#' @include s4-unions.r dist-matrix-coerce.r accessor-generics.r
#' Sigmas Object
#' Holds the information about how the \code{sigma} parameter for a \link{DiffusionMap} was obtained,
#' and in this way provides a plotting function for the \link{find_sigmas} heuristic.
#' You should not need to create a Sigmas object yourself. Provide \code{sigma} to \link{DiffusionMap} instead or use \link{find_sigmas}.
#' A Sigmas object is either created by \link{find_sigmas} or by specifying the \code{sigma} parameter to \link{DiffusionMap}.
#' In the second case, if the \code{sigma} parameter is just a number,
#' the resulting \code{Sigmas} object has all slots except of \code{optimal_sigma} set to \code{NULL}.
#' @usage Sigmas(...)
#' @param ... See \dQuote{\strong{Slots}} below
#' @param object,x \link{Sigmas} object
#' @return \code{Sigmas} creates an object of the same class
#' @slot log_sigmas Vector of length \eqn{m} containing the \eqn{\log_{10}} of the \eqn{\sigma}s
#' @slot dim_norms Vector of length \eqn{m-1} containing the average dimensionality \eqn{\langle p \rangle} for the respective kernel widths
#' @slot optimal_sigma Multiple local sigmas or the mean of the two global \eqn{\sigma}s around the highest \eqn{\langle p \rangle} (\code{c(optimal_idx, optimal_idx+1L)})
#' @slot optimal_idx The index of the highest \eqn{\langle p \rangle}.
#' @slot avrd_norms Vector of length \eqn{m} containing the average dimensionality for the corresponding sigma.
#' @examples
#' data(guo)
#' sigs <- find_sigmas(guo, verbose = FALSE)
#' optimal_sigma(sigs)
#' print(sigs)
#' @seealso \code{\link{find_sigmas}}, the function to determine a locally optimal sigma and returning this class
#' @aliases Sigmas-methods
#' @importFrom methods setClass
#' @rdname Sigmas-class
#' @export Sigmas
#' @exportClass Sigmas
Sigmas <- setClass('Sigmas', slots = c(
log_sigmas = 'numericOrNULL',
dim_norms = 'numericOrNULL',
optimal_sigma = 'numericOrNULL',
optimal_idx = 'integerOrNULL',
avrd_norms = 'numericOrNULL'))
#' @return \code{optimal_sigma} retrieves the numeric value of the optimal sigma or local sigmas
#' @rdname Sigmas-class
#' @export
setMethod('optimal_sigma', 'Sigmas', function(object) object@optimal_sigma)
#' @rdname Sigmas-class
#' @export
setMethod('print', 'Sigmas', function(x) {
cat(sprintf('Sigmas (%s Steps performed)\noptimal_sigma: ', length(x@log_sigmas)))
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @rdname Sigmas-class
#' @export
setMethod('show', 'Sigmas', function(object) {
#' Calculate the average dimensionality for m different gaussian kernel widths (\eqn{\sigma}).
#' The sigma with the maximum value in average dimensionality is close to the ideal one.
#' Increasing step number gets this nearer to the ideal one.
#' @param data Data set with \eqn{n} observations. Can be a \link[base]{data.frame},
#' \link[base]{matrix}, \link[Biobase:class.ExpressionSet]{ExpressionSet}
#' or \link[SingleCellExperiment]{SingleCellExperiment}.
#' @param step_size Size of log-sigma steps
#' @param steps Number of steps/calculations
#' @param start Initial value to search from. (Optional. default: \eqn{\log_{10}(min(dist(data)))})
#' @param sample_rows Number of random rows to use for sigma estimation or vector of row indices/names to use.
#' In the first case, only used if actually smaller than the number of available rows (Optional. default: 500)
#' @param early_exit logical. If TRUE, return if the first local maximum is found, else keep running
#' @param ... Unused. All parameters to the right of the \code{...} have to be specified by name (e.g. \code{find_sigmas(data, verbose = FALSE)})
#' @param censor_val Value regarded as uncertain. Either a single value or one for every dimension
#' @param censor_range Uncertainity range for censoring. A length-2-vector of certainty range start and end. TODO: also allow \eqn{2\times G} matrix
#' @param missing_range Whole data range for missing value model. Has to be specified if NAs are in the data
#' @param vars Variables (columns) of the data to use. Specifying TRUE will select all columns (default: All floating point value columns)
#' @param verbose logical. If TRUE, show a progress bar and plot the output
#' @return Object of class \link{Sigmas}
#' @seealso \code{\link{Sigmas}}, the class returned by this; \code{\link{DiffusionMap}}, the class this is used for
#' @examples
#' data(guo)
#' sigs <- find_sigmas(guo, verbose = TRUE)
#' DiffusionMap(guo, sigs)
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @importFrom graphics plot
#' @importFrom utils txtProgressBar setTxtProgressBar
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums rowSums
#' @importFrom proxy dist
#' @export
find_sigmas <- function(
step_size = .1, steps = 10L,
start = NULL,
sample_rows = 500L,
early_exit = FALSE,
censor_val = NULL, censor_range = NULL,
missing_range = NULL,
vars = NULL,
verbose = TRUE
) {
data <- dataset_extract_doublematrix(data, vars)
if (any(
data <- as.matrix(hotdeck(data, imp_var = FALSE))
stopifnot(steps >= 3L)
if (length(sample_rows) > 1L) {
data <- data[sample_rows, ]
} else if (nrow(data) > sample_rows) {
sample_idx <- sample(nrow(data), sample_rows)
data <- data[sample_idx, ]
n <- nrow(data)
dists <- dist(data)
min_dist <- min(dists)
if (min_dist == 0)
stop('Minimum distance in the data may not be 0')
dists <- as(dists, 'symmetricMatrix')
if (is.null(start))
start <- log10(min_dist)
#if (missing(step_size))
# step_size = min_dist / steps
if (verbose) print(c(min_dist = min_dist, start = start, step_size = step_size))
get_trans_p <-
if (test_censoring(censor_val, censor_range, data, missing_range)) {
function(sigma) censoring(data, sigma, dists, censor_val, censor_range, missing_range)
} else {
msqd <- -(dists ^ 2)
function(sigma) exp(msqd / (2 * sigma ^ 2))
do_step <- function(i) {
# i can be negative!
log_sigma <- start + i*step_size
trans_p <- get_trans_p(10 ^ log_sigma)
diag_d <- colSums(trans_p, na.rm = TRUE)
list(avrd_norm = (sum(log10(diag_d/n) / diag_d)) / sum(1 / diag_d),
log_sigma = log_sigma)
avrd_norms <- numeric(steps)
log_sigmas <- numeric(steps)
dim_norms <- numeric(steps - 1)
step_diff <- function(step) {
idxs <- c(step, step - 1)
diff(avrd_norms[idxs]) / diff(log_sigmas[idxs])
a0 <- do_step(0L)
avrd_norms[[1L]] <- a0$avrd_norm
log_sigmas[[1L]] <- a0$log_sigma
a1 <- do_step(1)
dir <- 1L
avrd_norms[[2L]] <- a1$avrd_norm
log_sigmas[[2L]] <- a1$log_sigma
if (step_diff(2L) < 0) {
a1 <- do_step(-1L)
dir <- -1L
avrd_norms[[2L]] <- a1$avrd_norm
log_sigmas[[2L]] <- a1$log_sigma
dim_norms[[1L]] <- step_diff(2L)
if (verbose) pb <- txtProgressBar(2L, steps, 1L, style = 3)
for (step in seq(2L, steps)) {
a_i = do_step(dir * (step - 1L))
avrd_norms[[step]] <- a_i$avrd_norm
log_sigmas[[step]] <- a_i$log_sigma
dif_step <- step - 1
dim_norms[[dif_step]] <- step_diff(step)
if (verbose) setTxtProgressBar(pb, step)
if (early_exit && step > 2 && dim_norms[[dif_step]] < dim_norms[[dif_step - 1L]]) {
avrd_norms <- avrd_norms[seq_len(step)]
log_sigmas <- log_sigmas[seq_len(step)]
dim_norms <- dim_norms[seq_len(dif_step)]
if (verbose) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, steps)
if (early_exit && step == steps) warning('All steps were exhausted without finding a maximum. Using last encountered sigma')
optimal_idx <- which.max(dim_norms)
ret <- Sigmas(
log_sigmas = log_sigmas,
dim_norms = dim_norms,
optimal_sigma = 10 ^ mean(log_sigmas[c(optimal_idx, optimal_idx + 1L)]),
optimal_idx = optimal_idx,
avrd_norms = avrd_norms)
if (verbose) plot(ret)
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