csProfile = function(ermaset, symbol, upstream=2000, downstream=200,
ctsize=10, shortCellType=TRUE, tsswidth=3) {
# chromatin state profile: use IRanges 'promoters' concept to pick
# states and colors from ChromImpute resources
if (!useShiny) stateProfile( ermaset=ermaset,
symbol=symbol, ctsize=ctsize, upstream=upstream, downstream=downstream,
else stateProf(ermaset=ermaset, shortCellType=shortCellType, ctsize=ctsize)
stateProfile = function(ermaset, symbol="IL33", upstream=2000,
downstream=200, ctsize=10, shortCellType=TRUE, tsswidth=3) {
mod = try(genemodel(symbol))
tss = start(resize(range(mod),1))
if (inherits(mod, "try-error")) stop("can't resolve symbol")
uil = promoters(range(mod), upstream=upstream, downstream=downstream)
## ----bind----------------------------------------------------------------
ermaset@rowRanges = uil # binding this in allows reduceByFile to work
## ----getcss--------------------------------------------------------------
# imps = reduceByFile(ermaset, MAP=function(range, file) {
# imp = liberalImport(file, which=range, genome=genome(range))
# seqlevels(imp) = seqlevels(range)
# imp$rgb = rgbByState(imp$name)
# imp
# })
range = rowRanges(ermaset)
fe = files(ermaset)
csstates = bplapply( 1:length(fe), function(i) {
# path = files(ermaset)[i]
# con = file(path)
# open(con, type="r")
# on.exit(close(con))
imp = liberalImport(fe[i], which=range, genome=genome(range))
seqlevels(imp) = seqlevels(range)
imp$rgb = rgbByState(imp$name)
chk = vapply(csstates, length, numeric(1))
ok = which(chk>0)
csstates = csstates[ok]
tys = cellTypes(ermaset) # need to label with cell types
tys = tys[ok]
## ---- annotate
csstates = lapply(1:length(csstates), function(x) {
csstates[[x]]$celltype = tys[x]
len = length(csstates[[x]])
csstates[[x]] = c(csstates[[x]], csstates[[x]][len]) # dummy
ranges(csstates[[x]][len+1]) = IRanges(tss,width=tsswidth)
csstates[[x]]$name[len+1] = "TSS"
csstates[[x]]$rgb[len+1] = "#000000"
## ----doviz, fig=TRUE-----------------------------------------------------
cssgr = unlist(GRangesList(csstates))
if (!exists("short_celltype")) data(short_celltype)
# short_celltype = get(load(dir(system.file("data",package="erma"),full.names=TRUE, pattern="short")))
# states_25 = get(load(dir(system.file("data",package="erma"),full.names=TRUE, pattern="states_25")))
if (!exists("states_25")) data(states_25)
# data(states_25)
mycol = states_25$rgb
names(mycol) = paste0(1:25, "_", states_25$MNEMONIC)
mycol = c(mycol, "TSS"="#000000")
cssd =
chrn = as.character(seqnames(cssgr))[1]
if (shortCellType) cssd$celltype = short_celltype[ cssd$celltype ]
n2 = ggplot(cssd)
n2 + geom_rect(aes(ymin=0, ymax=1, xmin=start, xmax=end, fill=name)) +
facet_grid(celltype~.) +
theme(strip.text.y = element_text(size = ctsize, angle = 0)) +
ylim(0,1) + scale_y_continuous(breaks=NULL, limits=c(0,1)) +
scale_fill_manual( name="state", values=mycol ) + xlab(chrn) +
ggtitle(paste0(symbol, " [", as.character(strand(mod)[1]), "]"))
liberalImport = function(con, which, pad=1e5, genome, ...) {
# intention is to import request plus padding so
# that result can be trimmed to fill out the
# 'which' region with any relevant metadata
stopifnot(is(which, "GRanges"))
tmp = import(con, which=which+pad, genome=genome, ...)
tmp = restrict(tmp, start=start(which), end=end(which),
tmp[ which(end(tmp) >= start(which) & start(tmp) <= end(which)) ]
# subsetByOverlaps(tmp, which)
subsetByRanges = function( ermaset, range ) {
rowRanges(ermaset) = range
reduceByFile(ermaset, MAP=function(range, file) {
imp = import(file, which=range, genome=genome(range)[1])
seqlevels(imp) = seqlevels(range)
imp$rgb = rgbByState(imp$name)
imp })
statesByRange = function(ermaset, rangeToUse,
ctsize=10, shortCellType=TRUE, tsswidth=3) {
if (inherits(mod, "try-error")) stop("can't resolve symbol")
uil = promoters(range(mod), upstream=upstream, downstream=downstream)
## ----bind----------------------------------------------------------------
ermaset@rowRanges = uil # binding this in allows reduceByFile to work
## ----getcss--------------------------------------------------------------
# imps = reduceByFile(ermaset, MAP=function(range, file) {
# imp = liberalImport(file, which=range, genome=genome(range))
# seqlevels(imp) = seqlevels(range)
# imp$rgb = rgbByState(imp$name)
# imp
# })
range = rangeToUse
fe = files(ermaset)
csstates = bplapply(1:length(fe), function(i) {
# path = files(ermaset)[i]
# con = file(path)
# open(con, type="r")
# on.exit(close(con))
imp = liberalImport(fe[i], which=range, genome=genome(range))
seqlevels(imp) = seqlevels(range)
imp$rgb = rgbByState(imp$name)
tys = cellTypes(ermaset) # need to label with cell types
## ---- annotate
csstates = lapply(1:length(csstates), function(x) {
csstates[[x]]$celltype = tys[x]
len = length(csstates[[x]])
csstates[[x]] = c(csstates[[x]], csstates[[x]][len]) # dummy
ranges(csstates[[x]][len+1]) = IRanges(tss,width=tsswidth)
csstates[[x]]$name[len+1] = "TSS"
csstates[[x]]$rgb[len+1] = "#000000"
## ----doviz, fig=TRUE-----------------------------------------------------
cssgr = unlist(GRangesList(csstates))
if (!exists("short_celltype")) data(short_celltype)
# short_celltype = get(load(dir(system.file("data",package="erma"),full.names=TRUE, pattern="short")))
# states_25 = get(load(dir(system.file("data",package="erma"),full.names=TRUE, pattern="states_25")))
if (!exists("states_25")) data(states_25)
# data(states_25)
mycol = states_25$rgb
names(mycol) = paste0(1:25, "_", states_25$MNEMONIC)
mycol = c(mycol, "TSS"="#000000")
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