
# Copied from mvoutlier package to reduce dependencies :mvoutlier-->robCompositions-->GGally
pcout <- function (x, makeplot = FALSE, explvar = 0.99, crit.M1 = 1/3, 
    crit.c1 = 2.5, crit.M2 = 1/4, crit.c2 = 0.99, cs = 0.25, 
    outbound = 0.25, ...) 
  p = ncol(x)
  n = nrow(x)
  x.mad = apply(x, 2, mad)
  if (any(x.mad == 0)) 
    stop("More than 50% equal values in one or more variables!")
  x.sc <- scale(x, apply(x, 2, median), x.mad)
  x.svd <- svd(scale(x.sc, TRUE, FALSE))
  a <- x.svd$d^2/(n - 1)
  p1 <- (1:p)[(cumsum(a)/sum(a) > explvar)][1]
  x.pc <- x.sc %*% x.svd$v[, 1:p1]
  xpc.sc <- scale(x.pc, apply(x.pc, 2, median), apply(x.pc, 
          2, mad))
  wp <- abs(apply(xpc.sc^4, 2, mean) - 3)
  xpcw.sc <- xpc.sc %*% diag(wp/sum(wp))
  xpc.norm <- sqrt(apply(xpcw.sc^2, 1, sum))
  x.dist1 <- xpc.norm * sqrt(qchisq(0.5, p1))/median(xpc.norm)
  M1 <- quantile(x.dist1, crit.M1)
  const1 <- median(x.dist1) + crit.c1 * mad(x.dist1)
  w1 <- (1 - ((x.dist1 - M1)/(const1 - M1))^2)^2
  w1[x.dist1 < M1] <- 1
  w1[x.dist1 > const1] <- 0
  xpc.norm <- sqrt(apply(xpc.sc^2, 1, sum))
  x.dist2 <- xpc.norm * sqrt(qchisq(0.5, p1))/median(xpc.norm)
  M2 <- sqrt(qchisq(crit.M2, p1))
  const2 <- sqrt(qchisq(crit.c2, p1))
  w2 <- (1 - ((x.dist2 - M2)/(const2 - M2))^2)^2
  w2[x.dist2 < M2] <- 1
  w2[x.dist2 > const2] <- 0
  wfinal <- (w1 + cs) * (w2 + cs)/((1 + cs)^2)
  wfinal01 <- round(wfinal + 0.5 - outbound)
  if (makeplot) {
    op <- par(mfrow = c(3, 2), mar = c(4, 4, 2, 2))
    plot(x.dist1, xlab = "Index", ylab = "Distance (location)", 
    abline(h = const1)
    abline(h = M1, lty = 2)
    plot(w1, xlab = "Index", ylab = "Weight (location)", 
        ylim = c(0, 1), ...)
    abline(h = 0)
    abline(h = 1, lty = 2)
    plot(x.dist2, xlab = "Index", ylab = "Distance (scatter)", 
    abline(h = const2)
    abline(h = M2, lty = 2)
    plot(w2, xlab = "Index", ylab = "Weight (scatter)", ylim = c(0, 
            1), ...)
    abline(h = 0)
    abline(h = 1, lty = 2)
    plot(wfinal, xlab = "Index", ylab = "Weight (combined)", 
        ylim = c(0, 1), ...)
    abline(h = cs)
    plot(wfinal01, xlab = "Index", ylab = "Final 0/1 weight", 
        ylim = c(0, 1), ...)
  list(wfinal01 = wfinal01, wfinal = wfinal, wloc = w1, wscat = w2, 
      x.dist1 = x.dist1, x.dist2 = x.dist2, M1 = M1, const1 = const1, 
      M2 = M2, const2 = const2)

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flowStats documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:49 p.m.