#' @title Estimation and Inference on IP/input Log2 Fold Changes with Generalized Linear Model.
#' @param sep a \code{summarizedExomePeak} object.
#' @param glm_type a \code{character} speciefies the type of Generalized Linear Model (GLM) fitted for the purpose of statistical inference during peak calling, which can be one of the \code{c("DESeq2", "NB", "Poisson")}.
#' \describe{
#' \item{\strong{\code{DESeq2}}}{Fit the GLM defined in the function \code{\link{DESeq}}, which is the NB GLM with regulated estimation of the overdispersion parameters.}
#' \item{\strong{\code{NB}}}{Fit the Negative Binomial (NB) GLM.}
#' \item{\strong{\code{Poisson}}}{Fit the Poisson GLM.}
#' }
#' By default, the DESeq2 GLMs are fitted on the data set with > 1 biological replicates for both the IP and input samples, the Poisson GLM will be fitted otherwise.
#' @param LFC_shrinkage a \code{character} for the method of emperical bayes shrinkage on log2FC, could be one of \code{c("apeglm", "Gaussian", "ashr", "none")}; Default \code{= "apeglm"}.
#' see \code{\link{lfcShrink}} for details; if "none" is selected, only the MLE will be returned.
#' @param ... Optional arguments passed to \code{\link{DESeq}}
#' @description \code{glmM} performs inference and estimation on IP/input log2FC.
#' GLMs with the design of an indicator of IP samples are fitted for each peaks/sites:
#' \deqn{log2(Q) = intercept + I(IP)}
#' The log2FC and the associated statistics are based on the coefficient estimate of the dummy variable term: \eqn{I(IP)}.
#' Under default setting, the returned log2FC are the RR estimates with Couchey priors defined in \code{\link{apeglm}}.
#' @import SummarizedExperiment
#' @import DESeq2
#' @import apeglm
#' @aliases glmM
#' @rdname glmM-methods
#' @seealso \code{\link{glmDM}}
#' @examples
#' ### Load the example SummarizedExomPeak object
#' f1 = system.file("extdata", "sep_ex_mod.rds", package="exomePeak2")
#' sep <- readRDS(f1)
#' ### Select only the control group to avoid warning.
#' sep <- sep[,!colData(sep)$design_Treatment]
#' ### Normalize the GC contents biases
#' sep <- normalizeGC(sep)
#' ### Calculate GLM Statistics on the Modification Peaks
#' sep <- glmM(sep)
#' @return a \code{SummarizedExomPeak} object.
#' @export
glm_type = c("DESeq2","NB","Poisson"),
LFC_shrinkage = c("apeglm", "Gaussian", "ashr"),
...) {
if( (any(sep$design_Treatment) & any(!sep$design_Treatment)) ) {
warning("Your data has interactive design / treatment groups, perhaps you want to use the function glm_DM().\n")
LFC_shrinkage = match.arg(LFC_shrinkage)
glm_type = match.arg(glm_type)
if( any( table(colData(sep)$design_IP) == 1 ) ) {
"At least one of the IP or input group has no replicates. Quantification method changed to Poisson GLM.\n",
call. = TRUE,
immediate. = FALSE
glm_type <- "Poisson"
if(glm_type == "Poisson") {
message("Calculate peaks/sites statistics with Poisson GLM ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
if(glm_type == "NB") {
message("Calculate peaks/sites statistics with NB GLM ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
if(glm_type == "DESeq2") {
message("Calculate peaks/sites statistics with regularized NB GLM ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
stopifnot((any(sep$design_IP) & any(!sep$design_IP)))
if(is.null(colData( sep )$sizeFactor)) {
sep <- estimateSeqDepth(sep)
indx_mod <- grepl("peak_", rownames( sep ) )
SE_M <- sep
SE_M$IPinput = "input"
SE_M$IPinput[SE_M$design_IP] = "IP"
SE_M$IPinput = factor(SE_M$IPinput)
if(!is.null(GCsizeFactors( sep ))) {
gc_na_indx <- rowSums( ) > 0
#Need to deal with the missing values in GC content size factor.
Cov = ~ IPinput
dds = suppressMessages( DESeqDataSet(se = SE_M[(!gc_na_indx) & indx_mod,], design = Cov) )
glm_off_sets <- GCsizeFactors(sep)[(!gc_na_indx) & indx_mod,]
#normalization to make the row geometric means = 0 (since DESeq2 only cares about the difference).
#and this norm factor is still under the original scale (not log scale glm off set).
centered_off_sets <- exp(glm_off_sets) / exp(rowMeans(glm_off_sets))
normalizationFactors(dds) <- centered_off_sets
rm(glm_off_sets, centered_off_sets)
dds$IPinput <- relevel(dds$IPinput, "input")
} else {
Cov = ~ IPinput
dds = suppressMessages( DESeqDataSet(se = SE_M[indx_mod,], design = Cov) )
dds$IPinput <- relevel( dds$IPinput, "input" )
if(glm_type == "Poisson"){
dispersions(dds) = 0
if(glm_type == "NB"){
dds = suppressMessages( estimateDispersions( dds, fitType = "mean" ) )
if(glm_type == "DESeq2"){
dds = suppressMessages( estimateDispersions( dds ) )
dds = suppressMessages( nbinomWaldTest( dds ) )
#Generation of the DESeq2 report.
DS_result <- suppressWarnings( suppressMessages( results( dds, altHypothesis = "greater" ) ) ))
DS_result <- DS_result[,c("log2FoldChange","lfcSE","pvalue","padj")]
colnames(DS_result) <- c("log2fcMod.MLE","log2fcMod.MLE.SE","log2fcMod.pvalue","log2fcMod.padj")
#Include reads count
if(nrow(assay(dds)) != 1){
DS_result$ReadsCount.IP <- rowSums( cbind(assay(dds)[,colData(dds)$design_IP]) )
DS_result$ReadsCount.input <- rowSums( cbind(assay(dds)[,!colData(dds)$design_IP]) )
DS_result$ReadsCount.IP <- rowSums( rbind(assay(dds)[,colData(dds)$design_IP]) )
DS_result$ReadsCount.input <- rowSums( rbind(assay(dds)[,!colData(dds)$design_IP]) )
#Calculate expression level related estimates
Expr_design_MLE <- suppressWarnings( suppressMessages( results( dds, contrast = c(1,0)) ) ))
DS_result$log2Expr.MLE <- Expr_design_MLE[,"log2FoldChange"]
DS_result$log2Expr.MLE.SE <- Expr_design_MLE[,"lfcSE"]
#Calculate absolute methylation level related estimates
AbsMod_design_MLE <- suppressWarnings( suppressMessages( results( dds, contrast = c(1,1)) ) ))
DS_result$log2AbsMod.MLE <- AbsMod_design_MLE[,"log2FoldChange"]
DS_result$log2AbsMod.MLE.SE <- AbsMod_design_MLE[,"lfcSE"]
#Calculate additional MAP estimates if LFCs are set != "none"
if(LFC_shrinkage != "none" & glm_type != "Poisson") {
#MAP for methylation level
DS_result$log2fcMod.MAP <- suppressMessages( lfcShrink( dds=dds, coef = 2, type = LFC_shrinkage ) ) )$log2FoldChange
DS_result$log2FoldChange <- DS_result$log2fcMod.MAP
DS_result <- DS_result[,c("ReadsCount.input","ReadsCount.IP",
"log2AbsMod.MLE", "log2AbsMod.MLE.SE",
major_statistics <- DS_result[,c("log2fcMod.MAP","log2fcMod.pvalue","log2fcMod.padj")]
colnames(major_statistics) = c("log2FoldChange","pvalue","padj")
DS_result <- cbind(DS_result, major_statistics)
} else {
DS_result <- DS_result[,c("ReadsCount.input","ReadsCount.IP",
"log2AbsMod.MLE", "log2AbsMod.MLE.SE",
major_statistics <- DS_result[,c("log2fcMod.MLE","log2fcMod.pvalue","log2fcMod.padj")]
colnames(major_statistics) = c("log2FoldChange","pvalue","padj")
DS_result <- cbind(DS_result, major_statistics)
if (!is.null(GCsizeFactors( sep ))) {
DS_final_rst <- matrix(NA,nrow = nrow(SE_M[indx_mod,]), ncol = ncol(DS_result))
colnames(DS_final_rst) <- colnames(DS_result)
DS_final_rst <-
DS_final_rst[(!gc_na_indx)[indx_mod],] <- DS_result )
} else {
DS_final_rst <- DS_result
rownames(DS_final_rst) = rownames(SE_M)[indx_mod]
exomePeak2Results( sep ) = DS_final_rst
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