#' Gene Expression Differential Analysis
#' Identify the differentially expressed genes for each pair-wise comparison of given three types of samples.
#' @usage diffGene(expr, array = TRUE, fpkm = FALSE, counts =FALSE, method =c("limma","DESeq2"),
#' from.sample, to.sample, target.sample, filter = FALSE, filter.perc = 0.4,
#' padjust ="fdr", signif = TRUE, pvalue = 0.05)
#' @param expr a data frame with gene expression data.
#' @param array,fpkm,counts logical, specifying the type of input gene expression data.
#' @param method differential analysis method, alternatively to "limma" and "DESeq2", default to "limma".
#' "DESeq2" can be chosen only when \code{counts} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param from.sample,to.sample,target.sample character to specify the name of initiating sample, derived sample and primary
#' sample during a cellular engineering.
#' @param filter logical to indicate whether the genes need to be filtered when match the parameter \code{filter.perc}
#' , only applied to fpkm and counts data.
#' @param filter.perc a 0 to 1 number to specify the gene filter criteria by the percentage of samples with non-zero expression.
#' Only used to fpkm and counts data when \code{filter} is \code{TRUE}, and filter the genes with non-zero expression in less than
#' filter.perc samples.
#' @param padjust indicate the method to do p.value correction, default to "fdr". See \code{\link[stats]{p.adjust}}.
#' @param signif logical to indicate whether only the significantly differential genes are output, default to FALSE.
#' @param pvalue a cutoff p.value for the significant genes, default to 0.05, only used when \code{signif} is TRUE.
#' @details This function can be applied on both microarray and RNA-seq data for differential analysis when one of the "array",
#' "fpkm", or "counts" is specified. It does differential analysis to each pair-wise sample comparison among the from.sample,
#' to.sample and target.sample.
#' @return A list with components :
#' a list with differential analysis result for each pair-wise comparison;
#' a list with differential gene names for each pair-wise comparison;
#' a data frame with filtered/unfiltered gene expression.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(SandlerFPKM)
#' # differential expression analysis:
#' diffgene = diffGene(expr = SandlerFPKM, array=FALSE, fpkm=TRUE, counts=FALSE,
#' from.sample="DMEC", to.sample="rEChMPP", target.sample="CB",
#' filter=TRUE, filter.perc =0.4, pvalue = 0.05 )
#' # differential analysis results
#' diffgene.result = diffgene[[1]]
#' # differential genes
#' diffgene.genes = diffgene[[2]]
#' # filtered expression data
#' expr.filter = diffgene[[3]]
diffGene = function(expr, array= TRUE, fpkm = FALSE, counts = FALSE, method = c("limma","DESeq2"),
from.sample, to.sample, target.sample, filter = FALSE, filter.perc = 0.4, padjust = "fdr",
signif = TRUE, pvalue = 0.05){
expr = data.frame(expr, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#filter the genes with low expression
n.sample = ncol(expr)
expr = expr[rowSums(expr >= 1) >= n.sample*filter.perc,]
expr.all = expr
expr.comb = list()
expr.comb[[1]] = expr[,gsub("[^[:alpha:]]","",colnames(expr)) %in% from.sample]
expr.comb[[2]] = expr[,gsub("[^[:alpha:]]","",colnames(expr)) %in% to.sample]
expr.comb[[3]] = expr[,gsub("[^[:alpha:]]","",colnames(expr)) %in% target.sample]
n = lapply(expr.comb, ncol)
expr.comb2 = list()
n.comb = list()
expr.comb2[[1]] = cbind(expr.comb[[1]],expr.comb[[2]])
n.comb[[1]] = c(n[[1]],n[[2]])
expr.comb2[[2]] = cbind(expr.comb[[1]],expr.comb[[3]])
n.comb[[2]] = c(n[[1]],n[[3]])
expr.comb2[[3]] = cbind(expr.comb[[3]],expr.comb[[2]])
n.comb[[3]] = c(n[[3]],n[[2]])
#differential analysis
method = match.arg(method)
diff.result = list()
for(i in 1:3){
expr = expr.comb2[[i]]
n = n.comb[[i]]
if(method =="limma"){
expr = log(expr+1,base =2)
#log transform expr+2 to avoid the negative logFPKM
expr =log(expr+2,base=2)
expr.count = DGEList(counts = expr,genes = rownames(expr))
norm.expr = calcNormFactors(expr.count)
v = voom(norm.expr, design, plot=FALSE)
expr = v
comp = factor(c(rep("control",n[1]),rep("treat",n[2])))
design = model.matrix(~0+comp)
fit <- lmFit(expr, design)
contrast.matrix = makeContrasts(treat-control,levels=design)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2,trend=TRUE)
tablesign = topTable(fit2,p.value=pvalue,coef=1,adjust.method=padjust,number=Inf)
sign = merge(tablesign,expr,by="row.names")
sign = sign[sign$logFC>=1 | sign$logFC <=-1,]
sign = sign[order(sign$P.Value),]
diff.result[[i]] = sign
table = topTable(fit2,coef=1,adjust.method=padjust,number=Inf)
all = merge(table,expr,by="row.names")
all = all[order(all$P.Value),]
diff.result[[i]] = all
if(method == "DESeq2"){
sample1 = "control"
sample2 = "treat"
comp = factor(c(rep(sample1,n[1]),rep(sample2,n[2])))
coldata <- DataFrame(comp)
exprFilt = expr[rowSums(expr) > 10,]
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=exprFilt, colData=coldata, design=~comp)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
res = results(dds)
res =
res[,`padjust`] = p.adjust(res$pval, padjust)
reSign = res[res[,`padjust`] < pvalue,]
reSign = reSign[reSign$log2FoldChange >= 1 | reSign$log2FoldChange <= -1,]
diff.result[[i]] = all
diff.result[[i]] = all
names(diff.result) = c(paste(to.sample,from.sample,sep="_"),paste(target.sample, from.sample, sep="_"),
paste(to.sample, target.sample,sep="_"))
diffgene = lapply(diff.result, function(x) x$Row.names)
return(list(difflist = diff.result, diffgene = diffgene, expr = expr.all))
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