#' Compute FCs and log2-FCs.
#' \code{log2_FC} extends the results obtained via \code{\link{distinct_test}}, by computing fold changes (FC) and log2-FC between conditions.
#' @param res a \code{\linkS4class{data.frame}} with results as returned from \code{\link{distinct_test}}.
#' @param x a \code{linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment}} or a \code{linkS4class{SingleCellExperiment}} object.
#' @param name_assays_expression a character ("cpm" by default),
#' indicating the name of the assays(x) element which stores the expression data (i.e., assays(x)$name_assays_expression).
#' We strongly encourage using normalized data, such as counts per million (CPM).
#' Do not use logarithm transformed data to compute FCs.
#' @param name_group a character ("group_id" by default),
#' indicating the name of the colData(x) element which stores the group id of each cell (i.e., colData(x)$name_group).
#' @param name_cluster a character ("cluster_id" by default),
#' indicating the name of the colData(x) element which stores the cluster id of each cell (i.e., colData(x)$name_cluster).
#' @return A \code{\linkS4class{data.frame}} object, extending the results in `res`.
#' Two additional columns are added: FC_group1/group2 and log2FC_group1/group2, inicating the FC and log2-FC of group1/group2.
#' A FC > 1 (or log2FC > 0) indicates up-regulation of group1 (compared to group2); while a FC < 1 (or log2FC < 0) indicates down-regulation of group1 (compared to group2).
#' @examples
#' # load pre-computed results (obtaines via `distinct_test`)
#' data("res", package = "distinct")
#' # load the input data:
#' data("Kang_subset", package = "distinct")
#' # We can optionally add the fold change (FC) and log2-FC between groups:
#' res = log2_FC(res = res,
#' x = Kang_subset,
#' name_assays_expression = "cpm",
#' name_group = "stim",
#' name_cluster = "cell")
#' # Visualize significant results:
#' head(top_results(res))
#' @author Simone Tiberi \email{}
#' @seealso \code{\link{distinct_test}}, \code{\link{top_results}}
#' @export
log2_FC = function(res,
name_assays_expression = "cpm",
name_group = "group_id",
name_cluster = "cluster_id"
( is(x, "SummarizedExperiment") | is(x, "SingleCellExperiment") ),
is.character(name_assays_expression), length(name_assays_expression) == 1L,
is.character(name_group), length(name_group) == 1L,
is.character(name_cluster), length(name_cluster) == 1L
# check if FC/log2_FC are already present in res:
sel_FC_cols = grep("FC", colnames(res))
if( length(sel_FC_cols) > 0 ){
message("'res' already contains columns 'FC' and/or 'log2FC': they will be overwritten")
res = res[,-sel_FC_cols]
sel_mean_cols = grep("mean", colnames(res))
if( length(sel_mean_cols) > 0 ){
res = res[,-sel_mean_cols]
# count matrix:
sel = which(names(assays(x)) == name_assays_expression)
if( length(sel) == 0 ){
message("'name_assays_expression' not found in names(assays(x))")
if( length(sel) > 1 ){
message("'name_assays_expression' found multiple times in names(assays(x))")
counts = assays(x)[[sel]]
# cluster ids:
sel = which(names(colData(x)) == name_cluster)
if( length(sel) == 0 ){
message("'name_cluster' not found in names(colData(x))")
if( length(sel) > 1 ){
message("'name_cluster' found multiple times in names(colData(x))")
cluster_ids = colData(x)[[sel]]
# group ids (1 per cell)
sel = which(names(colData(x)) == name_group)
if( length(sel) == 0 ){
message("'name_group' not found in names(colData(x))")
if( length(sel) > 1 ){
message("'name_group' found multiple times in names(colData(x))")
group_ids = factor(colData(x)[[sel]])
group_levels = levels(group_ids)
if(length(group_levels) != 2){
message("2 groups have to be provided in colData(x)$name_group")
group_1 = group_ids == group_levels[1]
group_2 = group_ids == group_levels[2]
pb_1 = assays(sumCountsAcrossCells(x = counts[,group_1],
ids = cluster_ids[group_1],
average = TRUE))$average
# average computes the MEAN expression across cells (it divides by the number of cells in each cluster)
pb_2 = assays(sumCountsAcrossCells(x = counts[,group_2],
ids = cluster_ids[group_2],
average = TRUE))$average
# store cluster and gene names:
n_genes = nrow(pb_1)
cluster_levels = colnames(pb_1)
# in each cluster, compute the mean for groups 1 and 2 (and FC-log2FC)
FC_by_cluster = lapply(seq_along(cluster_levels), function(i){
exp_1 = pb_1[,i]
exp_2 = pb_2[,i]
FC = exp_1/exp_2
log2_FC = log2(FC)
cbind( cluster_num = i, gene_num = seq_len(n_genes), exp_1, exp_2, FC, log2_FC)
FC_by_cluster =,FC_by_cluster)
# numeric transformations of res and cluster from "res":
cluster_res_num = as.numeric(factor(res$cluster_id, levels = cluster_levels ))
gene_res_num = as.numeric(factor(res$gene, levels = rownames(pb_1)))
# paste cluster and gene in res:
cluster_gene_res = paste(cluster_res_num, gene_res_num, sep=".")
# paste cluster and gene in FC_by_cluster
cluster_gene_FC = paste(FC_by_cluster[,1], FC_by_cluster[,2], sep=".")
matching = match(cluster_gene_res, cluster_gene_FC)
tmp = FC_by_cluster[matching, 3:6 ]
colnames(tmp) = c( paste0("mean_", group_levels[1]),
paste0("mean_", group_levels[2]),
paste0("FC_", group_levels[1], "/", group_levels[2]),
paste0("log2FC_", group_levels[1], "/", group_levels[2]) )
rownames(tmp) = NULL
res_final = cbind(res, tmp)
message("FC and log2_FC computed, returning results")
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