#' @title plot a biplot of a linear discriminant analysis of an \linkS4class{eSet} object
#' @description \code{esetLda} reduces the dimension of the data contained in the \linkS4class{eSet} via a linear discriminant analysis
#' on the specified grouping variable with the \code{lda} function and plot the subsequent biplot,
#' possibly with sample annotation and gene annotation contained in the eSet.
#' @param eset expressionSet (or SummarizedExperiment) object with data
#' @param ldaVar name of variable (in varLabels of the \code{eset}) used for grouping for lda
#' @param psids featureNames of genes to include in the plot, all by default
#' @param dim dimensions of the analysis to represent, first two dimensions by default
#' @param returnAnalysis logical, if TRUE (FALSE by default), return also the output of the analysis,
#' and the outlying samples in the topElements element if any, otherwise only the plot object
#' @inheritParams esetPlotWrapper
#' @references Fisher, R. A. (1936). The Use of Multiple Measurements in
#' Taxonomic Problems. Annals of Eugenics, 7 (2), 179--188
#' @seealso the function used internally: \code{\link[MASS]{lda}}
#' @return if \code{returnAnalysis} is TRUE, return a list:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{analysis: }{output of the spectral map analysis, whose parameters
#' can be given as input to the \code{\link{esetPlotWrapper}} function}
#' \itemize{
#' \item{dataPlotSamples: }{coordinates of the samples}
#' \item{dataPlotGenes: }{coordinates of the genes}
#' \item{esetUsed: }{expressionSet used in the plot}
#' }
#' \item{topElements: }{list with top outlying elements if any, possibly genes, samples and gene sets}
#' \item{plot: }{the plot output}
#' }
#' otherwise return only the plot
#' @examples
#' # load data
#' library(ALL)
#' data(ALL)
#' # specify several variables in ldaVar (this might take a few minutes to run...)
#' # sample subsetting: currently cannot deal with missing values
#' samplesToRemove <- which(apply(pData(ALL)[, c("sex", "BT")], 1, anyNA))
#' # extract random features, because analysis is quite time consuming
#' retainedFeatures <- sample(featureNames(ALL), size = floor(nrow(ALL)/5))
#' # create the plot
#' esetLda(eset = ALL[retainedFeatures, -samplesToRemove],
#' ldaVar = "BT", colorVar = "BT", shapeVar = "sex", sizeVar = "age",
#' title = "Linear discriminant analysis on the ALL dataset")
#' @import Biobase
#' @importFrom stats cor
#' @importFrom MASS lda
#' @author Laure Cougnaud
#' @export
esetLda <- function(eset, ldaVar,
psids = 1:nrow(eset),
dim = c(1, 2),
colorVar = character(),
color = if(length(colorVar) == 0) "black" else character(),
shapeVar = character(),
shape = if(length(shapeVar) == 0) 15 else numeric(),
sizeVar = character(),
size = if(length(sizeVar) == 0){
ifelse(typePlot == "interactive" && length(packageInteractivity) == 1 &&
packageInteractivity == "rbokeh", 5, 2.5
sizeRange = numeric(),
alphaVar = character(),
alpha = if(length(alphaVar) == 0) 1 else numeric(),
alphaRange = numeric(),
title = "",
symmetryAxes = c("combine", "separate", "none"),
packageTextLabel = c("ggrepel", "ggplot2"),
cloudGenes = TRUE, cloudGenesColor = "black", cloudGenesNBins = sqrt(length(psids)),
cloudGenesIncludeLegend = FALSE, cloudGenesTitleLegend = "nGenes",
topGenes = 10, topGenesCex = 2.5, topGenesVar = character(),
topGenesJust = c(0.5, 0.5), topGenesColor = "black",
topSamples = 10, topSamplesCex = 2.5, topSamplesVar = character(),
topSamplesJust = c(0.5, 0.5), topSamplesColor = "black",
geneSets = list(), geneSetsVar = character(), geneSetsMaxNChar = numeric(),
topGeneSets = 10,
topGeneSetsCex = 2.5, topGeneSetsJust = c(0.5, 0.5), topGeneSetsColor = "black",
includeLegend = TRUE, includeLineOrigin = TRUE,
typePlot = c("static", "interactive"), packageInteractivity = c("rbokeh", "ggvis"),
figInteractiveSize = c(600, 400), ggvisAdjustLegend = TRUE,
interactiveTooltip = TRUE, interactiveTooltipExtraVars = character(),
returnAnalysis = FALSE, returnEsetPlot = FALSE){
packageTextLabel <- match.arg(packageTextLabel)
symmetryAxes <- match.arg(symmetryAxes)
packageInteractivity <- match.arg(packageInteractivity)
if(length(psids) <= 1)
stop(paste("At least two genes should be used for the visualization.",
"Please change the 'psids' argument accordingly."))
# get methods depending on the class of the object
esetMethods <- getMethodsInputObjectEsetVis(eset)
## Extract exprsMat with specified psids
esetUsed <- eset[psids, ]
errorNAGroupingVariable <- paste("The current implementation cannot deal with",
"missing values in the grouping variable.",
"Please remove the corresponding samples from the data."
ldaVariable <- if(length(ldaVar) > 1){
mesCombinedVar <- "The variables used for lda are combined."
ldaVariableDf <- esetMethods$pData(esetUsed)[, ldaVar] # pData(esetUsed)
ldaVariable <- apply(ldaVariableDf, 1, paste, collapse = "-")
idxNA <- rowSums( > 0
if(sum(idxNA) > 0){
# mesCombinedVar <- paste(mesCombinedVar,
# sum(idxNA), "samples with NA in at least one of the variable are set to NA in the combined variable.")
# ldaVariable[idxNA] <- NA
}else esetMethods$pData(esetUsed)[, ldaVar]
stop("The grouping variable for the lda ",
"should be a factor.")
if(nlevels(ldaVariable) <= 2)
stop("The current function only deal with ",
"a grouping variable with at least 3 levels.")
if(anyNA(ldaVariable)) stop(errorNAGroupingVariable)
## Run lda
inputLda <- t(esetMethods$exprs(esetUsed)) # exprs(esetUsed)
system.time(ldaOutput <- lda(inputLda,
grouping = ldaVariable))#MASS package
## reformat results of lda function
propTraces <- round((ldaOutput$svd^2)/sum(ldaOutput$svd^2)*100)
if(max(dim) > length(propTraces)){
warning("The dimensions to represent should be less than",
" the number of levels in the grouping variable minus 1.",
" The dimensions c(1, 2) will be used.")
dim <- c(1, 2)
labelsAxes <- paste0("LD", dim, " (", propTraces[dim],"%)")
#scores of the variables (here genes)
scoreVar <- ldaOutput$scaling[, dim]
#coordinates of the individuals
means <- colMeans(ldaOutput$means)
coordInd <- scale(inputLda, center = means, scale = FALSE) %*% scoreVar
#compute correlation between coordinates of samples and input data
corrVarInit <- cor(inputLda, coordInd, use = "pairwise")
# scale it to the maximum limits
corrVar <- t(t(corrVarInit) * apply(coordInd, 2, max))
# mostInfluentGenes <- names(sort(apply(corrVar , 1, function(x) sum(abs(x)^2)), decreasing = TRUE)[1:nTopGenes])
# names(mostInfluentGenes) <- fData(eset)[mostInfluentGenes, "SYMBOL"]
# corrVarWithoutMostInfluentGenes <- corrVar[!rownames(corrVar) %in% mostInfluentGenes, ]
## Extract data for final plot
dataPlotSamples <- data.frame(coordInd, rownames(coordInd))
colnames(dataPlotSamples) <- c("X", "Y", "sampleName")
dataPlotGenes <- data.frame(corrVar, rownames(corrVar))
colnames(dataPlotGenes) <- c("X", "Y", "geneName")
plot <- esetVis::esetPlotWrapper(
dataPlotSamples = dataPlotSamples,
dataPlotGenes = dataPlotGenes,
esetUsed = esetUsed,
colorVar = colorVar, color = color,
shapeVar = shapeVar, shape = shape,
sizeVar = sizeVar, size = size, sizeRange = sizeRange,
alphaVar = alphaVar, alpha = alpha, alphaRange = alphaRange,
title = title, symmetryAxes = symmetryAxes,
cloudGenes = cloudGenes, cloudGenesColor = cloudGenesColor,
cloudGenesNBins = cloudGenesNBins,
cloudGenesIncludeLegend = cloudGenesIncludeLegend, cloudGenesTitleLegend = cloudGenesTitleLegend,
topGenes = topGenes, topGenesCex = topGenesCex,
topGenesVar = topGenesVar, topGenesJust = topGenesJust, topGenesColor = topGenesColor,
topSamples = topSamples, topSamplesCex = topSamplesCex,
topSamplesVar = topSamplesVar, topSamplesJust = topSamplesJust, topSamplesColor = topSamplesColor,
geneSets = geneSets, geneSetsVar = geneSetsVar, geneSetsMaxNChar = geneSetsMaxNChar,
topGeneSets = topGeneSets, topGeneSetsCex = topGeneSetsCex, topGeneSetsJust = topGeneSetsJust,
topGeneSetsColor = topGeneSetsColor,
includeLegend = includeLegend, includeLineOrigin = includeLineOrigin,
typePlot = typePlot, packageInteractivity = packageInteractivity,
figInteractiveSize = figInteractiveSize,
ggvisAdjustLegend = ggvisAdjustLegend, interactiveTooltip = interactiveTooltip, interactiveTooltipExtraVars = interactiveTooltipExtraVars,
returnTopElements = returnAnalysis,
packageTextLabel = packageTextLabel,
returnEsetPlot = returnEsetPlot
res <- if(!returnAnalysis) plot else
analysis = list(
dataPlotSamples = dataPlotSamples,
dataPlotGenes = dataPlotGenes,
esetUsed = esetUsed
#axisLabels = axisLabels
if(!is.null(plot$topElements)) list(topElements = plot$topElements),
list(plot = if(inherits(plot, "ggplot")) plot else plot$plot)
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