#' Generate a GRangesList object with feature ranges
#' Generate a GRangesList object with genomic ranges for (any combination of)
#' spliced transcripts, unspliced transcripts and introns.
#' @param gtf Path to gtf file.
#' @param featureType Character vector indicating the type(s) of features to
#' extract, any subset of \code{c("spliced", "intron", "unspliced")}.
#' @param intronType Character vector indicating how to define the introns
#' (only used if "intron" is part of \code{featureType}). Has to be either
#' "separate" (introns are defined for each transcript separately) or
#' "collapse" (transcripts of the same gene are first collapsed before
#' introns are defined as any non-exonic part of the gene locus).
#' @param flankLength Integer scalar indicating the length of the flanking
#' sequence added to each side of each extracted intron (only used if
#' "intron" is included in \code{featureType}).
#' @param joinOverlappingIntrons Logical scalar indicating whether two introns
#' that overlap (after adding the flanking sequences) should be joined into
#' one feature.
#' @param verbose Logical scalar, whether to print out progress messages.
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @export
#' @return Returns a \code{GRangesList} object where each element represents
#' one extracted feature. The metadata of this object contains two
#' \code{data.frame}s mapping corresponding identifiers between the
#' different feature types, as well as a list of all features for each type.
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures makeTxDbFromGFF exonsBy
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRangesList reduce
#' @importFrom AnnotationDbi select
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics unlist relist setdiff
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols metadata
#' @examples
#' ## Get feature ranges
#' grl <- getFeatureRanges(
#' gtf = system.file("extdata/small_example.gtf", package = "eisaR"),
#' featureType = c("spliced", "intron"),
#' intronType = "separate",
#' flankLength = 5L,
#' joinOverlappingIntrons = FALSE,
#' verbose = TRUE
#' )
#' ## GRangesList
#' grl
#' ## Corresponding transcript/gene IDs
#' S4Vectors::metadata(grl)$corrtx
#' S4Vectors::metadata(grl)$corrgene
#' ## List of features of different types
#' S4Vectors::metadata(grl)$featurelist
#' ## Get feature sequences
#' if (requireNamespace("BSgenome", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' library(BSgenome)
#' genome <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(
#' system.file("extdata/small_example_genome.fa", package = "eisaR"))
#' seqs <- GenomicFeatures::extractTranscriptSeqs(x = genome,
#' transcripts = grl)
#' seqs
#' }
getFeatureRanges <- function(
featureType = c("spliced", "intron"),
intronType = "separate",
flankLength = 90L,
joinOverlappingIntrons = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE) {
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Pre-flight checks
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
if (length(gtf) != 1 || !is.character(gtf) || !file.exists(gtf)) {
stop("'gtf' must be a character scalar providing ",
"the path to an existing file.")
if (!all(is.character(featureType)) ||
!all(featureType %in% c("spliced", "unspliced", "intron"))) {
stop("'featureType' must be a subset of c('spliced',",
"'unspliced', 'intron')")
if ("intron" %in% featureType) {
if (length(intronType) != 1 || !is.character(intronType) ||
!(intronType %in% c("separate", "collapse"))) {
stop("'intronType' must be either 'separate' or 'collapse'")
if (!is.numeric(flankLength) || length(flankLength) != 1 ||
flankLength < 0) {
stop("'flankLength' must be a numeric non-negative scalar")
flankLength <- as.integer(flankLength)
if (!is.logical(joinOverlappingIntrons) ||
length(joinOverlappingIntrons) != 1) {
stop("'joinOverlappingIntrons' must be a logical scalar")
if (!is.logical(verbose) || length(verbose) != 1) {
stop("'verbose' must be a logical scalar")
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Define suffixes for unspliced transcripts and introns
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
suffixes <- c(intron = "-I", unspliced = "-U")
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Construct TxDb from gtf file
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
txdb <- GenomicFeatures::makeTxDbFromGFF(gtf, format = "gtf")
## Initialize GRangesList
grlfull <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList()
featurelist <- list()
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Group exons by transcript/gene
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Group exons by transcript. When using exonsBy with by = "tx",
## the returned exons are ordered by ascending rank for each transcript,
## that is, by their position in the transcript.
ebt <- GenomicFeatures::exonsBy(txdb, by = "tx", use.names = TRUE)
t2g <- AnnotationDbi::select(txdb, keys = names(ebt),
keytype = "TXNAME", columns = "GENEID")
e2 <- BiocGenerics::unlist(ebt)
e2$transcript_id <- names(e2)
e2$gene_id = t2g$GENEID[match(e2$transcript_id, t2g$TXNAME)]
e2$exon_id <- e2$exon_name
e2$exon_name <- NULL
e2$type <- "exon"
names(e2) <- NULL
mcols(e2) <- S4Vectors::mcols(e2)[, c("exon_id", "exon_rank",
"transcript_id", "gene_id", "type")]
ebt <- BiocGenerics::relist(e2, ebt)
## Group exons by gene
ebg <- GenomicFeatures::exonsBy(txdb, by = "gene")
corrtx <- data.frame(spliced = unique(names(ebt)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
corrtx$unspliced <- paste0(corrtx$spliced, suffixes["unspliced"])
corrgene <- data.frame(spliced = unique(unlist(ebt)$gene_id),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
corrgene$unspliced <- paste0(corrgene$spliced, suffixes["unspliced"])
corrgene$intron <- paste0(corrgene$spliced, suffixes["intron"])
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Spliced transcripts
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
if ("spliced" %in% featureType) {
if (verbose) {
message("Extracting spliced transcript features")
featurelist$spliced <- names(ebt)
## Here, it's important that for each transcript, the exons must be
## ordered by ascending rank, that is, by ascending position in
## the transcript.
grlfull <- c(grlfull, ebt)
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Unspliced transcripts
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
if ("unspliced" %in% featureType) {
if (verbose) {
message("Extracting unspliced transcript features")
ebtr <- range(ebt)
e2 <- BiocGenerics::unlist(ebtr)
e2$exon_rank <- 1L
e2$transcript_id <- names(e2)
e2$gene_id = t2g$GENEID[match(e2$transcript_id, t2g$TXNAME)]
e2$type <- "exon"
e2$transcript_id <- paste0(e2$transcript_id, suffixes["unspliced"])
e2$gene_id <- paste0(e2$gene_id, suffixes["unspliced"])
e2$exon_id <- e2$transcript_id
names(e2) <- NULL
mcols(e2) <-
S4Vectors::mcols(e2)[, c("exon_id", "exon_rank",
"transcript_id", "gene_id", "type")]
ebtr <- BiocGenerics::relist(e2, ebtr)
names(ebtr) <- paste0(names(ebtr), suffixes["unspliced"])
featurelist$unspliced <- names(ebtr
grlfull <- c(grlfull, ebtr)
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## Introns
## --------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
if ("intron" %in% featureType) {
if (verbose) {
message("Extracting introns using the ", intronType, " approach")
if (intronType == "separate") {
## Group exons by transcript
grl <- ebt
} else if (intronType == "collapse") {
## Group exons by gene
grl <- ebg
## Collapse the exons of each gene
grl <- GenomicRanges::reduce(grl)
## Get introns as the set difference between the range and the exons,
## for each transcript
## Here, the order of the introns doesn't really matter, since they
## will not be joined together into a transcript
grl <- BiocGenerics::setdiff(range(grl), grl)
## Remove empty entries
grl <- grl[vapply(grl, length, 0L) > 0]
## Add flanking region
grl <- grl + flankLength
## Make sure that introns don't go to negative coordinates
# grl <- GenomicRanges::restrict(grl, start = 1L)
if (joinOverlappingIntrons) {
## If two (introns + flankLength) overlap, join them
grl <- GenomicRanges::reduce(grl)
gr <- BiocGenerics::unlist(grl)
gr$exon_rank <- 1L
gr$transcript_id <- names(gr)
if (intronType == "separate") {
gr$gene_id <- t2g$GENEID[match(gr$transcript_id, t2g$TXNAME)]
} else {
gr$gene_id <- gr$transcript_id
gr$type <- "exon"
gr$transcript_id <- gsub(
paste0(suffixes["intron"], "."), suffixes["intron"],
make.unique(paste0(gr$transcript_id, suffixes["intron"])),
fixed = TRUE
gr$gene_id <- paste0(gr$gene_id, suffixes["intron"])
gr$exon_id <- gr$transcript_id
names(gr) <- NULL
mcols(gr) <-
S4Vectors::mcols(gr)[, c("exon_id", "exon_rank",
"transcript_id", "gene_id", "type")]
grl <- BiocGenerics::relist(gr, lapply(
names = gr$transcript_id), function(i) i))
featurelist$intron <- names(grl)
grlfull <- c(grlfull, grl)
S4Vectors::metadata(grlfull)$corrtx <-
corrtx[, colnames(corrtx) %in% featureType, drop = FALSE]
S4Vectors::metadata(grlfull)$corrgene <-
corrgene[, colnames(corrgene) %in% featureType, drop = FALSE]
S4Vectors::metadata(grlfull)$featurelist <- featurelist
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