#' @title Plot the Distribution of the Length of Exons Overlapped by the RNA Modification Peaks/Sites
#' @description This function plot the distribution of the exon length for peaks containing exons.
#' @details
#' If the SummarizedExomePeaks object contains LFC statistics, the significantly modified peaks
#' with IP to input log2FC > 0 and GLM Wald test padj < .05 will be plotted .
#' If the SummarizedExomePeaks object contains interactive LFC statistics, both the hyper modification
#' and hypo modification peaks with GLM Wald test p values < .05 will be plotted.
#' @param sep a \code{\link{SummarizedExomePeak}} object.
#' @param txdb a \code{\link{TxDb}} object containing the transcript annotation.
#' @param save_pdf_prefix a \code{character} if provided, a pdf file with the given name will be saved under the current working directory.
#' @param include_control_regions a \code{logical} for whether to include the control regions or not; Default \code{= TRUE}.
#' @param save_dir a \code{character} for the directory to save the plot; Default \code{= "."}.
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @aliases plotExonLength
#' @rdname plotExonLength-methods
#' @examples
#' ### Make TxDb object from the gff file
#' library(GenomicFeatures)
#' GENE_ANNO_GTF = system.file("extdata", "example.gtf", package="exomePeak2")
#' txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(GENE_ANNO_GTF)
#' ### Load the example SummarizedExomPeak object
#' f1 = system.file("extdata", "sep_ex_mod.rds", package="exomePeak2")
#' sep <- readRDS(f1)
#' ### Visualize the linear relationships between GC content and normalized reads count under different regions
#' plotExonLength(sep,txdb)
#' @export
txdb = NULL,
save_pdf_prefix = NULL,
include_control_regions = TRUE,
save_dir = ".") {
if( sum(grepl("peak", rownames(sep))) < 10 ) {
stop("exon length plot cannot be performed for total peaks number < 10.")
#first check whether the input object contains any quantification result.
#if so, we need only plot the modification peaks and control peaks.
row_grl <- rowRanges( sep )
gr_list <- list(
peaks = row_grl[grepl("peak",names(row_grl) )],
control = row_grl[grepl("control",names(row_grl) )]
gr_list <- gr_list[-2]
gfeatures = gr_list,
txdb = txdb,
save_pdf_prefix = save_pdf_prefix,
save_dir = save_dir
} else {
#In case of the collumn design contains only modification
if(!any(sep$design_Treatment)) {
row_grl <- rowRanges( sep )
indx_sig <- which( exomePeak2Results(sep)$padj < .05 & exomePeak2Results(sep)$log2FoldChange > 0 )
gr_lab = "peak padj < .05"
if( length(indx_sig) < floor( sum(grepl("peak_", rownames(sep))) * 0.01 ) ){
indx_sig <- which( exomePeak2Results(sep)$pvalue < .05 & exomePeak2Results(sep)$log2FoldChange > 0 )
gr_lab = "peak p < .05"
gr_list <- list(mod_peaks = row_grl[grepl("peak",rownames(sep))][indx_sig],
control = row_grl[grepl("control",names(row_grl) )]
names(gr_list)[1] <- gr_lab
rm(indx_sig, gr_lab)
gr_list <- gr_list[-2]
gfeatures = gr_list,
txdb = txdb,
save_pdf_prefix = save_pdf_prefix,
save_dir = save_dir
} else {
row_grl <- rowRanges( sep )
indx_hyper <- which( exomePeak2Results(sep)$padj < .05 &
exomePeak2Results(sep)$log2FoldChange > 0)
indx_hypo <- which( exomePeak2Results(sep)$padj < .05 &
exomePeak2Results(sep)$log2FoldChange < 0)
list_names <- c("hyper padj < 0.05", "hypo padj < 0.05")
min_positive <- floor(sum(grepl("peak_", rownames(sep))) * 0.1)
if(length(indx_hyper) + length(indx_hypo) < min_positive){
indx_hyper <- which( exomePeak2Results(sep)$padj < .05 &
exomePeak2Results(sep)$log2FoldChange > 0)
indx_hypo <- which( exomePeak2Results(sep)$padj < .05 &
exomePeak2Results(sep)$log2FoldChange < 0)
list_names <- c("hyper p < 0.05", "hypo p < 0.05")
gr_list <- list(hyperMod = row_grl[grepl("peak",rownames(sep))][indx_hyper],
hypoMod = row_grl[grepl("peak",rownames(sep))][indx_hypo]
if( any( elementNROWS(gr_list) == 0 ) ){
gr_list <- c(gr_list,
background = row_grl[grepl("control",rownames(sep))])
names(gr_list)[seq_len(2)] <- list_names
gfeatures = gr_list,
txdb = txdb,
save_pdf_prefix = save_pdf_prefix,
save_dir = save_dir
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