#' Show table of results for top clusters or cluster-marker combinations
#' Show table of results for top (most highly significant) clusters or cluster-marker
#' combinations
#' Summary function to display table of results for top (most highly significant) detected
#' clusters or cluster-marker combinations.
#' The differential testing functions return results in the form of p-values and adjusted
#' p-values for each cluster (DA tests) or cluster-marker combination (DS tests), which
#' can be used to rank the clusters or cluster-marker combinations by their evidence for
#' differential abundance or differential states. The p-values and adjusted p-values are
#' stored in the \code{rowData} of the output \code{\link{SummarizedExperiment}} object
#' generated by the testing functions.
#' This function displays a summary table of results. By default, the \code{top_n}
#' clusters or cluster-marker combinations are shown, ordered by adjusted p-values.
#' Optionally, cluster counts, proportions, and median expression by cluster-marker
#' combination can also be included. The \code{format_vals} and \code{digits} arguments
#' can be used to display rounded values to improve readability of the summary table.
#' @param res Output object from either the \code{\link{diffcyt}} wrapper function or one
#' of the individual differential testing functions (\code{\link{testDA_edgeR}},
#' \code{\link{testDA_voom}}, \code{\link{testDA_GLMM}}, \code{\link{testDS_limma}}, or
#' \code{\link{testDS_LMM}}). If the output object is from the wrapper function, the
#' objects \code{res} and \code{d_counts} will be automatically extracted.
#' Alternatively, these can be provided directly.
#' @param d_counts (Optional) \code{\link{SummarizedExperiment}} object containing cluster
#' cell counts, from \code{\link{calcCounts}}. (If the output object from the wrapper
#' function is provided, this will be be automatically extracted.)
#' @param d_medians (Optional) \code{\link{SummarizedExperiment}} object containing
#' cluster medians (median marker expression for each cluster-sample combination), from
#' \code{\link{calcMedians}}. Assumed to contain a logical vector
#' \code{id_state_markers} in the meta-data (accessed with
#' \code{metadata(d_medians)$id_state_markers}), which identifies the set of 'cell
#' state' markers in the list of \code{assays}. (If the output object from the wrapper
#' function is provided, this will be be automatically extracted.)
#' @param order Whether to order results by values in column \code{order_by} (default:
#' column \code{p_adj} containing adjusted p-values). Default = TRUE.
#' @param order_by Name of column to use to order rows by values, if \code{order = TRUE}.
#' Default = \code{"p_adj"} (adjusted p-values); other options include \code{"p_val"},
#' \code{"cluster_id"}, and \code{"marker_id"}.
#' @param all Whether to display all clusters or cluster-marker combinations (instead of
#' top \code{top_n}). Default = FALSE.
#' @param top_n Number of clusters or cluster-marker combinations to display (if \code{all
#' = FALSE}). Default = 20.
#' @param show_counts Whether to display cluster cell counts by sample (from
#' \code{d_counts}). Default = FALSE.
#' @param show_props Whether to display cluster cell count proportions by sample
#' (calculated from \code{d_counts}). Default = FALSE.
#' @param show_meds Whether to display median expression values for each cluster-marker
#' combination (from \code{d_medians}). Default = FALSE.
#' @param show_logFC Whether to display log fold change (logFC) values. Default = FALSE.
#' @param show_all_cols Whether to display all columns from output object (e.g. logFC,
#' logCPM, LR, etc.) Default = FALSE.
#' @param sort_cols Whether to sort columns of counts, proportions, and medians; by levels
#' of factor \code{sample_id} in \code{colData} of \code{d_medians} (requires object
#' \code{d_medians} to be provided). Default = TRUE.
#' @param format_vals Whether to display rounded values in numeric columns. This improves
#' readability of the summary table, but should not be used when exact numeric values
#' are required for subsequent steps (e.g. plotting). Default = FALSE.
#' @param digits Number of significant digits to show, if \code{format_vals = TRUE}.
#' Default = 3. (Note: for percentages shown if \code{show_props = TRUE}, \code{digits =
#' 1} is used.)
#' @return Returns a \code{\link{DataFrame}} table of results for the \code{top_n}
#' clusters or cluster-marker combinations, ordered by values in column \code{order_by}
#' (default: adjusted p-values). Optionally, cluster counts, proportions, and median
#' expression by cluster-marker combination are also included.
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment rowData colData assays
#' @importFrom S4Vectors metadata DataFrame
#' @importFrom utils head
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # For a complete workflow example demonstrating each step in the 'diffcyt' pipeline,
#' # see the package vignette.
#' # Function to create random data (one sample)
#' d_random <- function(n = 20000, mean = 0, sd = 1, ncol = 20, cofactor = 5) {
#' d <- sinh(matrix(rnorm(n, mean, sd), ncol = ncol)) * cofactor
#' colnames(d) <- paste0("marker", sprintf("%02d", 1:ncol))
#' d
#' }
#' # Create random data (without differential signal)
#' set.seed(123)
#' d_input <- list(
#' sample1 = d_random(),
#' sample2 = d_random(),
#' sample3 = d_random(),
#' sample4 = d_random()
#' )
#' # Add differential abundance (DA) signal
#' ix_DA <- 801:900
#' ix_cols_type <- 1:10
#' d_input[[3]][ix_DA, ix_cols_type] <- d_random(n = 1000, mean = 2, ncol = 10)
#' d_input[[4]][ix_DA, ix_cols_type] <- d_random(n = 1000, mean = 2, ncol = 10)
#' # Add differential states (DS) signal
#' ix_DS <- 901:1000
#' ix_cols_DS <- 19:20
#' d_input[[1]][ix_DS, ix_cols_type] <- d_random(n = 1000, mean = 3, ncol = 10)
#' d_input[[2]][ix_DS, ix_cols_type] <- d_random(n = 1000, mean = 3, ncol = 10)
#' d_input[[3]][ix_DS, c(ix_cols_type, ix_cols_DS)] <- d_random(n = 1200, mean = 3, ncol = 12)
#' d_input[[4]][ix_DS, c(ix_cols_type, ix_cols_DS)] <- d_random(n = 1200, mean = 3, ncol = 12)
#' experiment_info <- data.frame(
#' sample_id = factor(paste0("sample", 1:4)),
#' group_id = factor(c("group1", "group1", "group2", "group2")),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' marker_info <- data.frame(
#' channel_name = paste0("channel", sprintf("%03d", 1:20)),
#' marker_name = paste0("marker", sprintf("%02d", 1:20)),
#' marker_class = factor(c(rep("type", 10), rep("state", 10)),
#' levels = c("type", "state", "none")),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE
#' )
#' # Create design matrix
#' design <- createDesignMatrix(experiment_info, cols_design = "group_id")
#' # Create contrast matrix
#' contrast <- createContrast(c(0, 1))
#' # Test for differential abundance (DA) of clusters (using default method 'diffcyt-DA-edgeR')
#' out_DA <- diffcyt(d_input, experiment_info, marker_info,
#' design = design, contrast = contrast,
#' analysis_type = "DA", method_DA = "diffcyt-DA-edgeR",
#' seed_clustering = 123, verbose = FALSE)
#' # Test for differential states (DS) within clusters (using default method 'diffcyt-DS-limma')
#' out_DS <- diffcyt(d_input, experiment_info, marker_info,
#' design = design, contrast = contrast,
#' analysis_type = "DS", method_DS = "diffcyt-DS-limma",
#' seed_clustering = 123, verbose = FALSE)
#' # Display results for top DA clusters
#' topTable(out_DA, format_vals = TRUE)
#' # Display results for top DS cluster-marker combinations
#' topTable(out_DS, format_vals = TRUE)
topTable <- function(res, d_counts = NULL, d_medians = NULL,
order = TRUE, order_by = "p_adj",
all = FALSE, top_n = 20,
show_counts = FALSE, show_props = FALSE, show_meds = FALSE,
show_logFC = FALSE, show_all_cols = FALSE,
sort_cols = TRUE, format_vals = FALSE, digits = 3) {
# if output is from wrapper function, extract 'res', 'd_counts', and 'd_medians'
if (("res" %in% names(res)) & any(c("d_counts", "d_medians") %in% names(res))) {
if ("d_counts" %in% names(res)) d_counts <- res$d_counts
if ("d_medians" %in% names(res)) d_medians <- res$d_medians
res <- res$res
out <- rowData(res)
# select output columns to keep (note: additional column 'marker_id' for DS tests)
if (!show_all_cols) {
if (show_logFC) {
if ("marker_id" %in% colnames(out)) {
out <- out[, c("cluster_id", "marker_id", "logFC", "p_val", "p_adj"), drop = FALSE]
} else {
out <- out[, c("cluster_id", "logFC", "p_val", "p_adj"), drop = FALSE]
} else {
if ("marker_id" %in% colnames(out)) {
out <- out[, c("cluster_id", "marker_id", "p_val", "p_adj"), drop = FALSE]
} else {
out <- out[, c("cluster_id", "p_val", "p_adj"), drop = FALSE]
# include cluster cell counts and/or proportions
if (show_counts | show_props) {
out_counts <- assays(d_counts)[["counts"]]
out_props <- t(t(out_counts) / colSums(out_counts)) * 100
n_rep <- nrow(out) / nrow(out_counts)
if (!all(out$cluster_id[seq_len(nrow(out_counts))] == rownames(out_counts))) {
stop("Cluster IDs in 'res' and 'd_counts' do not match")
if (!(nrow(out) == n_rep * nrow(out_counts))) {
stop("Cluster IDs in 'res' and 'd_counts' do not match")
out_counts <-"rbind", replicate(n_rep, out_counts, simplify = FALSE))
out_props <-"rbind", replicate(n_rep, out_props, simplify = FALSE))
# format values for proportions ('digits = 1' since values are percentages)
if (format_vals) {
out_props <- round(out_props, digits = 1)
# sort columns
if (sort_cols) {
ix_cols <- levels(colData(d_counts)$sample_id)
out_counts <- out_counts[, ix_cols]
out_props <- out_props[, ix_cols]
colnames(out_counts) <- paste("counts", colnames(out_counts), sep = "_")
colnames(out_props) <- paste("props", colnames(out_props), sep = "_")
# include medians (median expression by sample for each cluster-marker combination)
if (show_meds) {
# check order of cell state markers
state_markers <- levels(out$marker_id)
if (
(!(all(state_markers == unique(out$marker_id)))) |
(!(all(state_markers == names(assays(d_medians))[metadata(d_medians)$id_state_markers])))
) {
stop("Order of cell state markers in 'res$marker_id' and assays of 'd_medians' does not match")
# number of times to repeat (i.e. number of cell state markers)
n_rep <- nrow(out) / nrow(d_medians)
if (n_rep != length(state_markers)) {
stop("Number of cell state markers in 'res' and 'd_medians' do not match")
if (!all(out$cluster_id[seq_len(nrow(d_medians))] == rownames(d_medians))) {
stop("Cluster IDs in 'res' and 'd_medians' do not match")
if (!(nrow(out) == n_rep * nrow(d_medians))) {
stop("Cluster IDs in 'res' and 'd_medians' do not match")
# extract values from 'd_medians'
out_meds <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = ncol(d_medians))
colnames(out_meds) <- colnames(d_medians)
for (mkr in state_markers) {
out_meds <- rbind(out_meds, assays(d_medians)[[as.character(mkr)]])
# format values for medians
if (format_vals) {
out_meds <- round(out_meds, digits = digits)
# sort columns
if (sort_cols) {
ix_cols <- levels(colData(d_medians)$sample_id)
stopifnot(all(ix_cols == levels(colData(d_counts)$sample_id)))
out_meds <- out_meds[, ix_cols]
colnames(out_meds) <- paste("meds", colnames(out_meds), sep = "_")
if (show_counts) {
stopifnot(nrow(out) == nrow(out_counts))
out <- cbind(out, out_counts)
if (show_props) {
stopifnot(nrow(out) == nrow(out_props))
out <- cbind(out, out_props)
if (show_meds) {
stopifnot(nrow(out) == nrow(out_meds))
out <- cbind(out, out_meds)
# order rows
if (order & !(order_by %in% colnames(out))) {
stop("column 'order_by' not found in column names of output object")
if (order) {
out <- out[order(out[, order_by]), , drop = FALSE]
# format values
if (format_vals) {
out$p_val <- signif(out$p_val, digits = digits)
out$p_adj <- signif(out$p_adj, digits = digits)
if (show_logFC) {
out$logFC <- round(out$logFC, digits = digits)
if (show_all_cols) {
if ("marker_id" %in% colnames(out)) {
extra_cols <- setdiff(colnames(out), c("cluster_id", "marker_id", "p_val", "p_adj"))
out[, extra_cols] <- DataFrame(lapply(out[, extra_cols, drop = FALSE], round, digits = digits))
} else {
extra_cols <- setdiff(colnames(out), c("cluster_id", "p_val", "p_adj"))
out[, extra_cols] <- DataFrame(lapply(out[, extra_cols, drop = FALSE], round, digits = digits))
if (all) {
out <- out
} else {
out <- head(out, top_n)
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