## Copyright (C) 2006 Djork-Arne Clevert (,
## Sepp Hochreiter (,
## Klaus Obermayer (
## Berlin University of Technology,
## Institute for Software Engineering and Theoretical Computer Science
## The software is maintained and developed by Djork-Arné Clevert.
## We offer a first implementation of the new
## ``Factor Analysis for Robust Microarray Summarization'' (FARMS) algorithm.
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
## without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
## See the GNU General Public License for more details.
## If you use this library, please cite:
## @article{SeppHochreiter02102006,
## author = {Hochreiter, Sepp and Clevert, Djork-Arne and Obermayer, Klaus},
## title = {{A new summarization method for Affymetrix probe level data}},
## journal = {Bioinformatics},
## volume = {},
## number = {},
## pages = {btl033},
## doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btl033},
## year = {2006},
## URL = {},
## eprint = {}
## }
## @article{INI-Calls:07,
## author = {Willem Talloen and Djork-Arne Clevert and Sepp Hochreiter and Dhammika Amaratunga and Luc Bijnens and Stefan Kass and Hinrich W.H. Ghlmann},
## title = {/NI-calls for the exclusion of non-informative genes: a highly effective filtering tool for microarray data},
## journal = {Bioinformatics},
## volume = {},
## number = {},
## pages = {btm478},
## doi = {doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btm478},
## year = {2007},
## URL = {},
## eprint = {}
## }
upDate.generateExprSet.methods(c(generateExprSet.methods(), "farms")), "farms"))
expFarms<-function(object, bgcorrect.method = "none", pmcorrect.method = "pmonly",
normalize.method = "quantiles", weight, mu, weighted.mean, laplacian, robust, correction, centering=c("median","mean"), spuriousCorrelation, ...){
if (missing(weight)){weight <- 0.5}
if (missing(mu)){mu <- 0}
if (missing(robust)){robust <- TRUE}
if (missing(weighted.mean)){weighted.mean <- FALSE}
if (missing(correction)){correction <- 0}
if (missing(laplacian)){laplacian <- FALSE}
if (missing(spuriousCorrelation)){spuriousCorrelation <- 0}
centering <- match.arg(centering)
res <- expresso(object, bgcorrect.method=bgcorrect.method, pmcorrect.method=pmcorrect.method,
normalize.method=normalize.method, summary.method = "farms",
summary.param=list(weight=weight, mu=mu, weighted.mean=weighted.mean, robust=robust, correction=correction, laplacian=laplacian, centering=centering, spuriousCorrelation=spuriousCorrelation))
qFarms<-function (object, weight, mu, weighted.mean, laplacian, robust, correction, centering=c("median","mean"), spuriousCorrelation,...){
if (missing(weight)){weight <- 0.5}
if (missing(mu)){mu <- 0}
if (missing(robust)){robust <- TRUE}
if (missing(weighted.mean)){weighted.mean <- FALSE}
if (missing(correction)){correction <- 0}
if (missing(laplacian)){laplacian <- FALSE}
if (missing(spuriousCorrelation)){spuriousCorrelation <- 0}
centering <- match.arg(centering)
res <- expresso(object, bgcorrect.method = "none", pmcorrect.method = "pmonly",
normalize.method = "quantiles", summary.method = "farms",
summary.param=list(weight=weight, mu=mu, weighted.mean=weighted.mean, robust=robust, correction=correction, laplacian=laplacian, centering=centering, spuriousCorrelation=spuriousCorrelation))
lFarms<-function (object, weight, mu, weighted.mean, laplacian, robust, correction, centering=c("median","mean"), spuriousCorrelation, ...){
if (missing(weight)){weight <- 0.5}
if (missing(mu)){mu <- 0}
if (missing(robust)){robust <- TRUE}
if (missing(weighted.mean)){weighted.mean <- FALSE}
if (missing(correction)){correction <- 0}
if (missing(laplacian)){laplacian <- FALSE}
if (missing(spuriousCorrelation)){spuriousCorrelation <- 0}
centering <- match.arg(centering)
res <- expresso(object, bgcorrect.method = "none", pmcorrect.method = "pmonly",
normalize.method = "loess", summary.method = "farms",
summary.param=list(weight=weight, mu=mu, weighted.mean=weighted.mean, robust=robust, correction=correction, laplacian=laplacian, centering=centering, spuriousCorrelation=spuriousCorrelation))
generateExprVal.method.farms <- function(probes, weight, mu, cyc, tol, weighted.mean, robust, minNoise, correction, laplacian, centering=c("median","mean"),spuriousCorrelation, ...){
if (missing(weight)){weight <- 0.5}
if (missing(mu)){mu <- 0}
if (missing(tol)){tol <- 0.00001}
if (missing(robust)){robust <- TRUE}
if (missing(cyc)){cyc <- 30}
if (missing(weighted.mean)){weighted.mean <- FALSE}
if (missing(correction)){correction <- 0}
if (missing(laplacian)){laplacian <- FALSE}
if (missing(minNoise)){minNoise <- 0.0001}
if (missing(spuriousCorrelation)){spuriousCorrelation <- 0}
centering <- match.arg(centering)
## probes - data matrix
## weight - hyperparameter default (0.5)
## mu - hyperparameter default (0)
## scale - scaling parameter for quantiles- (1.5) and
## loess-normalization (2)
## tol - termination tolerance (default = 0.00001)
## cyc - maximum number of cycles of EM (default 100)
## L - factor loadings
## Psi - diagonal uniqueness noise matrix
a_old <- 1/0.5
n_array <- ncol(probes)
n_probes <- nrow(probes)
epsmin <- 1e-30
if(n_array < 2){
stop("Error: FARMS is a multi-array method and therefore not designed for single-array summarization!")
if(n_array < 4){
message("Warning: FARMS is a multi-array method, therefore it is not recommended to apply FARMS for batch sizes smaller than 4 arrays!")
probes <- log2(probes)## log2-transform probe intensities
if (centering=="median") {mean.probes <- rowMedians(probes)}
if (centering=="mean") {mean.probes <- rowMeans(probes)} ## calculate mean of probes
centered.probes <- probes - mean.probes
sd.probes <- sqrt(diag(crossprod(t(centered.probes))) / n_array) ## calculate sd of probes
if(0 %in% sd.probes){
index <- which(sd.probes < epsmin)
sd.probes[index] <- 1 ## avoiding division by zero
probes <- probes / sd.probes ## standardize probes to variance 1
x <- t(probes)
if (centering=="median") {y_v <- rowMedians(probes)}
if (centering=="mean") {y_v <- rowMeans(probes)}
xmean <- matrix(y_v, n_array, n_probes, byrow = TRUE)
X <- x - xmean ## center data (0 mean)
XX <- crossprod(X,X) / n_array
diag(XX)[index] <- 1 ## avoiding division by zero
probes <- probes / sd.probes ## standardize probes to variance 1
x <- t(probes)
if (centering=="median") {y_v <- rowMedians(probes)}
if (centering=="mean") {y_v <- rowMeans(probes)}
xmean <- matrix(y_v, n_array, n_probes, byrow = TRUE)
X <- x - xmean ## center data (0 mean)
XX <- crossprod(X, X) / n_array
XX <- (XX + t(XX)) / 2 ## XX is now positive definit
XX[which(XX < 0)] <- 0
minEigenValues <- -1
while(minEigenValues < 0){
eigen_XX <- eigen(XX)
eigenValues_XX <- eigen_XX$values
eigenVectors_XX <- eigen_XX$vectors
minEigenValues <- min(eigenValues_XX)
diag(XX)<-diag(XX)+(minNoise - minEigenValues)
eigenValues_XX[which(eigenValues_XX<minNoise)] <- minNoise
XX <- eigenVectors_XX%*%diag(eigenValues_XX)%*%t(eigenVectors_XX)
diagXX <- diag(XX)
L <- sqrt(0.75 * diagXX) ## initialize factor loadings
Psi <- diagXX - L^2
Psi[which(Psi < epsmin)] <- epsmin
alpha <- weight * n_probes
bbeta <- mu * alpha
PsiOld <- Psi
if(laplacian){ ## Variational approach if Laplacian prior was selected
PsiL <- (1/Psi)*L
a <- as.vector(1+crossprod(L,PsiL))
bar <- PsiL/a
beta <- t(bar)
mu_ZX <- X%*%bar
lapla <- 1/sqrt(mu_ZX^2)
for (i in 1:cyc){
## E Step
PsiL <- (1/Psi)*L
a <- 1/as.vector(as.vector(lapla)+crossprod(L,PsiL))
mu_ZX <- X%*%PsiL*a
EZZ <- mu_ZX^2+a
## M Step
sumXMU <- 1/n_array*crossprod(X,mu_ZX)
L <- (sumXMU +Psi*bbeta)/(mean(EZZ)+Psi*alpha)
L[which(L<0)] <- epsmin
Psi <- diagXX-L*sumXMU+Psi*alpha*L*(mu-L)
Psi[which(Psi < epsmin)] <- epsmin
lapla <- 1/sqrt(mu_ZX^2 + a)
if (spuriousCorrelation != 0) {
lapla[which(lapla < spuriousCorrelation)] <- spuriousCorrelation
if(max(abs(Psi - PsiOld)) / max(abs(PsiOld)) < tol) {
PsiOld <- Psi
#if (sqrt(sum((a_old - a)^2)) < tol){
# break
#a_old <- a
c <- mu_ZX ## hidden variable c - factor
laplacian_SNR <- 1/as.vector(1+crossprod(L,PsiL)/as.vector(lapla))
for (i in 1:cyc){
# E Step
PsiL <- (1 / Psi) * L
a <- as.vector(1 + crossprod(L, PsiL))
bar <- PsiL / a
beta <- t(bar)
XXbeta <- XX %*% bar
EZZ <- 1 - beta %*% L + beta %*% XXbeta
t_XXbeta <- XXbeta + Psi * bbeta
t_EZZ <- as.vector(EZZ) + Psi * alpha
## M Step
L <- t_XXbeta / t_EZZ
Psi <- diagXX - XXbeta * L + Psi * alpha * L * (mu - L)
Psi[which(Psi < epsmin)] <- epsmin
if(max(abs(Psi - PsiOld)) / max(abs(PsiOld)) < tol) {
PsiOld <- Psi
#if (sqrt((1/a_old - 1/a)^2) < tol){
# break
#a_old <- a
c <- X %*% bar ## hidden variable c - factor
if (!laplacian){
if(EZZ < epsmin){
var_z_scale <- 1 ## avoiding division by zero
var_z_scale <- sqrt(EZZ)
var_scale <- sd(as.vector(c))*(1-1/n_array)
if(var_scale < epsmin){
var_z_scale <- 1 ## avoiding division by zero
var_z_scale <- var_scale
c <- c / as.vector(var_z_scale)
L <- L * as.vector(var_z_scale)
PsiL <- (1 / Psi) * L
a <- as.vector(1 + crossprod(L,PsiL))
SNR <- 1 / a ## INI-Call
## SIG <- as.vector(crossprod(L, diag(as.vector(1/Psi)))) %*% XX %*% diag(as.vector(1/Psi)) %*% L * a^-2 ## SIGNAL-Call
signal_info <- numeric(length=n_array)
if (weighted.mean){
PsiLL <- ((1 / Psi) * L^2)
sumPsiLL <- sum(PsiLL)
propPsiLL <- PsiLL / sumPsiLL
express <- as.vector(crossprod(L * sd.probes, propPsiLL)) * c + median(y_v * sd.probes)
express <- median(L * sd.probes) * c + median(y_v * sd.probes)
if (laplacian){
signal_info <- laplacian_SNR
signal_info[] <- SNR
if(robust && (sd(as.vector(express)) < 1e-5)){
rowMedianX <- rowMedians(x)
x <- x - rowMedianX
x[which(x <= 0)] <- NA
rowMeansX <- rowMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE)
rowMeansXCentered <- rowMeansX - mean(rowMeansX)
minVarExpress <- rowMeansXCentered / (sqrt(mean(rowMeansXCentered^2))+epsmin) * 1e-5
express <- median(y_v * sd.probes) + minVarExpress
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