#' Enrichment Analysis by Hypergeometric Distribution Test
#' @usage enrichment(cate.gene, annotated.gene, background.gene, padjust.method = "fdr" )
#' @param cate.gene a list of the five gene categories, alternatively output by \code{\link{categorizeGene}}.
#' @param annotated.gene a list of annotated gene sets which the \code{cate.gene} are enriched in.
#' @param background.gene vector of background genes, e.g. all genes screened by microarray or RNA-sequencing.
#' @param padjust.method correction method for enrichment p-values, one of "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni",
#' "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none", default to "fdr", see details in \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}}.
#' @return A list of enrichment results for the five gene categories.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load the cell/tissue-specific genes
#' data(tissueGenes)
#' # load the mapping file of cells/tissues to grouped cells/tissues
#' data(tissueGroup)
#' # get the background genes
#' data(expr.filter)
#' genes = rownames(expr.filter)
#' # enrichment analysis for the five gene categories
#' data(cate.gene)
#' tissueenrich = enrichment(cate.gene = cate.gene, annotated.gene = tissueGenes,
#' background.gene = genes, padjust.method = "fdr")
#' # select a group of cells/tissues
#' tissueGroup.selec = c("stem cells","B cells","T cells","Myeloid","Endothelial CD105+")
#' tissues.selec = tissueGroup[tissueGroup[,"Group"] %in% tissueGroup.selec,c(2,3)]
#' # tissuetable = heatmapPlot(tissueenrich, terms = tissues.selec, GO=FALSE,
#' # annotated_row = TRUE,annotation_legend = TRUE,
#' # main = "Tissue-specific enrichment")
enrichment = function(cate.gene,annotated.gene,background.gene, padjust.method = "fdr"){
stop("'cate.gene' is not a list.")
# define the gene count function
gene.count = function(gene, annotated.gene,index){
genes = rownames(gene)
genes = gene[,1]
genes =gene
gene.num = length(genes)
enrich.num = length(annotated.gene)
enrich.names = names(annotated.gene) = matrix(NA,enrich.num+1,2)
rownames( = c(enrich.names,"Others")
for(i in seq_len(enrich.num)){
tis = annotated.gene[[i]]
enrich.genes = tis[tis %in% genes][i,1] = paste(enrich.genes,collapse=";")[i,2] = length(enrich.genes)
}[enrich.num+1,2] = length(genes[!genes %in% unlist(annotated.gene)])
colnames = paste(index,c("Genes","Count"),sep="")
colnames( = colnames
return(list(count = data.frame(,number = gene.num))
#count the genes included in each annotated.gene
enrichall = gene.count(background.gene,annotated.gene,index="All")
enrichall.count = enrichall[["count"]]
enrichall.num = enrichall[["number"]]
name = names(cate.gene)
stop("'cate.gene' shoule be named.")
enrichgene.count = list()
enrichgene.num = list()
for(i in seq_along(cate.gene)){
enrichgene = gene.count(cate.gene[[i]],annotated.gene,index=name[i])
enrichgene.count[[i]] = enrichgene[["count"]]
enrichgene.num[[i]] = enrichgene[["number"]]
names(enrichgene.count) = names(enrichgene.num) = name
enrichcount = list()
enrichcount = lapply(enrichgene.count,function(x){
names(enrichcount) = name
# define the function of enrichment analysis
enrichment = function(data,gene.num,diff.num,index,method){
factor = sapply(data, is.factor)
data[factor] = lapply(data[factor], as.character)
cols = paste(index,"Count",sep="")
data$P.value = apply(data[,cols], 1, function(x)
gene.num -as.numeric(x[cols[1]]),diff.num,lower.tail=FALSE))
data$p.adjust = p.adjust(data$P.value, method = method)
data = data[with(data, order(P.value)), ]
# perform the enrichment analysis
enrich.result = list()
for(i in seq_along(enrichcount)){
enrich.result[[i]] = enrichment(enrichcount[[i]],gene.num=enrichall.num, diff.num = enrichgene.num[[i]],
index=c("All",name[i]),method = padjust.method)
names(enrich.result) = name
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