCoeff)) stop("'minDiffAssignCoeff' should be a coefficient to modify the required difference between probabilites to assign the sample to a class.")
if(minProbAssignCoeff<0 || ((numClasses != 2) &&(minProbAssignCoeff>(numClasses/2)))) stop("'minProbAssignCoeff' should be between 0 and half of the number of classes.")
if(minDiffAssignCoeff<0 || minDiffAssignCoeff>numClasses) stop("'minDiffAssignCoeff' should be between 0 and the number of classes.")
if(!is.null(plotsName) && !is.character(plotsName)) stop("The plots file name is not a valid name.")
if(!is.logical(verbose)) verbose <- TRUE
if(!is.logical(returnAllGenesRanking)) returnAllGenesRanking <- FALSE
# Can the genes ranking provided belong to this dataset?
genesRankingGlobal <- precalcGenesRanking
if(!is(genesRankingGlobal, "GenesRanking"))
if (!is.null(genesRankingGlobal)) warning("The genesRanking provided is not valid. It will be re-calculated.")
genesRankingGlobal <- NULL
if (!any(gClasses(genesRankingGlobal) %in% classes)) # The genes ranking and the classes given sould be in the same order?
if (numClasses!=2 && length(gClasses(genesRankingGlobal)) != 1)
genesRankingGlobal <- NULL
warning("The genesRanking given as argument does not match the expression matrix. It will be re-calculated.")
### Calculate variables, ranking and network
# Check if there are the same number of samples for all the classes
sameNumSamplesClass <- length(table(numElemClass))==1
if (!sameNumSamplesClass) warning("It is recommended to have the *same* number of samples in each class in order to obtain balanced external validation stats.")
if(estimateGError && sameNumSamplesClass) if((unique(numElemClass)%%5)!=0) warning("Since the number of samples is not multiple of 5, some samples might be used as test in several cross-validation loops when estimating the generalization error of the classifier.")
# Loops number for crossvalidation. Intern: classifier training, extern: stats (1 = only training, 5 = stats, 5+1=both)
numCV <- cvNumbers(numElemClass)
if (estimateGError && (numCV[2] ==1)) stop("There are not enough samples of each class to calculate the generalization error of classifiers trained with this data.\n The error of each specific classifier built may be very different, so you should check the errors for each of them individually.")
numCV.intern <- numCV[1]
numCV.extern <- ifelse(estimateGError,numCV[2],0)
ifelse (buildClassifier, <- numCV.extern + 1, <- numCV.extern) # If buildClassifier and Calculate statistics : +1 loop
# Filter data, calculate Posterior Probabilities and rank genes
if (verbose && is.null(precalcGenesRanking)){ message(paste(format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S"),"- Filtering data and calculating the genes ranking...")); utils::flush.console()}
esetFiltered <- eset[iqr.filter(eset,IQRfilterPercentage),]
if(dim(esetFiltered)[1]< numClasses) stop(paste("Applying a filter percentage of ",IQRfilterPercentage," there are not enough genes left to perform the classiffication. Try with a lower filter percentage.",sep=""))
if(IQRfilterPercentage>0) message(paste("Gene expression matrix filtered to remove ",(IQRfilterPercentage*100),"% of the genes (IQR filter). Number of genes left: ",dim(esetFiltered)[1],sep=""))
if(!is.null(geneLabels)) geneLabels <- extractGeneLabels(geneLabels, rownames(esetFiltered))
# Make sure the columns in filtered eset are ordered by sample type
for(i in 1:numClasses)
indexes <- c(indexes, which(sampleLabels==classes[i]))
esetFiltered <- esetFiltered[, indexes, drop=FALSE]
sampleLabels <- sampleLabels[indexes]
# Check whether the genesRanking provided matches the filtered eset
if(!is.null(genesRankingGlobal) && (sum(!rownames(genesRankingGlobal@postProb) %in% rownames(esetFiltered)) > 0)) # There are genes in the genesRanking which arent in the eset -> Recalculate
genesRankingGlobal <- NULL
message("The genesRanking given as argument doesn't match the dataset. Recalculating the genesRanking...")
if (!is.null(genesRankingGlobal) && any(!rownames(esetFiltered) %in% rownames(genesRankingGlobal@postProb)) ) # There are missing genes from the eset in the genesranking -> Warning (Most likely ok, just filtered)
warning("The genesRanking does not contain all the genes in the expression matrix.")
# Calculate genesRanking (global) if it was not provided
if(is.null(genesRankingGlobal)) genesRankingGlobal <- PEB(esetFiltered, sampleLabels, labelsOrder= labelsOrder)
if(!is.null(geneLabels)) genesRankingGlobal <- setProperties(genesRankingGlobal, geneLabels=geneLabels)
# Default lpThreshold= 0.95.
lp <- numSignificantGenes(genesRankingGlobal, lpThreshold=lpThreshold)
lpMaxGenes <- lp
if (estimateGError)
lpMaxGenes <- sapply(lpMaxGenes, function(x) max(x,4*maxGenesTrain)) # To asure there are enough in the internal CV loops
maxGenesTrain <- rep(maxGenesTrain, length(lp))
names(maxGenesTrain) <- names(lp)
# To assure that there is at least the requested number of genes in the network
lpMaxGenes <- sapply(lpMaxGenes, function(x) max(x, numGenesNetworkPlot))
#To asure there are enough genes in the global genes ranking (4xmaxGenesTrain)
lpMaxGenes <- apply(rbind(lpMaxGenes, genesRankingGlobal@numGenesClass), 2, function(x) min(x))
# Add expression difference to the genes ranking
topGenes <- as.vector(getRanking(getTopRanking(genesRankingGlobal, lpMaxGenes), showGeneID=TRUE, showGeneLabels=FALSE)$geneID)
topGenes <- topGenes[which(!]
meanExprDiff <- difMean(esetFiltered[topGenes,], sampleLabels)
twoClassesMessage <- NULL
if(numClasses==2 && is.null(precalcGenesRanking)) twoClassesMessage <- paste("\nNOTE: Since there are only two classes, the expression difference was calculated for ", colnames(meanExprDiff), " (", levels(sampleLabels)[1]," was used as reference/control)", sep="")
genesRankingGlobal <- setProperties(genesRankingGlobal, meanDif=meanExprDiff)
# Calculate genes with Correlations & Interactions
rankENSG <- getRanking(genesRankingGlobal, showGeneLabels=FALSE, showGeneID=TRUE)$geneID
if (is.null(genesNetwork) && calculateNetwork)
# Calculate Correlations
if (verbose) { message(paste(format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S"),"- Calculating correlations between genes...")) ; utils::flush.console()}
for( cl in gClasses(genesRankingGlobal))
if(lpMaxGenes[cl] > 0)
nodes <- rankENSG[1:lpMaxGenes[cl],cl]
edges <-, nodes, lpMaxGenes[cl], method=correlationMethod, threshold=correlationsThreshold)
genesNetwork <- c(genesNetwork, genesNetwork=list(new("GenesNetwork", nodes = nodes,edges = edges)))
}else {genesNetwork <- c(genesNetwork, genesNetwork=list(NULL))}
names(genesNetwork)[length(genesNetwork)] <- cl
# Calculate Interations (mutual information)
if (!skipInteractions || removeInteractions)
if (verbose) { message(paste(format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S"),"- Calculating interactions between genes...")) ; utils::flush.console()}
for( cl in 1:length(gClasses(genesRankingGlobal)))
if(lpMaxGenes[cl] >0) genesNetwork[[cl]]@edges <- rbind(genesNetwork[[cl]]@edges,, rankENSG[1:lpMaxGenes[cl],cl], lpMaxGenes[cl], method="clr", estimator="mi.empirical", threshold=interactionsThreshold))
if(skipInteractions && calculateNetwork) if(verbose) message("Network calculated without interactions")
if(verbose) message(paste("Gene associations (network) calculated between genes with posterior probability over ",lpThreshold,sep="")) # ," (top ",100-(lpThreshold*100),"% of the genes ranking)"
# If they have to be removed...
genesRedundancy <- NULL
if(removeCorrelations && removeInteractions)
genesRedundancy <- remove.redundancy(esetFiltered, rankENSG, lpMaxGenes, genesNetwork) #Ambos
if(removeCorrelations && !removeInteractions)
genesRedundancy <- remove.redundancy(esetFiltered, rankENSG, lpMaxGenes, genesNetwork, relation="Correlation - pearson") # Correlation
if(!removeCorrelations && removeInteractions)
genesRedundancy <- remove.redundancy(esetFiltered, rankENSG, lpMaxGenes, genesNetwork, relation="Interaction - clr") #Interaction
numNonRedundantGenes <- sapply(genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes, function(x) length(x))
if(!is.null(genesRedundancy) && (buildClassifier||estimateGError))
availableGenes <- sapply(genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes, function(x) length(x))
lessMaxGenes <- (maxGenesTrain > availableGenes)
warning(paste("There are not ",maxGenesTrain[1]," non-redundant genes for some of the classes. If they are not enough, try rising 'lpThreshold':",sep=""))
maxGenesTrain[which(lessMaxGenes)] <- availableGenes[which(lessMaxGenes)]
# Generalization Error stats
cvSamples <- cvSplitSamples(numCV.extern, sampleLabels)
mxcf <- matrix(data=0, nrow=numClasses, ncol=numClasses+1)
globalError <- vector(length=numCV.extern) # Almacenara el error para cada iteracion del bucle externo de crossValidation
globalResults <- NULL
genesUsed <- NULL
### Cross validation and classifier training
trainGenes <- NULL #Needed in case (!buildClassifier && !estimateGError)
numBestGenes <- NULL
maxGenesTrainGlobal <- maxGenesTrain
if(buildClassifier || estimateGError)
# Inizialization
numTrainGenes <- matrix(,ncol=ncol(genesRankingGlobal@ord))
if(estimateGError) rownames(numTrainGenes)<- c(paste("CV ",,":", sep=""))
if(buildClassifier) rownames(numTrainGenes)[nrow(numTrainGenes)] <- "Classifier"
colnames(numTrainGenes)<- colnames(genesRankingGlobal@ord)
esetFilteredDataFrame <-
showWarningMaxGenes <- NULL
numGenesTPglobal <- NULL
numGenesClassGE <- NULL
genesRankingLoops <- NULL
if (verbose) { message(paste(format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S"),"- All required parameters have been calculated and checked. Building classifier...")); utils::flush.console()}
# External Cross Validation / Train Classifier
for( i in
maxGenesTrain <- maxGenesTrainGlobal
if (buildClassifier && (i== # Building classifier. Train samples = all samples
genesRankingLoop <- genesRankingGlobal
trainSamples <- 1:numSamples
}else # CV loop
# Divide samples in Train and Test
testSamples <- cvSamples$test[[i]]
trainSamples <- cvSamples$train[[i]]
# Make sure all the classes have the same number of train samples (remove some if any has more than others)
minNumSamplesClass <- min(summary(sampleLabels[trainSamples]))
removedSamples <- NULL # To avoid removing the same ones all the time
for (clNum in classes)
numSamplesClass <- summary(sampleLabels[trainSamples])[clNum]
if(numSamplesClass > minNumSamplesClass)
classRemovedSamples<- removedSamples[which(sampleLabels[removedSamples] == clNum)]
classSamples <- trainSamples[which(sampleLabels[trainSamples] == clNum)]
minRemoved <-min(tableRemovedSamples,numElemClass)
minRemoved <- 0
sample2Remove <- classSamples[sample(1:numSamplesClass,1)]
while( (sample2Remove%in%names(tableRemovedSamples)) && (tableRemovedSamples[which(names(tableRemovedSamples)==sample2Remove)]>minRemoved))
sample2Remove <- classSamples[sample(1:numSamplesClass,1)]
trainSamples <- trainSamples[-which(trainSamples == sample2Remove)]
testSamples <- c(testSamples, sample2Remove)
removedSamples<- c(removedSamples, sample2Remove)
# Genes Ranking for these samples
genesRankingLoop <- PEB(esetFiltered[,trainSamples], sampleLabels[trainSamples])
genesRankingLoops<- c(genesRankingLoops, list(genesRankingLoop))
#Comprobar maxGenesTrain
lessMaxGenes <- (maxGenesTrain > numGenes(genesRankingLoop))
maxGenesTrain[which(lessMaxGenes)] <- numGenes(genesRankingLoop)[which(lessMaxGenes)]
showWarningMaxGenes<- rbind(showWarningMaxGenes, maxGenesTrain)
if(i== rownames(showWarningMaxGenes)[dim(showWarningMaxGenes)[1]] <- "Classifier"
else rownames(showWarningMaxGenes)[dim(showWarningMaxGenes)[1]] <- paste("iter", i, sep="")
# Select the best number of genes from the Ranking to train the classifier
underMin <- which(numGenes(genesRankingLoop)<minGenesTrain)
minGenesTrainLoop <- rep(minGenesTrain, length(numGenes(genesRankingLoop)))
minGenesTrainLoop[underMin] <- numGenes(genesRankingLoop)[underMin]
numGenesClass <- matrix(data=minGenesTrainLoop, nrow=numIters, ncol=length(numGenes(genesRankingLoop)), byrow=TRUE)
colnames(numGenesClass) <- gClasses(genesRankingLoop)
if(ncol(genesRankingLoop@ord)==1) colnames(numGenesClass) <- "BothClasses"
for(k in 1:numIters)
# Select initial number of genes (minGenesTrain) from all the classes
if (is.null(genesRedundancy))
genes <- getRanking(genesRankingLoop, showGeneID=TRUE)$geneID[1:minGenesTrain,, drop=FALSE] # En vez de minGenesTrainLoop, se quitan los NA despues
} else
genes <- sapply(genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes, function(x) x[1:minGenesTrain])
if(any( genes <- genes[-which(]
# Initialize variables with the result from the initial genes
numGenesTP <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=ncol(genesRankingLoop@ord)+1)
colnames(numGenesTP) <- c(colnames(genesRankingLoop@ord), "TruePositives") # NOT inverse of error: % of True Positives out of the total (including NotA).
cvInternSamples <- cvSplitSamples(numCV.intern, sampleLabels[trainSamples])
geneSelectClassifier <- svmCrossVal(esetFiltered[genes,trainSamples, drop=FALSE],
sampleLabels[trainSamples], cvInternSamples,
kernel=kernel, ...)
numGenesTP <- rbind(numGenesTP, c(numGenesClass[k,], geneSelectClassifier$sensitGlobal))
# While error is > 0 and none of the classes have reached maxGenesTrain
numGenes2add <- numGenesTP[nrow(numGenesTP),-ncol(numGenesTP)]
worstClasses <- 1:numClasses
while((any(numGenes2add< maxGenesTrain) && any(which(numGenes2add < maxGenesTrain) %in% worstClasses)) && (geneSelectClassifier$sensitGlobal<1 || continueZeroError))
# Add one gene to the classes with errors
if (numClasses > 2 )
worstClasses <- c(1:length(classes)) #V0: Adds to all classes
worstClasses <- which(geneSelectClassifier$sensitClass<1) #V1: Classes which don't have all in the diagonal
if(geneAdd=="V1.b") worstClasses <- unique(c(worstClasses, which(apply(geneSelectClassifier$confMatrix,2,sum)>diag(geneSelectClassifier$confMatrix)))) #V1.b: Classes with which they were confussed
if(length(worstClasses)==0 && continueZeroError) worstClasses <- 1:numClasses
}else worstClasses <- 1 #If only two classes: both
# Remove those which reached maxGenesTrain (or without more available genes)
if (is.null(genesRedundancy))
worstClasses <- worstClasses[ numGenes2add[worstClasses] < maxGenesTrain[worstClasses]]
worstClasses <- worstClasses[ numGenes2add[worstClasses] < sapply(genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes, length)[worstClasses]]
worstClasses <- worstClasses[ numGenes2add[worstClasses] < maxGenesTrain[worstClasses]]
if(length(worstClasses)>0) # initialized: worstClasses <- 1:numClasses
# Add line & genes to numGenesTP
numGenesTP <- rbind(numGenesTP, c(numGenes2add,1))
numGenesTP[nrow(numGenesTP),-ncol(numGenesTP)][worstClasses] <- numGenes2add[worstClasses] +1
# Numero de gene por clase: Ultima fila numGenesTP, sin ceros
numGenes2add <- numGenesTP[nrow(numGenesTP),-ncol(numGenesTP)]
numGenes2addNonZero <- numGenes2add[numGenes2add>0] # 1:numGenes2add , si es 0...
# Select the genes
if (is.null(genesRedundancy))
genes <- NULL
for (cl in names(numGenes2addNonZero))
genes<- c(genes, getRanking(genesRankingLoop, showGeneID=TRUE)$geneID[1:numGenes2addNonZero[cl],cl])
} else
notEnoughNonRedundantGenes <- sapply( genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes, length)[which(numGenes2addNonZero > sapply( genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes, length)[names(numGenes2addNonZero)])]
numGenes2addNonZero[names(notEnoughNonRedundantGenes)] <- notEnoughNonRedundantGenes
numGenes2addNonZero <- numGenes2addNonZero[numGenes2addNonZero>0]
for (cl in names(numGenes2addNonZero))
genes <- c(genes, genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes[[cl]] [1:numGenes2addNonZero[cl]])
# Train the classifier
geneSelectClassifier <- svmCrossVal(esetFiltered[genes, trainSamples, drop=FALSE], sampleLabels[trainSamples], cvInternSamples,
minProbAssignCoeff=minProbAssignCoeff, minDiffAssignCoeff=minDiffAssignCoeff, kernel=kernel, ...) # V4: Usando NA tb internamente
# Take note of its accuracy
numGenesTP[nrow(numGenesTP),"TruePositives"] <- geneSelectClassifier$sensitGlobal
# Find the number of genes with best performance
numGenesClass[k,] <- rbind(NULL, numGenesTP[which(numGenesTP[,"TruePositives"] == max(numGenesTP[,"TruePositives"])),])[1,1:(ncol(numGenesTP)-1)] # Best True Positives
if (buildClassifier && ( i== numGenesTPglobal <- c(numGenesTPglobal, list(numGenesTP))
if (estimateGError && !(buildClassifier && (i==
numGenesClassGE <- c(numGenesClassGE, list(numGenesClass))
names(numGenesClassGE)[length(numGenesClassGE)] <- paste("CV", eval(i), sep="")
#Select the best combination of genes
# Max number of genes
if(geneSelection=="max") numTrainGenes[i,] <- apply(numGenesClass,2,function(x) max(x))
if(geneSelection=="mean") numTrainGenes[i,] <- apply(numGenesClass,2,function(x) round(mean(x)))
if(geneSelection=="maxSoutliers") numTrainGenes[i,]<-apply(numGenesClass, 2, function(x) max(x[which(x<=(mean(x)+(outlThreshold*stats::sd(x))))]))
# Obtain the matrix of best genes
numBestGenes <- max(max(lp), max(numTrainGenes[i,])) # using lp for global Ranking
if (dim(genesRankingLoop@ord)[1] < numBestGenes) numBestGenes <- dim(genesRankingLoop@ord)[1]
bestGenes <- getRanking(getTopRanking(genesRankingLoop, numBestGenes), showGeneID=TRUE)$geneID
nonRedundantBestGenes <-matrix(ncol=length(genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes), nrow=max(numNonRedundantGenes))
colnames(nonRedundantBestGenes) <- names(genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes)
# All non redundant genes are over lpThreshold (requirement in calculation)
for(cl in 1:ncol(bestGenes)) # Just in case the nonRedundantGenes are not in order
nonRedundantBestTemp <- bestGenes[which(bestGenes[,cl] %in% genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes[[cl]]), cl]
if(length(nonRedundantBestTemp)>0) nonRedundantBestGenes[1: length(nonRedundantBestTemp),cl] <- nonRedundantBestTemp
numNonRedundantBest <- apply(nonRedundantBestGenes, 2, function(x) length(stats::na.omit(x)))
bestGenes <- nonRedundantBestGenes
if (!is.matrix(bestGenes)) bestGenes <- cbind(NULL,bestGenes)
if(is.null(colnames(bestGenes))&& numClasses ==2) colnames(bestGenes) <- colnames(numTrainGenes)
# Select genes for training classifier
if (max(numTrainGenes[i,]) > dim(bestGenes)[1])
#Nunca se deberia entrar aqui...
warning ("There arent enough genes to build the classifier with the minimum error.")
trainGenes <- bestGenes
trainGenes <- matrix(ncol=length(numTrainGenes[i,]), nrow= max(numTrainGenes[i,]))
for (cl in 1:length(numTrainGenes[i,]))
if(numTrainGenes[i,cl] > 0) trainGenes[1:numTrainGenes[i,cl],cl] <- bestGenes[1:numTrainGenes[i,cl],cl]
colnames(trainGenes) <- colnames(numTrainGenes)
buildGenesVector <- trainGenes[which(trainGenes!="NA")]
#if (!is.matrix(trainGenes)) trainGenes <- cbind(NULL,trainGenes)
# Train classifier
finalClassifier <- svm(x=t(esetFilteredDataFrame[buildGenesVector, trainSamples, drop=FALSE]),
kernel=kernel, probability=TRUE, ...)
# If there is only 1 gene, $SV is not labeled -> SV.dif & query.predictor do not work
if (is.null(dimnames(finalClassifier$SV)) && numClasses ==2)
dimnames(finalClassifier$SV)<- vector("list",2)
colnames(finalClassifier$SV) <- buildGenesVector
if (estimateGError && !(buildClassifier && ( i== # Loop for estimateGError
genesUsed<- c(genesUsed, trainGenes=list(trainGenes))
#Evaluate the classifier built
queryResult <- queryGeNetClassifier(finalClassifier, esetFiltered[,testSamples], minProbAssignCoeff=minProbAssignCoeff, minDiffAssignCoeff=minDiffAssignCoeff, verbose=FALSE)
prediction <- factor()
levels(prediction) <- c(levels(sampleLabels), "NotAssigned")
for (l in 1:length(queryResult$class)) prediction[l] <- queryResult$class[l]
levels(testLabels) <- c(levels(sampleLabels), "NotAssigned")
assignedSamples <- which(prediction!="NotAssigned")
globalError[i] <- sum(prediction[assignedSamples] != testLabels[assignedSamples])
globalResults <- c(globalResults, queryResult)
# Matriz de confusion - Real x prediction
mxcfi <- table(testLabels, prediction)[1:numClasses,]
mxcf <- mxcf + mxcfi
if (verbose) { message(paste(format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S")," - ",i," out of " ,ifelse(buildClassifier,,," cross-validation loops finished.", sep="")); utils::flush.console()}
warning(paste("The maximum numbers of genes passed as argument is bigger than the number of available genes in some of the internal loops. These were used instead: ", paste(as.vector(showWarningMaxGenes), collapse=", "), sep=""))
### Calculate: CV statistics, netClassificationGenes, classificationGenesDetails
# CV statistics
# General Stats
numTestedSamples <- sum(mxcf)
confusionMatrixStats <- externalValidation.stats(mxcf, numDecimals=numDecimals)
predictionStats <- querySummary(globalResults, numDecimals=numDecimals, showNotAssignedSamples=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
probMatrix <- externalValidation.probMatrix(globalResults, sampleLabels, numDecimals=numDecimals)
# Gene Stats
if(numClasses > 2)
classList <- "BothClasses"
allGenesDetails <- lapply(genesRankingLoops[1:numCV.extern], function(x) genesDetails(x)) # $iter$cl[gen, "ranking")
for(cl in classList)
allGenesClass <- NULL
for(iter in 1:numCV.extern)
genesClass<- genesUsed[iter]$trainGenes[,cl][which(genesUsed[iter]$trainGenes[,cl]!="NA")] #GenesUsed: TrainGenes from GE loops
if(length(genesClass)>0) allGenesClass <- rbind(allGenesClass,cbind(genesClass, 1:length(genesClass)))
# If buildClassifier, add the final train genes to the genes class in case there is any missing one in the GE loops
genesClass <- trainGenes[![, cl]), cl]
genesClass <- genesClass[!genesClass %in% allGenesClass[,1]]
if(length(genesClass)>0) allGenesClass <- rbind(allGenesClass, cbind(genesClass, rep(NA,length(genesClass))))
colnames(allGenesClass)<- c("gen","rank")
timesChosen <- table(allGenesClass[,1, drop=FALSE], dnn="timesChosen")
# Substract from those with NA
naGenes <- allGenesClass[which([,2])),1]
timesChosen[names(timesChosen)%in% naGenes] <- timesChosen[names(timesChosen)%in% naGenes, drop=FALSE]-1
classTable <- data.frame(cbind(timesChosen), chosenRankMean=NA, chosenRankSD=NA, gERankMean=NA, gERankSD=NA)
if(!is.null(geneLabels)) classTable <- cbind(geneSymbols=extractGeneLabels(geneLabels, rownames(classTable)), classTable)
for(gene in unique(allGenesClass[,1]))
geneRank <- as.integer(allGenesClass[which(allGenesClass[,1]==gene),2])
classTable[gene,"chosenRankMean"] <- round(mean(geneRank),2)
if(classTable[gene,"timesChosen"]>1) classTable[gene,"chosenRankSD"] <- round(stats::sd(geneRank),2)
else classTable[gene,"chosenRankSD"] <- 0
geneRanks <- sapply(allGenesDetails[1:numCV.extern], function(x) x[[cl]][gene,"ranking"])
classTable[gene,"gERankMean"] <- round(mean(geneRanks, na.rm=TRUE),2)
classTable[gene,"gERankSD"] <- round(stats::sd(geneRanks, na.rm=TRUE),2)
classTable <- classTable[order(-classTable[,"timesChosen"], classTable[,"gERankMean"]),, drop=FALSE]
genesStats<- c(genesStats, list(classTable))
names(genesStats) <- classList
generalizationError <- new("GeneralizationError",
classificationGenes.num=numTrainGenes[1:numCV.extern,,drop=FALSE] )
# If genesNetwork was calculated
# add Discriminant Power and Redundancy information to the genes ranking
# Redundancy calculation
isRedundant <- NULL
if(!is.null(genesNetwork) && (buildClassifier || estimateGError))
if((removeCorrelations && removeInteractions) || (skipInteractions && removeCorrelations))
nonRedundant <- genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes
}else # If the correlations + interactions (both) hasnt been removed, they has to be calculated
nonRedundant <- remove.redundancy(esetFiltered, rankENSG, lpMaxGenes, genesNetwork)$nonRedundantGenes
genesLpMax <- getRanking(getTopRanking(genesRankingGlobal, numGenesClass=lpMaxGenes), showGeneID=TRUE)$geneID
genesLpMax <- as.vector(genesLpMax)
genesLpMax <- genesLpMax[!]
isRedundant[1:length(genesLpMax)] <- TRUE
names(isRedundant) <- genesLpMax
for(cl in 1:length(nonRedundant)) isRedundant[names(isRedundant) %in% nonRedundant[[cl]]] <- FALSE
if(!all( genesRankingGlobal <- setProperties(genesRankingGlobal, isRedundant=isRedundant)
# Discriminant Power
discriminantPower <- NULL
for(cl in 1:dim(trainGenes)[2])
clGenes <- which(trainGenes[,cl]!="NA")
tempDP <- t(sapply(trainGenes[clGenes,cl, drop=FALSE], function(x) SV.dif(finalClassifier, x, originalGeneNames=rownames(esetFiltered))))
tempDP <- data.frame(discriminantPower= tempDP[,"discriminantPower", drop=FALSE], discrPwClass= tempDP[,"discrPwClass",drop=FALSE])
discriminantPower <- rbind(discriminantPower, tempDP)
# Add properties to classificationGenes
classificationGenesRanking <- NULL
# GE Rank Mean
gERankMean <- NULL
for(cl in 1:length(genesStats))
classGenes <- trainGenes[which(trainGenes[,cl] %in% rownames(genesStats[[cl]])),cl]
names(classGenes) <- classGenes
classGenes <- genesStats[[cl]][classGenes,"gERankMean"]
gERankMean <- c(gERankMean, classGenes)
classificationGenesRanking <- extractGenes(genesRankingGlobal, trainGenes)
classificationGenesRanking <- setProperties(classificationGenesRanking, discriminantPower = discriminantPower, gERankMean = gERankMean) # isRedundant = isRedundant,
### Verbose, plots and returns
####### Verbose (Print results)
if(buildClassifier && verbose)
# Print basic results
message(paste(format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S")," - Classifier trained with ",numSamples," samples.", sep=""))
message(paste("Total number of genes included in the classifier: ",sum(numTrainGenes[,]),sep=""));
if(numClasses > 2)
if(all(colnames(numTrainGenes) == classes))
classNames <- colnames(numTrainGenes)
# else{
# classNames <- paste("C", 1:numClasses," (", classes, ")", sep="")
# }
message(paste("Number of genes per class: \n ", paste("\t", classNames,": ", numTrainGenes[,], " genes", sep="", collapse="\n "), sep=""))
if(removeInteractions || removeCorrelations)
associationsMessage <- paste("Genes with")
if(removeCorrelations) associationsMessage <- paste(associationsMessage, " Correlation>", correlationsThreshold, sep="")
if(removeCorrelations && removeInteractions) associationsMessage <- paste(associationsMessage, " or", sep="")
if(removeInteractions) associationsMessage <- paste(associationsMessage, " Mutual Information>", interactionsThreshold, sep="")
associationsMessage <- paste(associationsMessage, " were removed from these lists.")
associationsMessage <- "No associations/redundancy was removed between these genes"
# if Two classes
if(!is.null(twoClassesMessage)) message(twoClassesMessage)
# message(paste("Maximum number of genes explored in each internal loop to find the optimum classifier:",sep=""))
# print( apply(t(sapply(numGenesTPglobal, function(x) x[nrow(x),-ncol(x)])), 2, max))
#if utilizado genesNetwork/genesing... avisar...
if (estimateGError && verbose)
message("\nGeneralization error:\n")
message("\nFor more details use overview(Object@generalizationError)\n")
# Avisar si se han utilizado genes por debajo del lpThreshold
# Default lpThreshold: 0.95
# lp: Number of genes per class with PostProb over lpThreshold
if(buildClassifier || estimateGError)
warningMsg <- NULL
firstWarning <- TRUE
for(i in 1:length(lp))
if(any(numTrainGenes[,i]> lp[i]))
warningMsg <- paste("It is needed to take some genes with posterior probability under the ", lpThreshold," threshold:",sep="")
if(estimateGError) warningMsg <- paste(warningMsg, "\n ", names(lp[i]), ": ", lp[i]," genes over threshold. Between ",min(numTrainGenes[,i])," and ",max(numTrainGenes[,i])," genes needed to train the classifier.", sep="")
else warningMsg <- paste(warningMsg, "\n ", names(lp[i]), ": ", lp[i]," genes over threshold. ", numTrainGenes[,i]," genes needed to train the classifier.", sep="")
if(!is.null(warningMsg)) warning(warningMsg)
# testCall <- function(){return ( }
# geNetClassifierReturn <- new("GeNetClassifierReturn", call=testCall())
geNetClassifierReturn <- new("GeNetClassifierReturn",
geNetClassifierReturn@classifier <- list(SVMclassifier=finalClassifier)
geNetClassifierReturn@classificationGenes <- classificationGenesRanking
geNetClassifierReturn@generalizationError <- generalizationError
# Return ranking of all genes or only significant
# (If significant remove correlations or interactions if required)
if (returnAllGenesRanking)
geNetClassifierReturn@genesRanking <- genesRankingGlobal
geNetClassifierReturn@genesRankingType <- "all"
{ # Ranking of the significant genes
# Select genes over lpThreshold
plotGenesRankingRanking <- getTopRanking(genesRankingGlobal, numSignificantGenes(genesRankingGlobal))
if(! exists("nonRedundantBestGenes"))
nonRedundantBestGenes <- matrix(ncol=length(names(genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes)), nrow=max(sapply(genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes, length)))
for( nr in 1:length(genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes))nonRedundantBestGenes[1:length(genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes[[nr]]),nr] <- genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes[[nr]]
colnames(nonRedundantBestGenes) <- names(genesRedundancy$nonRedundantGenes)
numNonRedundantBest <- apply(nonRedundantBestGenes, 2, function(x) length(stats::na.omit(x)))
# All non redundant genes are over lpThreshold (requirement in calculation)
newOrd <- matrix(nrow=max(numNonRedundantBest) , ncol=ncol(genesRankingGlobal@ord) )
for(cl in colnames(genesRankingGlobal@ord))
newOrd[1:numNonRedundantBest[cl],cl]<- (index+1):(index+numNonRedundantBest[cl])
index <- index+numNonRedundantBest[cl]
nonRedundantBestGenesVector <- as.vector(nonRedundantBestGenes[which(nonRedundantBestGenes!="NA")])
plotGenesRankingRanking <- new("GenesRanking", postProb=genesRankingGlobal@postProb[nonRedundantBestGenesVector,], meanDif=genesRankingGlobal@meanDif[nonRedundantBestGenesVector,], numGenesClass=numNonRedundantBest , ord=newOrd)
# (Ranking de la ultima vuelta: La que entrena el clasificador final)
geNetClassifierReturn@genesRanking <- plotGenesRankingRanking
if(is.null(genesRedundancy)) {
geNetClassifierReturn@genesRankingType <- "significant"
} else {
geNetClassifierReturn@genesRankingType <- "significantNonRedundant"
# Network and Relations
# Add full genesRanking & networks to return if requested
if (returnTopGenesNetwork)
geNetClassifierReturn@genesNetwork <- genesNetwork
geNetClassifierReturn@genesNetworkType <- "topGenes"
####### Plots
plotGeNetClassifierReturn(geNetClassifierReturn, fileName=plotsName, lpThreshold=lpThreshold, numGenesLpPlot=numBestGenes, numGenesNetworkPlot=numGenesNetworkPlot, geneLabels=geneLabels, verbose=FALSE)
if(!is.null(classificationGenesRanking)) plotExpressionProfiles(esetFiltered, classificationGenesRanking, fileName=paste(plotsName,"_expressionProfiles.pdf",sep=""), sampleLabels=sampleLabels, showMean=TRUE, labelsOrder=labelsOrder,verbose=FALSE, type=c("lines","boxplot"))
plotCVgE <- FALSE
if(buildClassifier || (estimateGError && plotCVgE)) plotErrorNumGenes(numGenesTPglobal, numGenesClass, numTrainGenes, numGenesClassGE, paste(plotsName,"_errorNumGenes.pdf",sep=""), plotCVgE=plotCVgE)
plotAssignments(queryResult=globalResults, realLabels=sampleLabels, minProbAssignCoeff=minProbAssignCoeff, minDiffAssignCoeff=minDiffAssignCoeff)
if (verbose) { message(paste("The plots were saved in ",getwd()," with the prefix '",plotsName,"'.",sep="")); utils::flush.console()}
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