#' @title Refine Peaks with GC Effects
#' @description
#' This function refines the ranks (i.e. significance/pvalue) of
#' pre-determined peaks by potential GC effects. These peaks can be
#' obtained from other peak callers, e.g. MACS or SPP.
#' @param coverage A list object returned by function \code{read5endCoverage}.
#' @param gcbias A list object returned by function \code{gcEffects}.
#' @param bdwidth A non-negative integer vector with two elements
#' specifying ChIP-seq binding width and peak detection half window size.
#' Usually generated by function \code{bindWidth}. A bad estimation of
#' bdwidth results no meaning of downstream analysis. The values
#' need to be the same as it is when calculating \code{gcbias}.
#' @param peaks A GRanges object specifying the peaks to be refined.
#' A flexible set of peaks are preferred to reduce potential false
#' negative, meaning both significant (e.g. p<=0.05) and non-significant
#' (e.g. p>0.05) peaks are preferred to be included. If the total
#' number of peaks is not too big, a reasonable set of peaks include
#' all those with p-value/FDR less than 0.99 by other peak callers.
#' @param flank A non-negative integer specifying the flanking width of
#' ChIP-seq binding. This parameter provides the flexibility that reads
#' appear in flankings by decreased probabilities as increased distance
#' from binding region. This paramter helps to define effective GC
#' content calculation. Default is NULL, which means this paramater will
#' be calculated from \code{bdwidth}. However, if customized numbers
#' provided, there won't be recalucation for this parameter; instead, the
#' 2nd elements of \code{bdwidth} will be recalculated based on \code{flank}.
#' The value needs to be the same as it is when calculating \code{gcbias}.
#' @param permute A non-negative integer specifying times of permutation to
#' be performed. Default is 5. When whole large genome is used, such as
#' human genome, 5 times of permutation could be enough.
#' @param genome A \link[BSgenome]{BSgenome} object containing the sequences
#' of the reference genome that was used to align the reads, or the name of
#' this reference genome specified in a way that is accepted by the
#' \code{\link[BSgenome]{getBSgenome}} function defined in the \pkg{BSgenome}
#' software package. In that case the corresponding BSgenome data package
#' needs to be already installed (see \code{?\link[BSgenome]{getBSgenome}} in
#' the \pkg{BSgenome} package for the details). The value needs to be the same
#' as it is when calculating \code{gcbias}.
#' @param gctype A character vector specifying choice of method to calculate
#' effective GC content. Default \code{ladder} is based on uniformed fragment
#' distribution. A more smoother method based on tricube assumption is also
#' allowed. However, tricube should be not used if estimated peak half size
#' is 3 times or more larger than estimated bind width. The value
#' needs to be the same as it is when calculating \code{gcbias}.
#' @return A GRanges object the same as \code{peaks} with two additional
#' meta columns:
#' \item{newes}{Refined enrichment scores.}
#' \item{newpv}{Refined pvalues.}
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @import IRanges
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import Biostrings
#' @importFrom BSgenome getBSgenome
#' @importFrom BSgenome getSeq
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bam <- system.file("extdata", "chipseq.bam", package="gcapc")
#' cov <- read5endCoverage(bam)
#' bdw <- bindWidth(cov)
#' gcb <- gcEffects(cov, bdw, sampling = c(0.15,1))
#' peaks <- gcapcPeaks(cov, gcb, bdw)
#' refinePeaks(cov, gcb, bdw, peaks)
refinePeaks <- function(coverage,gcbias,bdwidth,peaks,flank=NULL,
genome <- getBSgenome(genome)
gctype <- match.arg(gctype)
bdw <- bdwidth[1]
halfbdw <- floor(bdw/2)
pdwh <- bdwidth[2]
flank <- pdwh-bdw+halfbdw
pdwh <- flank+bdw-halfbdw
weight <- c(seq_len(flank),rep(flank+1,bdw),rev(seq_len(flank)))
weight <- weight/sum(weight)
}else if(gctype=="tricube"){
w <- flank+halfbdw
weight <- (1-abs(seq(-w,w)/w)^3)^3
weight <- weight/sum(weight)
peaks <- sort(shift(resize(peaks,width(peaks)+bdw),-halfbdw))
cat("Starting to refine peaks.\n")
startp <- start(peaks) - 3*halfbdw - 2*flank
endp <- end(peaks) + 3*halfbdw + 2*flank
idx <- endp <= seqlengths(genome)[as.character(seqnames(peaks))] &
startp >= 1
if(sum(!idx)>0) {
"peaks located at chromosome ends\n"))
peaks <- peaks[idx]
### extending regions
cat("...... extending peaks\n")
regionsrc <- shift(resize(peaks,width(peaks)+halfbdw*4+flank*2+1),
seqlevels(regionsrc,pruning.mode="coarse") <- names(coverage$fwd)
regionsgc <- shift(resize(regionsrc,width(regionsrc)+halfbdw*2),-halfbdw)
### gc content
cat("...... caculating GC content\n")
nr <- shift(resize(regionsgc,width(regionsgc)+flank*2),-flank)
seqs <- getSeq(genome,nr)
gcpos <- startIndex(vmatchPattern("S", seqs, fixed="subject"))
gcposb <- vector("integer",sum(as.numeric(width(nr))))
gcposbi <- rep(seq_along(nr),times=width(nr))
gcposbsp <- split(gcposb,gcposbi)
for(i in seq_along(nr)){
gcposbsp[[i]][gcpos[[i]]] <- 1L
gcposbsprle <- as(gcposbsp,"RleList")
gcnuml <- width(regionsgc)-halfbdw*2
gcnum <- vector('numeric',sum(as.numeric(gcnuml)))
gcnumi <- rep(seq_along(nr),times=gcnuml)
gc <- split(gcnum,gcnumi)
for(i in seq_along(nr)){
gc[[i]] <- round(runwtsum(gcposbsprle[[i]],k=length(weight),
if(i%%500 == 0) cat('.')
### gc weight
cat("...... caculating GC effect weights\n")
gcwbase0 <- round(Rle(gcbias$mu0med1/gcbias$mu0),3)
gcw <- RleList(lapply(gc,function(x) gcwbase0[x*1000+1])) # slow
### reads count
regionrcsp <- split(regionsrc,seqnames(regionsrc))
rcfwd <- RleList(unlist(viewApply(Views(coverage$fwd,ranges(regionrcsp)),
rcrev <- RleList(unlist(viewApply(Views(coverage$rev,ranges(regionrcsp)),
### enrichment score
cat("...... estimating enrichment score\n")
esl <- width(regionsrc)-halfbdw*2-flank*2
ir1 <- IRangesList(start=IntegerList(as.list(rep(1,length(esl)))),
ir2 <- IRangesList(start=IntegerList(as.list(rep(1+halfbdw+flank,
ir3 <- IRangesList(start=IntegerList(as.list(rep(1+halfbdw*2+flank*2,
rc1 <- rcfwd[ir1]
rc2 <- rcfwd[ir2]
rc3 <- rcrev[ir1]
rc4 <- rcrev[ir2]
gcw1 <- gcw[ir2]
gcw2 <- gcw[ir3]
gcw3 <- gcw[ir1]
esrlt <- round(2*sqrt(rc1*rc4)*gcw1-rc3*gcw3-rc2*gcw2,3)
names(esrlt) <- seq_along(regionsrc)
### permutation analysis
cat("...... permutation analysis\n")
perm <- table(c())
for(p in seq_len(permute)){
covfwdp <- coverage$fwd[ranges(regionrcsp)]
covrevp <- coverage$rev[ranges(regionrcsp)]
for(i in seq_along(coverage$fwd)){
covfwdp[[i]] <- covfwdp[[i]][[[i]]))]
covrevp[[i]] <- covrevp[[i]][[[i]]))]
end <- cumsum(width(regionrcsp))
start <- end-width(regionrcsp)+1
regionrcspp <- IRangesList(start=start,end=end)
rcfwdp <- RleList(unlist(viewApply(Views(covfwdp,regionrcspp),
rcrevp <- RleList(unlist(viewApply(Views(covrevp,regionrcspp),
rcp1 <- rcfwdp[ir1]
rcp2 <- rcfwdp[ir2]
rcp3 <- rcrevp[ir1]
rcp4 <- rcrevp[ir2]
accum <- table(unlist(round(2*sqrt(rcp1*rcp4)*gcw1-rcp3*gcw3-
n <- intersect(names(perm), names(accum))
perm <- c(perm[!(names(perm) %in% n)],
accum[!(names(accum) %in% n)],
perm[n] + accum[n])
cat('......... permutation',p,'\n')
perm <- perm[order(as.numeric(names(perm)))]
pvs <- 1- cumsum(as.numeric(perm))/sum(as.numeric(perm))
names(pvs) <- names(perm)
perm <- Rle(as.numeric(names(perm)),perm)
minpv <- 1/length(perm)
### refine peak pvalues
cat('...... reporting new p-value \n')
newes <- max(esrlt)
pvsn <- as.numeric(names(pvs))
pvsni <- sapply(newes,function(x) sum(pvsn<=x))
pvsni[pvsni==0] <- NA
newpv <- pvs[pvsni]
newpv[newes<min(pvsn)] <- 1
newpv[newpv==0] <- minpv
mcols(peaks) <- data.frame(mcols(peaks),newes=newes,newpv=newpv)
peaks <- shift(resize(peaks,width(peaks)-bdw),halfbdw)
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